Guided From the Closet Part 2.

Story by Cathricorn on SoFurry

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#1 of Guided Series

GoTC Part 2

_I know... it's been way too long since I uploaded this story but I let most of you know if all of you that this is a personal story and that it doesn't exactly have much of a point to it except what I would like to happen :P. If you missed out on part 1 here it is: otherwise enjoy. _

Guided From the Closet Part 2

I awoke to the annoyance of my phone the next morning, and stirred from my slumber. I couldn't quiet move at first, shortly forgetting where I was before feeling a gentle squeeze of my arms. It all hit me after that, suddenly waking up made it seem like a dream, but then I remembered that I was in Bruce's bed. He had his great polar bear arms wrapped around me, hugging me close to his chest. I had to wiggle one arm free, getting a light snore from Bruce. He was still out, one of the heavier sleepers, and he had a snore that strangely enough wasn't all that bad sounding. My eyes heavy, I looked around, searching for the annoying buzz while it vibrated across the table. Reaching out for it, I took it up in hand and saw the familiar Face Book photo of my wolfish mother and groaned. It only made things more annoying the she was the one that had caused the vibrating in the first place. Reluctantly sliding the touch screen down, I pulled the phone to my ear and listened.

"Hello?" I growled unawake into the phone.

"Reign, honey... You should come home early from Aj's today... we would like to celebrate your victory."

"Congrats on winning the States bud!" I smiled hearing my Dad's voice in the background.

"I'll come home soon Mom, where are we going?"

"You'll find out when you get here." She used some motherly like tone. "I'm so proud of you honey! I love you so much son!"

I looked back hoping Bruce hadn't heard that and in relief returned my attention to the phone. "Okay, okay Mom I'll be home soon. I'm just going to sleep a little longer ok?"

"Okay baby," I frowned at those words. "I love you!"

"Love you too." I growled teeth together. I quickly hung up after that and set the phone back down onto the table.

"I love you so much." Came a fake feminine voice behind me. I looked back and Bruce exaggerated a cheerful smile. "What a nice Mother you've got."

"She's embarrassing," I replied, slowly rotating in his arms. The fur was nice and soft against me, and to lean myself into the muscular and chubby pectorals was breath taking. I could lay there for ages, and never get tired of it. He then kissed the top of my head and I looked up into those blue toned eyes with a smile.

"What did she call about? He gifted me with another kiss.

"For congratulating me on winning State." He rotated us so that I was now lying on top and put both his paws behind his head adoring me.

"I'd like to do the same if you don't mind... Maybe a date somewhere later?" My ears perked up as I laid my chin between his pectorals and I could only give a nod.

"Where would you have in mind?"

He shrugged. "What kind of food do you like?"

"Well... I don't really have anywhere in particular... what kinds of food do you like?"

"Don't mind what I like, I'm a bear of many appetites. Always hungry for anywhere as long as it's known to be good food." He tried to rub his stomach, but instead used my back as a replacement.

I thought of something I hadn't eaten for a while and finally came to a conclusion. "Italian food sound good to you?"

He flashed a grin. "Italian food sounds delicious."

"Italian it is." I smiled and laid my head onto his chest. "...Bruce?"

"Hm?" Was his soft response, his hands continuing to rub my back.

"I'm glad I found you... You know I thought it would take forever to find someone... but to find you so quickly." I lifted my head looking into those beautiful pair of blue. "I just can't believe it's happened."

He showed me his pearly whites with a grin and then leaned up gesturing for a kiss. Without hesitation I reached for them and glued myself to the soft bear lips for a long minute. "By the way," I asked leaving his lips. "When do you want to go out?"

Pondering for a moment, he said. "How's tomorrow around six sound? Since you'll be stuffing yourself with wherever you and your family go tonight."

"Okay... will I be able to see you tonight again?"

"Why don't you call me tonight, you've still got my number when I handed it out to everyone at the beginning of the season right?" I nodded. "Good, I have a few things I need to take care of, but if it's not too late... I could pick you up when I head home? Providing you'll have to make another excuse of your where about." He winked. "You can always text me too; I pay for the unlimited text even though I don't use it too much. Maybe I'll start to." He winked again.

"I'll try my best. I'm sure they'll understand that I want to go out and celebrate with some of my friends."

He nodded. "Then until tonight."

Bruce took me home about half an hour later, dropping me off a few houses before mine. I tried to do a few things with him earlier, but he wouldn't budge and told me tonight. Although I did get a goodbye kiss from him, not a quick one either, it lasted for a good minute.

He also told me that I should start to progress in telling my parents that I was homosexual... but how in the world could I come to cross that? Usually you could lead into the topic when something was wrong... but how would you do this one_? "Uhm... Mom... Dad... is it okay if I talk to you alone?"_ I played in my head, proceeding to tell them that I wasn't interested in women. I could only think of something my mother would probably say: an exasperated "WHAT!?" and then followed by a sudden soothed tone of: "Honey... are... are you sure you don't like women?" Or something of the sort. I wasn't sure how my Dad would take it... he was the kind of person to get angry... ask a bunch of questions as to why I was, and still even then, deny the fact that I was.

The one problem I absolutely could not get rid of was what if they kicked me out? I'm sure Bruce would take me in at least for the couple of nights to let them cool down... I really thought that if they got to that point that it would only be minimal before they realized that they just pushed their own child away.

With a heavy sigh, I followed the steps up to the house and entered. "Hey honey!" My mother's sweet voice came from the kitchen. "How was Aj's?"

"Great." I said plainly following the stairs up to my room.

"What did you guys do?" Her voice came again.

"Oh nothing. Just the usual video games and hanging out kinda thing."

"That's good baby." She smiled. "We're planning on leaving around five or six to go out tonight... you have anywhere special you'd like to go?"

I stopped at the top of the stairs and thought. Since Bruce and I were having Italian food tomorrow I should probably avoid something of the sort. Maybe a burger and fries tonight? "Not sure... what's a restaurant that has burgers that we haven't been to in a while?"

She thought for the moment. "Hm... We haven't been to that road house place in a while... I know it's not exactly burgers, but you like ribs and steak." She sort of did that motherly tone on the last little bit to make it sound more exciting.

"Like Texas Road House?" She nodded and then I shrugged. "Yeah that works for me."

"Okay, just be ready by then."

I nodded like she could see me and proceeded to my room. Instantly, I flipped my phone from my pocket and started to text Bruce. "Hey!"

Moments later my phone buzzed. "Couldn't keep yourself off me huh?" I smiled.

"Ha... Nope whatcha doing?" I replied sitting down on my bed, waiting for the warm buzz of my bear.

"Just getting some work done for my students on Monday... aren't you supposed to be getting ready to go somewhere?"

"Mhm... we're probably going to go to Texas Road House. Sounds kind of good actually."

The phone buzzed moments later. "Sounds like a good place to me... love steak."

"Heh," I quickly typed. "I can't wait to eat that Italian food with you though."

"Neither can I bud... Enjoy yourself with your family tonight though."

"I will..." I felt my heart go heavy for him. "...Thanks for being my one. :-)." I added before setting my phone down to get ready for tonight.

I took the usual routine of showering and making myself look a little more spiffy than usual. Wearing my pair of navy blue MEK jeans and a red v-neck shirt along with quickly finding the black plaid Van shoes stowed away in my closet.

Remembering texting Bruce, I pulled my phone out and the green notification light stirred my excitement. I had received two messages one was from AJ and the other was from Bruce. AJ's was asking me to come over for the night and maybe do some drinking with him and a few other friends. I thought about it only for a moment and then thought about the enjoyment of last times event when we got ourselves drunk. Quickly typing a "sure man I'll be over around 9:00." I quickly switched over to Bruce.

He left me with a "No... thank you for being mine. Being alone isn't anywhere near the same as being with someone. Try not to over eat there too mister! ;P" I left it at that and strangely enough my Dad walked into the house just moments after and we were set to leave.

The steaks here were delicious as usual I had myself a long strip of barbeque ribs with the fries on the side. My paw tips were covered in the sweet red-brown sauce-- not that I minded-- sucking them clean was only half the fun. My family and I conversed in several things including my future asking if I would like to continue with my soccer or with my art. I told them as much as I enjoyed soccer, that becoming an illustrator was more in my favor and that it was literally my dream to create things for either a very popular gaming company or children's books. They liked to hear that, or so it had seemed, telling me that they were glad that I had taken the time to think a little about my future and not just keep focus on what was at hand. Though the conversation was mainly about the state champion's game and how exciting it was for them to watch me play and that entire sort of motherly fatherly gooey stuff that I normally wasn't too enthused to hear. I loved them though so it didn't matter, I smiled and nodded and chuckled and did mean my "Thank you." whenever I used it.

A few times through the night the thought of just openly telling them that I wasn't straight came up several times, but I always withheld. The moment just wasn't quiet there, the feelings of the environment and the bond we had dived into tonight really made it the perfect opportunity, yet I still couldn't let them know. Just something was missing... I couldn't quite get my paw on it, but there was something that didn't feel right, but instead of torturing my mind with finding that missing bit I brought up the question of staying over at AJ's again tonight.

"Two nights?" My mother asked suspiciously. "Why are you going to stay over there again?"

"We didn't really get to do much yesterday night, I was too tired from the game before and I sort of just crashed while I was over there. So I kind of want to hang out with him and he's having a little get together with all our good friends."

"A get together... there's not going to be any drinking right?" She raised one of her wolfish eye brows and formed that menacing motherly face of "you better not be lying to me."

"Yeah... and no he's not going to have any alcohol... his mom's going to be there, and you already know that she's like the exact same as you." I had this idea planted in my head since the moment we left. AJ's mom was really down in Tucson with her husband for the weekend to visit some relatives. My mom didn't need to know any of this though.

She sighed gently and nodded. "Ask her if she needs some help with something, I feel bad for letting you stay over there two nights in a row."

"Yeah I will."

"You don't want to stay and hang out with your Dad?" My father interjected with a brief growl. It was sarcastic sounding but I still gave a thoughtful face.

"I get to spend time with you guys all the time... Come on now, once schools over I won't get to spend a lot of time with them. A lot of them are leaving to other states or going to dorms." My original plan was to go to a community college for my first two years to get all my prerequisites out of the way. The schooling system didn't make much sense to me... I wanted to be an illustrator... why did I need to take math, maybe basic math, but all the way to basically pre-calc? Sounded just like another way that the system was trying to pull in more money. All of these extra and random courses when they could just be making the same amount of money if I had to have more art classes. It would be a lot simpler for me too.

The night with my parents concluded with returning home grabbing my things to spend the night at Aj's... or Bruce's really. I didn't forget about him, I had texted him earlier explaining that I was going to Aj's for a little while and that maybe he could come pick me up and we could spend another gracious night together.

"Be safe and have a good time sweet hear!" My mother called from the driver side as I got out with a purple sack in my hand carrying clothes and the usual hygienic products when spending the night elsewhere.

"I will, I'll call you tomorrow ok?"

With a smile she added. "Don't forget to ask AJ's mom if you can help out with anything, do the dishes or something!"

I frowned inside but weakly nodded with a cheesy smile, lucky being shadowed by the night. Finally turning away, I approached the wooden door and hearing the excitement already inside I knocked.

I knew from the start that I didn't want to get completely smashed or shit faced. A light buzz would just make the night perfect particularly when I got to meet my big ol bear. A smile lit my face and just in time too as the door opened and AJ stood there already happy and heavy on his feet.

"Hey man!" He gave a big fat tiger grin. His blonde hair wild on top of his head and a pair of heavy green eyes staring at me. He had a slim build such that matched mine as he was into soccer too, except that he didn't play for school. We both knew each other from playing on the same league for a good four or five years together, heck that's where most of my friends came from now. He was also into the whole parkour thing, and strangely enough shared the same birthday as me. To all extent, it was strange, we both shared the same interests, except for the fact that I was gay and he was straight, of course he didn't know that, but that's basically the one thing that made us different.

"What's up man... who's all here?" I responded stepping into the air conditioned home.

"Uh, just me you Ian, Tim, Carmen, and Mac." I knew most of them, except for Carmen who was Ian's girl. I had met Ian through AJ who was also into parkour, he wasn't the greatest at it, he still had the nervous flip feel but his vaults were pretty damn good. Tim was another friend of AJ's, I had met him a few times, one in particular we went up north to do some cliff jumping off a waterfall and I had to admit, he was the most cleverish comedian I had yet to meet. Mac was Ian's younger brother, we already knew he wasn't here for the drinking, he was here to hang out and play some video games which I knew would be the case as soon as all of us were no longer sober.

Rounding the stairs which was the first thing noticed when you entered I met the others in the dining room, everyone was already somewhat buzzed at least loud enough to take notice to their current state. With the T.V on some random channel and pizza and Vodka at the center of the table; I grinned at the fancy clear drink and already had the urge to slam a few shots.

Leaving my bag somewhere safe, I took a seat next to Carmen and Ian looking over at Ian expecting an introduction. Of course he was almost knocked on his ass and wasn't paying any attention to me so I instead greeted Carmen with a smile myself.

I had to admit it, for being homosexual she was actually a rather beautiful woman. With a slim tiger outlook, dazzling dark green eyes and brown hair complemented by blonde streaks, she really surprised me. Ian admittedly had a strange taste in some women, but this one that he'd found was pretty hot. She didn't powder her face in makeup, in fact it was quite the opposite, there was barely any on her really.

"So... I'm assuming you're Carmen." I stated obviously.

She gave a firm nod of her head and a slight laugh, leaning against Ian. "Yes I am... and you are... Reign?"

I nodded. "Good to meet you."

"It's good to meet you too, Ian always talks about you, yet I've never seen you... he tells me you have quiet the characters."

"Heh." I goofy grinned. What she meant was, me and AJ had a thing for doing voices... and two in specific were nasally almost nerd voices with a slight difference in the voice. As well as another higher pitched voice that could almost relate to elmo. The best part about that one was when I added my accents to it; I developed myself to speak in an English accent, a Scottish, a little bit of Irish since the two were relatively alike and a Russian. AJ was great at his Russian as well and a number of times when we had gotten drunk would speak in it and from what we were told the next day, was pretty damn funny. "So how much have you guys drank already?" I glanced over to the half empty bottle.

"Well," AJ began. "Ian had like three bottles stashed away... well I shouldn't say three because the first one had like a fourth of it left, so we already downed that one... plus half of this bottle... so I could say we're getting to the point where it's almost like I really don't give a shit."

"Alright... so I've got a bit of catching up to do then?" I gave a toothy grin to everyone who bobbed their heads to a nod.

Taking the bottle, I swished it once and took a quick pulse to the lips. I gagged for a second feeling the burn slither down my throat and growled to the horrible taste but the heated feeling dropping into my stomach allowed me to burp and smile with a bitter beer face. I was happy I was a light weight, I couldn't stand the taste straight up, even mixed with a drink I just couldn't help but to gag or have to clear my throat every time I drank.

A few and a half slams later things started to slow down, my body felt warm and relaxed. I gave a yawn feeling tired, but I wasn't ready for bed yet. This was the perfect feeling and I suddenly stood up only to lean to the right a little bit and flop back down. I patted my belly before mouthing the words "Too fast."

Eyelids heavy, I dropped my head to look around the room, feeling as if my whole head had to move in order to see clearly. Seeping into the comfort of the leather couch I closed my eyes and smiled, enjoying the feel. I knew this feeling wasn't exactly good for you... but it sure did make you feel good. I couldn't exactly explain it... but I felt good. I felt almost free from myself, not in control of my body, my thoughts could ramble freely and my mouth seemed to speak out of turn. Not that it mattered much that it was a mix of some random things relating to someone's comment with whatever happened to come to mind. It made everyone laugh and that's really what I was going for, just to enjoy myself, not to care about the world, not to care about my life.

My hand found the bottle again and I enjoyed the watery taste as it continued to warm my stomach. Whatever was happening, it was happening both fast and slow now, like I knew it was happening but I didn't mind it any attention nor retained it in my head. I couldn't remember a conversation I just said stuff to try and be funny. That's all I wanted to do... was to make everyone laugh and have a good time. I allowed my head to bob while we watched a movie someone had put in... it was the third transformers movie, not my favorite since my favorite autobot died... Iron Hide. I had to say that he looked probably the coolest out of all of them, he didn't have to be a fancy speedy car, he was a tough ass truck! Thinking half minded now... I think the real reason I liked him was because his voice was rather sexy... big and strong... reminded me of Bruce.

I frowned suddenly being pulled into the subject of being homosexual and looked around the room. The comfort zone wasn't there anymore... the disguise to my outcast was gone and goose bumps ran under my fur. Standing up I wobbled over to the sink having to use the wall as support several times to pretend to get some water. Pulling a glass down and filling it from the refrigerator.

Everyone suddenly started laughing and for some reason it made me feel worse. Sipping my water I watched them dark thoughts rummaging through my head of just letting it all out. Would it be a good time to let it all out while we were drunk? What if they didn't accept me for it? I sipped more. I could feel my depression rising intensely in me... the comfortableness was now gone and I wanted to go home. Slightly sick feeling I turned away and walked out of the house.

The night air touched my fur and my face and unnerved me. I let out an exhale of breathe and felt my phone in my pocket. Bruce.... I thought and started to dial.

"Hey there." He answered with a warm voice.

"H...hey." My voice was teary.

"You okay there bud?" I shook my head like he could see me and sniffed in. "Reign... are you okay?"

"Can you come pick me up?" I sniffled into the phone eyes wet.

"Yeah, where are you?" I could hear him in a hurry from my end, imagining him snatching up his keys as they jingled from table.

"I'm at AJ's..." I gave him directions as best I could feeling the pressure of my darker self haunting me.

"I'll be there shortly, just stay put okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah... Thanks."

Standing there for only a moment, I remembered my bag inside the house and turned to go and get it. They were still laughing inside; I heard my name in the mix of "where was I?" and appeared to reassure everyone that I was still here.

"What a bunch of faggots!" My eyes shot up to Tim's yell as he growled at the screen through his canine muzzle. He had the beagle look to him brown and white fur. Eyes brown as well it didn't do much to his appearance.

_ Faggot_. I thought feeling it return.

"Hey uh... AJ." I said scooping up my bag. "I called my parents and I'm going to head out for the night okay? Don't' worry I won't say anything about this tonight okay?" It wasn't entirely as smooth of a sentence as that, but AJ got the gist of it.

AJ frowned. "Are you okay dude?"

"Yeah man, I just don't really feel good and I'd rather be at home you know?"

He shrugged but nodded. "Alright dude... sorry you couldn't stay... I'll talk to you tomorrow then ya?"

Giving my nod I turned and left.

Sitting on the edge of the sidewalk, I had my hands wrapped around my legs and my chin buried in my knees. My thoughts were mesmerized by vicious scenes in my head, dark thoughts of not wanting to be here because of my difference. Because I was homosexual and so many people had such a hard time accepting it. I hated making it difficult for others... I only liked to make it difficult for myself because I knew myself. It was hard figuring others out and giving a friend the "Hey I'm gay." Notice really messed with my mind. How awkward it would make things when I hang out with my friends... they wouldn't want to hang out with me one on one... they'd think I'm trying to pull something. A heavy tear slithered down my cheek and onto my knee. Then another and another and before I knew it I was sobbing.

I didn't want to live here if it could cause so much of my friends this pain... my parents this pain... having a son that was homosexual... making them go through the criteria. That was just too much to put onto someone else... people have enough stress... to simply just burry my friends and relatives with that. This also reminded me as to why I didn't want to get close with any of them. It would make the chain so much easier to break if we weren't connected so vastly. The time would come... I knew that... but I didn't want it to come and now that I found Bruce I've felt like these feelings have been attacking me much more than usual. Would it be easier to just simply disappear with my bear? To not tell anyone and to live my life almost a new... I wiped my blurred vision to see truck lights heading toward me.

The familiar truck stopped in front of me and I could see Bruce through the passenger window. "Reign!" He yelled for me. "Come on." I stood up and stumbled slightly. "...You're kidding me right?" He growled from inside the car, opening the car door to come to me. "You drank?!" His tone was upset and I could do nothing more but fall into him and cry.

"I don't want to be here." I cooed into his shoulder. "I don't want to tell anyone that I'm gay."

He didn't say anything and only held me for a long minute. "Come on... we'll talk on the way to my place." Guided into his truck, I sat in the middle purposely to want to lean on him once he got in. I wanted to, but the way he entered with a heavy sigh and slump into his seat I with held. It didn't take a genius to realize that he was upset. His slouched posture, eye brows slanted into an angry appearance, even his grip on the steering wheel seemed too tight. I stayed silent, folding my hands between my legs and staring down at my knees.

"You should not have drank." He growled finally after a few minutes of silence. "You're underage!" He added with another growl.

"I... but I've done it before... and we weren't doing anything." I mumbled looking up for his eyes, which were focused on the road ahead.

"You've drank before?" His tone was frightening. "You have a good three years before you're legally a loud to drink!"

"We weren't doing anything... we were just hanging out." I kept my voice low and calm. "Everything was fine until I thought of you." I searched for his eyes again.

"You know what alcohol does to you... what it really does to you?" I shook my head nervously dropping my gaze as he glanced at me. "It amplifies your emotions Reign... it doesn't always make you feel relaxed. It's never a good time to drink when there are things on your mind. Especially with you, I've noticed you get emotional whenever I watched you on the field. You let your mistakes get to your head... I know the feeling you're having right now. I went through with it when I was young and wasn't sure of telling everyone that I was gay."

I looked up, slowly. He sighed and relaxed letting his shoulders drop and leaning back into his seat. "I can remember the fear of wanting acceptance with who ever I told. I was nervous for telling my parents... I didn't have anyone to go to like you do now. If your parents threw you out I would take you in, in a heartbeat, you can count on it..." He sighed again. "I just wish you would have talked to me if you were this nervous about telling."

"I'm... I'm sorry Bruce." I felt awful. Here I had the man with the biggest heart and the will to listen fully and I didn't use him. Instead I continued to lock myself away like I usually did conceal all my depressing feelings. Burry myself further into a deep lonely hole. "I'm so sorry."

He sighed again. "I don't want something to happen to you... You're making me lose my mind over you." A smile hinted itself in his face and the moist eyes made my heart ache. "I think I've found my perfect little one... I might be coming on too strong... but I think you feel the same way about me as well."

The car was off, we were under the parking covers to his apartment and he was taking me with his eyes again. Glistening with tears for me his breathing was abnormal as he tried to control himself. I really had gotten him worried... again I felt awful.

I didn't wait for the moment like last time, my body was still swain by alcohol and I rushed in to meet his thick lips forcing my tongue into his mouth and taking all he was worth. It was warm inside, his tongue played with mine and darted around in my mouth. His paw had found the back of my head and was pushing for more. My own paws were on him, one feeling the center of his chest while the other gripped the thigh covered by his jeans.

"Promise me you won't drink when these thoughts are in your head." He breathed breaking the kiss for only a moment.

I replied with a hard firm and powerful kiss and a muffled I promise while I sobbed into passion.

"Then come on." He pulled my entire body into him opening his door and carefully carrying me out of the truck. We kissed several times before he put me down. I fell into him with a laugh when we tried to walk, the alcohol was still fresh in me but I didn't care. Bruce just held onto me tighter while we walked and before I knew it I had found my way back into his arms.

The door to his apartment opened and in he led me, into the back where I had awoken today. Forcing me into a kiss we lied down and worked the other of their clothes. I was too eager this time to savor anything; instead I just wanted as much as I could have. My hands were grabbing his bare back feeling the fuzzy polar bear fur all the while my legs around his hips. My member was already hard as a rock and forcing its way through my briefs as Bruce finally yanked those off.

I had him in his white underwear and could not only see the glimmering pre seeping through, but also felt it as he grinded against my hips and rump. The scent was amplified through my drunken haze and I moaned with a deep inhale. Not to mention our kissing had not nor would not cease until we were both finished. I was in a thriving state of passion and could only yearn to go deeper and that was the entire plan.

We rolled over each other, pressing our cocks together once I finally worked him of his final piece of clothing. They were so hard together, mine a few inches longer than his, but his easily thicker than mine. Both of them shined with masculine delight and both were moist with manly nectar. We were perfect together.

He rolled me again returning to his dominant state of the top and growling seductively into my ear as he continued to thrust his pelvis forward against me. "You're definitely my single most valuable thing in the entire world Reign." He growled again in my ear, tickling me and I giggled showing how far I was from being sober.

"I want it." I blurted out kissing him.

He raised a brow and looked at me funny. "Want it?"

"Yes... you got mine last time... it's only fair that I get yours this time." I gave a menacing and puppy faced expression.

"Ah." He licked my chest, making sure to growl as he made his way up my neck with kisses before my lips. "Sex isn't a fair game." He winked taking hold of my hard on.

I frowned and moved my hand to his cock, squeezing gently before stroking it. "That's okay..." I grinned receiving a moan of pleasure as he humped into my paw. His member was warm and pulsed with his heart beat, wet and sliding in and out of ease of my paw, drenched in pre. After teasing him for a little longer, I managed to get him to roll over and now I took to the top. Dropping my head to his chest I slithered my way over his belly and found the little chubby pouch just above his cock. With one gentle kiss, I drew back and eyed the head of his manly meat and began.

My tongue found the tip and I teased the pink piece, watching it bounce as I licked. Next my mouth took in the head and I got a little thrust from Bruce. "Ooh Reign." He began finding the back of my head with his bear paw and fiddling with my hair. I leaned closer into him taking half of him down at another moan and stopping at his last few inches. My tongue worked the underside while my lips sucked the heavenly shaft. He buckled at his hips and a spurt hit my throat watering my mouth at the taste.

I craved it, swallowing it quickly and continued to work him, using my paw to further and thicken his streams. He moaned and groaned for several minutes while I proceeded to milk his shaft. I had never felt this emotional for anyone before, it was so very strange, but I wanted every last bit Bruce had to offer me and I wouldn't dare stop for a single moment.

Stroking faster, he buckled again and gripped the back of my head firmly while I licked up his shaft. His words were overpowered by his moans as they collided together making gibberish of sexual language. I knew he was getting close when he started to hump me and I had to back off once or twice to catch my breath and stop the gagging. My hand moved rapidly now, jerking him for the final moments. I wanted him more than ever... I wanted to taste it, desired his natural manliness. I needed it now.

"Reign," He growled arching his back. "I'm." He gave a growl and a final buckle of his hips, thrusting deep into my throat.

The next thing I knew a thick glob of steaming cream hit the back of my throat and I knew I had gotten what I desired. His roar of pleasure and rhythmic humps proved to me that he was giving me his all and the mouthful and streams of white made sure of it. I swallowed what I could in a hurry and savored the last bits of love he had left for me. His nectar was perfect, like the two of us--I could expect nothing less.

After a series of gentle humps and draining the final bit of seed from his stubby length he let out a sigh of relief and laughed. "Heh...heh Reign... I can't explain how wonderful you've made me felt."

I slid my way back up to his stomach after licking his cock once more and put my chin just above the naval. "You didn't have to... I got the description already." I gave a wink and proceeded forward to his lips taking in another long and loving kiss.

"I love you little man." True affection left his lips with these words, hugging me close.

"I love you too big bear." He laughed at the nickname I had for him. "...Hey Bruce?"

"Hm?" He nonchalantly responded.

"Thank you."

He huffed with a laugh. "Thank you for what lil man?"

"For everything... making my life so much worth living... I don't want to change anything."

His oceanic blue eyes warmed my insides along with the warm and fuzzy smile coming from his snout. "You're welcome love... Thank you for letting me be a part of your life... even though you scared me shitless today after that one call... I am happy you did call me and I am happy that you've accepted me to be your loving mate because I will always love you."

"And I will always love you." We smiled into a kiss and held each other close before the embers of sleep lit into a flame and soothed me into a dream state.