My First Furry Love Story (pt 4, an unexpected surprise)

Story by DarlathxthexDragon on SoFurry

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8 months had passed since that day and Zach had wanted to come over to my house again, I say yes and then when we get home, just as I'm about to put the key in the lock, my stomach had had the worst pain ever, I yelp and kneel to the ground, Zach comes by my side, he grabs the keys off of me, open the door and lifts me up, then lays me down to rest on my bed and says "honey are you alright?!" I nod and say "yeah, im f-fine..." I yelp again and grip my stomach, he shakes his head and says " no, your not, i-im calling an ambulance..." he runs to the phone and dials triple 0, after about ten to fifteen minutes im in pain like never before and they come to my door, they knock and are instantly answered by the worried Zach, he leads them to me in my room and they pick me up and onto the carry table, then lead me out into the ambulance, when we are in the ambulance I say "wha-... what's wrong w-with me?!" I whine as he holds my hand, he then says "i-its alright h-honey, its ok, d-don't worry, everything's gonna be j-just fine..." he whines louder than me and he has tears filing his eyes, his worried expression lifts as I grunt and yelp again in the ambulance on the way, I then lift a hand up to his eyes and wipe the tears from them, I smile a little as he nuzzles me, when we get to the hospital I'm taken into emergency and into a room, the doctor checks me over and says "we'll have to bring you into an or CT scan, to see if theres anything up with the muscles, then we'll check your belly over with an ultrasound, to see what's wrong.." I'm then lead into two different rooms, first the CT scan, then the Ultrasound, after ten minutes of the Ultrasound, the doctor is beside Zach then sighs in disbelief, Zach looks at him worried and asks "what's wrong doctor?!" he lifts his head up to Zach and says "we have only come across this medical condition... once, maybe twice..." Zach whines a bit and says "What?! What is it, I wanna know what's wrong with my mate!!" tears start to fill his eyes again, the doctor then explains to Zach "your mate, has a very... rare... condition that only a few we've seen have... actually survived it... your mate is actually holding your child..." Zach looks at him in shock as his ears pull back and says "LUCA'S PREGNANT??!!" the doctor places a hand on his shoulder to calm him down and says "that's exactly right, your mate here was born with a womb capable of holding a child, the womb was dormant until you two mated almost... seven months ago?" he questions to Zach, Zach shakes his head and says "e-eight months ago..." then without sighing or anything he sits down and sobs "it's a-all my fault... h-how could I d-do this to him?!" the doctor brings him up by the arm and says "its not your fault, you didn't know..." he smiles and shakes Zach's hand and says "don't worry, Luca will be fine, he's quite a strong one" he winks and walks off, Zach goes inside the room with me and whines as he lays a hand on my belly, he then tells me what the doctor told him, I cough a little and say "th-that's... that's... my mother feared this day..." he smiles and nuzzles me, he then kisses me and says "I can understand that hun..." he giggles "But what are we going to tell your parents? ... school?" I giggle a little and smiles "well... I guess we could just tell my parents and your parents the truth... and school... well... we'll have to get a maternity leave somehow, im not going to school anymore..." we both laugh, then he looks concerned, then nuzzles me "does this make me... a father of some sort?" I giggles, then nod saying "yes, some kind of father, a true father, but you'll also be the second father over me..." he blushes a little and says "o-ok... th-this is... sh-shocking... i-isnt it hun...?" i nod and kiss him saying "but it'll be alright, you got me, right hun?" he giggles and nods as I kiss him. The doctor then comes in and says "Im sorry, but I eavesdropped, so I took the turn of righting out a maternity leave for you Luca, and Zach, will also be on Maternity leave, to care for Luca at his time of need" the doctor chuckles and then hands Zach both leaves, then says "I'll see you two soon im guessing?" we all laugh as Zach says "I do believe so" I smiles across his face as he gets me up and walking, we sign out of the hospital, then walk out, I blush a little, then inhale the fresh scent of the outside air, I murr softly and then close my eyes, I murr louder then Zach looks at me saying "hun, whats up?" I open my eyes then say "oh... s-sorry... daydreaming as usual..." we both laugh, then im taken into my own room.