Stuffed! Carol's Tale - Chapter One

Story by Fifi_the_Skunk on SoFurry

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#1 of Stuffed!

Cindy had taken the breakup of her boyfriend hard. She was sullen and did moped round the house, only really going on her computer to talk to her friends on ICQ. She loved going to furaffinity and yiffstar, but they were her secrets. Then a friend sent her a link about an upcoming fair so she decided to go. Looking in a mirror, she felt she was an ordinary woman, nothing 'cute' about her human form.

Wearing sweats and a bulky sweater, she made her way to the fair. She quickly forgot about her troubles and wanders the fairgrounds, looking at the animals that were getting ready for ribbons.

The path took her near the rides and Carney games; the music sparking her interest. She walked by, booth after booth, each attendant trying to get her attention until she came to one stand at the end of the row. It was an old stand, with faded lettering making it almost impossible to read the name.

The concept was simple. For five dollars, you were given three tokens to put on numbers one through six. Then the barker would roll three dice. Match one and you got a small prize. Match two, and the medium prize was yours. Match all three and you got the big prizes. As she scanned the grand prizes one particular one caught her eye. It was a large, stuffed panther with realistic eyes. Its fur was soft and well groomed. It had a green mini-skirt and a pink sports bra stretched by large breasts making her giggle to herself at the sight.

She bought a chance, not really expecting much, putting the token on two, five and six. The attendant at the booth spun the wire cage that held "the bones" slowly, letting a die fall into a cute. The first number down was a two and Cindy cheered that she would win at least something. When the second number, a six, dropped she smiled in delight. The man spun the cage faster, drawing out the suspense before slowing down to let the last of the dice fall. It slide down the chute and rested on the number five. She was a winner! She quickly pointed to the prize she wanted. The kitty was almost as big as she was and she was amazed at the weight. In order to take it with her, she piggy-backed it on herself so that she could get it to her car. She giggled as she thought she felt something near her rump, but dismissed the idea quickly.

The drive home was short and uneventful. Cindy was grateful for that. She pulled the kitty out of her car and took it straight to her bedroom, centering the stuffed animal on her bed. She giggled to herself how it looked, but she didn't care. She walked into her kitchen to fix a hot tea with a hint of raspberry. Grabbing the mail while she waited for the water to boil, she sighed as she had received a 'you are a winner!' sweepstakes. She ripped the letter open to discover she actually was a winner, and a big one at that. She called the company to verify and couldn't believe it was true.

She hung up the phone and smiled contently. "Maybe my luck is changing," she thought to herself. She prepared her tea and returned to her bedroom. The kitten smiled at her (so she thought) as she entered the room. Sitting at her computer she discovered an e-mail that informed her she has won a trip to Hawaii. She couldn't believe her luck!

She turned towards the bed and smiled, "It's all your doing, isn't it? I felt so good in the short time I have had you. At least you could never cheat on me. Too bad you are a girl kitty, or I might show you how much I appreciate you." Walking to her bed, she sat on the spread next to the carnival prize. She slowly ran her hand over its silky soft furred back until curiosity got the best of her.

She removed the garment containing the breasts of the stuffed animal. Her mouth nearly hit the floor. There, encased in fur, were 2 perfectly formed, natural-looking breasts, complete with pink nipples. They looked odd on the stuffed creature. Slowly her hand touched the orbs, amazed how much they felt like hers, minus the fur. She watched in amazement as the nipples firmed. She bent down and licked it once, certain she felt the cat shiver.

Then she smiled again, looking down. "So what does the kitty have hidden down there, eh?" She removed the dress and pulled the panties off and stopped cold.

She wasn't really planning on finding anything between the stuffed creature's legs. But nestled there between its legs was not a vagina, but a sheath, and a healthy sized one at that. Dangling between his legs, were two round, large orbs too.

"Well I'll be," she said aloud, marveling at what she was looking at.

Slowly she moved her hand over the area, feeling the surface; viewing it with the awe of a child staring at something new. As she slowly rubbed, she noticed a bit of pink poking out of the sheath's hole. From the looks of things, it was long and thick - thicker than any man she had ever been with. The odor was thick and musky and she felt it affecting her immediately. She quickly got up and pulled the blinds, locked the door, then stripped down naked.

"You like what you see pussy cat?" She chirred, lifting her breasts as she walked towards the bed swinging her hips back and forth, rubbing her legs together to excite herself more. She eased herself into the bed, amazed that her brief show of stripping and dancing in front of it actually caused him to flop more out of the sheath. She ran her hands over it. "It's warm!" she exclaimed. She bent down and kisses the tip, letting her tongue flick over it and she gasped. The shaft was slick, but the scent drove her more and more in lust.

She flopped on her back and pulled the heavy, stuffed cat on her. She moaned, swearing it had bulked up in size and weight, but she didn't care. Her hand went to the floppy appendage between the cat's legs, but its lack of rigidity just frustrated her until she thought of an idea.

With her left hand, she rubbed herself deeply, parting her folds, getting her muscles to drench her fingers in her juices. After a minute of divulging herself, she removed them and rubbed the wetness over the plastic nostrils of her lover. Her other hand slowly stroked his shaft, happy at the results as she felt it firming up nicely.

Taking the head firmly in her hand, she pushed it into her folds until the head disappeared into her body. She gasped and panted at the size, her passage slowly stretching to take in the invader. Wrapping her legs around its rear and under its tail, she slowly bucked her hips up. She couldn't believe how much in Heaven she was with the sensation.

Back and forth she rocked holding the stuffed in her arms, licking its nose, tasting her own juices that she had previously smeared there. She didn't care. The spasms she was delivering to the shaft were the strongest she had ever felt in her life, giving her the greatest pleasures to match.

Back and forth, back and forth, faster and faster, Cindy could not believe how sensational it felt. She was on edge, quivering at the sensations wondering if she actually goes all the way with an inanimate object. Her mind quickly dismissed it, as images of her dildos were replaced by her new sex toy. When she felt the spiny ridges of the head in her ripping her sensitive inner walls, it was too much for her. She screamed in ecstasy as her orgasm washed over her, flooding the shaft in her honey. Her muscles immediately tried to milk the shaft of its gifts, pulling and squeezing it.

She rested her legs on the bed releasing her hold on her lover, still held wide open groaning at the sensations. She laid there for only a moment when she realized something odd was still occurring. The cat was moving on its own pumping its shaft in her body. She looked up, half-puzzled, half panicked, noticing the face of the cat getting softer, more realistic. She tried to wiggle away, but the cat snarled and held her down firmly.

Her heart was racing as her body was still reacting to her pleasurer. He shoved his shaft against her cervix, the tight closed opening steadfastly refusing passage. He clamped his jaws around her neck and with a titanic thrust, broke into her womb, his shaft's head expanding quickly to keep it there. With an animalist growl, he bit down just slightly as his head throbbed and released its gifts into the fertileness of her womb.

Cindy cried as she felt herself being filled by him, but quickly stopped as a warm tongue met with her face. She opened up, and the cat quickly locked its muzzle over it, plunging its tongue into her. The rough tongue tickled the roof of her mouth. She relaxed a bit, letting her hand glide over her stomach until she felt fur on herself. She looked down as much as she could, being pinned by the mammoth beast. Her stomach and legs looked bloated and started to feel numb. The stuffed animal was still filling her and from the waist down she started to look like the cat and at the same time, the cat's legs were losing the fur, changing to soft pink like her own. She tried pushing it off her but her arms were getting heavy too as she tasted something silky and fluffy being forced down her throat. Her body started to stiffen as she took on more and more aspects of the cat.

"Why?" She muffled out, as she felt the sensation start to fill her head. She could see a muzzle form; her eyes transfixed forward; and her head warped into that of the cat.

The figure got off her and she would have gasped, but the mouth quickly sealed shut. There standing over her was herself or at least what looked like her. Every bit of her right down to her sex was identical to her former self.

"Not bad, you took excellent care of yourself." The former cat creature said to her. Holding her breath, she picked Cindy up taking her to the full length mirror. Cindy couldn't believe it. She had become the cat in every way. Even the sheath and balls were there. "And the best part sugar is..." She started to rub Cindy's sheath as she giggled.

Cindy gasped in her mind at the extraordinary sensations the touch was producing. She stared in marvel as she saw the hint of pink starting to expose itself when the one holding her stopped. Throwing Cindy on the bed, the creature quickly grabbed its former clothes and dressed Cindy quickly.

"With these on, you can't influence anyone Sugar. Now that I am alive again, I am going to take over your life. Hopefully you won't have to wait as long." With that, the creature squeezed the pinky of Cindy's right foot, triggering an embedded switch. Cindy watched as her bedroom slowly faded, replaced by the carnival game where she had won the stuffed animal.

"Back so soon?" The man asked her picking her up without effort. Getting a ladder, he hung Cindy around the neck by a string among the rest of the prizes.

Cindy choked in her mind at the sensation, subconsciously gasping for air as she twirled around in the string.

"Step right up and win a prize! You sir, you look like a lucky fellow. How about giving it a try?"

Kent looked at the man and replied, "Sure."