Change me before bedtime?

Story by karabiner on SoFurry

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Inspired by an RP, this is the result of sittin' for a couple hours and writing. Not one for the more 'vanilla' audience!

Tell me if you like it!


The following content is explicit on a number of levels, given that it involves a feral fox being transformed in a very unusual way. It includes cock-transformation, dominance and submission, zoophilia/bestiality and will NOT be suitable for some viewers! If you don't want to read such things, don't continue. If you don't like it, but for some reason read it anyway, don't complain!

It was late in the evening as the feral slinked through his Master's house, padding silently along the neatly carpeted corridor. A doorway far larger than it needed to be for him to fit through laid just ahead, and as he headed towards it the fox could feel the butterflies bubbling up in his stomach. They were good butterflies, though. Ones which heralded something exciting and strange...

Poking his nose in through the door the little vulpine found himself somehow glad of his feral size, being able to move around so quietly and vanish when he so needed to. In this case however he wasn't running or hiding, rather going for a surprise! The first thing he took note of when silently entering the room was the high-armed sofa just ahead of him, which he promptly slid behind, every brush of the fox's fur against the wall making him wince; he wanted to be quiet... Finally he reached his destination, all of his natural, timid playfulness kept restrained as he prepared himself to leap up onto the couch where he -knew- his owner would be waiting; the non-anthro sat right underneath the far arm of the chair.

And then, he pounced! With a gleeful giggle he fell back onto his hind paws and gave a hard shove against the floor, sending him gracefully through the air and over the arm of the couch. His expression change from excited, almost childish passion to confusion midair though; his four delicate paws coming to rest on an empty cushion. He whipped his eyes about the room for a moment, before his ears flicked up at a single sound.


The voice was deep, and Kara knew immediately whose it was from the wonderful warmth it filled him with upon hearing it. He didn't get time to savour the feeling though, a pair of large, black-furred paws suddenly wrapping around his midriff and lifting him into the air! Another happy giggle filled the room as he was hoisted up and away from the couch, the larger figure planting his rear on the cushions of the sofa before setting its catch down in its lap.

"No fair! You never hid under the sofa before..." the fox complained at the well-built wolf, tail waving behind him idly as he was plopped down into the wide lap below him. "I wanted to surprise you!"

The apparent dom slid his paw down and under the feral's chin, petting him softly. "Oh come now, it's -always- my job to do that!" A toothy grin was spread across each corner of the wolf's muzzle, Kara's ears flattening down a little at the sight of the viscious canine teeth. He'd had encounters with them before, the thought of which made him shiver pleasantly... "Anyway, boy. Aren't you supposed to be in bed? It's awfully late for a fox to be up."

The feral nodded subtly in return, peering up at his Master and flattening his ears yet more as a blush stained his cheeks. The words he was about to utter were ones which always made him anxious no matter how many times he spoke them; ones which gave grant for the wolf to do with him as he pleased. Which, of course, made Kara's little heart beat faster in excitement.

"I-I know, Sir, but..." He had to clear his throat, peering submissively up at the wolf, who had a smug grin plastered onto his face. He knew what the feral would ask.

"Change me before bed, Sir?"

Finally hearing those short words of submission the wolf's gentler demeanour seemed to shift, his gaze fixed on the little creature in his lap. "But of course." He muttered, and the words were... Somehow reassuring to the feral's mind; He -was- going to be changed now. It wasn't a decision that he'd made, but rather one his Master had settled on, and that made it final.

"But how do we change you?" The dom continued, gliding a paw down Kara's side and forcing the delicate body of his pet to roll over as he was examined. His Master always went through this little ritual, deciding what should be done with the fox under his power, and neither of the pair ever stopped loving it. Kara's body shivered as it was touched and petted, his tailtip twitching in anticipation.

Without a word, one large, strong paw closed around one of the fox's own, just the padded paw left sticking out of his grip. Leaning down, the wolf planted a kiss on it, and as he did so the fox's perfectly groomed brown fur began to pull back from the point the wolf's lips had touched! At any other time he would have been alarmed, but as Kara watched his paw begin whatever process had been set upon it he could only feel... Warm. Elated might have described it better, the pet was glad to be changed into whatever shape his owner saw fit. Where the fur was pulling back his flesh soon became pinker, fading into a dark brown just like his fur had been. It began to tingle as well, the wolf above him just watching carefully and slowly pumping his gently clenched fist along the length of Kara's forepaw, helping the change along. Before long his lower foreleg was entirely composed of dark brown skin, very soft and sensitive, and the wolf's pet couldn't stifle a pleasured moan as his leg was handled and teased. Suddenly, Kara's owner put a firm grip on the changing limb. In that moment he'd feel the bone inside his foreleg dissolve into nothing, his claws following suit as the entire thing rounded off! It was only at this point that the fox finally clocked onto what was happening, closing his eyes as, finally, his entire foreleg mutated into a throbbing, drooling cock. It was held up only by the blood rushing through it, stiff and now enormously sensitive, a cumslit having worked its way into the tip of the pink-spotted human cock.

"Do you like that, my pet?" The first words in a short while were spoken by the fox's Master as he fervently masturbated along the new length, precum squirting all down his forearm. It wasn't clear where all that fluid was coming from at this point, but the fox didn't much care.

Kara was, in fact, absolutely delighted! His head was laid over the side of his Master's lap, the fox trying to push his length through the closed hand all the faster. In the midst of it all the length which had been kept inside his feral cockpouch had been swift to slither out, now throbbing a perfect crimson in the air, knot inflated to its full glory. "G-god yes, Sir... Please more!" He practically moaned his response, muzzle hanging open, tongue lolled out of his maw.

As another paw gripped his other foreleg, Kara's heart skipped a beat as he considered the extent of what might be about to happen to him. The wolf's lips slid right up over the little forepaw this time, enveloping it in a hot, slick muzzle, his tongue slathering all over the helpless pet's limb. Rather than feeling the specific changes that had beset his other paw, this time the fox was treated to the wonderful sensation of having all the attentions that were slathered over his paw quickly changing it into a perfect replica of the first. As it became more sensitive Kara emitted a rather louder moan, feeling his new, oddly placed dick begin to throb inside his owner's muzzle. It took everything he had not to cum on the spot.

"There's a pretty boy..." the larger canid teased, slipping the fat pawcock out of his muzzle. Pressing the two heavily throbbing lengths to one another, his pet looked quite helpless, peering up submissively as his two effectively useless paws were fondled. "But I don't think we'll stop there, hm?"

Kara could do little but nod in agreement. He'd never been changed in quite such a way, and as his owner's paws once again travelled down his body he could only close his eyes in anticipation. It was as the wolf grabbed his rearpaws both in one large hand that Kara suddenly realized how large his feral balls had become; the pair apparently having inflated to keep up with the demand from three cocks! They were at least the size of oranges...

"Please, Sir... Keep going..." the soon-to-be cock creature begged, half out of sheer lust and half through desperation to be completely transformed into what his owner had envisioned for him. As his rearpaws were massaged and kneaded into, Kara noticed his belly begin to change in a way similar to how his paws had, the fur pulling back and being replaced by delicate, sensitive skin. This was the first time any of the changes had genuinely unnerved him, spreading its way up around his entire midriff. "S-should that be happening?"

He didn't get a response. Before he knew it the fox's back legs had fattened out into two perfectly smooth human cocks, rendering his little body entirely immobile, each of his helpless cock-legs flopped against his body, dribbling constantly. Despite finding the idea of those limbs somehow appealing it was his torso that kept Kara's attention, his entire body rounding out aside from his head, gaining subtly wrinkled flesh. He panicked a little, but couldn't do much against the change, his Master's paws gliding up and down his body and creating the most wonderful, ecstatic sensation... "Sir!" He was practically begging now, fighting between a haze of lust and the fantastic lewdness of his rapidly mutating body.

"Hush, my little sweetie, you asked to be changed..." Muttered the wolf, a paw wrapping around Kara's muzzle to silence him. His grip was gentle, but firm enough to hold the fox's maw shut. His entire body was beginning to throb now, the fox's balls the size of heavy, gurgling grapefruit... He just blushed all the more with the paw silencing him forcefully, sticky precum making a mess of most of his body.

The feral looked nothing like what he had only five minutes before. He was, right up to his neckline, -made- of cock... Even his tail fattened up along with the rest of him, soon becoming a throbbing human length, a huge splatter of precum bursting out of the tip, all down the wolf's leg in a warm rope. A moment later, he felt his tingling body get hoisted up by a pair of strong arms, a thick pawpad stroking along the top of the fox's head and ears. Those feeble little flaps sat on top of Kara's head curled around under the effect of his owner's paw, drawing out and fattening, growing longer and thicker with every passing moment as the wolf looked down on his pet possessively.

"You're almost there, my boy!" He smiled with apparent pride at his work, beginning to rub along the little cock creature's muzzle in a similar way to his paws. Kara's eyes widened as he realized what was about to happen, but he was in so much pleasure from his combined collection of cocks that all he could utter was a helpless moan. His ears were now flopped over his head as another two human dicks, each adding their own contribution to the huge, cummy mess that he was.

The wolf leaned down, pressing his lips to Kara's own. In that instant the weirdly shaped creature's heart practically melted, and before his owner's eyes his entire head suddenly shifted shape. The feral's cheeks puffed up, filling out from the inside and forming a thickly shaped knot. The change rolled up his face, and Kara got his last look at the eyes of his owner before his eyes shut reflexively, sealing over, soon no sign they were there... His cutely shaped muzzle went last, all his fur vanishing away and the entirety of his maw sealing over and gaining girth to become an exact, if rather larger replica of the cock which sat at the creature's groin. The last noise he made was a happy whimper before he was interrupted by a surge of cum rushing out of his face, the slit forming just in time to let Kara's body orgasm with everything it had. The dominant canid watched as his pet's body convulsed rather violently, each one of the many new additions to his body bursting into life, twitching and ejaculating indiscriminately and all of them being fed by the grapefruit sized ballsack laying inbetween the two rear cocks. "Let it all out, little fox!" the wolf encouraged, pumping the creature's face to milk it of everything it had.

Inside Kara's lust-riddled mind he could barely keep track of each dick overflowing with his own cum. He tensed up and convulsed once more, losing himself entirely in the dense haze of it all, only the desire for more left buried deep inside his head.

After about a minute of squirming and writhing about in his Master's lap, the pet finally finished, his orgasm ebbing off. "I know it's not what you had in mind, boy..." Spoke the canid as he slid a paw down the cum-slickened belly of the ex-fox, getting a lusty shudder in return; "But you do look so gorgeous this way..." Kara seemed to be pleased with this, squirming a little more at the words.

"But, it is bedtime for us." He noted, scooping up his mutated pet and cradling the mass of cum-covered flaccid cocks in his arms, slowly standing up, his sofa all but ruined by their little 'endeavour'. Taking him upstairs with him, the wolf shortly tucked himself into bed with the squirming pet, laying a kiss on the tip of the cock which would have been his head.

"I'll see what to do with you tomorrow morning."

"Sleep well, my pet."

A New Life

It had been something of an uneventful day. As I remember it, the highlight of the day was someone spilling their coffee into the photocopier and interrupting the sacred flow of work known as 'office life'. It seemed as soon as something got tipped...

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