The hunger file from sergalhome

Story by Luke_Sukronius on SoFurry

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A File found by ??? read to find out what happened to S.T.H.D.F.(stop the hunger deisease force)

March 1st, 3012: I Dr.Jaden M. kralicker has made a new descovery on the deisease know only as "The hunger." This deiseaase is more of a infection and anyone bit will become a carnivirous sergal. This infection can only happen when you bitten by an infected even if they kill you. The infection is able to bring dead back to life but only if the oringal infected save it and modify it. This all started at sergalhome these 2 sergals came into sergal home, and some preditor pheramones were in the air of that masion. Over time the nice friendly sergal everyone loved turned into vicous cannibles that ate furs.

Now everyday I must watch my back because I think one of my sergal colleges might have contracted this infection. I feel like I'm being watched in the office like something is hunting me even when I'm alone. No one in this town likes any sergals now no sergal can go to the same school or anything. The whole town is afraid of becoming the sergals meals so the two sergals promised not to hurt us if each house scrifices their young each year to them.

If you had no children you would become their meal instead. Even your friends would not interfear knowing they would die if they did. We like to say we don't go to sergalhome but some have to go. No one knows really how this infection came to be but now we have an infection we can't stop. This is Dr..... the rest the page is covered in blood and what seems to be organs. The chair found in the office and the whole office was almost covered with blood but whose blood was it?

We don't go to sergalhome anymore...2.0(Improved horror)

It was always an average day for Leroy but this day was not so average. He got dressed and ready for school.Leroy was grey wolf with blue eyes ,short brown hair, and had a very positive look on life. When he got down stairs his mother was sobbing....

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We don't go to sergalhome anymore...2.0(Improved horror)

It was always an average day for Leroy but this day was not so average. He got dressed and ready for school.Leroy was grey wolf with blue eyes ,short brown hair, and had a very positive look on life. When he got down stairs his mother was sobbing....

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We don't go to sergalhome anymore...

Leroy the anthro wolf woke up to an average day in his average life but today was going to be not so average. His mother shouted from the kickten"lerooooyyyy breakfist is ready". Leroy jumped out of bed with his pajamas still on he gets to the kitcken...

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