Shifted Feelings. (XXXI)

Story by Korvia on SoFurry

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Chapter XXXI

Shifted Feelings. (XXXI)

It has been three long months's since Tevrian has left, and each dawn, a total of eighty-seven dawns, Korvi has been feeling empty the entire time. 2E 786 6 17D was the current date, only four dawn's until Tevrian's seventeenth birthday. Korvi started to wonder if he would be home to share his special day with her. I did hurt her feelings inside that the human she feels close to missed her own hatchday on the tenth of the fifth month, but she held hope inside that he would make it up to her for missing her special day. "Korvia, dinner."

Laurick called aloud so she would hear. Ever since Tev left, Laurick indeed took great care of Korvi, mainly worrying over her next meal. Sometimes Laurick would surprise her with cooked deer or fish meat, though most other times he would have it out for her to eat as was; raw. Picking herself up off of Tevrian's bed, Korvi casually walked out of the room, heading towards the stairs. Recently a new surprise unveiled to Korvi not long ago as she gre; fur of scarlet red has started to grow on her body, primarily in two places; her wings, and under her chestplate to the tip of her undertail. It was confusing to Korvi, as she was pretty sure her mum didn't have fur! Despite confusion, she liked it, as it was warm and beautiful to her view! Walking into the kitchen, Korvi's large wooden bowl was placed in 'her' corner, filled with... cooked salmon! Korvi's bright azure eyes lit up with happiness as she rushed towards her food; Laurick seated at the table, enjoying his own meal, a faint hidden smile on his face. Over the cycles, Laurick's age began to show more, being fifty-two cycles old, his long hair was gaining more grey as he aged. It worried Korvi, knowing he was in his fifties, which to her mind... Wasn't that old at all. At least... to a dragon. She didn't know the life-span of humans', which concerned her inside. She didn't want the humans' she cares for to die anytime soon! Shaking her head to rid herself of such depressing thoughts, Korvi focused on enjoying her meal. The meat of the fish was tender warm, the flesh of the cooked fish sizzled with delious flavour, It was so good, Korvia started cooing to herself, never ceasing to be awed and amazed for how well the humans can cook... and loved every bit of the taste. Korvi was enjoying her meal so much; she almost didn't hear the house door opening.

"Father? Are you home?"

Korvi's ears perked at the voice, her heart almost skipping a beat with excitement!


Korvi squealed with delight, bolting up from her dinner towards the door, seeing Tevrian walking in.

"Ah here you are fa--"

Tevrian's words were cut off as Korvi suddenly pounced him, knocking him flat on his back. As he hit the ground, his armor clanked against the floor, with Korvi standing atop him. Armor... Tevrian didn't leave with armor!

"K...Korvi, g-get off of m-me.!"

Tevrian grunted out, trying to lightly push her off. Getting the hint, Korvi leaped off, starting to talk excitedly,

"I missed yous I missed yous soos verys much!!"

All that Laurick heard from Korvi was pitched growls. Standing up, he looked to his son, noticing the armor.

"Seeing by what you wear, I take it you made it into recruitment? And she,"

He points to Korvi.

"-has missed you greatly. For awhile she has been moping about, lazily and down."

Tevrian looked down at Korvi, noticing how excited she was just by her expression, though... He didn't feel the same for her anymore. With everything he has learned from Carshan, Korvi WAS just a beast, being a dragon, figuring that even though she was 'cute' and 'harmless' now, she will grow more and perhaps dangerous.

"I uh...missed you too girl..."

He said lowly, giving a slight rub to Korvi's snout before then looking to his father with a smile.

"That I did! Even made some friends amongst rank, and a few will be coming from Seleran to celebrate my birthday!"

Korvi blinked surprised, a sinking feeling deepening it's depth's on Korvi's heart as she heard what Tevrian just said... Valblade soldiers, coming for his birthday? It wasn't fair! She wanted to be part of Tevrian's birthday, not them! Hurt feelings lurched inside Korvi, almost making her want to cry. Tevrian for a moment, started to feel Korvi's emotions, flinching slightly, but than with ease, shrugged it away. It was as if Tevrian didn't care as much for her anymore since he departed to become a Valblade... Deciding to let Tev and his dad talk alone, Korvi bolted upstairs to Tev's room, leaping atop his bed, and laid down. And waited. And waited... Surely soon Tevrian would think of her, then come spend time with her! ***

That time for Korvi never came. Every time she tried to ask and talk to Tevrian, even in private; she got similar answers that were becoming common for her now, such as 'maybe later', 'I can't right now', 'perhaps tomorrow'. Daily and often she would accompany him and ask about spending time after he finished his task, and still always got the same denial. It really hurt inside for Korvi, but she pushed it aside, as her feelings for Tevrian remained the same. 2E 786 6 21D. The dawn of Tevrian's birthday.

"Happys birthday happys birthday Tevrian!!"

Korvi had said early in the dawn, waking Tevrian up.

"Thank you... Korvia."

That was the only response she got in all of Early-Dawn. Later during the day, Korvi tried a final time to ask Tevrian; who was in his room preparing himself, if she could spend the dawn with him, though before she could ask, just as she walked into his room, Tevrian questioned,

"Korvi, can we talk for a moment?"

The question fully caught Korvi by surprise, getting her hopes up that he was going to ask her to spend time together on his birthday!

"Y...yesh wes cans Tevrian!"

Nodding his head, Tevrian looked down directly at her as he speaks;

"This is very important so listen good. My friend's from Seleran should be here upon the hour, so I need you to stay up here until next Early-Dawn, okay?"

Korvi couldn't believe what she heard... he couldn't be serious could he? Her eyes started to water as she tried to hold in the sorrow.


"There's no other option Korvi! They are Valblade soldiers, as am I, and I don't want you to get killed or harmed by them, so im telling you to stay here, okay?"

Korvi sniffled and looked down at her paws. As much it hurt, she would obey, as she felt strong for him, being bonded, assuming he only wanted this for her safety.


She mumbled with a silent sob. ***

When the soldiers first arrived, there was congradulations and best wishes given to Tevrian. Korvi stayed upstairs, hidden. She was only able to hear so much while in the room, and there was lots of laughter. Shortly after, they all including Tev went out to some place to eat, she overheard them talking about... ...It wasn't until Dawn-rest that they returned. Not once, did Tevrian come up to see her or say anything to her, not even bringing her food or checking up on her! She wanted to spend this dawn with him to share his special day like what she did for each and every past birthday of his... and yet this one was the most pained one for her... why is he now completely seem to neglect her? It hurt deeply inside for Korvi... She felt bored and scared trying to spy any longer on them at the top of the stairs, slowly crawling on silent paws back into the room, before then closes the door sowly with her paw. Once the door was secured, Korvi hopped on the bed, her watery eyes now starting to stream with tears down her snout, her heart panging hard with deep sorrow... She wanted to burst out crying loud! But she couldn't, for if she did... she'd be caught. It hurt a lot inside for Korvi as he missed her own hatchday, didn't say anything or even get her a gift like before... the sudden change of Tevrian really struck to the core, though... no matter what, she will always be loyal, she thought to herself as she silently cried herself to sleep.