Youthful Passion Part One

Story by Alden on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This story is a work of furry fiction, and contains sexual acts between two anthromorphic males, a wolf and a lion. If such a story offends you, or reading such material is illegal in your country... DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER!!! Thank you.

Youthful Passion

Part One

Story idea originated from the picture "Knot Funny" drawn by Lionus Goldenmane

Written by Alden Gilchist

Geoff grunted as Betty slid up and down along his hard throbbing shaft. A tears fell from his eyes onto his fur and onto the floor as she pumped his cock with her vagina for all he was worth. The male lion panted heavily in exhilaration as she milked his length just before two angry parents stormed up the ladder of the barn into the hayloft where they laid. However, it was too late for the parents to stop their orgasms. Although she was pulled off of his spurting member, his seed was already planted in her. An older lion held Geoff down and punched him across his muzzle. Betty, who was already struggling to get free of the other older male lion who held her, screamed when she saw the one she was once laying with was being assaulted. Tears streamed down her face as she watched the older lion over him hit him repeatedly, yelling for them to stop.

When he finally stopped, he said, "What in tarnation has gotten' into ya, boy?! I raised mah son better than this!"

"Wh-! Father, I-!"

He was cut off when he was struck again, Betty whimpering as he was hit again before he said, "Damn it, boy! I sure am grateful that yer mother-" he paused to look up, both paws held as if in prayer, "Bless yer soul dear, I am ever so glad yer not here to witness this, our son playin' tha fool with the mayor's daughter who be playin' tha harlot with him!"

"That's not true!" she yelled.

"Silence!" the mayor yelled, "I'll have none of this shameless acting going on with you! Old Darius Blackclaw stopped something that should be reserved between a man and his wife, yet you two are still children!"

"He's a man, father! He's eighteen years old!"

"And you're a month over seventeen!"

"Pardon me, Mr. Mayor, I hate to tell this to you, but there's a chance that mah fool son may have her with child. There's very little o' his sperm layin' about him."

Placing a paw upon her inner leg, the mayor felt a liquid upon her fur. Tracing it upwards towards her clit, he cursed under his breath.

"That it may be... Damn! This will ruin me! If word of this gets out-"

"Mr. Mayor, if you will hear me, perhaps it would be well if she does come up positive on a pregnancy test that the two be wed to prevent such a disaster for ya, sir. Mah fool son will raise her child with her as his punishment for all this should she have a child with her."

"Hmm... Alright. For now, we must keep this to ourselves. I better get my daughter back to town before one of your neighbors notices this."

"I'm sorry, sir, that I was asleep when ya came up to mah door. If I only knew what my son was doin'-"

"Be at ease, Darius For now, we must keep this quiet. Good night, Mr. Blackclaw."

"Good night, Mr. Mayor."

Darius watched him drag his daughter back to the ladder. Holding Geoff down with his foot on his chest, he waited for them to get in their car to drive away before he turned him over onto his side and examined the rope that bound his paws behind his back. He smiled upon examining the knot.

"Ah... she tied this up just like I taught her to."

Geoff turned his head as best he could to look up at his father in horror as he exclaimed, "Wh-what are you talking about, father?!"

"What am I talking about?!" he yelled as he flipped him back onto his back, "What do ya think, son?! I helped her get to bed ya!"

"Wh-what?! Why?!"

"Why?! WHY?!" Darius punched him again, drawing blood this time from around his muzzle, "Because you're a flamin' faggot, that's why!"

"Wh-wh-what?! B-but-!"

"Don't lie to me, boy! When ya last visited our cousins, when we came back, the place smelled like sex! I knew our cousin is a faggot, and I had hoped he was just jerkin' his dick while you were elsewhere. However, I knew I smelled sex on you ever' time you came back from tendin' tha fields, and if I catch whomever ya been screwin' 'round with, I'll cut off 'is dick! Hell, if things didn't go so well with tha mayor, I would've made you tha woman ya should be for lovin' men!"

"But father, I-!"

He was cut off again with a blow to his temple, causing him to see starts. Darius stood up for a moment, foot on his son's now slightly bloodied chest as he looked up towards the ceiling through a small hole into the night sky.

"Oh Lord, forgive a poor father fer doin' this thing. I think it the only way to save my son from such sin. I ask ye to forgive me fer what I'm about to do..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The water ran down through the creek bed on a hot summer day. Geoff sat along the bank with his feet in the water while sitting next to his friend, a young wolf near his age, who did the same. The two sat shirtless, which was best during the south's summer heat wave, and the creek that branched off the Mississippi River was where the two of them spent time swimming when not helping their parents out on their farms in the country.

It was at this particular spot, though, that the two boys discovered more about each other than they would have in a more socialable setting. Neither looked back at the rock behind them where they had laid their shoes, socks, pants, and underwear, knowing that they needed no clothing when with each other. There they sat naked as God intended lovers to be, but today, the feeling in the air was different as Geoff rubbed his sore face.

"I... I can't believe it! He beat you within an inch of your life just because you're gay?! That's why I haven't seen you in about a month! He's insane! Are you ok, Geoff?"

"I'll live, Craig. Still, I had to come out here and tell you why I hadn't been coming out this way for a while. And... This may be the last time we get together like this again."

"Wait..." the wolf said, worry in his voice as he whimpered, "What are you saying? You're not really going to marry her, are you? Sure she had her eyes on you for some time now, but you said you didn't love her."

"I know... But... the test came back positive... She's pregnant. She's got my child in her. I know she won't have an abortion, and I just can't leave a kid to grow up without a both a mom and dad like some families do."

"How do you know it will work out between you two? Didn't you say there was little in common between you two?"

"Yeah..." Geoff replied disheartened as he stared down into the water, a tear drop falling from his face, "I really could care less about the mayor trying to make himself look good to the people of the county before trying to run for a seat in the state's senate. But... I can't just leave the baby alone either... If I could... I'd be much happier with you..."

"Geoff..." Craig whimpered, tears forming in his eyes.

The lion looked up at his white furred friend and placed a paw under his muzzle. The two stared at each other in a moment of silence before he kissed him. Craig hesitated for a moment before returning the kiss, wrapping his arms around him. The broke the kiss as the wolf pushed the lion down onto his back, stroking his cock against his own for a moment. Geoff purred excitedly as his friend layed himself on top of him and licked his face.

"If this is the last time," Craig said as he nibbled along the lion's neck, "then let me take you. I know you've been hesitant to let me, but if we won't get to do this again, I want to at least get to experience taking you just once."

Geoff gulped at first, but then said after a moment, "A-alright... I'm just worried that your knot will tear me in half though. I've seen how big it can get, and-"


The two stared into each other's eyes for a moment, not moving or flinching. The only audible sound was the water in the creek rolling by as the two laid there upon the grass.

"Geoff, I don't think I can ever love anyone else other than you... so please..."

"Craig..." the lion said, almost choking up on tears as he pulled him down on top of himself and held him. "Only for you, my one and only true love..."

"Then I can-?"

"Take me."

The wolf blushed at those words. He had grown very submissive and loved having Geoff stuff his cock under his tail or suck him off since he was afraid of his knot, but to hear that his love was willing to let him take his tailhole this last time was almost too good to be true. Slowly, he scooted down between the lion's legs, rubbing his golden furred chest as he licked the underside of his shaft. Geoff's semi-hard thick member stiffened almost immediately at the lupine's tongue touching him, causing him to purr lustfully.

"I thought you wanted to take me?"

"I will..." the wolf replied murring excitedly, "but I can't help it if I like how you taste."

The lion placed a paw behind his head, scritching lightly behind he ears and guided him down to the treasure that was at the end of the trail between his legs. The wolf parted his muzzle and took in his love's cock, slurping at it for a moment to enjoy the taste of his pre as Geoff always had a lot of pre-cum. He certainly didn't want to miss any of it, licking the entire length, even slipping his tongue out of his muzzle while Geoff's shaft was throbbing inside to lap up the small portion that fell down onto his fuzzy sack.

Geoff's purring quickly turned into moans as he closed his eyes, his tongue lulled out of his muzzle. Craig certainly knew how to hit all the right places. This time, unlike others, he pressed a finger at his tight, never before used tailhole, and a few moments of fingering him was more than he could take. The lion stifled a roar of ecstasy as he came, his hot spooge erupting from his cock into the wolf's muzzle, who eagerly drank every drop of it.

Just as Geoff was coming down from his climax, he felt his legs being lifted and Craig placing his tapered tip at his tight ring. He grunted and hissed slightly as the wolf began pushing his length inside. Craig, unable to help himself, moaned loudly as his hard ebony shaft slowly sank into his love's tight, warm ass. After what seemed like an eternity to the lion under him, he finally hilted him up to his knot which pulsated just like his hard member that was inside him.

Craig slowly started to thrust into him, his tail wagging quickly behind him as he moaned in pleasure with his love. Geoff began to wonder to himself why he never let himself be taken by his wolf before now. The rapturous feeling he felt at that point was almost as great as it is when taking Craig's hot furry ass. He gasped at each thrust that hilted him, and after a bit, he couldn't help but grab his spent cock and start stroking it.

When the white wolf quickened his thrusting, so did the lion pick up the pace on pumping his own cock, pre spurting out onto his chest and belly fur. Geoff was surprised at first, but quickly turned his attention to getting release for a second time while his love's dark meat throbbed and pulsated deep inside him, rubbing up against his prostrate. Then, he gasped in shock as he felt his ring being stretched a bit more as he felt the canid trying to push his knot inside him. At first, he was opposed to this, but after a couple more thrusts, it was locked inside.

The feeling of it inside him while the wolf humped into him was just too much. He didn't care anymore if anyone caught them as he let out a roar of pure ecstasy as he climaxed again. Pointing his cock upwards, white silky wads shot out onto the white wolf and all over his crotch, chest, and belly. Craig wasn't too far behind him and let out a howl as he orgasmed, painting the inner walls of his lover's tight furry ass whiter than his fur.

Panting heavily, the two layed on top of one another to catch their breath. Seeing a bit of his own cum on Craig's muzzle, he licked it up before passionately kissing him, sharing the taste of his essence with him. They hugged each other and after laying the lion back down on his back, the wolf started to pull him off his engorged knot, but suddenly yelped.

"Huh? Are you ok, Craig?"

"Y-yeah... but it hurts to try and get you off me."

Groaning a bit, he said, "I guess we're not going anywhere for a while then, huh? I remember watching it take a while for that knot of yours to shrink. But damn... It feels wonderful where it is now..."

Blushing, Craig turned him onto his side and laid down next to him as he said, "God, Geoff... I'm sorry this turned out like this, but I couldn't help myself."

"Don't worry about it. I'm not complaining."

The lion caressed his cheek before kissing him again. The two laid there for a couple hours holding each other in bliss as they slept for a short time, knowing this may be the last time they would be with each other like this for a long, long time.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

* Ten years later... *

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Mr. Blackclaw? It's Elizabeth on the line for you."

"Thank, Natalie," Geoff said to the ferret who had popped her head into his office door. He picked up the phone and pressed the blinking red light on the receiver. "Hello, dear."

"Hello, honey," she said over the line.

"How are things going at the new house?"

"Oh, just fine. I'm sure glad that you were able to get such a nice house here when your job transferred you to New York."

"Well, it's part of being a real estate agent. I knew you didn't want to live in the city, and we got a couple of your cousins living out in the country near us, so I thought you'd like living near some of your relatives."

"'Our' relatives. I wish you would stop thinking of our families being separate."

He sighed and said, "Sorry, dear. How's Dai adjusting to the town?"

"He seems to be liking it so far. He's already made a few friends. One of them in particular, Jarred Barrows, plays with him the most often."

"Barrows? Oh, yes! I remember you and Mrs. Barrows were chatting the other day. Didn't you say that they were really into their religion?"

"Oh lord, you just had to ask that. More or less, she's been wanting us to come out to the local Catholic church. You know, we haven't been to one together in a while due to things popping up now and then. We should all go as a family, even if it's just once in a month."

Geoff cringed at the thought of going to church as he said, "Well, lets hope that nothing comes up this Sunday, eh?"

About that time, Natalie knocked on the door. He looked up and saw she was holding an envelope and whispered if she could leave it for him on his desk. Nodding, he held out his paw, wanting to to go ahead and read it when he was done with his phone conversation.

"So, when will you be home, dear?"

"I'm not sure yet. I've got some paperwork to fill out on a sale, then there's a couple of clients I need to speak to today. I'll call you when I'm done."

"Alright," she said as he took the envelope. "Be sure to call me before six if you're going to be late."

"I will. Good bye, dear."

As he hung up the phone, he picked up a letter opener and sliced the envelope open. There was a small card inside and nothing else. Perhaps it was a thank you note from one of his clients, he opened it and saw it was something completely different. The handwriting was similar to one that he had seen before, though different from what he remembered.

Meet me at the hospital's ER. ~ Dr. Craig Sutherland

Can this really be...?

To be continued...

This was finished and earlier today and more to it will follow when completed.