intelligent life part 9

Story by moonchaser on SoFurry

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A quick note this was done on my phone I don't know why the spaces are all ran together. If a fan wants to help make it right please let me know.

Before I begin let me say I am deeply sorry it has taken this long to continue my tail. I thank those who have written me wondering if I would continue. Well it will and without further wait please read on and enjoy.

Chapter 23 dangerous times

Sarah watched Grey after things calmed down but an icy fear crept through her mind. Such a powerful thought that Grey smirked then spoke. "Sarah my love don't worry they won't remove you from the program I have already handled it. In fact your boss will be receiving a message in a day or so." She growled at him and lunged tackling the wolf to the ground. "What did you do Grey oh God!" An urgent call came into the center and suddenly everyone was grabbing gear, then running for trucks. Engines reved as a search party took off to find the awol wolf. Sarah's boss was quick to follow behind. After the long drive to the enclosure the vehicles stormed up the narrow twisty road. Their phones rang as the boss instructed them not to use deadly force if possible. At that moment a large Buck sprang out from the bushes in front of him. Catching him off guard he yanked the wheel not caring about the Buck, only for his car. Over correcting sent the expensive convertible into a skid. Sliding off the road at high speed his momentum was halted by a large redwood hitting it head on. The trucks ahead of him were too busy in there task failing to see the accident. Minutes passed then he stirred from being knocked out. His blurry eyes blinked trying to get his bearings. It was at this moment that he realized he was pinned in the crumpled smoking wreck.

It was also at this moment his still blurry eyes noticed a large white thing standing on the hood of his car. All was silent other than the hiss coming from the busted radiator, then a soft female voice filled his pounding head. "Hello bet you never expected to see me again did you? " Instantly he realized the white fuzzy blob was Snow. " fucking when we c...atch you I.....I am gonna make a rug out of you." He turned his head seeing his phone on the seat still in arm's reach. Grasping for it a sudden pain shot through his arm as Snow grabbed his wrist in her jaws sinking her fangs slightly into him. "Sir do you realize since I first met you I wanted to kill you? See its not in a wolf's interest to kill humans do you know who taught me that?" He said nothing frozen in fear to which she sunk her fangs deeper causing him to yell, "NO I DON'T". She released his arm then sat with her eyes locked to his rather enjoying the feeling of power she had over him. "It was Grey and had he not shown me what being a true wolf is you would already be dead. However I have a deal to make with you sir. First you let me go, lead your men in the wrong direction. And second you leave Sarah to continue her work with Grey." The man thought grumbling to himself then muttered, "and if I refuse? " Snow growled lunging grabbing his throat, pressing her fangs to him till his breathing became erratic. "Honestly even with his teachings I would still love nothing more than to snuff out your miserable life right now. But unfortunately both Grey and I need you. But don't forget you need us too especially now that your precious car is no more." She released and sat again tilting her head awaiting his answer. He cleared his throat and nodded, "fine bitch I will throw them off and leave the two love birds alone." At that moment part of Snow wanted to tell him Sarah's relationship with Grey, but she had too much respect for them. So for Grey she said nothing simply hopping off the hood and ran into the trees.

Chapter 24 deals are made

After realizing their boss never made it a few trucks headed back down finding the mangled car. He was cut free and even though they urged him to go to the hospital he refused. "What the fuck are you guys doing set up a search and blanket the south side of the mountain. You take me up so I can speak with Sarah. They did as instructed even though a few thought his field of search was rather narrow. Sarah did her best to hide her tears seeing the trucks arrive, but was surprised to see her boss limp towards her still bleeding. Rushing to him concerned she helped him into the medical area. "Wh.....what happened sir?" He sat in a chair and allowed her to tend to his wounds. "Ehhh fucking dear ran out in front of me and caused me to crash. But I'm fine just some scratches." His eyes rolled up meeting her's noting the look of fear that filled her eyes. Sarah noticed that some of his marks were not cuts from the crash but were bite marks. She said nothing cleaning them as well. "Your lucky sir things could have ended up much worse." He laughed a bit changing the conversation quickly, "so where do you think we should go from here with reguards to the project? Ahh you know what i have a better idea lets see what the wolf thinks. " He stood and limped out then down the stairs, Sarah followed behind thinking he bumped his head harder than she thought.

Stopping at the fence he whistled as though he were calling a pet. The man knew it would make the caged wolf mad but unlike their last meeting he simply trotted out and up to the fence. "How may I help you, looks like you got pretty banged up." Grey's lips curled a bit into a smile seeing the puncture marks on his arm and neck. "Ah I see Snow found you, I hope she was not too rough on y.." "Fuck you Grey I know it was you who came up with this. The wolf smiled again looking the man dead in the eyes nodding. "Yes fine I will admit it was but in reality you should be thanking me on your knees. You see when you brought her here she knew nothing of what being a wolf was. For all intent and purpose as YOU call us, she was indeed a dog. But a dog that had wild thoughts because no matter how hard you humans may try, the call of the wild will always be a part of us." The man balled his blood stained hands hitting the fence to which Grey simply laughed, "thats right sir she was not only my friend but an experiment. " The man glared at the wolf then a thought came to him. A sort of twisted grin formed as he spoke. "So your telling me that all wild animals can train human breed animals to be wild? Oh and for the sake of argument couldn't humans or pets train wild animals to be tame? " Grey took an aggressive stance snarling "maybe either way however animals are like humans our personalities are all different. " Grey began pacing nervously looking at him then Sarah. The man took a breath, "well I see you trust the Dr here and I see a rather interesting experiment to take place. Sarah you will take Grey and teach HIM to be tame. Tame enough that you could walk him on a leash." She gasped stepping back, "sir you know I can't do that to him." He laughed "well we can always scrap the program,,oh but all the animals would have to be destroyed for security reasons. " Grey hit the fence trying to bite him but missed. Before Sarah could say anything Grey spoke. "Fine I will agree to this but after it is proven I am to be released. " The man thought for a few moments then nodded. "Ok but once your shown to be tame you will teach a pack of lab breed wolves to be wild. " Grey looked to Sarah "done.

After they could not find Snow, not so much as a single white hair they left the area. Sarah went to the gate and like so many times opened it but this time left it open. In her delicate hands was a collar and leash. Grey came to her gently pressing to her side. Tears streamed down her face looking to him."Please Grey don't make me collar you, why did you make that deal?" "I did it for Snow so that she would be able to taste what it is to be wild. But more importantly I did it for us. I love you and will even wear a collar if that is what it takes to be by your side. " She knelt in front of her mate and leaning forwards slipped it around his broad neck. "Part of me training you means we will live at my apartment in the city. But I promise you we will come here often so you don't forget. I left the gate open for a reason Grey, just go...I will tell them I collared you but when I tried to hook.... " He lifted a paw to her lips stopping her then padded to the open gate sitting. She watched the beautiful creature and walked to the gate as well. She never latched the leash simply walked to her car opening the door. Grey followed head high unsure of what was to come as he jumped in.