To Receive Graciously

Story by Crystalwolf Windsong on SoFurry

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#1 of To Receive Graciously

A Gift to a special someone.

18+ Mature Gay M/M content.

18+ Gay Content, you have been warned.

A Gift to a special someone. Shane's character is his, the other mine.

I stretched, feeling every muscle pull and release, yawning happily. It was near mid-day already. It had been a long night, having fallen asleep whilst watching Shane play games. Looking into the mirror my attention was immediately drawn to something. Slowly I lifted a paw, finger tracing over the studs of the thin black leather collar nestled in the fur around my neck. A silly grin lit my face and a feeling of joy flowed through me like I'd never known.

Shane must've put it on me while I was asleep. Could this mean what I thought it meant? We'd spoken about it, but I'd never imagined it could happen. I smirked at myself in the mirror, my ears perked up.

I'd never even known that I wanted to be owned or at least I'd never realised and now here I was as happy as could be just because of a thin studded leather band around my neck. Running a paw through my hair, I shrugged to myself. Nothing was confirmed yet. Finding the catch I undid it, taking the collar off. It felt... strange, I almost wanted to immediately latch it back on. It was shower time though and I didn't want to get it wet or damage it. With reverence I ran it through my fingers before setting it aside, already yearning to feel it back around me.

Shane would still be sleeping. I'm a notorious early riser, well compared to him I definitely was, that and a happy morning person. A seemingly rare thing and one that had frustrated friends and family alike. I always found it rather funny how people had to first go through their morning ritual before they were 'awake' and ready for the day.

Slipping into the shower and turning on the hot water tap, paw drenched in the cold water as I held it out waiting for it to heat up. I guess my morning shower could be considered my little ritual. I never felt really awake until after. The water finally starting to steam, I opened the cold tap.

Considering this was a new place I still had to fiddle with the knobs to get the temperature right. Being sensitive to heat and having a body temperature higher than normal my perfect shower would be considered tepid by others in comparison.

Finally finding the right balance, I stepped under the shower head letting the water rush over my body.

Thinking about the prior evening my body responded almost immediately, my cock growing from its sheath, the water running from my chin down onto it. Shaking myself from my reverie I started soaping up my white fur, scrubbing myself down thoroughly.

I knew I was fascinated and intoxicated with Shane, he was intensely interesting and smart. Of smaller build than me and younger by quite a few years, yet already with simple words and his manner he'd managed to bring my submissiveness to the fore. In some moments I wondered if I wasn't crazy, but then I'd heard about the whole dominant/submissive thing before. I'd just never quite imagined that I might find myself in such a situation.

I wouldn't trade it for the world though. Just look at me, grinning like a silly pup over something like having a collar put on me whilst I slept. I was still amazed at not only that he'd done so, but that my own reaction to seeing it on me had been so ... so strong.

It almost felt as if the world was more... more, right. Giggling to myself I closed off the shower, shaking loose water off me before opening the door and retrieving my towel.

After drying myself vigorously and combing my fluffed fur down into a semblance of controlled normality I picked up the collar. Standing before the mirror I slipped it around my neck, after some fiddling finally getting it to catch. A shiver ran down my spine and a quiet growl of pleasure slipped from my lips.

Tying the towel around my hips I stepped from the bathroom, thinking to have a quick peak to see if Shane was still asleep before I went to see about making him breakfast, well Lunch really.

Slipping quietly through the door and turning to half close it, I almost jumped from my skin at a pointedly loud growl from behind me. Spinning quickly I turned to see Shane standing there grinning at me. The sight of him was always a feast for the eyes. He was a smaller frame than me and at first look most would mistake him for being a fox, but he had wolf in his blood. There was a strength to him as well, he simply oozed dominance from every part of his being.

He stepped up to me, my heart still beating in my throat from the scare and slapped my paws away from the towel, loosening it and letting it drop to the floor. His fur in places still in disarray from sleep, made him seem almost feral and there was a glint in his eye that I couldn't quite place.

Slowly he reached out, almost as you would to a skittish animal that might well run away at a sudden movement. His black furred paw reaching behind my head and drawing me down to his chest, I instantly nuzzled into him.

"Relax" he said to me and I did, wrapping my arms around him and breathing in his scent,

"Cum guzzlers get their drink" it took a moment for my brain to catch up to what my ears had heard and I felt the pressure of his hands on my head already pushing me downwards.

I slowly sank down onto my knees as my nose trailed through his light belly fur, his hands settling on my head. My tail starting twitching excitedly and my tongue lolled out of my mouth. The scent of him filling my head. He looked down at me with a smirk on his face "You're a real cockslut aren't you?"

I'd never been accused of that before and I wasn't sure of how or even if I should be responding, besides by now my nose was right in his crotch and his musk sent all thoughts scattering to wind.

I licked out at him and he inched his legs apart, taking a more comfortable stance. I pressed my nose in underneath his balls, so they lay over my snout, snuffling to take in more of his heady musk. Licking out and stretching my tongue to lap from his perineum and back up and over his nuts. Then suddenly and expertly stretching up and taking his cock head into my muzzle, tongue running in circles around it. I felt his paws gentle pressure on my head, his sigh of pleasure. I revelled in this sign of appreciation of my efforts. My lips curled inward over my teeth protecting his member from being scraped, slipping more of it in. My tongue slicking it wetly and warmly, darting and rolling around his entombed flesh.

"Hmmmm, you know how to please a cock boy, up that ass and 'tween your lips." I murred in response, until he said "quite the talented whore"

I immediately slipped off his cock with a wet pop and growled angrily "I am not a whore" hackles raising. Shane looked down at me, his eyes seemingly almost malevolently glowing "You're a whore - you suck my cock to drink my cum, you lay that ass open to any cock that'll please it"

My face instantly changed to a hurt expression, how could he say something like that to me. It almost felt like a physical blow. "No!" I snarled back at him "I don't. I'll be /your/ slut, but I will not please any and everyone!" I was ready to jump up then, grab my things and leave. His words had cut like a knife through my being, I couldn't believe that's what he thought of me. I reached up to tear the collar, that had meant so much to me moments ago, from my neck. His black socked paw caught mine in a vice grip and I angrily looked up at him only to find myself looking into his smiling face. It caught me completely off guard and I sat shocked. "Now you've earned that collar" his words fell like gentle rain over my wounded pride, instantly dousing the fires of hurt and rebellion. I stared up at him in uncertain wonder. A test? He was testing me? I'd earned the collar? ... I'd earned the collar! The thought exploded into my brain like fireworks. "Now my pet, keep it tight in your mouth" he said as his hands firmly gripped my head and guided me back onto his cock. I felt giddy, like I was in a wonderful dream. I'd earned the collar and he'd called me pet! If you'd told me a few years ago that I would love the sound of that three letter word coming from someone's mouth and used to describe me I would have laughed and called you crazy. Now here I was ready to do anything just because Shane had put a collar on my neck and called me pet.

His cock once again entombed in my maw, I suckled on it gently. I felt his paws grip my head hard and pull slightly upwards. I tilted my head to find my eyes locked with his. He smiled then said "Time to reward you", my tail started wagging like a teenager about to get a new phone. "Now don't suck, just wait"

Another time I would have thought that a strange request, but I was happy to oblige. His paw stroked down the side of my muzzle. "Take my balls in too"

I had to shift a bit, but opened my maw and licked at his balls, suckling them gently in as well.

"There we are, all in there now. The cock that pleases you and the balls that nourish you." His one paw stroked my ear gently. "I'm not here to harm you collared one, now. Now I am your mercy." His tone was so calm and soothing. His words and presence filled a space I never even knew was empty.

My breathing calmed and my body relaxed, my mind drained of thought. He shivered a little then and I felt a new warmth in my muzzle. It spread throughout my mouth and trickled out, flowing between his balls resting on my tongue. Conscious of him still in my maw I swallowed around him, feeling the salty strong warmth flow down and into me. It was then he shifted slightly and let loose with a strong flow straight at my throat, his paws gripping my head tight.

I swallowed, I swallowed like a rat out in the desert getting its first taste of water in days.

The idea of this had always fascinated me, but now here I was. Guzzling down his piss, it dribbled from my mouth and onto my recently washed fur. The strong scent of his mark full in my nose. I should've been surprised, maybe even horrified, but I wasn't. I was blissfully happy.

"Does this make you happy?" he said, towering over me with a knowing smile on his lips, the flow lessening and finally stopping. "What can I do to please my pet? What can I do to make him happy all over?" With his words he pulled me off his cock, piss still dribbling from my mouth and it. Golden droplets spattering onto my chest and legs. A few drops finding their way onto my own hard and throbbing member.

I nuzzled into his legs then, tongue lapping at clinging drops on his cock and nuts. "You've already made me smile all over by honouring me and naming me as your pet" The dazed words rolled off my tongue without even passing through my brain first. His grip on my head intensified. "Answer me" There was an insistence in his voice. "What can I do to please you? Your joy is what will please me?" I answered, mouth once again taking a racing leap before my mind had any grip on it.

His grip once again tightened, it was almost painful. "Answer me!" He thundered, his voice now with an edge to it. "Use me, fuck my face mercilessly, choke me on you, please yourself with my mouth and then let me taste your essence! Own Me! Take me as yours!" I blurted out. Almost near panic as to what answer it was he was searching for.

The pressure of his grip lessened and he spoke in a edged, but pleased tone "Then shut the fuck up and suck my cock"

His hands once again guiding my head onto his cock, instinctively I reacted, tongue darting and mouth sucking on him.

He moaned softly and tensed. "Get ready, you've well earned it, boy." He said, then suddenly he slapped my snout away. "Oh Fuckit. Don't need to make you wait for it this time" he growled as he gripped himself and started masturbating furiously. I stuck my tongue out pressing it against his cock's head, my hot breath panting in anticipation of reward. His paw now and then hitting my chin. With a loud "Oh yes" he started ejaculating. Warm wet globules of cum spurting from him, his other paw pressing my head away even as I strained to get closer so I could close my muzzle over his member. Cum flew from him, smacking onto my nose, cheeks and tongue. Finally spent, he smiled down at me. His paws trailing over my snout trailing through strings of his cum matted on my fur. His one paw still keeping me away from his cock.

"There's a good boy" he said finally as I swallowed.