Only The Beginning, A Sticky Situation

Story by EgoDominusTuus on SoFurry

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10 Page story for lucario289

Hyper, growth, masturbation, Pokemon.

When Auro finds himself suddenly growing out of his shorts while masturbating, he will soon discover that bigger really is better.

I claim absolutely no rights to Pokemon, nor do I intend to. This story was simply for fun for a friend!

Auro wasn't really sure how the events of the day had come to be-his afternoon had been going normally. He was relaxing at the end of the day... he had let his eyes close for a moment and began to allow his mind to wander-and before he had time to realize that his mind had changed tracks from regular thoughts to more of a fantasy, he felt his body grow warn with the familiar sensation of arousal. A low little moan escaped his lips, and the Lucario let his eyes open for a moment to take a quick glance around him... there was no on there; of course, he already knew that. He was, after all, alone in his own home.

With a small little moan, Auro allowed his hand to travel between his legs, so that he could rub the bulge of his half formed erection beneath his shorts. The small touch made his back arch slightly, and his eyes once more slipped shut. He began to stroke himself through the Velcro'd material of his pants, and each stroke caused his arousal to become fuller and fuller, until he could feel the full and thick length of his cock beneath his stroking fingers. His body gave another arch, and he felt himself lift slightly from the chair in which he reclined-his tail seemed to stiffen for a moment with the movement, and his entire body gave a shudder; for a moment, Auro felt as though he were going to fly apart... and then he heard an odd sound.

The Velcro of his shorts gave a tiny little ripping sound, as though it meant to peel open.

He knew, however, that such shouldn't be the case. He had masturbated before-he knew that he fit comfortably within the shorts that housed his lower body. And yet... the soft little 'tch, tch, tch' of the fabric pulling apart every so slowly continued to sound. He stopped touching himself, letting his gave move downward, though his entire body was still trembling for the continuation of his stroking. Auro leaned slowly to look at his shorts... though his eyes were only met with the sight of his swollen arousal, and the smallest bit of dripping stain from precum. His fingers brushed over the damp spot, and as they did so, he heard the same 'techhhh' sound, only louder. As he watched, he saw his groin swell even further. His eyes widened-Auro knew his own size, and he knew that the events that were taking place before him were both strange and unusual. As his hand moved, almost of it's own volition, against his swelling penis, he felt each and every nerve ending of his pleasure center give an electrifying jolt. His hips thrust upward, which caused his length to grind hard against his palm-it seemed as though he was caught in an endless loop of his own bodies pleasure center-each time his hand touched his arousal, his body would jerk upward... and each time that happened, he would thrust upward against his palm again. The sound of his shorts ripping open grew louder and more frequently, and he could feel the fabric of his shorts becoming more and more damp with every touch.

He finally managed to pull his hand away from his shorts, and found himself nearly gasping for air; Auro had never felt such pleasurable sensations from touching himself before. He was almost afraid to look down again, and when he did he could see the outline of his testicles pressing clearly against the thin material of his blue shorts. For a moment, he was frightened that he was actually going to rip his clothing-however, he was just as leery of trying to pull the material off, lest he cause his body to swell even more. With a small moan, he lifted himself up from his chair, though as soon as he straightened his body, he hear the velcro of his shorts give way completely-with one last 'tchhhht!', they snapped open, and he found himself staring at his length, expanded in size to at least half double of what it usually was... it spilled from the velcro as though it was bursting into existence, though his balls were still caught behind the fabric. He gave a small little whimper, and let his hands fall down to his aching arousal. His fingers wrapped around his length, though they barely touched-giving one pump, he saw the head of his cock dribbling with precum before his entire body gave a jerk and his back arched-it felt so good! He'd never felt anything so good before. The feel of his palm stroking against his engorged length was like all of the pleasure that he had ever felt in his entire life, wrapped into one experience.

Suddenly, Auro didn't care what was happening with his body. He only cared to experience this pleasure more, to feel everything that he could before whatever was happening faded away.

One hand stayed wrapped around his length, and he felt his own precum soaking his palm so that the movement of his fingers pumping around his shaft was made all the easier by the slickness of the moisture. The other hand, however, moved to his shorts-he wanted to work his shorts off of his frame before he became so swollen that it became painfully uncomfortable. The Lucario found himself struggling with the fabric, however. With each pleasurable pump of his hands, it seemed that his body gave another jolt, and more girth was added to his length. Before long, his fingers couldn't meet when wrapped around his length-however, something else was becoming painfully obvious, to the point that he had to stop touching himself so that both hands could come to the hemmed fabric of his shorts. He felt his balls slowly becoming squished and cramped inside of the material of his shorts. They swollen testicles nearly screamed for release, and Auro almost panicked as his body gave another jolt and he could feel them expanding yet again.

"Oh, God..."

His voice game out in a small little whisper as his fingers looped around the edge of his shorts and began to push almost frantically. The tightness of the fabric just above the swell of his balls made it near impossible for him to slide his shorts comfortably past their girth. Though the top of his shorts had slid down his hips, they were still stuck on his body. He stood, finding himself nearly dizzy with both the need to continue touching himself and the feel of his balls constrained in such a tight space. He started to run towards the kitchen, but found such movement impossible. The swell of his erection in tandem with the size of his balls made such movements awkward and unfamiliar. The best that he could do was nearly waddle to the kitchen-each brush of the fabric against his swollen gonads made another small moan of pleasure spill from his lips, which in turn caused a small moan of pain as he felt himself expand yet again.

He wasn't sure what to do-his hands were still struggling to push down his shorts, but the slender fit of the material had been made for someone with accessories much smaller than what he had now. The length of his arousal had doubled in size-he stood thick and ready against his own torso... he knew that his balls had at least doubled in size as well... and he was almost afraid of what would happen if they grew any larger and his circulation was cut off. Still panicking, he leaned against the counter, letting his eyes dart around for the kitchen scissors as he continued with his attempt to wriggle the shorts down his hips.

"Oh, come on..." He nearly whined the words out, still feeling the flush, electric excitement of having his body touched by anything. Just the feel of the cool counter against his length made his hips start to flex so that he could grind and hump against the counter. The motion, of course, cause more growing, so that he could feel the fabric of his clothing now pressing tightly to his skin. He whimpered and squirmed again, which only caused more grinding against the cool tile of his counter. One hand gripped the black surface tightly, and the other stretched out, reaching for the scissors that were in the knife rack in front of him. Fingers closing tightly around the handles, he brought them down and to the edge of his shorts. Carefully working them to the leg of his shorts, he started to cut.




He felt his leg burst free from the constraining fabric, and quickly dropped the scissors so that he could pull it from his frame. With the extra wiggle room, he managed to pull his balls free, so that they rested against the ripped fabric of his shorts-he had a moment to mourn the ripped fabric, but then his eyes fell to the sight that it had been covering. His balls were swollen more than double their size. His thick length, still pressed against his stomach, was colored dark and pulsing, and he could see dribbles of precum soaking down along the veiny length. The feel of the very air against his privates was enough to make him moan again in need, and he could nearly feel the blood pumping from his body to his engorged cock... everything about him was alive and pulsing for the first time in his entire life, and Auro decided that he wanted nothing more than to take advantage of the situation fully now that the shorts were no longer constraining his growth.

The Lucario thought for a moment to go back to his chair, or perhaps even to his room... but the sensations pulsing through him were too much to wait. Instead, he leaned his body back against the counter and wrapped both of his hands around his massive length. Fingers laced and met, barely touching, and he began to pump against his cock as though he had never masturbated before in his life.

"Oh, fuck..." Just the feel of his fingers against his pulsing length was enough to make his knees nearly fall out from beneath him. He only just managed to keep himself standing upright, and continued to pump and work, letting his palms slick heavily with the precum that continued to dribble in a steady line from his slit. He could still feel himself growing with each pulse, but he noticed that the growing had slowed, so that it was a tiny jerk just at his navel every time his hands worked up and down his massive length. Auro's eyes shuddered until the lids closed-he let himself lean back against the counter as the feeling of pleasure from his growing cock took over. Whimper after whimper escaped him, and he found his fingers no longer closing around the girth of his length. Another pump, and he could feel the precum sliding down his legs and beginning to form a small puddle on the kitchen floor. He didn't care, however, the sensation of his nerve endings, suddenly made larger and much more capable of sensation, was more than enough to wipe any type of logical thought from his mind. He only cared for the pleasure.

He could feel his balls now touching both of his thighs, growing large and large with each pump of his hand until they were nearly to his knees. The black band around his eyes was suddenly filled with the wide eyed expression as the Lucario's gaze snapped open. One more pump and the first, tingling sensation of warning that an orgasm was slowly building with each move that he made rocked him to his knees. He fell, though not very far. The size of his balls kept him propped upright. Auro was nearly leaning against them, though both hands were still pumping and working around the girth of his arousal, which was slowly growing to such a length that the head came to his nipples. He whimpered, moaning in pure pleasure as he let himself fall back, so that the puddle of precum splashed around him and soaked into the fur of his back. He didn't care. He was too far gone in the pleasure of his growth, the sensation of precum dripping hot and steady from his tip in a small, bubbling stream. It fell around his hips, soaked into his shredded shorts, and then joined the small puddle beneath him.

On his back, he worked at his length more, though trying to properly pump the fullness of his girth was becoming impossible. The weight of his balls alone was slowly causing his back to arch-they continued to grow in steady succession with his arousal. Auro gave a small shudder yet again, pumping all the harder until he felt the tip of his length hit his chin-the heated wetness of his precum threatened to touch his lips.

"Oh, fuck... fuck me..." He couldn't help but to murmur out soft curses as he pushed himself up, barely able to with the weight of his testicles and shaft. However, he managed to roll over, so that he was now sprawled upon the length of his cock, held up by the size of his balls. Laying atop himself, he gave a small shudder. The weight of his body was just another sensual sensation. His hands stroked freely up and down along his length, fingers moving to work against the massive head of his erection for a moment so that they were soaked yet again in precum.

He could almost hear the blood rushing through his body to his massively growing length... he could feel each pulse, every vein that stood out and erect from his heated flesh. The cool tile beneath him was like an aphrodisiac, the warmth of his precum giving perfect contrast so that his entire body was shivering and shuddering as his hands continued to work and smooth up along a length that was now so long and thick that his fingers could barely wrap around the curve of the sides. He laid his head over so that his furred cheek pressed against the hardness of his arousal-the head of his length poked upward, growing so that it surpassed the top of his head. He felt as though he were in a sea of precum as it continued to spurt and spout, bubbling from his tip. The way that he grew so slowly, paired with the way that each inch gained seemed to give a new sensation of pleasure was nearly too much for Auro. He felt almost faint with the rush of blood and the sensation of new nerve endings. However, he continued to work his length, holding on tight to it as his balls grew, sending his ass even higher into the air behind him.

It seems as though, with each inch that his cock grew, he lost another ounce of his coherency. The more and more the testosterone seemed to build, the more he lost all thoughts, save for the fact that he wanted nothing more than to continue to feel this pleasure for the rest of his life. He couldn't process how he had lived without it for so long-all other moments that had brought him to orgasm were suddenly meaningless in the wake of what was happening now. Auro's mind seemed to be completely slipping, drowning in a sea of new urges and needs that had never before crossed the Lucario's mind. He found himself loving it, so that low growls of need and desire spilled form his throat, and his hands worked even harder, knowing that the more he pumped, the larger he would grow.

His entire body was shivering with sensation as his length finally grew to the point that his knees no longer touched the ground. Instead, he found himself straddling his own length, propped up by his own balls-he could hear the bubbling and rumbling inside of his own body now, as though the cum that was nearly begging to be released was churning inside of him. There were little groans as his skin stretched all the more, as the muscle beneath his hands crawled up another inch. There were so many things going on, so many new sounds, sensations... Auro was lost in a sea of new feelings, and he wanted nothing more than to completely drown in them.

He gave another little wriggle of his hips, and noticed that now even his feet could not touch the ground due to the length of his shaft, his giant girth, and the size of his balls. It was as though he was almost riding himself, and Auro began to let his body wriggle and writhe so that the nerve endings at the base of his shaft and on his balls was given the sensation of his moving fur, though he was careful not to work the spike of his chest against the sensitive flesh. The moaning became a constant thing beneath his breath as the combined sensation of the growth, his hands, and the precum soaked tile beneath him began to build. It felt as though there were some enormous glass, filled to the brim. Each stroke was another droplet of water, causing the surface tension to tremble. Each writhe of his body was another droplet, bringing it dangerously close to completely spilling over. The soaked tile beneath him, which afforded for his length to wriggle an writhe, working slowly up and down against the floor with the thrust of his hips... it was all too much.

Auro felt his length give another jolt, it was so large now that his arms could not fit around it. His balls kept him completely suspended from the ground. The last hump of his hips, however, made him forget about how large he was-it made him forget about everything. With his hands gripping his enormous girth tight, he felt himself give way to an orgasm so strong that it tore a scream from his throat loud enough to echo around the kitchen.

The force of the cum shooting out of his erection was so strong that he felt it nearly propel him back. However, the weight of his cock and balls was enough to keep him stationary. The pulsing pleasure that beat through his entire frame was enough that Auro felt his vision black out. The last sight that he had was thick, white ropes of cum pouring out from his enlarged tip so that he was literally lost in a sea of his own fluids. He didn't care, however. His body spasemed, jerking, writhing so that he would have rolled to his side, had his balls not been so large that they kept him upright. Auro gave one final scream, feeling his own voice crack as he nearly ripped his throat with the shouted litanies of pleasure... and then felt the rushing blood take full toll on his body. Giving another shudder, feeling another hot, thick rope of cum spill from his tip... he gave in to the darkness that overtook him and fainted.

Groggily, Auro wondered why he felt so cold and sticky. The Lucario couldn't figure out why his mattress was so hard-and then the burning sensation of utter need and desire snapped him back to reality almost immediately. For a moment, he couldn't understand what he was seeing... there was a large, veined expanse of something that covered nearly all of his vision. The tip was still dripping with white fluid... the floor around him was slick, wet, soaked with that same, sticky white substance. It was only after another moment of staring, and moment of listening to the blood rushing through his veins that he realized what had happened.

He had fainted when he came... and it seemed as though, even though he had piqued and come to pleasure, that the growing length of his erection was far from finished with its new found pleasure. It had grown another foot and a half while he had been passed out, so that it barely fit in the length of the kitchen. He was lifted so far off of the ground that he truly wondered how he was going to manage to get up. The entire length of his arousal pulsed, demanding that he move, demanding that he do something to bring about another orgasm... and yet, at the same time, he knew that it would be all the harder, since he had obviously emptied out massive amounts of his fluids in the last burst of cum that had drenched the floor. His hands came down, hugging around his length, and another cry of pleasure escaped him-he was even more sensitive than before, as though cumming had ripped open the new nerve endings and brought them even more to life. Auro took a shaking breath and tried to push himself up so that he could survey further what was going on. He barely made it, feeling spasm after spasm pulse through his body with just the motion of his hands pushing himself up.

"Oh... my God..."

His kitchen was flooded with cum-it seemed almost half an inch deep, spreading across the entire floor. He couldn't understand how he was still aroused... and yet the near burning sensation that swept over his entire body in a fever was more than enough proof of the fact that he was. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he was aware of the torn fabric of his shorts that seemed to stick to his balls with cum... somewhere in the back of his mind, he was aware that there was no way that he could keep this up... but in the forefront of his mind, the part that was completely and utterly taken over with testosterone... he was only aware of the pulsing need that went through his entire body... only aware of the fact that if he didn't touch himself, wriggle, writhe, do something to get himself off again, that he would die from need... that he would simply burn up from desire until there was nothing left but ash and cum.

Auro began to work his hands over his length again, fingers stick with the cum that was slowly cooling around him. Just that touch was almost too good-it was almost painful it brought him so much pleasure. He worked and writhed, the lubrication on the floor allowing him to shift back and forth a slight inch, which was enough to bring pleasure pulsing through his entire body. He couldn't tell if he was still growing-he wasn't looking at himself anymore. Instead, his eyes were closed in pure concentration. He wanted to feel every touch, every movement... he wanted to feel everything so that orgasm would take him over again and he would find the release that his entire body seemed to be screaming for.

Each touch brought a ragged and hoarse scream from his throat-Auro could feel himself working up to orgasm, though his body had already exhausted itself so that it seemed even harder than the last time. The anticipation nearly killed him right then and there... but he kept working against his pulsing, veiny length.

"Come on... fuck... come on..."

He had never craved release so much in his entire life. The Lucario was nearly maddened with it. In the back of his mind, he knew that he had grown another inch as he touched himself. He was aware that his tip was slowly working so that it nearly spilled from the kitchen....

He didn't care.

Working, pumping, writhing atop himself and using his own cum as lube Auro pushed himself harder and harder, nearly forcing the pleasure to pulse through his entire body... he was in so much need that it was almost painful-he could literally hear the blood rushing through his body and to his cock... he could hear his balls gurgling as more cum seemed to prepare itself, though he wasn't sure how. His frame, seeming so small as it laid against his massive length, gave another writhe and he tried to scream.

Frustration, need, desire, arousal... it was all pouring through him, and he had no choice but to let it out in the only way that he knew how. Both arms were wrapped around his length, and he worked and writhed almost violently against himself, barely keeping his chest spike from cutting his tender and throbbing flesh. Auro knew in that moment, as he watched the precum once again bubble and jet from his large slit in wet plops that fell, splashing to the floor, that he was truly a slave to the new feeling of desire that he had. And truthfully? He didn't care. He loved it. He let his tongue trail out, licking a hot, wet line up along his length... salty, sweat, cum... it was so perfect.

One final twist to his hips and that small last of his tongue seemed to do him in. The Lucario felt the second orgasm sweep over him in such a wave that colors burst before his eyes. He screamed, watching the thick ropes of cum spill from his tip and pour from the kitchen and into his living room. The length of his cock, well over fifteen feet, seemed to pulse and tremble, and he could hear the sound of the cum rushing down through his massive balls before jetting out of his tip. He tried to scream again-he couldn't suck in enough air to vocalize the pleasure that ripped through him. His heart thundered so loudly that he feared it would give out. The cum pulsed strong and thick from his tip... and finally... finally...

With one final burst, the cum shot from his tip again, spattering against the chair that he had started in. He collapsed against his length, his chest heaving, the monstrous need sated for the moment. And Auro couldn't help it... he gave a lazy grin as his eyes half closed and his arms hugged around his length as lethargy set in...

This day had turned out to be perfect... and he only hoped that, if and when he shrank down, the process could be repeated over and over again... after all, this was truly only the beginning.