Sic semper traditoribus

Story by Sargonia on SoFurry

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#1 of sic semper

Something short I came up with featuring my persona who I hope to have a character sheet for soon. Rated for violence and death. Would be nice to get feedback (plus if someone is able to check my Latin ><)

The day was sunny and the sky was clear. The songs of bird could be heard in the trees that lined the street in the small city in California. The air carried a cooled breeze on this warm spring morning that was pleasant to the patrons of the small bistro that was close to the main street of this somewhat quiet city. A city that had been picked by forces far greater than it's denizens could comprehend or fathom to have interest in their city. A war was going on in secret, in the shadows, and like most wars nothing was purely black and white. It was some of these grey forces that now found it here, a place to meet.

The patrons paid little attention to the tall small bearded man who entered the dining area, focusing their attention on their drinks, work, and company. They found neither him nor the group he was meeting at all suspicious. They were just simple people going about their lives and no reason to be suspicious of people who for the most part looked just like them. Even so, this group was suspicious of them, and kept their voices low in case any of these patrons decided to make themselves privy to their conversation.

"I hope you excuse my companions, but I don't feel the publicity of this setting a perfect safety net to conduct this meeting" said the man sitting at a small table flanked by two other men. He was dressed in a business suit like several other patrons and was of average build with a clean cut face. His "companions" were dressed more casually and were much larger men than him.

"It's understandable considering the position I'm now in." He stood there which was a little awkward since he was dressed in a dark blue hooded sweatshirt in this weather. The two men stared at each other though the one sitting couldn't see the standing one's eyes through the dark shaded glasses he wore, which added more to this bearded man's mystique.

"Please join us. The coffee around here is a little weak however."

"Thank you" he said pulling the chair out so that he could sit down across from the suit man.

"You should really dress more appropriately for such nice weather, you're not out East anymore."

"What, I wore shorts and sandals." It was true, he was in shorts and sandals.

"Enough pleasantries, let's get down to business."

"Yes, let's. I hate beating around the bush. Probably why you're wife doesn't call" the bearded man said without expression. It was red and gleamed some in the sun around his straight faced mouth which added more irritation to other man whose "companions" should obvious shock.

"As you know" he said trying to ignore the comment, "your predecessor had a deal with certain factions within the government."

"I may have known that" he said looking off into the distance un-amused.

"These factions, they would like for you to pick up where he left off. They are prepared to make very generous offers."

"Did they, these factions, your benefactors, tell you how it is that I came to have the position I now hold" he asked still looking off into the distance at a gaggle of nurses who were walking down the street on their lunch break.

"They said he died and you got a promotion." He said it rather matter-of-factly taking another sip of the drink he had been enjoying.

The bearded man turned to face the propositioning man with a big wolfish grin on his face, and said "I killed him."

"That doesn't affect the offer" he said slightly disturbed. This was starting to turn into something he hadn't bargained for. His "companions" also took note and placed their hands down to where their concealed pistols were holstered.

"That's not going to do you any good." There was a loud whistling sound as the "companion" to his right flew down head first against the table with a spray of blood and brain matter as his opposite flew backwards with an equal blood and brain spray. The bearded man made his move throwing the table up and out of the way, which disturbed the two bodies, the crowd in shock at what was happening.

The suited man, however, was no stranger to close-quarters hand-to-hand combat. He flew up and out of his chair and threw the first strike which was deflected and countered by his target. They exchanged several more blows but the bearded man struck out with his foot along the side of his leg, causing crippling pain giving him the opening to be forced to the ground.

The suited man fell to his knees as the far superior fighter maneuvered behind him, placing his right hand upon his throat and exclaiming, "Sic semper traditoribus" before squeezing with all his might and blood gushingly tearing it out. The victim of the signature attack fell all the way forward, gurgling his last breaths as his passed out from either the blood loss or shock. The bearded man flung the bloody flesh and tissue from his hand and strolled calmly from the bistro over to a dark colored sedan that had pulled up and got into the passenger side. Then it drove away.