The Winner Takes It All 1/3

Story by Rakuen Growlithe on SoFurry

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#1 of The Winner Takes It All

Two furs make a bet and the loser ends up as the slave to the other.

The characters in this story where donated by various people from Inkbunny and SoFurry. The owners of the characters are as follows...



I was going to post this as a single story but then I realised how long I was taking and how long the story itself would be. So I've divided it into three parts. There are still two more characters to be introduced so don't worry if you were missed out here.

The story belongs to me but you are allowed to post it elsewhere provided I am properly credited as the author and you link back to the original post. This story contains sexual content and extreme fetishes. It's your responsibility to not read if you are not allowed to or dislike the subject matter.

The Winner Takes It All

By: Rakuen Growlithe

**Part 1/3**

It was late at night at Oxfurd University and two students were hard at work at what they did best, pawing off. Both were seated on opposite ends of the same bed, lubed paws pumping up and down their turgid members. Sharing a dorm room left very little privacy and it hadn't taken too long for the wolf, currently grinning with confidence at the fur in front of him, to convince his vulpine room-mate to begin pawing off together. Unbeknownst to the fox it was just one step of a plan to transform him into the wolf's personal sex toy. It was a plan which had needed to be slowed down to prevent spooking the shyer fur, who was unable to meet the wolf's gaze, but which was still showing promise.

"Bit short of cock there," gibed the wolf, licking his lips as drew a finger along his own dick's underside.

The fox's ears flicked back at the comment, but he didn't say anything.

"It must suck sharing a room with someone who is better than you at everything," continued the wolf, "but at least you get to bask in my presence."

"Mm better running," mumbled the fox, still not looking up.

The wolf's ears flicked up at the sound, however feeble, of rebellion.

"You really think so? I could beat you at a race no matter what the conditions."

The fox gave a low growl of frustration. While he didn't really excel at anything he was a good runner and the constant mocking of his room-mate was starting to get to him. His orange eyes glinted in the glow from the bedside lamp as it looked around the room, anger temporarily overriding his submissive nature. The first thing they settled on was a pile of clothing from that day, specifically one of his socks, and, helped by his current situation his mind flashed back to his childhood.

"Not if you had to wear our used condoms as socks," growled the fox, paw pumping faster as he felt a rush of adrenalin.

The wolf chuckled as he saw he was getting to the more slender fur, "I bet I could. You have a race this Friday. I could go beat you there and prove it."

"Fine! And when I win then you have to turn the lights off and let me paw off in my own bed."

"Deal. But when I win you have to do what I tell you."

The wolf finished his sentence with a barely-suppressed howl as he thick cock twitched and filled the tip of his condom with a large load of wolf semen. He slid it off and quickly tied a knot at the opening, grinning as he leant back to watch his opponent finish. In two days time, he would win the race and, in one move, get his foxy sex toy.


On Friday morning the wolf made his way through the crowd of people clustered near the starting line of the race. It wasn't too difficult as he was bigger than nearly all the other furs who stood back, intimidated by his presence. On both his chest and back was a sheet of paper bearing both his race number, 73, and name, Crimsonred. Ironically, the wolf's fur was steel blue and shone in the sunlight.

It didn't take him too long to locate his room-mate. Although the fox's size and girly build would've made the search more difficult, his fur was also blue which did make him stand out. Looking at the ground, the fox didn't notice Crimsonred until the wolf began to read his race papers.

"Number 40, Ozec."

The blue fox spun around at the mention of his name but seemed to flinch a bit as he found the large wolf behind him.

"Are you ready?" asked Crimsonred, "I am."

The wolf pointed down and Ozec's eyes followed his finger to see the wolf's paws were both in special, digitigrade shoes and two condoms. Ozec was a bit taken aback, not really expecting the wolf to go through with it but he was still confident the big wolf wouldn't be able to keep up.

Once the race began, Ozec felt his confidence pick up as he began to pull away from Crimsonred. He knew the wolf wouldn't be able to run as fast as he could. Behind him, though, Crimsonred was feeling just as confident, deliberately hanging back to give the fox a false sense of security. The wolf had no doubt that Ozec would sprint far faster than he could manage but this was a distance race and, apparently forgotten by Ozec, wolves could run all day long.

It was about half-way through the race that Crimsonred closed the distance between himself and Ozec. The blue fox didn't notice it was him at first, though he noticed the sound of two pairs of feet falling on the track, until Crimsonred spoke.

"How's the run going for you?"

Ozec nearly tripped in surprise but managed to keep going, eyes wide in shock.

"H-how did you catch up?" he stammered, sounding a bit more out-of-breath than the wolf.

"Silly little fox," chuckled Crimsonred, "I never fell behind. It was more like giving you a head-start. You might not know it but I rather enjoy a weekly beach walk, sometimes a bit of a jog, and this track is far easier to run on than soft sand."

The larger fur grinned at the stunned expression on the vulpine's face. He obviously hadn't been aware of his room-mate's method of de-stressing and now he had to try harder as the wolf began to push the pace. Although the two never broke into a full sprint the increased speed soon started to tell on Ozec. The fox was being forced to run faster than he was comfortable with and, being shorter, he had to take more strides to keep up with the large wolf, who didn't show any signs of tiring.

"I'll see you at the finish line," called back Crimsonred, as he put on a slight burst of speed, just sufficient to put an ever widening gap between him and Ozec.


"Wasn't that a fun race?" asked Crimsonred as he and Ozec returned to their room, later in the day.

The fox was silent, both his ears and tail hanging limply in shame after he lost the one thing he though he would be better at.

"Now tell me who's the best runner here."

Ozec still didn't say anything, just curled his white-tipped tail between his legs. Crimsonred let the question hang a little before clearing his throat.

"You are..." whispered Ozec finally.

"That's right. And do you remember our bet?" The wolf paused to let the fox nod. "You have to do whatever I tell you."

As he said the words he felt a rush of exhilaration, he had such plans for his new toy.

"Let's start with you taking off your clothes," suggested Crimsonred suggested, sitting on the bed and removing his own shirt.

"Wh-what? My clothes?"

"Did I st-tuh-tutter?" mocked the wolf. "You lost the bet so you have to do whatever I tell you and the first part of that is taking off your clothes."

Ozec gave a soft whine as he began to awkwardly strip. He had agreed to the bet but he didn't think it would take this sort of a turn. It wasn't as though he had never thought about his room-mate sexually but the wolf scared him and the predatory stare that never left his form wasn't helping him to relax at all.

Once Ozec was naked, Crimsonred came up behind the fox and took hold of both of his arms. He brought them together behind the fox's back, crossed with Ozec's hands holding just above his elbows. The wolf then took a length of rope, tightly binding them in place and also tying Ozec's tail to make sure it was held up.

Crimsonred took a moment to scrounge in his cupboard before he sat on the bed, a short riding crop in his hand.

"Down on your knees," he commanded, tapping the crop against his hand as though he were just waiting for an excuse to use it.

Ears flat, Ozec complied. Once he was kneeling Crimsonred kicked his shoes, leaving just his paws in the sticky condoms.

"Take off my 'socks.'"

Ozec, blinked, screwing his nose up a bit and shifting awkwardly as he tried to free his arms.

"I c-can't... Ah!"

Ozec's excuse was quickly cut off as Crimsonred extended his arm, sending the crop in an arc to strike Ozec's balls from below. The fox gave a shrill yelp, collapsing on his side and trembling as the pain seemed to grow stronger and radiate out from his scrotum. While he was still trying to recover he noticed the scent of latex in his nose before Crimsonred's foot paw nudged it.

"Take off my socks," repeated the wolf, keeping the same even tone as before.

Whimpering but not willing to risk another hit so soon, Ozec repositioned himself, gripped the tip of the condom in his teeth and gently slid it off.

With the condom removed Ozec's nose was now subjected to the much stronger smell of the wolf's paw. The scent seemed to physically restrain him as Crimsonred's dominant musk washed over him. Not only was the paw damp with sweat from the run but it was also smeared with the wolf's cum.

"You suggested I wear those so I think it's only fair if you clean up," observed Crimsonred, though it was clear he wasn't looking for a debate on the subject.

Although he didn't want to, Ozec closed his eyes and gingerly extended his tongue until it met with the wolf's paw. The fox couldn't suppress a shudder from the taste, one he was horrified to notice stuck to his tongue and refused to fade.

"Keep going," encouraged Crimsonred, lightly touching him with the crop to ensure compliance.

At first, things just seemed to be get worse. Each lick filled Ozec's mouth with the offensive taste of his room-mate's paw and lying, arms bound, on his chest he was also surrounded with it's thick odour. But, gradually, and not to the fox's liking, he found the taste less offensive and more... appealing. The act of licking clean the musky paws of an alpha wolf seemed to calm his mind and he found himself seeking curling his tongue between the sweaty toes, murring softly as the grime stuck in his muzzle, holding it's flavour for a good few minutes.

Crimsonred murred too, not so much from feeling the tongue caressing his paw but as he watched the fox's tail twitch as Ozec unconsciously attempted to wag it. When the second condom was pulled off his other paw he rewarded his new slave by flexing his toes and pressing the stinky foot to the vulpine's nose, letting him drink in their smell. Clenching his toes afterwards he was able to trap Ozec's tongue and teasingly hold it for a moment before letting him continue with what he now wanted to do.

Feet clean, Crimsonred finally stood up and shed his tented shorts to leave his strong body completely naked. The steel blue wolf bent over to grip Ozec by the shoulders then pulled the smaller fur back up onto his knees before reclining on the bed again, one leg bent and up with the second hanging off the side of the bed. The wolf grinned at the fox and pointed to his thick shaft, jutting out towards Ozec.

Ozec knew what was expected of him and, ignoring his own dripping cock, quickly brought his head down to Crimsonred's groin. He was already feeling more submissive than ever before and now he found himself overwhelmed by the wolf's musk. The fox felt hot, breathing faster to cool down but only flooding himself with more pheromones.

"You like that?" asked Crimsonred, reaching a hand behind his slave's head. "Doesn't mean you must stop."

Gently, he pulled the vulpine's face forward, giving a satisfied moan as his cock made contact with Ozec's tongue before sliding deeper into his warm, wet maw. After only having his paw to console himself for the past few weeks, the feel of a fox lapping at his manhood was sheer bliss.

The dorm room, intended for silent contemplation of textbooks, was soon filled with lusty murrs, lewd slurping and the rhythmic thumping of an excited tail on the mattress. Although he had originally let Ozec do the work, as Crimsonred got closer to his climax and his knot began to swell, he took charge. The wolf sat up, gripping the ears of the blue fox between his legs, and began to roughly thrust the fox onto his length. He showed only limited concern for the spluttering fox, as each time his dick slid out it spurted a thick jet of pre down Ozec's throat. With a loud howl he jammed his knot against his toy's lips, muscles tense as he hunched over Ozec's head and sent powerful jets of wolf semen straight down his throat.

Ozec was too tired, and too under the influence of Crimsonred's scent, when he was finally lifted onto the bed and untied. As he lay there, licking his lips, he could feel the warm glow in his belly created by the wolf cum and was ready for his own aching member to feel the sweet release of orgasm. The fox found it strange then when he felt new ropes being tied around his wrists and ankles and then anchored to the four corners of the bed.

"W-what're you doing?" he queried. "When do I get to cum?"

Crimsonred gave a low chuckle as he pulled the ropes taut, leaving Ozec little room to squirm.

"Did I say you'd be coming tonight?"

"No... but-"

"You do what I tell you and until I say you may cum, you won't."

The fox's ears fell low at that comment and when he opened his mouth to try bargain for a climax he instead felt one of Crimsonred's paws take hold of his sack and squeeze down tightly.

Ozec's eyes went wide in pain and he let out a loud yelp, "Eeeep!"

"Remember what happens when you disobey?"

Crimsonred clenched his hand a few more times, ending by adding a nasty twist that made Ozec wish he would just pass out.

"I can't listen to your whining all night while I'm trying to sleep," Crimsonred scolded him, "but I also don't have a gag..."

The wolf's eyes roamed over their possessions for something he could use as a gag.

"There we go!" exclaimed the wolf, leaving his fox alone for a moment as he fetched the two socks Ozec had been wearing for the race.

He balled up one of the socks and stuffed it into Ozec's muzzle, ignoring the now-muffled whine as the fox tasted his own paw sweat. He took the second sock and slid it over Ozec's muzzle. That served two purposes, both holding the fox's jaws shut around the first sock and increasing the humiliation and suffering of the fox as he was forced to breathe through the damp cotton.

"You did well today though," praised the wolf, "so I will give you a reward."

Crimsonred grinned as he held up a wolf-cock-shaped dildo and made a big show of inserting new batteries into the base. He rubbed the toy through his crotch fur, giving it just enough lube to not be too painful, and then slid it, knot and all, into Ozec's rump. The fox tensed up, wincing at the entry but also splashing his belly with a glob of pre.

"Enjoy your night," smiled Crimsonred as he clicked the vibrator onto high and watched his new slave begin to squirm in unquenchable desperation. "Just wait till you here what I've got planned for your weekend..."

**End of part 1**