Bonding. (XXVIII)

Story by Korvia on SoFurry

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Chapter XXVIII

Bonding. (XXVIII)

The dawns living in Dela were simple and pleasant for Korvi. Six cycles have passed since she arrived here as a yearling. That was cycles ago. As of last cycle, little Korvi was at the age of a youngling, she has even grown, reaching in size up to Tevrian's waist, slightly larger than the average full grown wolf. Over the cycles, Korvi and Tevrian grew close together, relying on each other while spending significant time together. Tevrian now was at the age of fourteen, and held all the care in the world for Korvi! Korvi has well learned and adapted to her new life-style, becoming extremely docile and 'people friendly'. Even all the villagers of Dela accepted and liked Korvi, after realizing she was more silly then dangerous, and Tevrian made friends with many of the children, thanks to Korvi! The only hard time Tevrian really had with Korvi was when trying to bathe her; it just seemed as if naturally Korvi didn't like being drenched in water. By winter, Korvi chose to stay inside often, only seldom going out with Tevrian if it wasn't too windy and cold outside. It was now date 2E 784 5 22D, the month Raina. Korvi was laying by the door, looking most bored as she was stuck inside the house, as heavy rain was heard beating the ground beyond the door. It was only dawning though, so she held hope the weather would clear soon! Over the six cycles, Korvia was educated as best could by Tevrian and what knowledge he knew and learned, from both his father and others, and being able to communicate with Korvi, talked to her lots as if holding great to teach what he knew to her. One of the pieces of information she learned was the names of the ten months, which went as; Blazea, Hotha, Warmra, Lutha, Raina, Chila, Shivtha, Snowea, Icea, and Glaea. Blazea and Hotha were the highest temperature months, while Glaea and Icea were the coldest; Icea though was when snow and ice came! All of this information was fantasizing to Korvi, and learning it was an exciting challenge! Though there was one type of information that was a challenge to learn for Korvi, being recently taught, and that was the time, both written and meaning. That was one topic she had to practice often to remember. The lessons given to her by Tevrian about time ran through her memory, about how the 2E at the start stood for the Era, the 2 representing 2000 cycles, while the next three digits stood for the current cycle date, so 2E 784 was the same as 2784! The third set of digits represented the current month, and lastly the final set of digits represented the current dawn! Each dawn, to help herself remember, Korvi wrote out the current date in the dirt outside, as the practice benefitted her. 2E 784 3 15D. That was the first date she ever wrote, and then each dawn since then she wrote when she went outside. 2E 784 3 16D. 2E 784 3 17D. 2E 784 3 18D. It slowly grew upon her

memory on how to write, and to remember the time, due to her constant practice! Footsteps sounded coming down the stairs. "Good morning Korvi!" Tevrian spoke as he noticed Korvi sitting alone, approaching her. Korvi smiled as she saw Tevrian come to her, giggling as she also noticed his messy hair in the morning. "Goods dawnings Tevrian! It ish rainings outs..." The upset tone was clearly heard in her tone. Walking to the door, Tevrian opened it to look outside. It was no longer raining heavy though it still rained. "Hrm... well..." An idea suddenly came to his mind, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Wanna go play in the rain??" The question struck Korvi speechless for a moment, as the very idea of it sounded so mischievously playful... and fun! Standing quickly, Korvi bobbed her head in a nod, squealing excitedly, "Yesh! Let's gos play!"

  The excitement bolstered through both of them, as with the door open, Korvi first bolts out into the rain. ***

"Taag! Your it Korvi! Can't get me!" Korvi squeaked as her side was lightly slapped by Tevrian's hand, before immediately darting after the boy as he ran, squealing, "I wills Tevrian! Gets yous goods!" Their game of tag was most fun, though no matter how fast Tevrian could run, it was not enough to out run Korvi! With a leaping pounce, Korvi tackled Tevrian to the ground, in the mud. "Gots yous!!" Korvi squealed triumphantly as she stood atop Tevrian's back, holding him down. "Oh...d-do you?" Tevrian questioned as he quickly turned and rolled, getting Korvi in the mud also! With a squeak, Korvi flailed her paws to grip Tevrian in order to attempt rolling him back. They both were about the same size in length, except Korvi's long tail, her size equal to an over-sized germen Shepard dog. The two rolled around in the mud, both laughing as rain poured down upon them. Korvi's tail curled around Tevrian's waist, mainly to hold a grip on him while keeping him close. It was a silly sight, boy and dragon wrestling and rolling in the mud and rain; it was a good thing no one was outside yet to see! It was all fun... until Korvi tried to grip with her paws and claws. She couldn't get a proper hold, and with the motion of rolling, her claws accidently dug into Tevrian's front side of his top left shoulder, slashing downwards to his top wrist. Pain shot through Tevrian's arm as blood seeped out. Korvi blinked wide eyed, gasping as she saw the blood, squeaking with fear, she lets go of him and jumps off, biting her tongue as she does. "I sorries I sorries I sorries!!" Korvi whined out, eyes watering, ignoring the minor pain in her maw. The wound on Tevrian's arm was deep, three claw marks slashed down his flesh, causing tremendously numbing pain. "AAAAHHHAAAHA......." Tevrian started crying out loudly, sitting in pain while holding his arm as blood seeped. It was a massive and severe wound that would need immediate attention soon. Korvi couldn't believe herself... one she greatly cares for and receives great care from, gets hurt, and by her own claws! Tears started dripping from her eyes, deep sorrow shown. Taking slow steps to beside him, Korvi tries to help by licking the wound to clean it, choking out in a soft sob, "I...s-sorries..."

As Korvi licked, she tasted his blood, though she didn't realize that her own blood from her bit tongue mixed in with his. Despite how little amount of Korvi's blood got into Tevrian's wound, something was slowly happening. The pain in his arm was slowly, faintly fading away, as the flow of blood ceases seeping out. "K...Korvi..? W-what are you doing?" Tevrian asked as he watched Korvi lick at his wounded arm. Korvi believed that her simple licking was helping, her saliva coaxing the wound, not realizing more than that was happening. "Ish sorries... Ish helpings cleans..." Korvi mumbled out as she licked. The pain in Tevrian's arm was mostly gone, only a numbing tingle felt, with the stained blood licked away clean, showing the claw-wound more clear now. Moments later... to both Korvi's and Tevrian's surprise, a small cyan-tint started to line along the flesh wound. "T...That's enough Korvi, it... feels better... Thank you... lets go home now." Korvi nodded her head, backing up as Tevrian stood, watching him turn his woollen shirt backwards to hide the wound, though it didn't hide the fact both he and Korvi were filthy in mud! As the two walked... Korvi felt light headed and dazed, tingly inside too, along with growing feelings for Tevrian... To her mind, it came to feel that she needed and depended on him, as he to her... as if their connection together came stronger, something she felt... growing to her soul. ***

Laurick was seated at the table, enjoying Early-Dawn breakfast, when he heard the door open. Standing up, Laurick went to go greet them. "Ah there you are Tevrian and Korvia! You both almost missed break --- oohwoah you both are completely drenched in dirt and mud!" He exclaimed as he noticed how filthy they were. Tevrian lowered his head apologetically. "Sorry daddy..."Shaking his head, Laurick chuckled. "Don't be sorry to me, it's your pet you should be sorry to, as you know what this means, Aye? Bath time. Both of you." Korvi squeaked then groaned lightly. "Nuuu..." Laurick looked to Korvi, obviously unable to understand her responses. "Now don't think those low groan-growls will change my mind." Laurick had to struggle from giving any grins, trying to sound serious. Looking at Tevrian's body, and then examining herself, Korvi figured it would be nice to be clean... Giving a light nuzzle to Tevrian, she smiles, for at least she wasn't going to bathe alone, but to be cleaned together... with her human partner.