Mercy. (XXXII)

Story by Korvia on SoFurry

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Chapter XXXII.

Mercy. (XXXII) Twenty cycles have passed since Shaol made his first arena kill. Ever since that dawn, he has started to build a reputation with not just one, but three factions; The people of Taelna, her enemy Bloodath's, and of course his allies, the Strikeath's. The Bloodath's first hatred grew for Shaol after the body of Bobam was returned to them, enraged by the barbaric way that Shaol killed him by mulitating his face. Over the cycles of his fighting and training, Shaol was a well fit and hardened Juvenile dragon, standing now the height of the humans; perhaps slightly more as not all the humans were the same height. His body length was approxiamately six feet, not including his tail. The leatherly hide of Shaol's body was hardened and toughened. It amused him a lot, for when he was but a yearling, he barely stood tall to the common human's knees, and when he started to grow as a youngling he started to reach the height of their chests. Now he was equal height as a juvenile to the humans; it was aweing to imagine how big he will grow when a full adult! Not long ago Shaol learned something new about the arena; It didn't always have to be a death match. Simply it was up to the victor if the defeated combatant lives or dies, of course the victor's decision was influenced by the crowd's cheers. It seemed at first a weakness to Shaol; to spare your enemy, but it did make Shaol think... The reason that none were sparred was because the Bloodath had no reason to, and none of the Strikeath can easily defeat a Bloodath to decide to spare or not. Shaol had to start concerning himself for his team, as soon is his next ranked match, and he had a cleaver idea to try... That isn't for his benefit, but his teams.  

"There we go my boy, nice and snug. Win this and you'll be titled and ranked Veteran." Giving a slight pat to Shaol's side, Maruk smiled lightly, backing up a bit from Shaol. Now in his armor set, newly forged to address his size, Shaol looked and stared at Maruk for a short time. Something about Maruk was bothering Shaol... as over the passing cycles, Maruk hasn't been his overactive self that he knew when he was but a yearling, and Maruk has started looking different. It confused and slightly worried Shaol, for Maruk was only sixty-eight cycles! Was that old for humans? If only he could directly talk with Maruk... Shaol quickly wrote in the dirt messily near Maruk while then speaking it; "I care for you, Maruk." Maruk looked curious at his writing, unable to understand neither it nor his voice, only hearing soft growls. Giving a soft smile, Maruk laughed lightly. "Ahh how I wish I understood ya... Now go on, don't want ye to be late! New steel platings are on so go be the victor!" Giving a light nod, Shaol turned, starting now to walk down the entryhall to the arena of her team's side, Maruk remaining behind with a soft, sad smile as he rests a hand on his chest as if having small discomforted pain.

"Our next match now is the ranked match between our two teams top strong gladaitors of the Bloodath and Strikeath! The victor shall ascend rank to Veteran!" Shaol exaimed the Bloodath before him; It was a female human. She wore steel armor along with a steel greatsword, a helmet upon her head. Fear was easily seen in her blue eyes. " you are Shaol..." The female gladiator mumbled softly as she overlooked the red dragon feral before her. Grinning lightly, Shaol bobbed his head lightly before looking up to the announcer, waiting patiently. "I give you, Mia of the Bloodath, verses Shaol of the Strikeath! Now without further delay, let the battle begin!" Shaol wasted no time, lowering his head to embrace himself as he charged at Mia with full strength, lunging at her to tackle her down. With sword raised, Mia held her ground while attempting to slash at Shaol as he rushed at her, though failed as his strength crashed upon her. The steel blade struck and rebounded against Shaol's armor, breaking the grip that Mia held on the hilt, sending the large weapon sprawling several feet away while being toppled over on her back with Shaol overtop. It was such an easy victory for Shaol, causing a feral smirk to cross upon his maw as he pressed a paw hard upon Mia's armored body, pinning her down firm. The crowd's were roaring in cheer, some words were heard from the people. "Comeon finish her!" "Slash her throat!" "Tear her up and apart!" It appeared that many of them were eager to see Shaol finish off Mia, though not all the cheers were positive. Insults were being spewed in roared anger from fellow Bloodath's who were watching the fight. While holding Mia pinned, Shaol looked into Mia's eyes; eyes that showed fear, sadness and humiliation for being defeated so easily, as it was obvious she has never fought a dragon that stood height of a grown man and greater length, though now her fate was in his paws. With his spare right paw, Shaol uses a claw to hook under Mia's helmet, slowly pulling the metal off her head, revealing her long brown hair. Mia's eyes watered as she stared up into Shaol's feral, deep sapphire eyes, gasping out with a choked sob. "I...I guess I was never a...match for a strong d-dragon..." After moments of staring into Mia's eyes, Shaol smirked at her before looking up at the crowd, then unleashing a loud roar at them. Complete silence from the specators followed moments after Shaol roared at them, unsure what he was going to do. Mia closed her eyes tightly to await the death that was sure to come. Second's pass with nothing occurring, until suddenly the pressure on Mia's body eased then completely lifted as Shaol removed his paw off her body. Mia opened her eyes, blinking once in confusion as she laid in the sand, watching Shaol walk away towards the gate, though he turned to look at her one more time, then nudged his head towards the gate on her side, as if silent indicating for her to retreat towards it before departing to the gate to wait for it to open. Unable to believe her luck, tears started to stream down Mia's eyes as she picks herself up, leaving her blade in the sand, showing she is done fighting and is defeated. The crowd was dead silent with awe, as if not sure what to think. Light murmers were being spread, as if it truly just happened; a Strikeath sparing the life of a Bloodath... "It... appears Shaol has decided to allow Mia to live after that short battle! The victory goes to Shaol; congradulations on your promotion to Veteran! Mia, praise be, you may return to your team." The announcer spoke out with a surprised tone, as it was being realized by all the spectators that for once in a long time, mercy was shown and by a Strikeath no less! Maruk smiled, having a small tear drip down, watching as the gates were opened for both combatants, watching as Shaol departed, knowing to himself that by the action Shaol made will make a huge impact on the Bloodath, and even may by any hope; cease some hatred between the two. Slowly turning to walk out of the observing ring, Maruk thought to himself with a gentle pained smile as he walked to go lay down. ~"That's my dragon..."~