Jay Bunny - Entry 1

Story by Jay Hopkins on SoFurry

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This is the first entry in the short story series "Jay Bunny" about a rabbit (ironically with the last name Bunny") who is discovering who he is and what he wants from life.

The large stallion gently tugged the front of his pants up, his package being accented by the cloth as he sat down across from me, not caring whether I'd invited him or even wanted him there.

"Sup," he said, nodding his head as if we knew each other.

"What?" I asked as I looked up at him, trying not to sound annoyed. After all, he was much larger than me, and I'd much rather keep the mash potatoes on my plate and not in my fur.

"Yer Kay, righ'?" he asked me, a grin on his face that left me wondering what his intentions were. I didn't notice his buddies around, but I'm sure they weren't too far out of sight.

"It's Jay," I corrected him. "Why are you bothering me?"

"Ah've been noticin' ya lately and I was wonderin' what ya were doin' Saturday?" My eyebrows arched before I could stop them. He had to be either stupid or playing a prank for his football buddies. Yeah, he was gay, but it was pretty well known he didn't take shit from people, and neither did I.

"Are you hitting on me?" I asked. He let out a soft snort as he grinned, shaking his head like he pitied me. Was he just trying to annoy me?

"That's up to you," he replied, leaning closer, seeming to loom over me easily. "You want me to?"

"I'd rather eat my lunch in peace," I said with a slight growl.

He just chuckled as he sat back up straight. "Yer pretty cute when yer mad."

"I'm not interested," I said, making sure I sounded annoyed that time.

"Well, if ya change yer mind, come by the lockers after school gets out."

I didn't eat much after that. I had never really dealt with a gay guy before, and it was a bit intimidating to see the looming stallion rise up over me before striding off.

It's hard to deny that I was disturbed throughout the rest of the day, anger building inside of me as I thought about how he had simply assumed I was gay. I got distracted easily and burned my finger in chemistry, singing a little bit of fur. Hell, even my teachers could tell that I was upset. It was when my math teacher asked me why I hadn't participated after class that I decided I was gonna confront the fucker.

'I don't care if he's with his football buddies. He can't just mess with anybody he lies and think he can get away with it,' I thought to myself as I walked to the gym, ignoring the kids bumping into me as I passed them. 'Besides, I'm not just anybody.'

The locker room smelled of bleach as I walked in. I waited until most of the football players had walked out, only a few left standing around, before I approached him.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I asked him, a slight growl in my voice.

The look on his face was priceless. He was dumbfounded that someone was approaching him in such a manner, especially someone who was easily half his size, if not smaller. It didn't help that we were in the locker room and he was naked, balls hanging between his thighs as he was about to get dressed for football practice.

"W-What do ya mean?" he asked nervously, looking to some of his teammates, not caring to cover himself.

"Why the fuck were you hitting on me at lunch?"

"Ah've just been watching ya for a little while and thought Ah'd take a chance with ya."

"And why the fuck do you think I'm gay?"

Some of his teammates chuckled a bit as they watched. None of them dared mess with Chance after Greg, and yet this tiny bunny schooling him on hitting on someone just cuz he thought I was gay. I'm sure if I had been watching the scene, I would have been laughing too.

"Ah've jus' never seen ya with a girl. So, Ah just kinda assumed," he said to me.

"Don't you think that might be because of this?" I asked as I took a step back and grabbed my gut a bit, not realizing that it wasn't quite as big as it used to be, but big enough to make my point.

"Ah jus' thought ya looked cute," he said, giving me a small smile.

God, I hated him at that moment. What the fuck was I supposed to say to that? Gee, thanks for thinking I'm cute? That wouldn't be good. I'd have accepted his compliment and be pretty much telling him that I'm okay with him hitting on me. On the other hand, I couldn't just turn it down because then I'd be saying that I have no self-esteem and I'd look like a big loser.

"Whatever," I finally decided on. "Just back the fuck off."

I stormed out of the locker room, knowing that the other football players were joking about me and Chance. I didn't give a fuck about them.