Taelna. (XXIV)

Story by Korvia on SoFurry

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Chapter XXIV

Taelna. (XXIV)

Shaol stared silently at the massive gates of Taelna ahead of them. It has been two full dawns of travelling since they have departed Seleran. At last now having reached the destination they were travelling to. The entryway up ahead had four guards, with two on each side. All who passed through the gates were inspected with stern, hard gazes from the guards. Many stares from the people on the path fell upon Shaol as his cage was noticed upon Maruk's wagon; the peoples' expressions were full of shock and awe. As they approached the gateway, all four guards stepped in the way of Maruk. "'Ello there Maruk, what's with the dragon 'ere in the cage?" The oldest city guard spoke, a man looking to be in his forties, questioning Maruk as he stood in the way blocking his path. "This here is soon to be my finest trained gladiator of a beast for my arena, so I ask you to step out of my way, if ye know what's best for you." The gate soldier looked ready to challenge the threat Maruk stated, though before he could utter a retort, the guard noticed the two Valblade soldiers beside Maruk's wagon, and with the sight of them, ceased the words dry out of his throat, nodding before stepping out of the way with a grumble. Maruk's grin grew wide as the guards stepped back to their posts, continuing to watch the citizens pass while giving a nasty glare to Maruk silently as they once more advanced through. Once they were within the fortified walls, Maruk proclaimed as he walked; "Welcome to the capital city of Taelna, Shaol! You in time shall be well known here!" He chuckled lightly before adding lowly; "Well or you'll end up dead. But I did not spend five steel coins for a beast to be slain, oh no... you will be trained, and trained good at that. If you want to survive, you'll be a good boy and win fights. You get to live and gain fame, and I get all the profit. It's a win-win!" Maruk laughed heartily to himself after speaking, figuring that his dragon has half the brain to understand his words. Only a low growl from Shaol was heard for a response. He did not like this human, especially for how he treated him, as if he was but a damned beast to be tamed and controlled...No, he hated that thought, and the thought of him willingly submit and obey this human as his master? Never. Yes, he will fight as the human said, as Shaol knew, that he will become more powerful than what his owner expects. He had to, for his best friend Korvi. He had to survive, so he could keep his promise made to

Korvi before being forced apart in Seleran! Sudden deep anger grew in Shaol's heart over the humans and her owner, HE, whom caused the separation with the one closest to his heart! Shaol thought silently to himself as the wagon was brought deeper into the Taelna, that if the chance came to him, That he would personally make Maruk pay. ***

The city of Taelna itself was well fortified; towers aligned the inner walls along the gateway entrance. The people moved about to do their activities, from marketing to gathering, formal city guards casually around, being watchful to all. Many low murmurs started from those around Maruk wagon, fingers pointed at Shaol was just taste, even some names were muttered against the Dragon. Shaol growled lowly, staring directly into the eyes of those watching him, causing some of the onlookers to look away to evade piercing gaze. He hated them, all of them because of all the harm the humans caused him, that sparked a cold burning hatred towards them. "Right, this is as far we go with you Maruk, yer on your own now." The first of the Valblade spoke as they neared Maruk's arena. Maruk halted as he heard what was spoken by the Valblade escort, speaking with slight disbelief, "What you both ain't stay with me until Shaol here get settled in his new home?" The first Valblade who spoke first looked harshly at Maruk, having had enough of his annoying voice, snapping at him, "Yes we are done here with you! I'm sure ya can handle him just fine Maruk, for YOU bought him so YOU handle him on your own now."

  The soldier turned his back to Maruk as he started walking away with the second soldier close by, not bothering to wait a response. "Well, all right, I understand, ye Valblades, needin' to get back to licking your master's boot, much understood." Maruk jeers as he points North-East towards where a massively fortified citadel of a castle loomed within reinforced stone walls, where King Valreth rules. That comment was the last straw for the impatient soldier. Stopping suddenly, the soldier clenched his fist as he turned around to face Maruk, and drew his sword, pointing the tip at him. "Make one more comment like that and it will be your head off eating the dirt!" Maruk fully put his hands up, casually without showing much fear, he nodded his head. "Alright, alright, be on yer way, I won't get in the way." The soldiers simply sheathed his sword, and without another word he turned around leaving with his comrade. Shaol was snickering to himself, finding this scene with Maruk and the Valblade to be most amusing! Maruk looked at Shaol having heard the noise he made, mumbling

lowly to him, "Ahh, shaddup you..." ***

Shaol kept his eyes focused on all around him, the piercing gaze was more than enough to force onlookers to look away when their eyes met with his, causing fear within the humans, and their fear made Shaol smirk. They had all rights to fear him, for he hated them all. None were innocent to Shaol, for what was but one compared to a thousand man strong army? There were no differences to Shaol's mind. All of them are guilty for the pains endured! For the loss of his mother, of Korvi, it was all their fault! They are all the monsters, not him! Growling deep, Shaol gripped the cage floor hard with his small yet sharp claws, creating a spine-chilling grating sound, causing Maruk flinch. "Stop making that racket Shaol! We're here, your new home!" Maruk proclaimed broadly as they neared the large stone entrance to the Brutalalis arena. He also received awkward stares from nearby people, looking to Maruk as if he was crazed or getting mad, though he gave them no attention, continuing his walk beside his worn old horse that looked about ready to collapse and die, obviously to why Maruk didn't ride it. Stepping through the entryway, Shaol watched silent as Maruk that his horse to the stables, where finally the wagon was unlatched. "Eh, go get some rest, you earned it." Maruk spoke to the horse as he pats it's rump, watching it slowly pads over to its stall before he walked next to the wagon to look directly at Shaol. "Well now, let's get you settled for the night now, aye?" He only growled lowly in response, outright hatred grown deep for this man. "Now none of that's my boy, tomorrow is going to be your first day of training! You'll be tamed and trained!" Shaol's low growl turned into a narrow, staring eye to eye with Maruk, holding his ground, knowing that this was going to be a long, rough night... ***

Shaol groaned lowly to himself as he lay still in the corner of his new large cell. His earlier thought of it being a rough night was true, for there were strong arena men and guards whom forcefully handled him for Maruk not long after having a stare down with him. Shaol was angered that he had to have his damned loyal men to contain him instead of  Maruk himself, ruining the chance to attack and try to kill his owner, figuring now the humans' were smarter than he first thought. Shaol only felt so worn now because he has resisted fiercely though they forced him out of the cage using great caution, getting him into the holding cell having to bash him over the head multiple times, putting Shaol at the brink of going unconscious which gave the arena guards the opportunity to secure a worn steel collar light chain around his neck before linking it to a medium eight ft. length of the chain that was attached to the far corner wall, acting now as if a bound leash. Letting loose another low groan, Shaol pushes the memory a way of how the earlier handle him, struck with the fact he was trapped, and all he could do now was laid on her side, ignoring the awed comfort of the chain, and sleep. Despite his fierce resistance he has shown this dawn, a tear dripped down Shaol's snout, hoping and praying that Korvi was alright.