Bitter...Yet Refreshing! Series

Story by Tropicalyoshi13 on SoFurry

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#1 of itter...Yet Refreshing! Series

Bitter....Yet Refreshing is a series starring Tony Richardson, a brown wolf as the main character. This part, which I want to dub as

"Cookie Crumbs" is the pilot, if you would.

"RICHARDSON!" A furious panther stormed from behind the thick glass that bordered off the coveted corner office, his black fur stuck up in annoyance and aggravation, making him look disgruntled. And disgruntled he was. "RICHARDSON, GET UP DAMN IT!" The large lump of brown fur leaning back in a chair hadn't budged. "GOD DAMMIT, YOU LAZY SON OF A-" the panther growled. "GET UP RICHARDSON!"

Still no movement, not even a sigh of reluctance. The pather spat in growing annoyance and smacked the back of the dozing employee's head, knocking the light brown hat to that ground. The lump sprung quickly to his hind paws. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Tony Richardson shouted at his boss. "I FINALLY GET TO HAVE A MOMENT'S PEACE AND YOU FUCKIN SMACK ME WITH THE DAMN PAPER! WHAT THE HELL, TENNISON!?"

"Don't you talk back to me, Tony. Your job is on the line, big time." William Tennison hissed through clenched teeth. "I told you to bring me a front pager, and what did you bring back to me? This fucking sap story on Dori's Bakery?"

"It's their hundreth anniversary! They've been here longer than you have!" Tony retorted.

"Oh pardon me, this is really front page material!" Tennison spoke sarcastically and unfolded the paper. " 'Our cookies have been the children's favorite for decades.' "

Tony just stared at his boss, frowning and surpressing the growl that rumbled in his belly. Tennison noticed and kept up the charade. "Hey, everyone!" The panther called to the room. At the sound of his voice typewriters stopped their clicking, secretaries stopped talking and field reporters halted in their tracks. "From now on, we're going to print only about sunshine and happiness." He stepped towards Tony, their faces only inces apart. "Sunshine and fucking happiness." Tennison hissed, flicking saliva onto the reporter's face.

Tony was fed up, he threw his hands in air. "I'm out, Tennison. I am out of this shithole. Keep your damn story." He retrieved his fallen hat from the carpeted floor of the newspaper office and walked to the elevator in frustration. He pushed a button and the door opened, Tony stepped in and turned, flipping Tennison the bird as the doors closed and the elevator began it's descent.

Tennison withdrew his cold yellow eyes from the elevator and looked over the newsroom which stood silent and motionless. "What the hell are you all lookin at?! Get back to work!" He shouted and the room burst into life again, the others going about their business. The angry panther stalked back to his office.


A band played music from the wide stage in the grand ball room- filling the the air with the light sounds of the violin, fine touches of the viola, and the deep but gentle bass of the cello. The players leaned in time with the music, their light grey...

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