The Next Step - Chapter 03 - Zebras Do Not Settle For Scraps

Story by AngelOD on SoFurry

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#3 of The Next Step

I actually finished this on my way to Italy with the panda, but forgot to upload it due to relatively crappy internet at the hotel.

Zebras Do Not Settle For Scraps

It had been a few days since my panda girl admitted to me that she had been unfaithful to me with our friend, the big zebra.

I had been though the usual states of worrying, fretting that she would now lose interest in me, but it didn't happen. Instead, she was as loving and sweet as always, showing me even more affection than usual. At first I thought it was just her feeling bad about what she'd done, but I soon realized that it was something else. She was just happy that I wasn't upset with her, and she'd gotten something I couldn't really offer her.

So, after I'd calmed down again, I decided it was time to see how she would react to a small proposal. While I wasn't feeling bad about the events that took place on new years, I felt the need to feel like I was back in charge. So it really had to be a small thing.

"Hey, love. I was wondering..." I trailed off, watching her as she was folding clothes. I couldn't help but smile a bit to myself, while my tail wagged behind me. How did I manage to get a girlfriend who looks cute and sexy no matter what she does?

"Yes..?" She looked up from the laundry and smiled at me, making my tail wag even faster and she giggled cutely as it thumped against the door frame.

"Well... Things have been going quite well lately, as you know, and I was thinking that... Perhaps it's time we take another step." I looked at her and could see her eyes shimmer with excitement. She even paused in her current task, which involved folding one of my t-shirts.

"Really? This soon? I thought for sure it would take you a lot longer to feel comfortable, love." I smiled as she spoke, because I could see her tiny tail wagging behind her. So adorable.

"Well yes, but I hope you understand if I make this a small step. Call it a reward for being honest with me, if you will. Either way, it'll just be something small to keep us on the right path to where we both want to go." I explained to her and she nodded. There was no hint of disappointment in her eyes.

"So what did you have in mind?" She smiled at me as she folded another t-shirt. One of her own this time.

"I was thinking he could get to grope your breasts." I blushed a bit. The casual way in which I'd mentioned it wasn't truly indicative of how I really felt.

"Oooh.. Really?! That would definitely be nice. Can he slide his hands underneath my t-shirt? And also... Would you like to watch this time, puppy?" She grinned at me, having obviously noticed my blush, and she always loved to tease me whenever she could.

"I... I think I would like that, actually." I nodded as I spoke, still blushing brightly.

"Which one? His hands under my t-shirt, or watching as he gropes your girlfriend?" She murred softly, but loud enough for me to hear. She was going to make me say it.

"B-both, love... I want him to grope your bare breasts, and... And I want to watch it as it happens." I looked down for a bit, too embarrassed to look her in the eyes, and I heard her cute laugh.

* * *

I arranged for it to happen a few days later, and although I was a bit nervous about it, the waiting period wasn't as bad as I'd thought it would be.

We'd arranged for a full day of hanging out as friends, which went off like a hitch. No need to dive into what happened, as it was all quite mundane and with little importance to the story at hand.

So after dinner and dessert and all, and before he had to go home (I wasn't about to let him stay the night, after all), we decided to do it. I got into bed, laying back to look at the two of them. I'd already played it out a thousand times in my head, how she would guide his hands up underneath her t-shirt and let him grope her for a while.

The zebra moved around behind her and wrapped his arms around her, nosing softly into her hair. It was a subtle move, but I still noticed it, of course. Kotoko gasped softly to herself and bit her lower lip cutely, before he took a hold of his hands and guided them up underneath her shirt.

I couldn't help but murr and squirm a bit on the bed as I watched. I was quite happy that I was lying on my back, so they couldn't see my tail wagging underneath me. It was pinned, but definitely trying to swish from side to side firmly. I didn't really check the time, but after what felt like half a minute, Legion started to pull his hands out of her t-shirt.

I smiled to them. I'd managed this quite well, and so had they. And now it was over. Or so I thought...

Kotoko grabbed a hold of his hands with her paws and guided them up underneath her t-shirt again, giving off a small moan as she again felt his hands against her nice, soft breasts.

I squirmed on the bed. This hadn't been part of the plan, but it wasn't really moving outside the plan either. It was merely an expansion of the time, and we hadn't actually settled on a specific amount of time.

"Mmn. Someone is eager." Legion's voice sounded quite loud in the otherwise quiet room, and it made me fidget a bit. What was going on here? Should I stop it? And was she grinding against the zebra's big crotch?

"Mmhmmmm..." That was all she managed to murrmoan in response, and there was no doubt about it now. She was grinding against him, teasing his groin with her ass. I was starting to consider saying something in an attempt to stop it from going any further. Obviously they were both getting really into it.

I watched in continued silence as his hands really went to work on her ample bosom, squeezing those large and wonderful breasts. I could see them working underneath that t-shirt, and hear my panda's moans, which were getting louder with every grope.

* * *

I tried to make my presence known by coughing softly, feeling confident that it would bring them back to the reality of the situation. As if it was merely a question of them forgetting time and place, not to mention the company they kept... But nothing happened...

Actually, a LOT happened, but not in the way I'd hoped and assumed it would. Legion emitted a soft growl, something I didn't even realize that zebras could, as he bit her neck, which in turn caused her to moan out loudly with pleasure. I whimpered as I watched both of them getting consumed with lust, and much to my increased humiliation, I felt myself getting aroused again.

"L-love? Maybe you should... St-stop this..?" I tried with words, but still no reaction from the two of them. Instead I watched helplessly as the zebra's large hands moved down over her front and down to her pants, opening them. Kotoko was only too happy to help out as she reached down and pulled down her pants, leaving her in just her panties. It also meant that Legion's hands were free to do whatever they wanted.

Obviously they knew quite well what they wanted as they slid down to his own pants, opening them and letting them fall to the ground. I didn't know this at the time, but he was wearing the type of boxers that has a hole in the front, which allowed him to pull his cock out without me being able to see it, hidden from my view by the panda.

"I've missed your tight little pussy, pandaslut." Legion's voice caused me to shiver with a mixture of surprise and humiliation at the actual words. It was nothing compared to the level of humiliation I felt when he ran his hand down over her back and onto her panty-clad rump, groping her firmly. He even gave her ass a firm slap before he resumed rubbing.

I thought it would just stay at rubbing, counting myself lucky, and being my naive self, obviously, because I'd only just finished that thought when I heard her gasp out loudly. Here eyes initially went wide, only to lid with obvious and intense pleasure, a moan soon followed the gasp. I was confused for a bit, until I heard the wet sounds, at which point my ears laid back against my head, and I whimpered. He had one or more fingers shoved up inside of her, which meant that he most likely pulled Kotoko's panties aside to make room.

"Th-this isn't what w-we agreed o-on..." I stammered meekly, getting a glare from the zebra. He didn't have to use words to get me to shut up, that much was obvious. I kept my muzzle shut after that. I'm sure the panda must have heard me as well, but she was too far gone with pleasure to pay a whole lot of attention to me or my pointless protests. I knew this was a turning point in our relationship. I was no longer in control and it scared me, but it also excited me greatly.

* * *

I watched them as the zebra moved back a bit, and it looked like he was still teasing Kotoko's pussy, which was dripping wet by then. I could smell her arousal from where I was sitting and it turned me on ever so much, while still humiliating me so much.

Well... It was either that, or he was readjusting himself, or so I thought anyway. When my panda girl moaned out shortly after, I thought he had just pushed his fingers up inside of her. I whined a bit and looked down at the mattress in shame. It was quite clear to me that his fingers were giving her more pleasure than my cock ever had.

It took me a while before I looked back up again, and I whimpered softly to myself. Even after looking up I was slow to realize that his hands were both resting on her hips, and he was making thrusting motions. I still didn't fully connect the dots, as I was actually naive enough to think that he was just dry-humping her, which I found to be preferable to anything else.

"Oh! Legion! Your cock feels soooo amazing! MMmmn! I've really missed it!" I cringed at those words, coming out of my innocent panda's mouth. Or rather... Not so innocent any longer, but I still hadn't gotten used to that by then. Even at hearing them it took me a while to realize what they meant...

Legion was fucking her!

I gaped and whined, only then realizing I'd seen that type of boxers before. I used to wear them until I got tired of the hole in the front. It never really served a purpose to me, but apparently to a real male it came in very handy indeed.

The sounds of their lovemaking grew louder in the small room, his hips slapping against her rump repeatedly, making her moan out loudly. Her eyes were lidded by then, in obvious pleasure, and there was no doubt in anyone's mind where this was heading. He wasn't even wearing protection, a fact that made me whine again, and no longer softly so. After all, what was the point? They were going to ignore it anyway.

"You're so fucking tight! I need to fuck you more often, panda! I want you to be my little mare, for me to just slide inside of whenever I want to, perfectly adjusted to my cock." Legion's voice was occasionally interrupted by his own moaning and panting, as he only seemed to increase the power of the pounding he was giving her.

She didn't respond. At least not with words, although I found myself wishing she had. Instead, she cried out loudly and shuddered, her breathing growing quick and labored as she climaxed. I stared at her, having never realized just how sexy and gorgeous she looked while climaxing. Her whole body was shaking, and she was quite obviously clenching down HARD around his invading horse cock, because he grunted loudly and had to pause a bit.

"Damn, Kotoko... You almost got me off there..." He grinned at me as he said this. As if it wasn't humiliating enough that she had just climaxed on his cock. Did he have to rub it in? Obviously so, because he winked at me as he waited for her climax to almost subside, before he resumed his thrusts.

He couldn't keep it up for long before she fell forward, breaking the fall with her paws, ending up on the bed, pretty much on all fours. Legion moaned as he watched her ass and the inviting pussy that was probably still fully or partially exposed to him by the pulled-aside panties. I watched him as he pulled off his boxers and stepped out of them and his pants, before taking off his t-shirt.

"Turn around. I want to look you in the eyes when I cum in you." I gasped out loudly at that. He just made his intentions to cum inside of her known, and still she moved onto her back as he told her to. Surely she couldn't honestly want to run the risk on purpose?

He moved onto the bed, covering her body with his own, making her seem so small underneath him. He leaned down and planted a deep, passionate kiss onto her lips, which she returned quite eagerly. My heart was pounding in my chest as I felt arousal and jealousy clashing inside of me, creating a rather unique sensation I knew I wouldn't experience anywhere else. For a few moments I actually found myself savoring it, before I remembered that I was supposed to dislike what was going on.

Legion grabbed her legs and guided them onto his shoulders, which moved her into perfect position for his cock. It was pressed against her wet and all-too-willing pussy, and with a loud moan, he slid back inside of her, filling her up in a way I knew I couldn't.

It was the most exquisite torture one could ever be submitted to. That long and thick equine cock slid inside of her, nice and slow, obviously taking his time to claim what he knew was already his. I wasn't going to fight him over her sex and he knew it... Cocky bastard that he was.

Kotoko threw her head back and moaned out again, eyes rolling back in her head as she shuddered under him. It took me a few seconds to realize what was going on, and when it finally dawned on me that she was climaxing again, I whiiiined loudly with humiliation.

While I knew that she was capable of climaxing, having seen it before, of course, I had no idea that she was multi-orgasmic. And based on the things she'd told me, she had no idea either. Yet here she was, crying out and convulsing on another guy's cock for the second time in a brief period.

This time the zebra did not slow down, but instead grabbed her shoulders hard and began to pound inside of her, harder and faster than before, the bed shaking quite a lot. If I had been asleep, and the moans and grunts hadn't woken me up, the shaking bed surely would have. I quickly realized what was going on... Legion wanted to get off in her, and preferably while she was still in the throes of her climax. I would have thought it to be impossible, but as I watched them, her climax seemed to be prolonged with every thrust of his cock inside of her.

"Nngh! I'm gonna... Oh fuck..!" He grunted out and I could only watch helplessly as he gave another few thrusts, then arched back and groaned out loudly. I knew he was cumming inside of her, and probably in thick, powerful spurts at that, blasting up against her cervix. After a few more grunts from him and moans from her, he pulled out of her and collapsed on the bed, both of them panting for air.

* * *

I didn't quite know what to do or say. I'd just watched as they both betrayed me. I kept questioning myself. Could I have stopped it? Did I even want to?

"Aww... I'm so sorry, puppy. I didn't mean to let it come this far. Can you forgive me? If so, come give me a kiss?" My train of thought was interrupted by my panda's soft and loving voice, which made me blush. I didn't even think before I got on my knees, then all fours, leaning down until my lips were nearly touching hers.

"No... Not there..." She grinned up at me and I blushed brightly after a few seconds, when I finally realized what she meant. I couldn't believe it. Surely she couldn't mean...? But she parted her legs a bit more and kept grinning at me.

As I began to move down, she turned her head and began to make out with the zebra, who was all too happy to reciprocate. He even groped her breasts, one at a time. Meanwhile I had to grunt and lightly gag, as the smell of sex was getting beyond strong. The overpowering smell of their coupling, especially his cum, was flooding my senses completely.

I moved between her legs, looking at her pussy. It had looked so pretty earlier that day, but now it looked almost ruined. It was gaping a fair bit and whiteish cum was running out of her. I noticed, with some degree of humiliation, that she was lying on my side of the bed, and was thus leaking onto my bedding. I cringed, but knew there was only one thing for me to do...

I had to show her how much I still loved her...

I leaned down close and after another short round of hesitation, I pushed my lips up against the cum-covered petals of her sex, and I kissed her nether lips deeply. I knew instinctively that she'd want me to use my tongue, so I did. After some initial gagging at just how strong his cum tasted, and how thick it was, I found myself starting to get into it.

Judging by the sounds of her moans, she was definitely starting to enjoy it as well. I blushed as I kept on licking, seeming to forget about everything else, suddenly understanding just how she and the zebra both felt while they were having sex and ignoring me.

"That's enough, puppy. Gotta save some for the egg in there." Legion was the one who stopped me, pushing my head away from her hot and sticky mound. I whined a bit, and I couldn't figure out if it was because of his words, or because I'd been made to stop licking his cum out of her.

I knew she was supposed to be on birth control, but I never kept track of them, so she could so easily have stopped taking them, and I wouldn't have noticed it. I decided not to ask as I sat back on the bed, not even realizing what I was doing as I licked my face clean of the cum that was now in my fur. She giggled at me.

"Puppyyy? I hope you won't mind, but I've decided that Legion will be sleeping here tonight, and... Well... Since we made a mess of the bed, it wouldn't be fair to ask you to sleep in here, so I hope you'll be okay with the couch?" She smiled at me sweetly in a way that made it impossible for me to say no to her. I bit my lower lip and squirmed slightly, then nodded my head and she beamed happily. Legion just chuckled and grinned at me.

I got out of bed and started to make my way to the other room when she spoke up again.

"Oh, and puppy? Don't forget your duvet and pillow." I whined softly. My duvet was the only part of my bed that had gotten soaked in Legion's cum, and she'd just used that as an excuse to get me to sleep in there. I could feel my little cock hardening again quite a bit as I meekly nodded.

I began to fold my duvet, then placed the pillow on top, lifting it to carry it into the other room, when Kotoko reached down and slipped off her panties. She wiped her pussy with them an extra time, before dropping them onto my pillow.

"Have fun with these, puppy, and sleep tight." She winked at me as I whined cutely, then turned to leave the room. I heard the bedroom door being locked behind me.

I hadn't even closed the door to the living room before I heard her moaning and crying out again...