My New Kingdom

Story by Moonlight555 on SoFurry


Hehe. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did writing it. The idea came to me a few days ago, and I really wanted to go through with it. I apologize to those expecting a story about the era of knights and lovely renascence. I also apologize to those of you expecting something more serious. But you gotta admit, it's kinda funny. I'll probably send this to the scraps later on. :P

Oh, and I hope you enjoyed the nostalgia. ^.^

I have to say. My life has gotten interesting as of late. Before I was nothing but the average black lab. Energetic, good with sports, average grades. A pretty mellow student of the Western Philadelphia Community College. Then there came the day when my whole life seemed to flip upside down. I was never much of a fighter. I've got the bark, but not the bite if you know what I mean. So when a bunch of older, larger German Shepherds came by the basketball court and started raising cain, I was almost defenseless. My friends ran, leaving only the basketball bounce-rolling off towards the fence, and me. At first I was frozen in fear, but then I snapped out of it. When one of them tried to grab for me, I pulled away and growled real low and mean like. Most people leave me alone when I do that, but not these guys. The fight didn't last more than four or five minutes, but the damage done to me was pretty extensive. A broken collarbone, a fractured wrist, and a ruptured blood vessel in my right eye.

When I got home from the hospital my mom was worried sick about me. I spent a good hour being lectured about the dangers of *those* types of furs. Then she gave me news I wasn't very willing to accept. She told me that she called my uncle and aunt who live in some rich neighborhood out west. They have 'kindly' accepted my mother's request to have me live with them. Can you believe that? She wants to send me away to some relatives that haven't seen me since I was in diapers. But I don't have much of a choice.

Even now, as I get off my flight and grab my bags, I still feel angry. Betrayed really, that my mother would send me away. I have to quickly get over that though, to catch a cab and get to my aunt and uncle's house before it gets late. Once outside I put two fingers in my mouth and blow. Years of practice and precise tongue control have allowed me to whistle with two fingers. Soon enough an older looking yellow cab pulls over to me. The cab itself seems pretty unique. I'd say it's about a '55ish Chevrolet. It's been restored and put back into service. Those 60's fuzzy dice hang from the mirror, and the shag carpeting really sets the era of disco into the small space. Probably one of those gimmicks that the big corporations do to get more customers. I shrug it off and put it at the back of my mind for now.

In the taxicab, the driver asks me where I'm headed. I hand him a small slip of paper with the address and he starts driving. GAWD does it stink in here. Either the driver doesn't take baths, or they only took to restoring the outside of the cab. Whatever the reason it doesn't matter. I simply ignore it as best I can with the window rolled down.

Around 7:30ish the cab rolls up the driveway of the large estate. A person could really feel like a king with such a huge home. Old style Roman pillars hold up a balcony overhead, and provide a regal feeling when going to the front door. I pay the cab driver and as he drives away I try to purge the awful scent from my nostrils. To no avail I'm afraid. Rather than dwell on how messed up things have been for me lately, I pick up my bags and walk to the front door. After a few knocks a butler opens the door.

"You must be William?" His voice sounds very English. I nod my head and give the butler my paw to shake. He takes it by a few fingers and shakes only once. "Right then, if you'll wait in here for a moment. I'll get the master." The butler lets me in and has me stay right near the door with my bags. Soon I can hear my aunt and uncle coming.

"William, darling!" My aunt, exclaimed before hugging me. I hug back, more out of courtesy than anything. My uncle nods in my direction and holds out his paw. I shake it. He's got a pretty strong grip. He's a pretty large fellow too. Both of them are black labs, like myself. My aunt is rather skinny, but my uncle definitely isn't. He seems to eat like a king. That must make me a prince now. In a way.

"Come, to the living room. Your mother wasn't too specific on the phone as to why she wanted you out here with us." My uncle leads me into a room just off to the left. We sit on the couch, the butler stands a small distance away.

"So, how did you come to be here my boy? What's your story?" My uncle asks. I take a steady breath.

"Well. This is a story, all about how my life got flip turned upside down, and I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there, to tell you how I became the fresh prince of a town called Bel Air..."

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