One Night on the Internet

Story by Majorra on SoFurry

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One girl tests out her new computer program on her friend, dominating and toying with his mind.

Im more of a visual artist than a writer, Im sure this is filled with mistakes and awkward wording! Please forgive xD It was mostly done for fun!

Tolby sighed grumpily as he glanced at the digital alarm clock by his bed. Eleven o'clock. She had been on that thing forever. He let his golden eyes wander from his bed to his laptop, which was currently in use of his friend, who had made a cheery entry into his bedroom many hours earlier and had commandeered his computer for "checking email". From the looks of it, this had quickly turned into a full-blown RPG session. She typed away furiously, locked on the screen, the flickering glow lighting up her dark eyes as she stared at whatever she was working on.

He sighed again, forcefully, eyeing her. He usually enjoyed her visits, which had, over the past couple of weeks, grown more and more... heated. He wasn't quite sure how to go on with this. Every time they got close (which was often-- she typically took up his entire bed, bugging him for body warmth), she would only go so far. He guessed he understood it, but it was still confusing. Rebecca was pretty, as all young girls usually were. She laid on her tummy, dark fur lit up in streaks from the screen. Her fluffy wolf tail blocked his view from the computer, though he had stopped trying to spy on what she was doing a long while ago. However, this wasn't the issue right now.

Right now, he just wanted his computer back. The computer she'd been hogging for three hours. With the most recent, aggressive sigh, Rebecca suddenly looked up from her workings, wolf ears perked, eyeing him up and down, "... I'm hungry, I'm going to go to taco bell. Do you want anything?"

He sighed and murmured "No", sitting up and stretching his arms, fox ears flattening from a yawn. His guild buddies on WoW would be so miffed that he was late...

Reaching for his laptop, he was greeted with a slap of his hand, "Nein! Don't touch it, I'm doing stuff on it."

Tolby was... understandably, less than pleased, "You've been using it all day!"

"Yeah?" Rebecca mirrored his displeasure, as if she'd been the one who was wronged.

"It's my computer!"

"I said: Don't. touch. it. I'll be right back, cool your shorts." She closed the laptop completely and got up, straightening out her shirt, "I'll get you a burrito or something. Be right back." and slinked from the room.

In the newfound darkness, Tolby huffed even harder. No more lights outside save for a distant streetlamp left him in near complete darkness, the house empty, with only the noise of Becky leaving and closing the door behind her. He huffed again and sat up, sliding to his laptop. The other computer hadn't been working right lately. A virus or something stupid that his brother had done. He hadn't even bothered to fix it either, instead opting to go out with friends for a Halo party. His parents were off spending their one night off in the city, doing... well, whatever parents do. He didn't really want to think about what they did on their occasional 'getaways'. He only wished he could have one. A real one. It figured, the one night he gets away from his parents and his brother he gets his one internet source yanked away from him.

Making up his mind, Tolby reached for his closed laptop and pulled it up into his lap on his bed. He wouldn't mess up whatever she was doing, just minimize it and maybe find some good porn or kill some orcs.

The screen flickered to life as soon as he lifted it open again, displaying the programs that were there before. He saw his desktop background, and just one simple program taking up a lot of the screen, just in the middle of it. He blinked at it a few times, looking closer. It was just a white box, its name in the toolbar reading simply as "file". He frowned and decided against messing with it, minimizing it and going to internet explorer. Ahhh... Sweet, sweet World of Warcraft.

Tolby got right to business. He was disappointed to see most of the people he played with weren't on, but he didn't need them for grinding. Setting out on his own, he started to go hunting in the nearby woods for loot mining, getting lost in his own game...

It was a few minutes into the game, when he started to blink a little. Something had changed. Did his monitor get brighter? He frowned and reached for the dim button a few times, but it never seemed to change. After several failed attempts at lowering the light, he opted to just adjust to it and keep on playing. He didn't even notice it after a few minutes.

His clock read 11:15 when he closed out his game, yawning a little. He felt comfortable and warm in his little spot on the bed, even if just fifteen minutes before he had been grumpy and fidgety. Time to surf the internet. Bringing up his explorer window, he was surprised to see just a blank, flickering window instead of his usual home page. The hell?

He closed it out and brought up another window, and this one was flickering even worse. He frowned and grumbled, thinking that another virus had infected another computer, but after a little while of trying to figure out what the flickering was, it changed.


His eyes widened as a fast-turning spiral took up the entire window, the flickering interchanging black and white swirling over his monitor. It went so fast it was dizzying to look at for too long, but he couldn't really look away. It was too... well, it was cool. Flickering so fast and distracting with the way the quick lines all made an inwards spiral... Was it a flash file? He watched and watched it, not even noticing when it had maximized on the screen, the boy leaning back against his pillow a little.

What... had he been doing? Watching the spiral... And what else? Nothing... Nooothing at all... Oh... Eyes followed around and around its pattern, something in the back of his mind telling him not to look directly at the middle. It wasn't a bad voice... More like the voice that tells you to wait a little longer before reaching the "point of no return"... but Tolby was warm and comfortable and he wanted to look into the spiral... and so he did, letting his mind relax and eyes follow the pattern effortlessly, until arriving right in the middle.


The clock read 11:30 as the boy sat there, laid back against his pillows, propped up so he could watch the one source of light in his room, in the entire world, lost completely in the rapidly-changing spiral. It morphed and swirled in front of him, going from thin quick lines to thick, slow ones... Ones that wiggled and pulsed, changing from spirals to rings and back to spirals again. His mind, so far away, body beginning to relax more and more, one leg draping over the beg a little, head to one side and mouth agape, shoulders slumped and hands at his sides.

It began to change again, only this time instead of shape and consistency, an array of colors began to light up his spiral, from blues to reds to yellows and greens, all mixing together in a beautiful pattern that lit up his features with the light of the screen. With Tolby already too far gone to notice, the colors just played into his mind, causing his mouth to slowly close to a little 'oh' shape, wide eyes reflecting the dancing spirals that drew him further and further in.

He was lost in the colors, hardly noticing at all when his pajama pants clung at a growing boner, his hand lifting and rubbing at it absentmindedly. A tiny thought somewhere on the edges of his mind wondered why, but then something reminded him: because the spirals said to.

Around midnight, Rebecca came through the front door of the house, a taco in her mouth, a bag of them in hand. She walked quietly in the dark, locking the door behind her and heading for the stairs. Being as quiet as she could, she stopped just outside Tolby's door, and slowly looked in.

Laying on his bed, Tolby sat with his legs spread open, completely nude. A raging hardon poked up from behind the computer screen, now ignored, as he laid back with a big smile and eyes closed. Becky bit her lip and slooowly came forward, giddy now. Had the program run through completely? Had it worked? She set the bag aside and slowly gathered up the laptop, checking it. No spiral, but instead the program window again, this time with all the various controllers visible:

Program: Sleepy Boy. Length: 1 hour. Overall power: 70% Induction: Soporific lighting Secondary induction: Pulsing variable of B/W spiral Body: Arousal deepener leading to dominance over thoughts Closure: Subject is put into a deep, suggestible sleep

It went on from there to describe the specific program in depth, but she didn't need to know. She had made the program, after all. Looking back over at her prize, she grinned and slinked forward carefully, coming up on the bed. Tolby slept peacefully, with that silly little grin on his face, making Becky smile as well. It seemed to be a success. The program was kind of a powerful one, but that was a good thing. She didn't have time to gradually bring him under her power like she had wanted to try. That was usually more effective, but he didn't even have a room to himself.

But how to test it?

She... hadn't really thought this out. Hmm. Sitting there, looking him over, wondering how to go about it.

Becky leaned down and silkily whispered into his ear, "Toooolllbyyyy... Can you hear me?"

She studied his face for a reaction, but he kept on just smiling his smile. She huffed and leaned in again.

"Tooolbyyy.... Can you hear me?"

"..... yesss....."

Success! She contained her bouncing and covered her giggle, leaning back down again, "Goooood.... How do you feeeell...?"

"...... gooooood...."

She snickered at that. He sure looked like he was feeling good. She glanced down at his cock, which was rock hard, with a single little pearl of pre sitting on the top. She leaned over, and tapped the very tip of it.

Tolby's resting frame tensed up a moment with a small, happy shudder, his smile widening. A good reaction. She smirked and leaned down, nuzzled up against his ear, "Tooolbyyyy... You're alllll alone... Nooo one is in the house... No one in your room... Just... you. What do you do?"

There was pause, and she wondered if she'd have to elaborate, before he let off a small groan and lifted his hand. It rested on his hardon, which twitched from just the littlest attention, and began to stroke up and down... up and down... Soon his face was locked in a perpetual visage of pleasure, with Becky enjoying the show. When he began to moan and grunt, she leaned down to his ear again, "Doesn't that feel goooood...?"

"Y-yeesss...." He managed to moan out softly

"Good... Because the better it feels... The closer you are... The more you belong to me..."

He parted his lips to murmur something, but was interrupted as she gently squeezed one of his nipples, "But I-ieeee...ooooh..... I'm yours....."

"That's right... And when you finally cum... you'll be completely... and totally... Mine..."


He was agreeing much more quickly now, as she had one finger nursing both of his nipples, her other hand helping in the stroking, rubbing his balls or tickling the tip. She purred to him in her sultry voice, murmuring 'Good boy' and other encouragement into his ear, until his grunting got louder, red cock twitching as it got nearer and nearer...


His hand stopped exactly at the base, squeezing his twitching cock hard, his entire body as tense as a bow string. He panted, eyelids fluttering as every part of him cried out for him to continue, to push completely over the edge, but his mind telling him to stay where he was.

Rebecca murred and ran a finger ticklishly up his sweaty side, circling his armpit and making him wiggle even more, "Who do you belong to....?"



He panted a little, nodding quickly, "Yesssss....!"

"That's right. I am your Mistress and you are my pet. Now... you can finish."

With two mighty pumps his tense body finally reached orgasm, eyes flying open as he shuddered and humped at the air, spurt after spurt of built up relief splashing over his legs and belly. He came and came-- it was almost too much to manage, but finally, utterly spent, he flopped back on the covers, sated and breathing heavily.

Becky giggled at the sight, Tolby's faaaar-off gaze told her he was still very much under her power, hand still holding his slowly relaxing cock. She smirked and leaned forward, waving her finger in front of his eyes. They followed it effortlessly, his open mouth slowly melting into a dazed little smile again.

"There's a good boy. Now get nice and hard for me again, this is going to be a busy night."

Which he did, almost immediately, and without question. A very busy night indeed, with his new Mistress