Into the unkown-Chapter 8

Story by Falcon3268 on SoFurry

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#8 of Into the Unknown Stories

and the launch happens


After two weeks of getting everything going with new staff arriving with the staff that needed to be replaced gone with a humph not saying a single word, supplies began filling up storage bins and areas, ammo cartridges and missiles of each type lined the proper shielded areas near the gun turrets all needing to be done is load them into place and prepare for battle.

The barracks and crew quarters were filled with the necessary crew giving each department the needed capacity to operate properly. With each department reporting in that everything was tested and ready to go signaled that the Yonaga was indeed ready causing Tirol to send the report to Command that all of the final prep work was finished and it was time to commission the new ship.

That was the final signal as a delegation of high level officials and Council members from both human and A'Renian races began arriving in waves on board, bringing in families with them most of them being from the crew members. Lining the launch bay with fighters and bombers lining either side of them, Admiral Devon and Cheppard stood at the front of the gathered crowd calling for everyone's attention and silence waiting for them to stop chatting before beginning.

"Welcome to honored guests and representatives! I would like to be the first to welcome you all here to see the launch of the first of a line of combined resources and materials into something new. We sit on board that new vessel that has taken nearly a year to build and properly get into place before she was ever considered ready to launch. I would like to be the first to present the first commanding officer of the NGS Yonaga...Commander Tirol Leonidas."

Tirol, standing off to the side with his senior staff dressed in dress uniform for the event feeling a bit uncomfortable dressed in the entire waited for the word and for the Admiral to turn it over to him before stepping up to the podium taking his place before the crowd. Clearing his throat before gathering his thoughts and beginning...

"JFK once said back in Earth history that space was one place where it had yet to be explored truly however many people had come to realize that like on its own borders there were and always will be dangerous species there waiting for you even if you don't expect them at first. And when that first contact is usually made, mistakes are usually made in the contact however in case of many civilizations that experience such need something newer and advance to push outward to try and continue outward in their exploration.

"Nevertheless, with new advances in technology comes the problem that some people aren't willing to allow anyone to grow. Then when the possibility of threat comes known that the survival of a race means that two races need to put together their knowledge to accomplish their goal of making sure both species has strong bonds. Although the Yonaga is meant to be mainly a warship to withstand a known threat on the boundaries, it shouldn't just be considered as such our goal in space even in this galaxy is to explore known space and learn about the unknown as possible.

"Given that, I make a promise that I will make sure to the best of my abilities of the Yonaga's first CO to make sure that the ship and her crew present right now will come home no matter what. No one will be left behind and brought home to their families to share stories of findings and amazing adventures in each step of the way." He offered as an unusual speech that caused everything to look forward.

There was a moment of silence before a sound of applause rang out throughout the bay as he stood there stiff before stepping down away from the podium. Turning toward Admiral Devon, he saluted her which she returned. "Permission to start our mission, Admiral."

"Permission granted, Commander." She said knowing full well that the ship wouldn't leave dock until the passengers were off ship. Reaching over, he hit the comm for the bridge.

"Bridge, bring the ship to life." He ordered the OOD who was stationed on the bridge at that point. With a quick acknowledgment the ship became alive more lights coming on, equipment all around the bay activated lighting up the fighters and bombers waiting for action.

Further into the ship the engines that had had once sat idle came to life with a thunder blast screaming throughout the area announcing the ship was finally ready to be sent out.

About three hours later, with the guests officially off the ship and all not needed crews that were there putting in new equipment were reassigned for different duties their final work was greatly appreciated which was told to them. Stepping out on to the bridge, Tirol found himself standing among working crew that were all dressed in the appropriate uniforms working at different stations.

"Lieutenant, what's our status?" he asked turning toward his XO. A Lieutenant John Morgan, first in his class at command school, John was like Tirol almost being on Cheppard's shit list which was the reason why he chose the officer to become his XO. One not caring to get the same BS that seemed to come from the Admiralty and Council.

"All stations report being ready for launch, sir. All gear and equipment has been secure and ready to go." John answered standing up from the center chair allowing Tirol to take the seat once more feeling properly.

"Very good, helm, we got the necessary coordinates for the mission?" He asked turning his chair around to face the helmsman. A Dragoness, A'Renian female whose golden scales glimmered in the light who was talk enough to fit comfortably in the chair.

"Aye, sir. Plus the data package about the mission details." She answered.

"Sir," the communications officer situated behind tactical called out causing him to turn around, "we are getting a request from station flight control to allow for Admiral Devon's personal shuttle to land."

"Is there any kind of reason why?" he asked becoming irritated because of how close they were to leaving.

"Flight says its Admiral Devon herself wanting to take part in the shakedown cruise." He answered causing Tirol to raise an eyebrow. He honestly hated the fact that the officials liked butting in however since it was Devon instead of Cheppard it didn't seem that bad.

"Very well, allow her to come on board then have the shuttle and her gear stowed right away." Tirol answered turning toward helm. "As soon as we get confirmation that the flight deck is secure go ahead and take us out 1/3 thrust until we clear the shipping and transport lanes."

"Aye sir." She said punching in commands. It didn't take long before the confirmation came in as Tirol offered a nod to the officer to continue with the orders. Outside the ship, a lot of people continued to watch the massive ship as it pulled away from the moorings moving easily past docked ships and supplies ships.

Within minutes the ship came free of the docking area appearing from the station new and armed to the teeth ready for battle. To many of the people that stood there amazed at what they were seeing being among a new breed of ship that looked more than ready to fight.

Once it was well outside of the station and space lanes did it increase speed pushing it onward at one point the speed seem to increase before the ship disappeared in a flash of light.