Human Family. (XXIII)

Story by Korvia on SoFurry

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Chapter XXIII

Human Family. (XXIII)

 The beginning of rising activity awaked Korvi in the early dawn, as merchants started preparing their tents and stalls for their business. With a short yawn, Korvi blinked her eyes a few times before looking around at her surroundings, her gaze silently following the humans' movements as they went along with their tasks, her tail swishing lightly as she sat, feeling the dim rays of light from the rising Fire-Star splay along her hide. For some reason unknown to her, Korvi felt in slightly higher spirits, as if slowly starting to accept her fate in captivity, and all she could do is to try impressing the humans to show that she was not just a stupid beast. It wasn't long until Korvi saw Gelant along with Jarshal approaching. Sitting up as she saw them, Korvi smiled to herself feeling slightly happy to see Jarshal again, as he was nice to her before and stood up for her! "Good early dawn to you, Korvia!" Gelant spoke as they reached upon the platform. Korvia looked at Gelant, her head tilting slightly as she wondered how he knew her name, but then figured Jarshal told him, not sure how much he now knows about her though she was just happy he was now being nice to her.  Even though Korvi knew that Gelant would not understand her, she decided to reply shortly and quietly, "Goods dawns..." Gelant gave a short laugh after hearing Korvi's soft growl, even though he did not understand her, he gave a smile. "I'll take that as a good dawn too!" Jarshal chuckled lightly, for he understood Korvi, though it was his secret that was not known by others of him having such a gift. "We have brought you breakfast that you can soon have Korvi, I apologize that you have not been fed as you should be." Jarshal said in a casual kind tone that not even his own men hear from him often. As he sat down the woolen bag that he has been carrying since meeting up with Gelant, a sudden idea sprung in his mind, looking over Korvi as she sat still, noticing she was watching and listening to him and Gelant, so while having her attention, Jarshal speaks out as if casually speaking in an idle manner, "If I were to know what you're proper feeding was, I would try to help, but since I don't, this will make up for it." Jarshal spoke inconspicuously, hoping that his small plan would be possible without suspicion. Korvi blinked looking a little confused by

what he said, not fully knowing if it was a question to her or a statement, so she replies an answer as if it was a question. "Wes hads deer meats early dawns ands dawn-rests..." Jarshal smiled slightly as his idea worked, for he knew now a proper feeding way for her and at what approximate times. ~so two times a day... and about two or three large fish per feeding, judging by her size...~ Jarshal thought as he looked over Korvi's body before switching his gaze to Gelant. "I will feed her myself soon, may I have some time alone with her?" Gelant nodded with no hesitation, speaking as he started to back up, turning around, "Of course Jarshal! I must go check on my tent anyways." After speaking, Gelant walked off a short distance to do just that. When Gelant was fully out of sight, Jarshal gave a soft sigh as he sat down beside Korvi, giving a light smile to her. "I hope that you can forgive me for all that was done... It was all I could do to save you and your friend Shaol, you do understand that right?" Korvi looked directly into Jarshal's eyes before answering solemnly to him, "Yesh..." Nodding lightly, Jarshal looked away from her, feeling guilt and pity for Korvi as he heard her dulled sad tone; the emotion of regret was strong and hard within his fast beating heart, screaming to his mind in wishing to make her feel better in the slightest, in some way to help her! Another idea then came to him, such an idea, that it was too good for him to shrug off, looking back at Korvi, he then says firmly yet soft as not to upset her any worse; "Korvi, would you like the chain to come off, and to move around a little freely?" Korvi's azure blue eyes lit up with surprised hope, staring at Jarshal closely as he continued his sentence after a brief pause. "I could do that, with no danger to you, but you must listen by staying on this platform and NOT bite anyone, okay? You can move around on the wood, but no getting off, I don't want my mean soldiers to hurt you, so can you promise to be the nice good Korvi for me?" Jarshal looked to her expectantly after speaking, awaiting her response. Remaining silent for a moment, Korvi took in the words, understanding him quite well, seeing that if she wanted the chains that are holding her to come off, she just had to stay on this platform and not bite anyone. It was so simple! She could do that! Bobbing he head in a nod, Korvi speaks with small gained enthusiasm; "I pwomises!" Jarshal laughed lowly, smiling at Korvi as he thought; ~They are not dumb beasts at all but rather smart the dragons are, even the young!~ Taking a few steps to the end part of the chain where the nail was holding it pegged to the wooden floor, Jarshal gripped firmly with his ungloved hands, then with a breath, heaves upwards, pulling the nail out. Korvi held still, watching Jarshal with slight awe that he pulled such a thing out! Letting the chain go from his hands, he then started to unlatch the chain slip from around her neck, pulling it off her a moment after. Korvi stood still for a long moment once the feeling of the uncomfortable metal around her neck was finally gone! It brought a moments burst of happiness to Korvi, looking up to Jarshal, speaking with a now noticeable elevated mood, "Thaank yous!" Jarshal smiled, feeling some of the pained throbbing of regret fade away slowly, feeling glad that Korvi was having some joy with the chain off. "Remember our agreeme--" Korvi suddenly lunged at Jarshal, cutting him off completely mid-sentence while sprawling him on his back, standing atop his chest. Jarshal felt the air in his lungs rush out on impact, stunned momentarily as he looked to Korvi upon his chest plate. ~"Thank Azuren I'm wearing my armor... my chest would be crushed..! Even the young of dragons weigh a lot!"~ The thought ran through his mind as he started regaining breath, squirming while under Korvi, fear rising. With no warning, Korvi opened her maw wide, her saliva dripped out to Jarshal's neck, before she then started to rapidly lick and slurp the humans face, leaving it all sticky wet with her dragon slobber, giggling for she found the squirming of Jarshal funny! "H...hey..! I know y-you're happy, so leave my face alone!" Jarshal sputtered with a laugh. "Nuu." Korvi replied with a playful tease as she continued.


Gelant was returning from his tent when he saw Korvi in the distance, seventy feet away, feeling his heart skip a beat in sudden fear as he saw that Korvi was not attached to her chain, then realized she was also on top of Jarshal. The skin of Gelant seemed to pale cold, quickly spurring himself into a sprint, hoping it wasn't too late as he feared Korvi was dining on his friend. "JARSHAL!" He cried as he neared the platform. Korvi heard the voice, lifting her head up from Jarshal's face, leaving his face all slimy as she looked confused at Gelant before hopping off Jarshal. "It's okay Gelant; she's just showing her appreciation." Jarshal spoke with a muffled chuckle as he picked himself up, using his hand to wipe the saliva off his face. Korvi sat down where she hopped off, her tail swishing broadly, watching both Jarshal and Gelant, who still looked rather shaken, though was regaining his composure rapidly. "A-ahh I see... But what is she doing off her chain?" He spoke trying to not sound nervous still. "She is in higher spirit when she is not chained, and will be thought about better by others if she is viewed as an exotic captive pet for sale rather than a slave and beast that appears hard to control." Jarshal responded calmly before adding in; "And don't fear that she would run away nor attack anyone, I made sure she would listen so she will not try to run with her chain off." Appearing not fully convinced, Gelant shook the thought away, turning to look at Korvi, whom in return gave an innocent cute and wide grin while she looked directly in his eye, causing Gelant to go wide-eyed with surprise. "She...she just grinned at me! Grinned wide too she did!" Korvi giggled, finding Gelant's reaction to be funny, all over a grin she gave! Taking advantage of the moment, Korvi stuck out her thin, serpentine tongue out at him. Staring at Korvi with bewilderment, Gelant exclaimed, "Now she teases?!" Jarshal laughed loud as he watched Korvi be silly, knowing that she enjoyed the reactions and attention. "What, did you think her dumb? They are actually

quite intelligent creatures, not stupid beasts." Korvi nodded her head idly while listening to Jarshal lecture Gelant, not even knowing herself why she found reactions so funny, perhaps she just needed to laugh after all the pains she has endured through. Gelant walked over to the bag, lifting it upside down to empty the content, six fresh bought Kath fish splotched on the floor. "Seems you haven't fed her yet."

  Gelant observes as he notices all the fish untouched, reclaiming his woolen bag. Korvi looked at the fish with a curious and hungry look as she stared at them, standing up, she suddenly pounces at the fish, causing Gelant to recoil and flinch, as if for a moment thought she lunged at him. "FISSSHHH!" Korvi squeaked with delight, biting at a fish, munching at it happily. "Now she is eating, as well happy." Jarshal said with a thin smile, watching Korvi eat the second fish. ***

"Daddy, daddy we going home soon??" A child's voice spoke in an excited tone. "Yes Tevrian...  We are going home soon." Laurick sighed as he walked, holding his son's hand.  Tevrian looked around the busy market with wide teal eyes, only an eight-year-old boy, with medium brown hair and was so full of curiosity, walking with his father in the market.  Laurick was a man in his forties, tall with a short beard, dressed in travel-worn clothes and looking rather weary.  Tevrian pulled on his father's hand, trying to walk faster, while looking around in the crowded area, hearing yells of people advertising their wares and items. "Fine wool here, recently sheared!" "I got new crafted silk for sale!  Only two silver coins apiece!" "Fresh cooked meat of high-quality, get your fine meals here!" Many merchants called out, all trying to draw attention to them. As Laurick and his son walked through the market, Tevrian noticed the formation of soldiers by a wooden stage, with a creature on it. "Daddy look!  Soldiers are there!  What are they doing and what is that there red animal?" Tevrian pointed his finger in the direction of the stage, his young curiosity, flaring.  Laurick peered in the distance, squeaking to see before mumbling low to Tevrian; "I don't know...  But those soldiers are definitely not Seleran's city guards, they bear the sigil of King Valreth, so they must be the Valblades." Tevrian eyes widened as he heard his father, for he has only heard rumors about them, dreaming to join them when he grows up! "Can we go see them to see what they are selling, please daddy?" Laurick glanced back to the soldiers for a moment before returning his gaze to Tev, letting out a sigh. "I don't know Tev, whatever it is must be a huge value to involve the Valblades, and no doubt it will cost greatly." Tevrian looked a little sad in his teal eyes, really wanting to go see. "Pleaaase dad?  I went all around with you, so please?" Tevrian

begged, looking up to his father.  Laurick groaned and sighed before giving a light smile. "Alright we can, but I only have ten silver coins left, so don't think we could get anything of huge value."

"Yaaay!" Tevrian cheered with excitement as he let go of his father's hand before then running ahead to the platform, not waiting for his father. "Tevrian! Wait!" Laurick cried out as he then chases after his son. ***

Gelant sighed and scowled. "I can't help it if no one wants to buy her Jarshal!" Jarshal was talking with Gelant privately inside his tent; which was now placed right next to the platform after the sudden scare for Gelant. Jarshal shook his head and frowned deep. "I have to return to Taelna with the soldiers to report to King Valreth, and I sure as hell can't take her with me, she'd be killed!" Gelant crossed his arms in annoyance, retorting sarcastically; "Well what do you want me to do, release her loose on the city? She'd still be killed!" Growing tired of arguing, Jarshal sighs before stating simply, "We will be marching out hopefully within the next ten minutes, I suppose we will have to fig--" Jarshal cuts off as he heard suddenly a unison screech of swords being drawn outside by the platform. Wasting no time, Jarshal rushes out, pushing the tent flap out of the way as he looks around with an alert gaze, trying to see what the threat was. It didn't take long to spot a young boy near the guards at the platform, the boy wide-eyed with awe. "At ease men! It's just a boy!" Jarshal called out with a harsh annoyed tone, stepping through the ranks to see the boy, the rank of soldiers were clustered causing no visibility of Korvi. "P...please f-forgive my son... H-he has a g-great curiosity..." Laurick spoke in gasps as he reached Tevrian and Jarshal, panting as he reclaims his breath. Jarshal looked to Laurick, about to respond when Tevrian outbursts in astonishment; "You are the Valblades?! Cool! What are you doing here in the market??" Jarshal laughed lightly, smiling as he looked down at the boy. "Aye we are!" Turning his gaze back to Laurick, he adds, "It is all well, I should apologize for my men drawing their blades on a boy over curiosity. I am Jarshal, High-Commander of the Valblades. We are here trying to sell a rather... exotic pet." Laurick looked directly at Jarshal to

show respect as he speaks, "Honor to meet ya Jarshal, I'm Laurick, and this here is Tevrian. If I may ask, what kind of pet are you talking about?"

Laurick asked with curiosity while holding Tev by the shoulders, glancing to the guards atop the stage, their swords now sheathed. "Well... quite the rare kind, though nobody wants to buy her. She's a young Infernal dragon, with rather beautiful markings. We need to sell her immediately." Jarshal stated nervously at first, as if expecting a sudden bad reaction. Laurick stared blankly at Jarshal for a moment, as if unbelieving, thinking it a joke, about to speak when suddenly Tevrian bursts out loudly with excitement; "A dragon?? Can I go see?!" Jarshal smiled as he looked at Tev, replying lightly, "Sure, if your father allows, she's safe." Speaking calm, Jarshal hoped silently as he knew he was taking a risk, hoping that Korvi would hold to her word to not hurt anyone. Looking hesitant, Laurick slowly nods his head in given permission, still at a loss for words. "Come with me Tevrian, and Laurick, could you watch from here? Don't want to scare the young with too many people." Jarshal spoke casually while leading Tevrian around to the short stairs on the side of the platform, some of the guards moved to allow Laurick to view. ***

Korvi kept pacing left to right, right to left, glad to have such mobility returned to her, though she couldn't help one important thing; she was extremely bored. Restless and bored as there was nothing fun or exciting on this dumb wood! All she could do to save herself from death by boredom was to either pace back and forth, or twiddle her paws... So she picked pacing. As Korvi paced, she heard voices past the guards, unable to see though who it was, she did recognize one voice to be Jarshal... The other sounded noticeably older, and the third sounded... greatly younger! Curiosity rose in Korvi, having not quite directly heard what was said, though guessed it was about her! It just had to be! Getting all excited with her curiosity, Korvi almost wanted to make a running leap off the platform, though remembered her promise to Jarshal, to stay on the wood area, quickly stopping before then sitting down, moments after starting to fidget with her paws. A moment later, three of the Valblades moved out of the way by the left side of the platform where the crude stairs are, Jarshal along with some smaller human stepped up. Korvi's head perked, feeling excitement rise, happy to see Jarshal once more! Finally she doesn't have to be bored again! To Korvi's young mind, Jarshal was her friend and play-toy as he was nice and very fun by how he reacts! The small human boy stared at Korvi with an awe-struck and feared gaze, looking as if she was the most greatest and scary creature he has ever seen! Korvi giggled with the thought as she stood up, not needing to move anywhere for the two approached her. "Tevrian, this is Korvi, Korvi, this is Tevrian. Be nice." Korvi tilted her head at Tevrian, looking eye to eye before squeaking out; "Hellos Tewrian!" Tevrian's eyes went wide as he heard her, mouth opening as if to speak but no words came out. "Don't worry of her growls, it isn't bad, she is friendly." Jarshal spoke assuring as he noticed Tevrian's expression. Taking his gaze off Korvi, Tevrian looked up to Jarshal, speaking with astonishment,

 "She didn't growl, she spoke!" Jarshal recoiled slightly, regaining his composure a moment after, looking at Tevrian seriously as he questions the boy, "You heard her speak words?" Korvi even looked surprised, blinking before squeaking out, "Yous hears mes??" Korvi felt dumbfounded, for she thought that only the human Jarshal could hear her words! "Yes I heard her! Wow she's so awesome! Better than any pet I seen!" Korvi squeaked, blushing lightly as she heard the compliments to her, thinking maybe this 'pet' thing isn't that bad... deciding to show her appreciation for the compliments, Korvi takes a few steps closer towards Tevrian, and then leaned in to nuzzle against his body, making a light 'murr' sound through her throat. Tevrian looked to the dragon nuzzling against him; the size of her was at his chest! After a hesitant moment, Tevrian wraps his arms around her neck in a hug, causing her to murr slightly more. Frowning only slightly, Jarshal wondered if it'd be a good idea to warn Tevrian about such a gift, though he didn't have any time, Laurick stepped up on the platform behind. Laurick looked male in the face as he saw Tevrian hugging the young dragon, as if fearing Korvi would snap at his son in any moment. Tevrian gently let go of the hug so he could sit down upon the wooden platform, though as he did, Korvi un-expectantly plopped down upon Tevrian's lap, as a cat would do when happy and wanting attention, murring happily as she lay on the boy's lap. The weight of Korvi on his lap was almost too much for him, though his lap held, looking to Korvi who sat there on him, feeling the small aura of warmth radiate from her smooth leathery hide. Even though he was practically pinned and trapped under her by the weight, it was surprisingly comfortable, smiling wide, Tevrian slowly with nervousness strokes down Korvi's neck with his soft hand. The feeling of Korvi's hide was warm, tender and smooth, unable to believe that he was holding and feeling such an amazing creature! "Tevrian! B-be careful!" Tevrian looked behind to see his father, grinning wide and silly as he speaks excitedly, "Daddy can we please get her, pleeease!" Laurick groaned slightly as his son whined at him, shaking his head as he replies, "As nice she may be Tevrian, we don't have a fortune to spend, a pet like that is just too much." Jarshal gazed to the sky, noting the position of the Fire-Star, then scowled, he along with the soldiers should of left by now and were falling behind on time due to this delay, thinking... now having an idea, suddenly questions Laurick, "My men and I need to depart for Taelna immediately and we are unable to take Korvia with us, So how much do you have for

offer?" Laurick looked directly to Jarshal, responding casually, "At the most? Seven silver is all I have left for spending." Biting his lip, Jarshal thought about it, as it was a greatly low amount for one such as Korvi, though it was better than getting nothing, and time was starting to be against him, So with a firm and serious tone, Jarshal replies, "Alright, we'll sell her to you for seven silver, and will include some fish for food." Korvi's ears perked as she heard what was said, wondering in hope that if her time as a captured slave was over, and despite the humans not being dragons, hoping in wonder if she'd gain a family again, to be... loved. "I... I honestly don't know if it is a good idea... I mean, she is a dragon after all, it wouldn't be like any ordinary house pet." Tevrian felt almost ready to cry, for out of the whole trip to Seleran and following his father around while he himself didn't get anything, and now he found one of the greatest things he has ever seen and for an outrageously cheap price, only to feel rejection from his father. Tevrian looked to Korvi then to his father, before pleading trying to not sound emotional; "P--please daddy..?" Before Laurick had a chance to reply, Korvi stared deeply at Laurick with her bright azure eyes, and when Laurick's gaze met and locked with Korvi's, the expression of deep sorrow, grief, loss and tragedy of deep traumatizing pain along with confusion was shown in her eyes, along with a faint gleam of hope within. The gaze pierced into Laurick's core, feeling more sorrow as little Korvi whimpered at him pitifully. "Arggh her pleading eyes are by far worse than a pup dog begging for food! Alright we can buy her!" Korvi squealed with excitement, knowing she will finally be able to leave this city and more importantly, be gone from the mean bad Valblade soldiers! The sudden sadness of Tevrian lifted almost instantly when he heard his father's response, stunned momentarily by his father's approval, then smiled happily as he gave a tight hug around Korvi's neck! As she was hugged by the young boy, a few tears streamed down Korvi's cheek, as for the first time since she was captured and taken from her home and family, she felt loved, having needed simply a caring hug. "Alright, I am far behind

when we had to depart, I will have to drive my men double-time for marching, that will be seven silver for Korvi now." Jarshal spoke formally while approaching Laurick. Many near Valblade soldiers' who heard their High-Commander groaned though dared not to object. Laurick nodded as he reached into his coin pouch strapped to his side, withdrawing seven of the remaining ten silver coins, quickly assuring it was the right value before handing them to Jarshal. "There we are, seven silver." Smiling slightly, Jarshal gives the last three Katha fish that were not eaten by Korvi to Laurick; the fresh woolen sack was tied closed. "Alright it's a done deal, here is some Katha fish for her, and I recommend those there are fed to her by next Early-Dawn, as they won't be too good much longer." Jarshal explained to Laurick, glancing to Tevrian and Korvi, seeing that the two were getting along so well, as if a beginning bond was formed between a human child and a yearling dragon. "So how many times must she be fed? I'm guessing like once or twice every... few days? And what exactly is her diet?" Laurick started to question after gathering his thoughts about the decision he made, hoping that he would not later regret it. Speaking hastily, Jarshal responds to the questions, "She eats two times each day, Early-Dawn and at Dawn-Rest, preferably fish or deer that you can hunt for and get taken care of. Now, forgive my sudden cut from discussion but my men and I really need to depart, she's yours to take, though just a warning, she is not a dumb beast, so do not mistreat her as she is very intelligent, treat her as you would respect one another. Farewell and good luck."

  Laurick stood speechless for a moment as Jarshal walked past him towards his men, slowly absorbing in what was told. "Two times each day?!" Korvi looked at Laurick with confusion, as she did not understand why the bigger human outbursted and bothered by feeding time. Laurick sighed lightly as he walks closer to Tevrian, carrying the bag of fish, speaking to his son noticeably weary; "Well, let's set forth home Tev my boy." He then looks at Korvi to address her as well, "You too Korvi, welcome to the family." Korvi sniffled, feeling happiness and hope surge within, for despite her tragic loss of her home and family, new hope was slowly building, for now, she was no more a slave nor alone, having now a human family, and a boy who is awed by her instead of thinking her as nothing more than a beast, one who can provide comfort and love for after surviving the tragically horrid events that had taken place, comforting compassionate love was what she needed the most now. At Tevrian's light urging, Korvi got off his lap, standing still upon her paws while looking to Tevrian with a tilted head, unsure of what to do next. "Comeoon Korvi lets go home!" Tevrian spoke excitedly as he follows his father eagerly, walking eastward towards the exit. Squeaking slightly, Korvi pushes herself into a small sprint to catch up, chirping out; "O...okies..!" As Korvi caught up, Tevrian started to talk of random human things. Korvi listened to each word as the three departed Seleran, the Fire-Star was nearing to Dawn-Rest as they made their way southbound, Korvi padding along casually while looking all around the surroundings with great curiosity, having not seen much before when she was caged. "Well, with progress we will be home by late Star-Fall; so let's get movin'!" Laurick says cheery with a short laugh, bringing a smile to both Korvi and Tev as the young boy and dragon walked side by side as Tev held his hand on Korvi's warm, smooth leathery hide. In the distance travelling further Far East was the Valblades, making their return journey to Taelna, where their own destination laid south, just barely visible was the village town Dela, where now, is Korvi's new home, hopes of a better future clung tight to little Korvi's heart.