Hot Nights in Neon City - Writer's Calling

Story by Anakani on SoFurry

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#9 of Hot Nights In Neon City

A little something from me for my Neon Nights fans. Enjoy the read.

Marissa was sitting at her computer, the soft glow from the screen reflecting off her brown eyes. She knew that it was nearing her time to get to work on that new story she had promised her publisher. Sure they were slave pushers but still they had helped her pay her bills. The soft light of the room setting a golden highlight along the tips of her silvery fur. She looked like an angel amongst the light but had grown more worried about the deadline in which to either write a story or at least give her publisher another chapter to edit.

She was beginning to fall behind and knew she couldn't rush her creativity for if she did she would receive a letter from the publisher about missing info or if she left out a detail or two. Either way she took it in stride and promised herself not to do it again. But the problem was she knew she would do it again. Sometimes on purpose just to get a rise out of her publisher. Such is her way of saying I exist in a rather endless ocean of writers.

Raising her paws over her head Marissa stretched her muscles. Her breasts pushing outward from her chest as she attempted to lower the stress factor just enough so she could begin typing. She had come up with this sort of pre writing ritual and had developed it more and more over the years. Popping her knuckles was next step, the need to relax her paws before she began typing which would help relieve carpel tunnel when she was lost deep in thought.

Her black leather chair began to contour to her sleek, slender frame as she found a comfortable position that agreed with both her and her bushy tail. Typing in a cramped position is often hard to work with. Because soon after she started her back would begin hurting. And this in no way would help her with her already hectic schedule. Reaching to the mouse she guided the cursor on screen to a little paper icon. Double clicking the mouse with her finger the cursor opened the word program. A new document filled the screen and quickly she sets the font to Palatino Linotype. Placing her paws on the keyboard she feels her breath quicken and slowly exhales. In an almost peaceful state of mind she lets her paws begin to their work. Her mind drifting to the world she is about to visit once more.

Tiffani sat at the dining room table, her thoughts roaming about her head like two starved wolves looking for food. She thought mostly about Marissa and her in happier times. Like that time they had went to the beach and played volleyball with the other vixens and foxes there. Or the time Marissa tried to surf and lost more than her surf board. She had lost her top and almost her bottoms too since they were of the tie on kind. Or the time Marissa had a cold and Tiffani volunteered to take care of her. Getting into the role a little too deeply Tiffani wore a tight fitting nurse's outfit. She was cute in her little outfit every time Marissa seen her. How her cheery disposition brought a smile to Marissa's face as she lay in bed sick with the flu. Those memories were one of the many highlights of the past few months and she remembered them well. Laughing to herself the vixen slowly brought her attention back to reality and looks at the dens door. Her slender physique slowly rocking back and forth in the wooden chair while she waited. Eagerly she called out, "Marissa, dinners ready. Why don't you come and join me. It's your favorite." Her legs crossed while her ears fluttered about her head. Eagerly awaiting the sound of an answer she knew she wouldn't receive but still she held onto the hope that maybe just maybe she would get one. Behind her wagged her lavish red tail, having a mind of its own some of the time. Sniffing the air for a brief moment she smells Marissa's dinner, a plate of spaghetti. Tiffani had enjoyed the times she and Marissa would spend cooking in the kitchen and hoped that the smell of Marissa's favorite meal would drift its enticing smell into the den. Moments shifted into minutes as Tiffani nears the brink of frustration. Her tail stopped wagging altogether and her ears perked up as she rose out of the chair. Letting curiosity get the better of her, she walks by the table and over to the den.

Reaching to the half open door she slowly grabs the knob and enters the low lit room. Her ears folded back as the hinges creaked, filling the once silent room with their time worn groan. Tiffani knew the slightest noise would have disastrous results in the she wolfs work ethic. The low light of the room caused Tiffani's soft green eyes to open wider as her pupils let more light into them. She knew Marissa had to set the mood in which to work. The light had to be low enough to only allow the screen to remain the brightest light in the room. The sound of keys being tapped furiously filled the now dormant air. Tiffani leered over the leather chairs side, casting a shadow over the wolfs shoulder. She could see that the wolf was in that place again. Even though her body was here her mind was in another place. Feeling a rush of air against her smooth red fur, Tiffani narrowly avoids the wolf's tail as it shifted its position. Tiffani had listened a bit deeper and heard the low growl of the wolf girls stomach. Tiffani wondered if something was wrong because she knew Marissa never missed a meal. Well there was that one time when Marissa got stopped outside of the local pizza joint. Tiffani only watched as Marissa argued with the cop about her tail lights being out of working order. In the end Marissa told the cop to kiss her ass and got another ticket for lewd conduct. Boy was that something to talk about over the dinner table. Smiling for a second Tiffani entered the wolves field of vision. "Marissa........." called the vixen with her sultry voice through the incessant clacking of the keyboard, "Time to eat sweetie." Hearing no answer she speaks again with a little more tone in her voice, "Dinners ready. I cooked your favorite, Spaghetti, Mmmmm doesn't that sound good?"

The emotion began fading from the vixens once bright smile. Regaining her stance she stood by the chair, a sense of failure and rejection killing her once happy mood. In an effort to feel better she puts her arms behind her back and swings her hips and tail in a provocative way. The effect she hoped to have noticed by the wolf, was rejected once more. No sound but the keyboards incessant tapping filled the still air and in perfect timing Tiffani waged her tail to the rhythm. Stopping for a moment she leaned over Marissa's right shoulder, Tiffani brushed her right breast against Marissa's shoulder in hopes of getting a response of some kind. Even a grunt or some kind of brush off would've sufficed. Feeling she wasted her charms and time, the vixen sinks into a fit of depression. Not wanting to disturb Marissa's train of thought any further, the vixen backs away from the chair. Lowering her head as her tail goes between her legs, Tiffani folds her ears back and leaves the room, her head filling with thoughts of rejection. Stopping for just a moment she looked at the wolf once more. Hoping against hope that the wolf would acknowledge her presence. Searching for a sign and finding none, drove her from the room.

Sinking into the couch, Tiffani sinks into a bout of depression. Sure Marissa was a good writer but it was never this bad. Usually she gets hungry and goes on hiatus whenever she gets hungry. The thought taking its time sinks into her head as she gets used to the lonely feeling growing inside her. An idea she now knows she despised with a passion.

Not wasting another minute grieving over a situation she couldn't change forced the vixen to drift into another chain of thought. She had thought about the time she once spilled coffee on Marissa's keyboard. The lecture she had received about being careless, the time she had spent cleaning the keys with a toothbrush. But most of all, the time she spent making it up to Marissa. Smiling to herself she looks at the coffee table and sees a picture of her and Marissa standing around outside of the Aksani club. Marissa drunkenly trying her hardest to find a male. Tiffani knew Marissa never had any luck with males. "That girl and her hopeless romantics", thought Tiffani as her eyes began to weigh heavy.

Hours later, her mind and creativity having all but spent themselves, forced Marissa to leave the den. Her stomach grumbling as she enters the living room. Stretching for a spell, Marissa sighs and rubs her lower back. Looking toward the couch, she notices Tiffani's tail wagging in the air freely as the vixen lay sleeping. The sound of her soft breathing and ominous moans filled the quiet room. Walking over to the couch, Marissa takes her time and paced her foot steps as to not disturb the sleeping vixen. Resting her arms on the couches top, she leans over and sees Tiffani. The way she was curled up, holding herself, made Marissa feel a bit ashamed of herself. This vixen, who out of kindness had came over to visit and was completely ignored by her host, now lays sleeping alone on the couch. Brushing back her black hair with her paw, Marissa feels for the vixens situation.

"What a friend I am.", thought Marissa as she lowered her head down in remorse.

Gazing down she seen Tiffani's left ear twitch for a bit. Maybe the sound of her groaning had awoken the vixen. Calmly she backed away from the couch and turns to go into the dining room.

The cold tiles of the floor against the soles of her feet, reminds her of how she treated the vixen.

Sitting at the table she looked at the cold spaghetti, cooked with love and affection now cold with the bitterness of rejection. Marissa grabbed the fork and gathers some noodles. Her teeth almost biting the spoon from her hunger. The blend of spice and sauce mixed in her mouth as she chewed. She could almost taste another thing, having guessed that maybe it was love, she swallowed hard. Marissa knew Tiffani would cook her just about anything she asked but since she was busy, she hadn't noticed the aroma of her dinner.

The sudden shifting of the couch caused Marissa to stop eating for a second and look to the entryway as Tiffani entered.

The vixen still trying to wake up, rubbed her eyes and yawns. Marissa watched as her face crumpled up for a bit as she revealed her fangs. Marissa noticed a playful bounce in the way she walked over as her tail wagged behind her. Marissa took another bite and eagerly waited for Tiffani to speak. Tiffani having figured Marissa was through for the night (which by now was growing into the early morning) The way the den was pitch black when she walked by the door signaled either break or short pause. Gazing out the window Tiffani sees the cold black of the night beginning to turn early morning blue. Putting her arms on the table, Tiffani leans forward a bit, pushing her breasts against the tables edge. Her ears pointing straight up as she turned her gaze to Marissa. Her tail fluffing up a bit and slowly wagging she speaks, "I tried to tell you earlier but you were very busy." Crossing her legs Tiffani shifted her position in the chair, a position she knew would signal her full undeterred attention. Slowly Tiffani tilts her head and shifts her ears around. Marissa found the vixens posture a tad rather cute, softly she patted the vixen on top of her head. The contact of fur against fur causing Tiffani to wag her tail faster in anticipation at what could happen.

Taking another bite Marissa knew Tiffani was waiting for some kind of loving words to ease the anguish she felt inside. Having never seen Tiffani act this way causes Marissa to stop eating for a moment. Marissa pushed her plate away and reached over to Tiffani. Taking the vixen in her arm she placed her head on the vixen's shoulder.

"I'm sorry my love", says Marissa while she takes the vixens paw into her own. Marissa couldn't remember ever being so neglectful to her friend and tries to make up for it. She feared that her actions today could have long term effects on their relationship.

Tiffani ran her hand through Marissa's hair and sighs, "I'm not mad at you. You know this. Its just that....well I wish you wouldn't work yourself too hard." Marissa could feel the truth in her words and closes her eyes, "If only I wasn't a writer." Tiffani reached around Marissa and gently guided her head to her chest. Marissa responded by burying her head between Tiffani's breasts. In this moment Marissa heard Tiffani's beating heart and begins to rest her weary head. Marissa feels her worries fade away as she listened to the tender beats of her loves heart. Marissa knew Tiffani had made the bond with another but wouldn't let that stop her from enjoying the moment. In joy and sorrow she felt at home in her arms. Such was the feeling of reassurance she needed to keep a part of her sanity.

Taking Marissa's paw Tiffani led the way to the bedroom where she knew she could help loosen the tightly wound she wolf.

After laying Marissa on the bed Tiffani would turn the lights down low to set a mood of her own. She took her time getting on the bed because she wanted to be as poetic with the situation as Marissa was with her stories. Tiffani slowly climbed on top of Marissa and kissed her lovingly. Using her tongue she tasted the wolf and the spaghetti she had just eaten. The blend of sex and food brought a new feeling to her senses. Running her tongue along the wolf's teeth and over her fangs she tasted it once more. She had found the mix of wolf and food to be quite kinky. A taste so familiar and yet so different forced her to move on to the next step in her courtship.

Lowering her head the vixen lifted Marissa's blue tank top and gently rubbed her tongue around the erect pink nipple of Marissa's right breast. She had taken the utmost care not to arouse the she wolf too quickly. She only teased her every now and then by sucking on her nipple. She knew if she rushed too fast she would kill the moment she had been building up to. Marissa felt her stress fade as Tiffani rubbed her breasts in unison with her paws. The feel of hard nipples against the palms of Tiffani's paws sent shivers down Marissa's spine. Reaching down Marissa rubbed her slit a few times and moaned when Tiffani's paw joined her own. "You like that?", asked Tiffani as she rubbed Marissa. Once her arousal had calmed Marissa removed her paw and let Tiffani take over. The bed shifted as Tiffani moved down and tugged at Marissa's spandex shorts. Lifting up Marissa felt them slide over her hips and crossed her legs in response to the cold air touching her sex. Tiffani smiled as she parted the wolf's legs and stared for a moment. Her eyes taking in the sight of Marissa's exposed clit. The way her lips enveloped her soft pink clit. Just the very sight seemed enticing and inviting at the same time. Tiffani lowered her head and gave the air a brief smell. The pheromones floating in the air filled her nose with the she wolfs lush, vivid, one of a kind scent. Tiffani knew every wolf smelled different and this one had teased her sense of smell for too long. Marissa turned her head to the side as Tiffani ran her tongue along the length of her opening. The feel of something warm and wet causing her to moan in response. Marissa not having been known for taking her time, let it pass as Tiffani enjoyed her every taste. The mood from the lighting reminded her of the den and caused Marissa to drift off into ecstasy as she enjoyed the pleasant torture she was receiving. It had felt like eons but Tiffani took her time slowly tasting the wolf and enjoying the new flavors she found as Marissa neared her climax. Giving her flange a quick last flick Tiffani stopped in the nick of time. She had almost caused Marissa to cum and quickly goes back the wolf's face. Marissa tried hard to catch her breath and puts her arms around Tiffani's neck. She drew her closer and plunged her tongue deep into the vixens mouth. Their tongues dancing sinfully as Marissa tasted her own juices. She had never tasted herself and found the taste quite pleasing. The exotic blend of saliva and vaginal fluids taunted her every sense as Tiffani humped Marissa. Reaching down Marissa pulled at Tiffani's shorts to feel the contact of sex upon sex. Their pussy lips rubbing against each others drove Marissa to pull Tiffani closer every time she thrusted. She didn't mind that Tiffani was female and let her hump her. She found the thought a little taboo but at the moment didn't care. She knew deep inside that she needed this.

Shifting tempo Tiffani slowed up and got into a scissor position. Now their sexes could really feel each other and now filled the air with a mix of their scents. Taking charge Tiffani grinded herself against Marissa and feels their juices blending into one. The feel of pussy against pussy drove them further into sin and The sweat from their fur dropping onto the bed as one grinded into the other. It went on like this until Marissa reached her peak and stopped. Reaching her paw down to her sex she rubbed herself a bit as fluid began dripping out of her pussy. Tiffani watched the spectacle and quickly shifted her position on the bed. She wanted to share the taste of sexual release with the wolf. Tossing her dark red hair back Tiffani lowered her head onto the wolfs exposed slit. Slowly she tasted the fluid and then licked it once more to gather some in her mouth. Raising to face Marissa she kissed her and exchanged some of the vaginal fluids with her. This new taste bringing a new sensation to Marissa as she moved the fluid about her mouth to get the most out of the flavor. Her tongue only stopping every now and then to play with the vixens eagerly awaiting tongue. Slowly she swallowed the fluid and looks at Tiffani. Her green eyes staring back in lucid satisfaction as she licked her lips. Marissa had never tasted such a thing and playfully licks Tiffani on the face. The smell of sex on her breath caused Tiffani to kiss her once more. The kiss short and sweet but its meaning, more and deep and understanding. Her sexual hunger faded as she rested on the bed. The vixens small frame taking its place next to her larger one. Her mind and body spent slowly caused Marissa to drift off to sleep.

Next morning Marissa woke up and looked to the empty spot next to her. The small vixen must have left sometime ago after she drifted off. Marissa knew that she would be back again whenever she felt the need. She always did which brought a spark of light to rather her lonesome nights. But the events of last night, were they real or had she dreamed the whole thing. Either way she looked forward to another visit from the vixen.