King Valreth. (XXVII)

Story by Korvia on SoFurry

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Chapter XXVII

King Valreth. (XXVII)

The footsteps of Jarshal's movement echoed through the long main hall. The increasing dark aura sent light chills down his spine. It has not been long since the Valblades returned to Taelna, most of the men disbanded to go home. Some even had families. It was true that not all the soldiers were heartless; they simply and strictly had to obey their king. That did not mean though they are barbaric after the mission, most of the Valblades were common people with good potential once upon a time... Scowling, Jarshal shakes his head; memories flashed through his mind once more of his family, before he was a soldier. Before they were dead. He too, was once a common farmer until the day of his tenth birthday... The memories were too much. Forcing them away, Jarshal focused his gaze ahead of him. Two guards who stood beside the massive throne room doors saluted to him as they stepped aside without a word. It was obvious that the citadel had its doors and halls constructed massive to allow free-roam movements with dragons in mind. Fael, Valreth's Dragon-bound partner was the only dragon here. With a deep breath, Jarshal pushed open the towering doors, as they slid open with ease. Stepping forth, he walks into the large, spacious throne room. Light illumined the room from torches aligning along the walls, yet despite the many torches providing more than enough light, there felt to be a clinging darkness shiver all about, even to one's own shadow. "So... you've finally returned... I was starting to wonder if my elite soldiers were having difficulties..." A smooth, appearing gentle, yet powerful voice spoke from the backside of the room atop a throne dark as night. There sat Valreth, a man appearing no older than twenty-five, with teal-cyan eyes, and medium long black hair. He was to the common eye, very charming and self-dignified in his appearance. The only visible sign of corruption was his eyes; his eyes that had a faint glow of a tinted green teal mixed with cyan, for he possessed the powers of the corrupted Azuern. Standing up from the throne, Valreth approached Jarshal casually, standing height of 6'2. "Yes my king, we have returned... with both victory and defeat..." Jarshal spoke with a low tone as he kneeled. Just before Valreth could reply, Fael stepped forth from beside the throne, practically having been cloaked until known. The large dragon was massive in size, his hide was the hue of the abyss, as a dancing shadowy aura swirled across his body which gave his form more a ghastly appearance, then physical flesh. "And what defeat is this? You of all soldiers should know that failure is not favored..." The voice of Fael was low yet deep and untamed, an unstable savage tone that heralds fear in the souls of mortals. Looking up to Fael yet avoiding direct eye contact, Jarshal responded calmly while kneeling; "It was none of our fault, we succeeded in killing the species including the Highborne... yet we have failed to retrieve the Infernal Ruby." Valreth tensed slightly, overlooking Jarshal firmly as Fael snorted yet kept silent to let Valreth speak. "So you have failed in returning the ruby of fire... yet succeeded in wiping out the species that guarded it..." Valreth clenched his hand tight, gritting his teeth in attempt to sound calm, his voice low in an angered growl. "Do you not recall, how important I stated that it be found?! My plans are grounded to a halt now and no doubt the other element dragons will be on high alert now!"

 "My King none of us could find it! Even Carshan reported the Highborne's cave empty!" Jarshal responded quickly, keeping his head lowered. It took Valreth a moment to reply, letting out a deep sigh, he suddenly states demanding and cold, "Dismissed. Take your leave. I will call upon you when needed." Jarshal nodded, standing up, and then turned around to depart. "Wait..." Fael suddenly spoke, approaching Jarshal. "You... carry a familiar scent..." The large void dragon spoke as he sniffed him. Jarshal's face paled, holding still, not daring to move, as if held still in cold fear. "Yes...! A very Familiar smell... and it is young too... why." Fael couldn't possibly smell the scent of Korvi on him...could he? It then flashed through his mind; he HAS had a lot of direct contact with the young dragon, especially after being repeatedly licked for removing the chain. "I...don't know why I smell familiar Lord Fael..? Do I reek to in which I should proceed to immediately go bathe myself?" Fael snorted, lifting his snout away

before turning his body away. "Yes. Begone with you. And, Jarshal? Be sure to wash that smelly piece of flesh you call a face." Jarshal felt his heart lurch within his chest at those words, quickly turning away to depart without another word. Fael grinned sinister as he watched Jarshal leave, before then looking to Valreth. "I am rather bemused. He knows much more than what he spoke." Fael snorted then laughed darkly, not giving Valreth a chance to question what he meant. "But it matters not. I sensed a familiar smell on him that carried a scent I known long ago... A scent, upon a scent if you will." Looking up to Fael directly, unfeared to look him in the eyes, Valreth responded with an annoyed tone. "What are you getting at, Fael? A scent... upon a scent?" Fael grinned wide, a demonic, crazed and dark smirk. He knew before that his daughter, Fierya, survived when his mate died, and even though Jarshal reported that the current highborne leader was slain; obviously Fierya, he smelled a scent that was both connected to Fierya and... close, as if... family, along with a tint of an energy that felt almost unique like Valreth's own. "Well, Fael? What are we to do now with our plans of conquering Kelreth ruined?" In thought, Fael looked at Valreth, still holding a twisted smirk as he spoke low to his humanbound partner, "We wait. We simply, wait. And for what Jarshal has not told us, is that a grandchild of mine exists, and still lives. The smell linked to my once known child, though this one is born with a power within... opposite of yours..."