The Outskirts of Town (Chapter 1: Growth)

Story by CorruptLagomorph on SoFurry

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#1 of The Outskirts of Town

A few weeks after breaking up with his boyfriend, Matt called me around for a booty call and to show me his 'big surprise', introducing me to a world I could never have imagined.

Leaping up the stairs three at a time, I rushed to the top floor of the apartment block where my friends flat was. The elevator was normally slower than me, especially when I'm this excited. Matt had called me around late at night which only meant one thing - a long night of his horse cock in my various holes. It had been a long time since we'd fucked. He went and got himself a boyfriend who was strictly monogamous, not to mention an absolute bastard. But they had broken up again a couple of weeks ago, after some argument Matt wouldn't tell me about, so it looked like things were back to normal now. I should probably be more sympathetic about the break up, but Matt was my first and, at the rate I was going, last and only sexual partner. A bunny can get desperate in a small town like this.

I reached his door and knocked on it repeatedly till he answered. I was panting, out of breath, when the door opened and I saw him. He was much bigger than me in pretty much every way - I only came up to his shoulders and that was if I stood on my tip toes and he bulked with muscle. His fur was completely brown all over, including his mane, like a rich chocolate and his face was rigid and sharp. As pretty much always, he was topless, and wore a pair of thin, floppy leather trousers that were tied up with string at the front, threaded through like shoes. He grinned at me when he saw me panting, opening his arms and letting me spring into them, holding me up off the ground and cuddling me as I wrapped my arms over his shoulders and legs around his waist. It was how we always greeted each other, even when he dated people. I wondered if that was the cause of the break up.

"Cel." He said as a hello. I said nothing; too busy nuzzling into his neck. I was so light comparison to him that he had no problem holding me on with one hand as he used the other to close the door, then carried me into his living room. He dropped me down onto the pile of quilts, pillows and other things that he kept in there for when he had friends over (and there were too many to fit in his bed) then sat down on the sofa. "Gotta surprise for you." He told me once I'd positioned myself properly. "But you gotta promise me two things." I nodded, eagerly. "Don't freak out. And if you do freak out, at least don't tell anyone about it, okay?" It sounded worrying, but I trusted Matt with my life, so nodded again. Wasting no further time, he smiled and pointed to the floor beneath his feet, summoning me there.

I hopped out my seat immediately. My only clothing was a red t-shirt and a pair of baggy jeans, both of which disappeared quickly enough. I stood naked before him, hardening just feeling his eyes on me, and seeing him harden in his trousers as he looked. My fur was a dark purple, with flickers of green in triangular circles spotted across the pattern. My chest, belly, cock, balls, ass and the underside of my tail were all black though. My right ear had three silver ear rings at the top connected by a chain, which weighed it down slightly more than my other, which was three of any alterations. I walked towards Matt, placing my hands on his knees and lowering myself to kneel between his legs. He smiled as he placed a hand on the back of my head and pulled me towards his bulge.

I started to nuzzle into it, kissing and licking the leather of his trousers and feeling it harden under my face. Bringing a hand up, I pressed it against the bump that was his sizable ball sack, rubbing them softly. I heard him let out a little noise, before saying "Damn, I've missed you, Cel." His spare hand came up and pulled on the string of his trousers, undoing them. I took hold of the sides and pulled, loosening them, then grabbed the rims and yanked them down in one smooth motion, past his knees and slipping them off his hooves. His cock came out, filling the air with the smell of its thick, sweet musk that was the strongest aphrodisiac for me. My cock instantly shot to its full hardness as I took hold of his. It was long, thick and mushroomed out at the end. It was the only part of him that wasn't completely brown, changing to a pinkish white at the tip.

At full hardness, it went up past his bellybutton, and that was a size I was going to see in the next few minutes. I took a hold of it with one hand while grabbing his balls once more with the other and started pumping as I brought my head down and took his head in my mouth, licking and sucking it. When it swelled to full size, it was almost too big to fit in my mouth - first time I sucked it, it was, but we 'worked at that'. Once it had reached its fullness, Matt let out another moan and spoke. "Cel." He grabbed the back of my head, gently pulling me off his cock. I looked at him in confusion, wondering why he stopped me. He looked at me and smiled. "Ready for your surprise?" How he could make the 'surprise' already was beyond me, but still I nodded - Matt was the type of guy who kept playing even after he came, so I knew I'd still get mine - and put my head back to his cock, ready to taste his load. He laughed and pulled me off again. "Not that." I looked at him, confused. "Just... Just pump it. Don't suck."

It was strange, but I did as I was bid, taking hold of him with both hands and pumping up and down. He started moaning louder. He didn't normally cum anywhere near this quickly. "Here it comes..." He said, and I got ready for what might be the most disappointing orgasm I'd ever seen him produce. But instead of cumming, something horrifying and incredible happened. He let out a moan, as if he was orgasming, but instead his cock began to swell more, growing larger and thicker in my hands. I looked at it, wide eyed in shock, so surprised I didn't even think to stop pumping. I watched it grow above me, climbing up higher. Eventually I had to let go and stand up to see it properly, so Matt took hold of it himself and continued pumping as I watched in amazement.

By the time it was finished, it was almost reaching his shoulders and was easily as big as my torso. He grinned up at me as he let it rest on his chest, stroking one hand loosely down it. I saw that his balls had swelled much bigger as well, each one looking huge and the full sack looking bigger than a basketball. "Well," he spoke after a moment. "What do you think?" I moved my mouth, but nothing came out. He laughed and reached forwards, grabbing my cock. It was still rock hard, clearly less disturbed by the display than the rest of me. The feeling of his hand moving slowly up and down on my shaft finally made me react, with a whimper. I spoke at last, though only able to form basic words like 'how?' and 'why?' He laughed again. "Tell you what, Cel. If you can still make me cum, I'll tell all, deal?"

Every second I looked at it and every pump of my own cock made it look more attractive. There was no way it would be able to go in me, even if we didn't care about my survival, but I've made Matt cum with just my hands before, so this should essentially be the same thing... Right? Finally, I nodded at his question, still not quite able to form complete words and sentences. He let go of me, and I straddled his lap, taking his impossibly huge cock in both hands and pulling it up against my body as I pressed my hips against his base, my cock on his balls. I held it against me, and started moving my entire body up and down, pumping it.

Matt let out a moan. "Ah, that's it, Cel!" He declared, enjoying something that could only be described as a 'full body wank'. He closed his eyes and leaned back, and I could feel his hips moving beneath me, in time with my pumps. Feeling more confident, I started to use my mouth, kissing and licking the creamy mushroomed head which was now thicker than my entire muzzle, making him began leaking out precum. There was an impossible amount of it, and my face was coated in seconds. It leaked out and down his shaft, covering my chest and stomach, even reaching my cock and balls, which I'd began grinding into him. It felt a bit like that time when he had me and a mutual friend oil wrestling for his amusement on his birthday.

"That's it! That's it!" He shouted as I pumped harder, beginning to enjoy myself as well. It was clearly more sensitive than it had been since he was never normally a vocal lover. His hips began to buck which enough strength to lift my entire body as I pumped as hard as I could, using pretty much every muscle at my disposal. His hands dug into the sofa and he bit his lip. I could feel a surge go through him, and he cried out my name as the massive horse cock erupted in front of me - at just the last second, I had the sense to pull my head out the way. Shot after shot of it flowed out, some hitting my face and most going all over. After the first few pumps, it grew weaker and began flowing down his shaft and onto both of our bodies. By the time it had finally stopped, it had produced an ungodly amount of cum, splattering me, him, the sofa, the walls and God only knows what else - even in my aroused and surprised state, I managed to make a mental note stating that I wasn't cleaning this up.

Matt was panting heavily, eyes closed, head thrown back and body still bucking beneath me. He was unresponsive to my calls of his name, so I had no choice but to watch as the massive cock began to shrink down once more, growing smaller and smaller, slipping down past his natural fully erect size and finally stopping again once it reached his standard flaccid size. If it weren't for the massive amounts of cum, this would be the point where I would have started to convince myself that I imagined that - it was certainly something I could have come up with. Finally, Matt opened his eyes again and looked at me, smiling. He grabbed me in his arms and pulled me in, clearly not caring about how messy we were.

"God damn." He said between his pants. "I fucking knew that you'd be able to manage it, Cel." He kissed me on the forehead. "You always could so why would it change now?" He stroked me with one hand and scratched behind my ear with the other, making me tingle and forget for a moment the world of WTF that he needed to explain. Finally, he began to talk. "You'll be wanting to know how I did that, then?" I looked up at him, put my best 'are you fucking serious' face on and nodded. He laughed and kissed me again. "There's a place on the outskirts of town where they can do it to people. Problem is, once you start, cumming becomes harder and harder and harder to achieve, the more you grow."

"James left when I started having it done." He told me. "Called me all kinds of things, but I didn't care." I cut him off there as a sudden thought shot through my head. I demanded to know if this meant that he couldn't fuck me anymore. It made him laugh so hard he nearly choked. "No! No no." he said when he calmed down. "No, I can still do that. You saw how it stopped when I reached my normal full size, right? I have to, y'know, actively make it go into 'hyper mode', as the people who did it call it. James didn't care about that though, he still left screaming about me being 'against God' or whatever. Funny how that only just started bothering him..." Assured by that, I asked how they go about doing it, but he didn't answer straight away. Stroking me again for a moment, he finally spoke up again. "I'll take you there tomorrow. I'll show you. It's hard to explain and I want to you to see it for yourself. But Cel..." He grabbed me by the chin and looked me in the eye. "There's something else there that I want to show you as well. Something that's a bit disturbing to watch." I asked him if it could possibly be more disturbing than what I just saw, and to my horror, he said "Much."

"Jus'... Just remember that no one actually gets hurt or dies or anything like that. It all works out, but it's still really scary the first few times you see it, okay?" I asked him what it was, but he refused to tell me. "You gotta see it for yourself." He told me, so I nodded, slightly worried, but I knew Matt wouldn't lie to me about it. After a few moments silence, he started talking again. "But that's for tomorrow!" He declared, suddenly sounding much happier. "Right now..." His hand slipped between us and grabbed my still semi-hard cock. "I've got a debt to pay, I think." I smiled up at him as I felt myself instantly harden in his hand. He stood up and carried me to his bathroom, taking us into his shower, at which point I remembered to tell him about my mental note, which made him laugh awkwardly as he realised what he'd have to clean up. Since he was spent, he went into his room and retrieved several of his larger toys to 'deal with me' while we showered.

That was interesting to write. I really enjoyed it... Next chapter coming soon. Please let me know what you thought! (I'm so glad to find a furry site that allows text box uploads for stories; all the others have complex uploaders that I just can't be assed with)