1.8 - Twice Shy

Story by Squirrel on SoFurry

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#8 of Luminous - Relaunch

Luminous arrives at a crossroads in its mission, while Kody, the doctor, receives a surprise invitation.


Kody looked up, chewing on some greens.

Assumpta sniffed and raised a brow. "Salad?" she presumed.

"Tossed salad, actually. Cool and crisp. Seven kinds of lettuce, from romaine to iceberg, with carrot and radish slivers." A burgeoning smile, unable to keep from embellishing. "Also, finely shredded cheese and whole-wheat croutons." He pushed his fork tines into some of the lettuce leaves. Holding his bowl out to her. "Want some? It's delicious."

"Felines do not eat 'salads'," she said, as if the word had never tumbled off her tongue.

"I know. I'm teasing." Chew-chew. And a swallow. "You should, though. Good stuff."

The snow leopard tilted her head. "But it has no flavor."

"Does, too. You just need a refined palate. Anyway, you can put toppings on it. Hence the cheese and croutons. Most furs like dressing. I don't." A pause, for effect, adding, "I like undressing."

A slight smile. "Amusing."

"You think so?"

"You are known throughout the ship for your laid-back attitude. Your humor. I heard, specifically, that your medicinal focus is 'pushing buttons' and 'tickling funny bones'."

The white rabbit laughed, loudly. " ... h-heh." A bucktoothed smile. "That was pretty good. Field, right?"


"I knew it. Mouses make the cheesiest jokes ... "

"They are too polite to make jokes of any other kind," the feline observed.

"Maybe. They can get pretty wild." Speaking from experience. "You just have to fluster 'em senseless."

Her smile became a grin. "Obviously. Felines have been doing that for millennia."

He replied, before he could stop himself, "Well, I meant non-violent, non-aggressive flustering."

The grin disappeared.

He sat up straighter, putting his salad-bowl down. They were in his office, in sickbay. With the door-less entryway and big observation window. All the bio-beds were visible from here. All of them empty. The lights were clean and bright. Not a lot of major surgery, lately. Just experiments and general health checking. "So, what's the nature of the medical emergency?" he asked, casually. "Flea and tick dosage?"

"Not until next week."

"Ah, right." A deep breath. "Headache? Fatigue?"



"Yes. But no more than usual," was the quick reply.

"Then what?" A blink.

She fidgeted, looking aside. And then back to him. "I'm coming into heat."

" ... oh." He licked his lips, perking. "Well, then."

She waited. "Are you finished?"



He made a face. "You were saying?"

A sigh. "I will be coming into 'heat' within the next day. Assuming," she added, primly, fluffy tail swishing about, "the stress of being on this ship hasn't delayed my cycle."

"It could. But it shouldn't. You've been in space before, right?"

A nod.

He reached for his drink. "Raspberry iced tea," he explained, smacking his lips. "You like raspberries?"

"Only the flavor. Not the actual berry." A shudder. "I do not like the texture of the seeds."

"Coming from someone with a razor-blade tongue?" he teased, sipping again. Swallowing.

"Prey diets are too delicate," she insisted. "I prefer something with a bigger bite."

"Something you can sink your teeth into," Kody echoed.


"You need to eat more apples, then." He waited for her to laugh. She didn't. "Tough audience," he muttered.

She just stood there, all spotted and grey-furred. Waiting. Waiting ...

"What? Oh ... you need an injection?"

"Not exactly. I don't believe any male on this ship could impregnate me."

"Guess you're right ... " He looked at her, intently. " ... oh. Oh, you want programs," he guessed. "Well, you've come to the right rabbit," he emphasized, "I have a wide array of programs to choose from. I'm somewhat of a connoisseur. Let's see." He began counting on his blunt-clawed fingers, before she could stop him. "There's the 'Tree Party' series, if you're into squirrels. Which I am. 'Mouse Maze.' H-heh ... that's a bit too cute, though. I don't think you'd go for that." A pause. "The only predator program I have is 'My Favorite Fox'. Though the 'Ornery Otters' one gets a little rough. Now, yes, there is a 'Snow Rabbit Love Slave,' but I keep that for myself."

" ... I do not require the holo-suite, either," she repeated, impatiently, voice spiking. "I will be having the real thing."

"An excellent choice, if you can get it," he said, bowing. "Who's the lucky male, then?" He perched on the very edge of his seat, curiously. "Or are you too bashful to tell?"


The white rabbit tilted forward in surprise. So much so that he fell out of his chair, onto the floor with an 'mmf.'

Assumta licked her teeth, casually. "I hope you didn't hurt anything I wish to use."

" ... m-me?" He hopped back up, as if his legs were spring-loaded. "Since when?"

"If you do not want the job, then ... "

" ... no, no, no. I do! I do," he insisted, quickly, mind spinning. Heart hammering. Trying to get a grip on this. "I don't understand ... you're asking me? Like, to breed you?"

"For a species with such distinguished ears, you are having a hard time hearing." She wasn't sure whether to be amused or frustrated by his reaction. She didn't like crazed displays. "And, yes, I am."

"Oh, wow," he went, more calmly.

"I take it you approve?"

A dumb nod. He'd never bred with a feline before. "But, uh ... like, seriously, Assumpta ... "

" ... you wish an explanation."

"If you would ... " He rubbed his neck.

The snow leopard sighed. Shifting, vulnerably. She hadn't told anyone this. "At the snow rabbit station, I had an experience."

"You had sex."

"Yes." A pause. Realizing, in many ways, he was just as blunt as she was. "It was surprisingly refreshing."

"You make it sound like a snack."

"In a way. It made me realize I have a 'taste' for rabbits." A subtle slant of her hips. "A strong taste."

Kody flushed. Was it getting hotter in here?

"You are a rabbit, yes?"

He looked down. And then up. Nodding excitedly.

"Shall I check, myself?"

"No, I ... I am. Fully." A swallow. "Rabbit."

" ... and, more importantly, you are an open-breeder."

" ... pretty much." He'd felt love before, of course. Like with Field. And Wren. But he'd never been monogamous. It wasn't his style. He liked variety. Maybe that's why he was bi.

"I am not looking for a relationship. I just ... " She trailed. Again, feeling vulnerable. Which made no sense to her. It wasn't a feeling she enjoyed. " ... do not wish to endure this alone." Lowering to a whisper, now. "I need help."

"That's perfectly natural." A short breath. "I've, uh ... been pining for a partner for weeks. Ever since I came aboard." He blushed beneath the cheek-fur. Bobtail flickering like a happy flame. "You know, there are other rabbits in the crew ... "

"I know. But you were recommended."

Blinking. "Really?"

"I ran into our first officer in the mess hall. He mentioned your name several times. So, I pressed him. It is common knowledge that he has been 'intimate' with you in the past. I inquired about your talents."

"You asked Field to rate me in bed?" Eyes popping.


"And he actually told you?"

"Knowing he was a mouse, of course, I had to use a great deal of finesse. I am a cat. It was good practice. But, yes." A nod. "His review was very complimentary. He said you made him feel special ... "

The rabbit blushed. "Aw. Field," he whispered, sighing to himself.

Lowering her voice, Assumpta asked, "Pardon?"

"He's just so sweet," the doctor breathed. " ... like, I mean ... to say those things about me." He shuffled his bare foot-paws. "I do my best. I've always believed if you pleasure your partner properly? You'll be pleasured, in turn, by default. It's all about balance. It's an art."

An amused brow-quirk.

"What? It is ... "

"Perhaps that is what I felt when I was on the station, then. I do not know. But I liked it ... "

"I can't think of anyone who doesn't," he whispered.

" ... but snow rabbits, unique to all prey, possess a respectable strength due to their harsh environment. You are merely a regular rabbit."

"Uh ... thanks?"

"Can you handle a predator?" she pressed.

"What do you think?"

"I think you are cocky enough to try. You have bravado. Else I would not have considered you." A dip of her shoulder, rolling it lazily. She took a deep, certified breath. "So, we are agreed? You will assist me."

"You make it sound like a command, Assumpta. Or an experiment ... "

She said nothing to that. Maybe it was, in a way. She couldn't stop thinking about rabbits, lately. Desiring them in such carnal ways. She had to figure out if it was the species, in general, or specifically snow rabbits. Or if it was Oliver. And if it was Oliver, then ... well. She didn't want to dwell on that. Even the possibility of emotional love made her nervous. Affection? That was fine. But there was a line just beyond that, somewhere. Once you crossed it, you exposed your flank to attack.

"Did I say something wrong?" Kody asked, noticing the sudden silence.

"No." She swallowed. Saying, softly, "Thank you for agreeing to this."

He returned her smile with a charming one of his own. "Really, I'm honored."

A pause. "I suppose Field also mentioned I have a 'good bedside manner'." A slight laugh at the double-entendre.

"He did not." She twisted her neck, closing her eyes.

"He was probably thinking it. You make him nervous ... "

"As well I should."

"Just keep your paws off him." It was said in seriousness. But he quickly apologized. "Sorry."

Her only response was, "I will call you when I feel it begin. We will stay in my quarters."

"Fine by me."

She began to pad toward the door. And paused. Glancing downward. "One other thing: I would prefer if no one knew of our arrangement."

"Wait ... you're invoking doctor/patient confidentiality? For this?"

She looked back up, and directly at him. "Yes."

A hesitant sigh.

"You are treating me, yes? You are a doctor, and I am a patient?"

"No. Well. Kinda. But ... " A sigh. " ... can't I just mention it a little? Brag, maybe? I'm a male rabbit!"

"Hence your invitation to my bed."

"But I have a reputation to uphold. I don't want the crew thinking I'm celibate."

"I have a reputation to protect, as well. As a predator."

"Predators 'recreate' with prey all the time," Kody insisted, rolling his eyes. He'd treated enough 'love-wounds' on prey to know.

"Yes. But they do not make it public, do they?"

"I embarrass you?" He began to burn beneath his cheeks.

"No." Her tone softened. She could see he was getting agitated. "Is this too much to ask?"

Kody got it. She wanted to know she was in control. Her terms were part of some feline power play. He could live with that (knowing what he'd be getting in return). " ... alright. Alright," the white rabbit insisted, raising his paws in a 'surrender' gesture.

"Good," she purred, succinctly. "I'll be in touch." Swishing her fluffy tail, lazily, she sauntered away. Calling back, "Enjoy your carrot cake ... "

Wren exited the lift, alone, at a light scamper. Luxurious tail bobbing behind him as he crossed the brightly lit bridge. He was on his way back from lunch.

A chitter from tactical, where Rella motioned with her paw.


" ... come 'ere."

He looked left. Then right. And did so.

"I'm getting really strange readings from the nearest system," she breathed. "Almost like energy build-ups."


Rella shook her head. "Artificial. It has to be ship signatures."

"How many?"

"A lot," she mouthed. "Like, fifty."

"What?" A slight double-take. "From the Orias System?"

"Mm-hmm." A pause, tapping a few buttons. Beep-a. Beep. "We're only just within range. In another hour, I'll know for sure."

"Well, we're in Federation space. They're probably ours."

"Stands to reason. But why cluster them like this? And so close to the border? We're supposed to be the only ship in the sector. At least, that's what the last security communiqué said."

The captain sighed, glancing around. Then looking back to his mate. "Who knows about this?"

"Just the two of us." She glanced to her left. Seeing Adelaide quickly averting her eyes. "Well." A sigh. Telepathy. "Make that three."

"Let's keep it that way? At least until we have more information." There were a lot of rodents aboard this ship. He didn't want them engaged in wild, anxious speculation.

A nod.

"Also," he whispered, leaning forward. To where he could breathe on her whiskers. "I love you."

A warm, little smile, wishing to touch him. To close that slight gap. Those few inches. Pull him closer for a kiss. But she maintained her composure. Replying, "I love you, too."

"I'll be in my ready room ... "

" ... if you need company?" she finished.

"I will." A wistful sigh, pulling away from her. Padding to his office, slowly. The doors whooshed, and then ... wait a minute. He paused. They shut. And he immediately slapped his comm-badge. "Wren to ... "

" ... if you do that, I'm afraid you'll cut our conversation short," came the immediate interruption. It was spoken as a threat.

"I thought I told you to get off my ship," Wren breathed, dangerously. How many weeks ago had it been? When the vague shadow-figure had tried to prevent Luminous' launch?

The shimmery being raised his arms. His paws. "You won't see me again after today. I promise." A pause, as if he were lying. Lowering those paws, then, pacing to the wall, he continued, "Just let me have my say? I know you're a reasonable fur."

"How did you get aboard without being detected?"

"I know this ship," was the cryptic reply.

Wren approached him, slowly. Sniffing. He had no scent. How was that possible? Everyone had a scent. "Who are you?"

"I would've thought your instincts were more honed than to ask me that, young Wren."

A confused head-tilt. He still didn't get it.

"You're twenty-seven years old and commanding your own star-ship. You're very capable." A pause. "Yet you can't recognize yourself."

The squirrel squinted. It was hard to see, through the haze. But, "You're not really here, are you?"

"In a sense. I'm you. You're me. And since you are here? I am here." The figure shimmered more brightly for a moment. "Thirty-five years from now, you'll acquire an ancient cetacean device, through very illegal means, I might add, that allows you to project yourself into the past. It is not without ... " A hesitation. " ... risks. But you will be hell-bent. It will be the only thing that matters to you. Even more than your mate ... "

"Rella?" He tensed, defensively. "What about her?"

He didn't answer, directly. " ... you'll use this device to contact your former self. To warn him to stay away from the Orias sector." A deep breath. "As I am doing right now."


" ... the signatures you detect? They belong to a fleet. The predatory wing of the Federation Council."

"They gave up control of that wing five years ago. With the Equality Pact."

"And yet they are secretly amassing an armada. Surprised?"

"Not really," Wren admitted, after a moment. He dug his blunt-clawed toes into the carpet, standing up straighter. "What is it for?"

Again, toying with his younger self, Future Wren stalled. "Such focused questions. Don't you wish to know anything about your personal future?"

"I'd rather not."

"How come?

"If you're really me," Wren told his future self, "then you should know ... "

Shimmering, Future Wren stepped away from the wall. " ... that once you know something, you can't un-know it. You wear it around your neck. Some knowledge sets you free, but other knowledge becomes a burden ... " A nod. "That's why I'm here. To remove your burden. Your guilt. To make sure you don't end up knowing what I know."

"I have nothing to feel guilty about," Wren assured. This was beginning to get confusing.

"Not yet." A pause. "But you will."

Wren closed his eyes, twitching. Time travel. Ugh. There was a reason it was illegal.

"To answer your question: the Federation ... rather, the predators with the most influence, are going to attack the snow rabbits."

" ... what?" Whispering it. His heart skipped a beat.

"Their territory is larger. They have become much more powerful, recently. They show no fear. Those 'freezes' of theirs give them a certain mysterious aura. There is great concern among the Federation's predatory establishment that if the snow rabbit and Arctic fox cold war breaks into all-out conflict and the snow rabbits win?" A deep breath. "That it will spark a fire. Causing outright revolutions back home. And that the snow rabbits may also become so emboldened as to attack the Federation to aid in such upheaval."

"That's a lot of speculation to base a massacre on," Wren remarked.

"Furs are killed every day for less valid reasons."

Wren moved past his future self. To his desk. Slumping into his chair. He leaned back with a sigh, his tail fitting through the tail-gap. He had to think this over. This was too much information, too fast. But he did know one thing. He was...

" ... going to warn the snow rabbits," said Future Wren.

"There's no other choice," Wren confessed, quietly. "They're our allies. They don't deserve to be ambushed."

"If you tell them, the Federation Council will accuse you of treason. You will be exiled! Never to return home. A bounty will be put on your heads."

Wren was quiet for a moment, reeling. This was a lot to digest. And it kept getting worse. If, indeed, it was even true. Maybe this was an elaborate ruse. But, somehow, he doubted it. Who would go to the trouble?

"Think about it. I ask you, from squirrel to squirrel ... " A pause. " ... none of you would ever see your parents or grandparents again. Never touch your home soil, see your sky. Climb a tree in the place of your birth. You would be forced to make alliances, barter for your safety. How many other stable governments are there to begin with? The snow rabbits? In fact, that is what will happen. You will join the High Command rather than risk being an 'independent,' but ... by allying with them? You make an enemy of the Arctic foxes. Everything has consequences, young Wren. I'm asking you not to make the decision I made ... that you are planning to make. You can change all this." A pause. "Just look the other way."

"You can't be serious." An angry flush beneath the fur. Whiskers twitching. "I hope I never become as cynical as you."

"Death does that to a fur."

A confused glance. " ... death? Of snow rabbits?"

"Field will be killed," future Wren blurted.

Wren felt weak. The blood left his face, and he put a paw to his muzzle. The stars streaming outside the windows suddenly seemed like daggers. " ... what?"

"He will come to possess information that powerful parties seek. They will capture him. And hurt him ... beyond saving."

"W-what information?" Blinking, helplessly. "I don't understand ... "

"You will be so shaken upon his death, that you will spiral into depression. This will cause a rift between you and Rella, when it becomes clear you cannot pull yourself out the sadness. You will then concoct a plan to change your past."

"If you tell me how Field dies, we can avoid it. I'll do everything to protect him ... "

" ... I do not have time to explain every variable of your life."

"You're broadcasting from the future into the past! What do you mean you don't have time?"

"It takes a great deal of energy to run this device." A heavy pause. "It is killing me."

Wren, unable to remain seated, stood. Turned. As if he were lost. He backed to a wall, slumping against it.

"You ... I ... we cannot live with the guilt. Of stranding this crew. Never seeing home again. And allowing our best friend to die. If you do not interfere, everything will change. For the better."

" ... except innocent snow rabbits, by the tens of thousands, will be sacrificed so I can keep my loved ones? Who am I to make a decision like that? Am I that selfish?" The squirrel held his tail to his chest, vulnerably. "There's no guarantee things will work out if I don't act. Hell, what if the predators succeed? And then turn back on their own citizens? It could be martial law all over again. Just like the old days. I'd be no better off." He let go of his tail, giving a passionate chitter. "I can't play God."

"If you don't believe there is a God, then the role is open. There is a vacancy. Take it."

"Who said I didn't believe there was?" Truth be told, he did. Just not in a traditional sense. He believed more in some over-arcing 'Life Force' rather than a personified super-being.

"Whatever faith you have, you will lose it. You will lose everything. Field, Rella, your ship." A weak squeak. "I'm giving my life to bring you this message. I ask that you strongly," he emphasized, "consider it. Please." A ragged, pain-wracked breath. "Do not interfere."

"Who's interfering here?" Wren whispered. "Who's trying to alter history?"

"You are."

"No. I'm me. I'm not you." A chittering head-shake.

" ... you will be. See you in thirty-five years." And with that, the future visitor shimmered. Faded. And was gone.

" ... maybe he was wrong," Rella whispered, close to Wren's cheek. "You can't prove any of it." It was ten minutes later, and she was in his ready room. She'd just heard the whole story. She'd eased herself, still in uniform, to a straddle. Face to face, with her arms around his neck.

"I don't need proof. He wasn't lying," was the returned whisper. His voice was dull. "I know myself well enough to know that."

" ... then what are you going to do?"

Wren closed his eyes, whiskers quivering painfully. "I'm going to warn the snow rabbits." A pause. He felt his cheek being caressed. His whiskers being plucked, gently like guitar strings. It made him want to cry.

"It's the right thing to do."

"Is it?" He opened his eyes. "I'm going to strand the crew."

"You're the captain. That's part of the deal when you join any ship. You put your trust in someone else's paws." Mouthing his chin. "They all trust you. And so do I." A deft nibble, with her buckteeth. Slowly pulling away and cradling his head in her paws.

"I don't know what I would do without you. Your patience. Your touch ... "

" ... I'm going to make sure you never have to find out," Rella promised.

A weak smile. He was quiet for more than a moment. Sniffing, twitching. Considering. "We'll need scans to show the snow rabbits, as proof. They're too logical to take our word for it. Especially when the story's as far-fetched as this. So, we have to get into the system ... and get out, fast."

"Get out to where?"

"To snow rabbit space."

"We're defecting, then." Lifting her head. "Officially?"

"We have no other choice. We either let thousands of snow rabbits be slaughtered by a predatory vendetta. And, who knows, maybe the Federation predators are teaming up with the Arctic foxes. We could be condemning a whole species to destruction if we don't warn them." A sigh. "Too many variables."

"I know. It's happening so fast. I keep reeling, myself." She swallowed. Getting off him. Standing up and nodding. "The magnitude of this isn't gonna hit us right away. Maybe in a few weeks ... but when it does? I share your bed. I'll share your burdens, too."

" ... Rella," he whispered, emotionally. Just to say her name.

A shy smile. " ... I know. I'll, uh ... tell the bridge crew." Her tail gave a swooping swish. "You wanna tell the rest of the ship?"

"Not until it's over. If I tell them before, some will get panicky, try to change my mind. It's for the best. I can't run this ship like a democracy."

She nodded, deftly. "I can stay. For a little while longer." Paw on his cheek. He was still sitting down.

"If you stay, we're gonna end up breeding." Oh, deep-rooted yearning. How it called for expression! Even in a crisis, they were still furs, so they ... " ... best avoid the temptation. I need to be alone for a minute ... "

A deep breath. Pulling away. "Don't be long ... "

A little later, on the bridge.

"Chester?" Wren said, from the captain's chair.

The piebald mouse's ears swiveled.

"Take us into the Orias sector. As soon as we're within long-range scanning distance of the fleet, at Rella's order ... turn us around. Set a course for snow rabbit space." A hesitation. Saying, more loudly, "I just talked to Admiral Flint, the snow rabbit head-of-fleet. He was very grateful. The High Command is granting us asylum."

The bridge was quiet.

"Chester? Do it."

Twitching up a storm, tail flailing behind him, the helms-fur followed the orders.

"Sir," said Adelaide, from Ops. "How do we know they won't chase us? The Orias fleet? That they won't launch early after we take away their element of surprise?"

"I doubt they're ready, systems-wise. Maybe they're close, but ... at least the snow rabbits will have fair warning. They'll be able to repel the invasion. It's going to happen regardless of what we do. We just need to limit the casualties." A side-glance. "Field?"

"Yes?" the mouse asked, wide-eyed and innocent, standing behind the nearest railing. His tail was flailing.

Wren felt a lump in his throat. At the emotion he felt for his fellow rodent. "Just, uh ... " He looked away. "The crew will have a lot of questions over the next few days. I'd like you to keep everyone informed. Reassure them we're doing the right thing."

A quiet nod.

"Also, when Admiral Silver calls, I want you with me."

"How do you know he's going to?"

"I just have a feeling," Wren admitted, darkly.

"You had no business interfering!" Admiral Silver shouted over the viewer, saliva flying. Veins were popping on his neck. Which was impressive, since his grey-furred pelt was pretty thick. He was speaking from his own ship, which was currently two weeks away, in orbit of Home-world. The 'red alert' lights were glowing in the background. "The snow rabbits have sent a task force to the border, launched a preemptive strike. Our fleet is crippled." A huff. "And they alerted the prey Council members. The Federation is in political turmoil. Do you realize what you've done? This is treason!" He snarled, baring his teeth. Slamming his paws on his desk. Wincing at his own strength. He wanted blood.

Wren, even from here, safely aboard Luminous in snow rabbit space, felt his prey-like fear welling up. The adrenaline flowed. He swallowed. "Sir, I'm sorry if you can't see why I had to ... "

" ... sorry?! I am only sorry I cannot execute you all! That I cannot tear your meat apart with my teeth!" He was heaving. "Unfortunately," he said, voice low, voice deadly, "you have become 'heroes' amongst the prey here. Were we to destroy you? It may hasten civil war ... " A head-shake. " ... but, frankly, I may be past caring. Any and all unrest will be quelled. In time."

"Keep on thinking that."

"I could hunt down your families," he breathed, heatedly. "You wouldn't be able to stop me."

The squirrel flinched. Barking back, "What is it you expect me to do? Beg? I did what I had to do."

"You made a mistake. You will go down in history, rodent, as the fur who destabilized Federation power," the wolf spat.

"I didn't know the Federation was founded with 'power-grabbing' in mind. I'll have to re-read the charter."

"You are exiled. You are dead." And, with that, the wolf slammed his paw again. Cutting the channel.

Field twitched with obvious worry. He'd been sitting on the couch against the wall. "That, uh ... didn't go well, did it?"

"Nope," Wren agreed dully. Rubbing his eyes. "Field ... "

The mouse's dishy ears swiveled to perfect attention.

" ... tell me again: I did the right thing, didn't I?"

"Of course."

The squirrel swallowed. "When I was talking to myself ... my future self," he corrected. "I forget which one of us mentioned it. But once you know something, you can't un-know it. Once I found about all this? I was obligated to act. Because I have a conscience. And because I'm a captain. We lead. We act. And our crews react ... that's how it works."

"Do you really ... do you think they'll kill our families?" the golden-furred mouse had to ask, eyes filling with tears.

"They're capable. But if the prey truly know about us, they'll offer shelter to our relatives. That's all we can hope for."

"I'm n-not ... not close with my parents. My siblings. They disowned me." A pause. "But I still ... I still ... "

" ... I know," the squirrel whispered. He got up and joined the mouse on the couch, putting an arm around his neck. Pulling him close.

Field leaned his head on Wren's shoulder.

"It's alright." A pause. Leaning against the mouse, in return. "You know how much I love you ... "

Voice so sweetly delicate. "I love you, too."

Wren debated whether he should tell Field about his 'supposed' fate. Deciding not to. Mouses were too anxious. And he'd just said, right: you couldn't un-know things. No reason to burden him. He only said, "I'll protect you. I promise. You and Adelaide. Rella. Everyone. You're my family."

Field could only nod, whiskers twitching incessantly.

They leaned, quiet for a moment. Save for the sounds of breathing. Until Wren soothed, again, "We'll be alright. This is a good ship."

A sniffle. "Did you think otherwise?"

Wren shook his head, smiling. "Never."

A day later, with Luminous on her way to the snow rabbit Home-world, the crew was doing their best to accept their situation. To move on. Some were having a much better time of it than others ...

A wild, throaty purr, arching her spotted spine as she pushed her hips back, tail airily curving around his body. A fiery mixture of want and need coursing through her like a madness. There could only be one antidote.

His white-furred hips provided it, countering her motions, rolling steadily forward, with such fur-cushioned warmth, like the grassy hills of his summery birthplace. Scaling her, groaning like an animal as he plowed deeply through that raw, reddish tunnel. Angling against the upper wall. The sheer scent of her fertility was driving him manic with lust. He soon lost control. Instinct taking over as he humped her silly, from behind. Like a dog.

The snow leopard hissed in steamy pleasure, claws slipping from their sheaths. She dug them into the sheets, ripping the fabric. Her pussy pulsating, punctuating the male's pleasure as she reached her momentary limits of her own, rippling around him in sopping orgasm.

" ... a-ah," he whined, chest and belly flattening against her backside, eyes screwing shut. Tall ears twiddling like antennae gone wild. His penis going off like a cannon. "O-oh ... oh. God ... " Slopping to a hilt, huffing, Kody ejaculated. A lot. " ... oh!" Each exclamation was sharply cried. His sweaty paws around her back. And, then, with a final sigh, he slumped, slack-jawed, atop her. The seeds were sown. He mewed, starry-eyed. Bobtail giving random flicks.

Assumpta panted. Sated but not fooled. Heat was a storm. A hurricane. This was only the 'eye.'

Kody's hugging paws moved around a bit. He wanted to grope her breasts as he muttered, "H-hope that ... that was w-what you were looking for ... " He mouthed at her own tail, which was straying close to his chin.

" ... mm-hmm." A sigh as her nipples were touched. More purring, lowering herself from paws and knees, flattening to her belly.

He let go of her breasts. A looser hug, now.

Lazy stirrings from her own limbs. She wasn't feeling the same surprising tenderness she'd felt with Oliver. That oddly special thing he'd stirred in her. There was something else, though ... this goofy, easy charm. A friendliness. Kody appealed to her. But, intangible connections aside, her lust was like a solar flare. As long as she had a rabbit's touch ... figuring out the rest could wait until she was sane again. Which wouldn't be for another two days. " ... you're good," she murmured.

"M-mh. You, too." A happy sigh. "This is enough to make me forget that we're a rogue ship, now."

"I joined Luminous to get away from home. Challenges are just opportunities for growth."

"And heat is an opportunity," the rabbit murred, mouthing her shoulder, "for constant pleasure."

"If males ovulated, I guarantee you would not be saying that. It can feel like a form of insanity."

"But is it right now, hmm? We're having fun," he reminded. "And I've been called half-mad before."

"I've no doubt." She stretched. "You able to keep up with me?"

"That's why you wanted a rabbit. You know I can keep up ... "

She smiled, sinuously squirming. "Partly." She began to change positions.

He had to pull out ...

... as she rolled onto her back, arms around his neck. Digging her claws in just a tad.

Kody panted, locking eyes.

Her narrow ice-blues. Lids shutting, slowly, as her raspy tongue lapped at his lips once, twice. And a full-on muzzle-twist.

The rabbit's nose flared. Ears stiffening to the tips as he met her kiss. Returned it, passionately. It must've lasted ten seconds. It was a long one. Ending with a not-so-subtle smack. Breaths washing upon whiskers and chins.

"So, doctor," she breathed, sultrily. Sharp teeth grazing his jaw-line. Muzzle pushing closer to an ear. " ... can you cure me?"

"Fuck, yes," was the emphatic, hazy reply. A very rabbit-y response.

"Good," the snow leopard purred, hugging him possessively. Mm-h. Very, very good ... " ... then let's go insane together."