Wolf Guardian

Story by DukeOfAwesome on SoFurry

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#1 of Wolf Guardian

First time I write a story, be kind.

It has been several weeks since Jenny was turned into a werewolf. Well, she looked like one but wasn't really a werewolf, for she was unable to turn back into her human form because she couldn't or maybe she just didn't know how.

The last thing she remebers was her walking home from working a long day in the field when suddenly she saw something shiny in the bushes near the forrest. Curious as she was she went to look for the source of the shine. Her mother told her never to go to that cursed forest, where strange animals had been spotted and it was said magic still lived there. There were stories of people dissapearing in that forest, mostly young girls, but Jenny didn't take them all too serious. At the age of 16, Jenny was of marrying age and already betroth to a man of a nearby farm, Mister Thomas Carst. Even though they still weren't married, he came by often to take her to a more private place and talk. As Jenny was getting closer to the forest he took her hand and lead her away, not toward her house but the pond. They sat there for a few minuts, she was throwing bits of grass in the water, he was just looking at her.

"It's getting awfully late now mister Carst, I must be getting back before my mother worries about me" Jenny said in a soft voice, still tugging on bits of grass next to her. "Don't worry about her, I told her we were here, and please, call me Thomas." he replied, touching her shoulder, pushing her hair out of her face. Mister Carst, or Thomas, seemed like a really nice man, but for some reason Jenny didn't like him. He was a lot older than Jenny and a lot taller, he had dark brown hair and a small beard. "Still," Jenny said, "I must help my mother to put my baby brothers into bed, it's an awfull lot of work caring for twins." Within a few seconds he had grabbed her shoulder, pushed her back on the ground and laid on top of her with his hand covering her mouth. "Soon you'll have you're own children to care for, our children," he whispered in her ear while pushing her legs apart with his legs and pulled her skirt up with his free hand. Jenny tried to wiggle free, but his weight was on top of her, making it unable for her too move or scream. His hand was now cupping her cunt, she could feel something moving in his pants, growing, throbbing. His fingers found their way to her pussy, spreading her folds, pushing one finger inside, rubbing her lips. Jenny struggled to break free but her knees were weakened by his touch. As he pulled his hand out of her to open his pants she saw a window of opportunity to escape. Because he needed both hands to open his pants she was able to push him aside and scrammble to her feet. Before she was able to stand up properly and run away Thomas grabbed her foot which made her fall back on the ground. Jenny was kicking around furiously and her free foot hit Thomas in the face, making him loose his grip. She wasn't going to let him grab her a second time and ran away as quickly as she could, tumbling down once because she lost her ballance. "You can't run away from me!" she heard him screaming behind her, "I'll have you eventually!" Jenny ran into the forest.

After that everything was dark and blurred. Jenny remebers a huge figure standing over her, grabbing her arm and pulling her away from her hiding spot. She woke up in a tent, it was already dark outside. When she moved she felt like there was something not right to her movement. She looked down to find out she was covered with brown-greyish fur from top to bottom, and tail. Stunned by what she saw she grabbed her tail to make sure it was real. Her hands no longer had fingernails but claws, as did her feet.

Trying to move around made her realize she was chained to the ground. Her new senses made it easy for her to hear and smell the slightest things, like that bird in the treetops and that strong scent coming from outside her tent. Suddenly the figure stood in the tent looking down on her. It was a very large werewolf with pitch black fur and shiny white teeth. Jenny wondered if he was the thing she saw shining in the forest. She tried to speak but could only pronounce murmurs and growl. "I've changed you," said the werewolf, his voice was very low and harsh, "changed you to protect the continuation of our species." He walked around Jenny, looking at the work he had done to her. Jenny looked at him with pleading eyes, trying to make him understand she wanted to go home. If he could only hear her. The werewolf crouched down close to her. "I'm the guardian of Wolves. You'll have to pay for what your kind has done to mine." He stood up again and left her tent.

All this happened weeks ago and Jenny was sitting alone in that tent ever since. The guardian only came by to give her food and water. But one evening he sat down next to her. She turned away from him and curled up in a ball. She felt his hand touching her ears and head, petting her, like she was a dog. She was no dog! She was a human, a girl! She growled and snapped at his hand, just not biting him. "I have no other choice," he whispered very softly, "you're our last hope." At that last part Jenny twitched her ears, but didn't look back at him. "You must understand, I'm doing this to preserve my kind." If only she could tell him she didn't know what he meant, tell him she wanted to leave this place and never come back, plead to him she wouldn't tell anyone about him or the forest. But the only things coming out of her mouth were growls and howling.

Before she realized he had put a collar around her neck and had freed her legs from the heavy chains that were holding her prisoner. The guardian, now holding the leash connected to the collar, led her outside of the tent. This was the first time she saw the night sky so clearly, so big, making her feel so very small. But there was something in the air. A very strong scent came from behind the tent, she couldn't see what it was and pulled the leash to go find out. With a quick jerk the werewolf pulled her back next to him. Jenny was turning her head around to see what the smell was, she wanted to know. The strange new scent made her very nervous, almost impatient for something, but she didn't know what. About ten feet from the tent the guardian stopped. Still obsessed by the scent she hardly noticed he made her go down on all fours and chained her four limbs to the ground. It was only as the werewolf walked away from her she realized she was strapped to the ground, unable to move. Looking around she saw she was in a patch of dirt that was a bit lower than the grass around her, as if in a shallow ditch. The scent drove her crazy, Jenny wanted to know what it was and where it came from.

A few moments later the werewolf showed up again, but he wasn't alone. A big dark wolf was walking along his side. He was the source of the scent, for a moment Jenny forgot she was chained down and wanted to get closer to him, greet him, smell him. The wolf came closer to her, the scent was almost overwhelming. He came to her face, sniffing her muzzle, she couldn't help but trying to lick his, but the wolf didn't care for that. He turned his head away and walked around her. Jenny gasped when she felt him pushing his nose between her butt cheeks, sniffing loudly. She looked around to see what he was doing, but only saw his hind legs behind her, there was something red and shiny in between them.

She turned her head quickly forward when she felt something warm and wet lapping at her pussy. Almost instinctively she lifted her tail to give him better access. Each pass of his tongue sent shivers down her spine and she liked it. She never wanted him to stop, but when he did she let out a little whine. After the warm tongue her pussy felt cold and empty. Suddenly she felt his weight on her back and his forelegs locked tightly around her hips. This alarmed her, she didn't want him on her back. Trying to get him off she snarled and wiggled around, but it was no use, he was too heavy. Eagerly the wolf started pumping, trying to find his target. Jenny could feel something prod at the thigh, just beneath her opening. It didn't take long before the wolf found his target. Jenny yelped as the wolf entered her violently. His hips slapped against her own, she could feel his balls bouncing against her tights. Jenny could feel the wolf's knot and cock stretching her insides with each short, powerful thrusts. She felt his precum spraying into her womb, filling her with his warm fluid. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain, as the wolf tried to push his knot in for the last time, sealing them together. Even though the swelling prevented him from moving much, the wolf's thrusts became more powerful. Without warning she felt the wolf's cock twitch violently, spraying his hot seed deep inside her. This was enough to bring Jenny to her climax.

Both were panting, the wolf still on top of her. Moments later the wolf got off her back and he stood butt to butt with her, his knot locked firmly inside still spraying his seed in her womb.

Jenny looked around, she was confused. Why were they stuck together? She whined and tried to pull away from him, but she was still chained down. The werewolf came from behind her, she didn't know if he was in the tent the whole time or just enjoying the show. He put his hand on her head and stroked her. "That'll do for this time"