A Fine Dawn

Story by DragonBiscuit on SoFurry

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Waking up to the chitter of birds had always been one of Selina's most favourite things. That, along with the wonderful sunshine that each morning shone through their window, shrouding them both in a cover of glimmering light. She smiled, shifting in the hold of her beloved's arms, her tailtip flicking against his leg.

"Awake, Selina?" Venar asks, his voice quiet and sounding as though he had just awakened from slumber. He tightens the hold his arms have about her, kissing into the back of her neck. The way her fur tickles his nose always made him grin.

"I'm awake, dear... you know the birds make sure of that." She stretches out her legs, turning towards him after the kiss to her neck. "But I'm not complaining. Their chittering is music to my ears." She murmurs, touching a kiss to his lips that lasted perhaps a bit longer than she had at first intended for it to. They both grin at each other once it breaks.

"Mm. You don't expect me to let you go after that, do you?" Venar asks while still grinning, giving Selina a gentle push down onto the bed so that he is able to crawl on top of her. Without saying a word, he leans down to kiss her and this time much more deeply. His arms glide down along her sides, the canine giving off something akin to a purr against her lips.

Not a word is spoken in reply to his. Instead, she shuts her eyes and merely returns the given kiss, while at the same time sliding her arms about his waist to hold him close to her warm body. The fact that the two of them were both really warm in general made it a snug, cuddly embrace. Sadly, the downside of that was that they couldn't stay so close for very long without having to move away from another briefly to allow themselves to cool off. Selina, whom isn't known for her grand patience decides to be a tease. Her left arm withdraws only slightly and her hand is moved down to his left inner thigh where she squeezes and lastly brushes over his bare crotch, up against his sheath.

"Mmn... Selina..." He breathes out, immediately pressing his crotch down into the touch of her hand. She was always so gentle with him... so gentle that her touch was almost ticklish. He hadn't ever been able to explain it, and all he knows is that he loves it. His cock quickly grows rigid in the palm of her hand, almost instantly beginning to dribble out his clear precum.

"Such a horndog..." She snickers. "Fitting term, isn't it?" The feline quickly adds to her statement while she lets her fingertips run up along the underside of his throbbing member, only to squeeze at its tip, managing to time it perfectly with a spurt of pre, sending it flying. She does nothing to stop him as he rolls over with her so that she ends up on top, merely tilting her head instead. "Oh... I see. It's my turn, then?" She winks at him, but hardly delays with reaching down to take his cock into hand and guide it towards her waiting folds. She never was much for foreplay - with her, it wasn't needed either, the feline being rather easy to arouse...

She sighs out in delight as she feels the tip of his warm shaft push up against her, sitting down over it and taking it in to the hilt with a purr of bliss. Moments later, after having waited to accomodate, she begins to move, raising herself up and sitting back down repeatedly, her tight tunnel squeezing and clinging to his cock, not wanting it to leave - which, for that matter, it didn't. She was careful to ensure that when she rose, the tip would always remain inside of her before she sat back down. She could feel how his cock throbbed, feel how it twitched... feel every one of his little bucks up against her whenever she clenched about it.

Selina gradually picks up the pace with which she moves, placing one of her hands down onto his shoulder for the sake of leverage, and the other just beside his head on the bed to keep herself from slumping down on top of him. "I love you..." She breathes out in a somewhat shaky voice.

"And I you," came the reply from Venar, whom was busy with trying to keep her divine folds from bringing on a climax too quickly. He had to fight it back most of the time, and others he could last for as long as they wanted to keep at it. Now he was breathing heavily, still bucking up against his beloved each time she moved to sit back down over his crotch, helping to make sure that his cock would be buried nice and deep within her.

Suddenly, Venar gave off a loud groan and grasped at Selina's hips to warn her that he was close and to slow her down a little, but she would have none of that. She shook her head to show him that she didn't intend to cooperate. After all, he had let her be on top...

He growls out in lust, gripping harder and harder at her hips, even digging his claws in slightly... it was nothing that'd hurt her - at least not too much. She was actually fond of pain when it came with a good dose of sex. "S-selina..." He grunts. "I'm, I'm... ngh..." He shivers almost violently, shifting his hands from her hips to her back where he again digs his claws in a little to then drag those claws up along her back, making her moan out in ecstasy and clench down so wonderfully tightly about his cock. And that was all it took for the canine to be pushed over the edge of orgasm. Throwing his head back against the pillow underneath it, he groans out loudly and pushes her against himself, firmly bucking up against her as his cum erupts in a near flood-like manner, filling her molten, silken tunnel with fertile seed.

Selina grinned just from feeling it all happen, not stopping to move for even a moment, wanting to prolong his orgasm as much as possible... to milk every last drop of seed from him. She had stayed just above the canine's knot so that they'd not tie, meaning of course that plenty of cum dripped from her folds in no time. She keeps riding and riding, and eventually she too begins to tense up gradually, squeezing and squeezing about Venar's cock with her folds so pleasantly, so wonderfully with how sensitive he now was. She worked faster and faster, and within a few seconds, she'd be writhing on top of him in pure bliss, moaning. Then, with a spike of pleasure, she buried her face in the side of his neck and begins to kiss and nibble at the fur there, her thighs beginning to twitch and shake rhythmically; the edge reached and crossed.

Grinning once she had calmed down some, she allows herself to just flop down, relaxing entirely on top of Venar, whom didn't seem to mind at all, just wrapping his arms about her in a loving embrace, holding her as close as physically possible. She lets his shaft rest within her... she always did, letting it withdraw back into his sheath on its own.

Their eyes close, the pair smiling and holding one another so close, so tight - words weren't necessary at this time, the two of them simply laying there until they'd fall back to sleep with one another, together again in the world of dreams where this recent even would most likely be playing on repeat...