Mating Rituals -roughdraft-

Story by RandomWriter on SoFurry

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#5 of RoP

I'm posting this roughdraft because a friend of mine with whom I was RPing ideas for this story gave me the logs and I remembered this story and the plans I had for it, and he offered to attempt writing a continuation if I could not. I hope I get the time to, but I'm heading out tomorrow and don't know when I'll be able to return :c

So...if I don't return, he has my permission to continue the story if he can :P

The next half a year passed by much the same. Kilara's muscles began to harden with the daily exercises of hunting, sculpting, and mating with her father. Sadly, her mother had not conceived. Kilara was disappointed, she was so certain those jelly-eggs would have the power to bring back mommy's fertility. But the 'eggs' did work on the garden.

A little too well.

Every day, after recovering from a romp with daddy, she would pop the resulting jelly-eggs in various places in the garden. After a whole month, the dormant seeds that hadn't sprouted years ago suddenly came to life, as if years were passing by in days. Her parents were utterly shocked, but kept the incident quiet. They couldn't risk an investigation so close to their home, not with Kilara still so young and small.

Indeed, Kilara was small.

She wasn't growing as quickly as she should have been, which was a tad worrisome. She didn't know, of course. Her parents assumed she'd undergo a few growth spurts maybe, perhaps it was part of being a Sun Dragon?

Keelee stretched and yawned, purring happily and swaying her hips side to side as she woke up nestled against her father's belly, his penis still buried deep inside her and her belly round as usual with his semen. Diamant chuckled and purred softly in reply, leaning down to nuzzle her. "Sleep well?"

"Great as always with you, daddy." She giggled and nuzzled him affectionately. "But daddy...when can I get out and meet others my age? It's getting boring here..." She glanced down at her belly and smirked. "Other than the amazing sex."

He smirked back and rolled his hips, making her moan sweetly. "Soon, baby. You're almost to the point where I can begin teaching you self-defense without your muscles tearing. I know you want to meet others, but-"

"I know I know...gotta be safe because I'm a Sun," she replied with the bored sing-song headsway of a child who's heard something over and over. Her father sighed, murring a bit as she pulled off his shaft and turned around to lick him clean. Her small tongue on his flesh felt wonderful.

"Well...I'll talk with your mother. Maybe we can bring you on the next trade trip. But you'll have to wear a shedding cloak."

She grunted in response. "Guess it's better than nothing..."

"We'll figure something out." He nuzzled under her tail, the little girl meeping and moaning again as he lapped at her slit. "I know it's frustrating, Keelee, you're not the only one. We want to introduce you to friends and let you out, but we love you and don't want you to fall into harm's way if we can help it."

Despite cleaning each other, Kilara hiked her tail and spread her legs, her father smiling and getting up, moving around behind her and gently mounting her. "Oooohhh daddy..."

"Mmmm...I love you my sweet baby..." he whispered as he rolled his hips, thrusting his length into her. He glanced up to see his mate giggling at the adorable sight. He winked and mouthed You're next, continuing to pleasure his daughter beneath him until with a simultaneous cry they both climaxed, Kilara shivering under him while he bucked his hips with short, rapid thrusts while his penis once more gushed his load into her womb. Finally sated for the time being, Kilara nuzzled her father as she pulled off, then kissed him lovingly, purring loudly to him in thanks. He smiled and returned her affections, then patted her rump. "Better go get cleaned up for dinner and sculpting practice, your mom's got that look in her eye."

Keelee laughed, knowng what her father really meant. "Okay fine." With that she padded out of the room, having figured out how to walk with an encumbered belly. Diamant and Jade both watched her, Jade finally slinking into the room and rubbing against her mate.

"Eyeing her tailend are we?"

"Shes a very graceful little girl," he admitted. "Very pleasing to the eyes." He nibbled her neck playfully, growling in his chest. "Almost to the level of her mother."

"Nice save, smartass." She giggled and nibbled back, then grappled him, the two laughing and rolling together until Diamant, in one smooth move, pinned her, kissed her and shoved his whole length into her. The two lay there kissing and purring to each other, making love to each other until Jade pulled back to smile up at him.

"I love you Jade. So much," he whispered, nipping her nose. She purred and closed her eyes in submission. "I'm a little worried about Keelee though, she's going stir-crazy here."

"I don't blame her. She needs social interaction." Jade rolled her hips off the floor beneath him, both of them hissing softly as pleasure raced through them. "Aman, have you...caught her scent from the garden lately?"

"I have. I think she's doing something to cause the plants to go wild like that. I've never seen a tomato so huge!"

Jade giggled softly. "Just don't let her know that we know. She thinks she's being sneaky."

"I know. Don't stifle her pride. But all the same...we need to seek out some help. Someone who knows about Suns."

While they passionately made out, Kilara was busying herself with her own little secret garden in the woods, a bit of a distance from the cave. She hummed to herself as she surveyed her handiwork, double-checking everything before initiating her grand experiment. She wanted to know.

She wanted to know what the difference in growth rates were for these plants naturally and with her... "influence". She wanted to know whether or not soil type and the proximity to the river had anything to do with it. She wanted to know what exactly these "eggs" were capable of.

To those ends she had meticulously gathered various seeds, even going so far as to swipe a few from the store room while her parents were having sex. She felt guilty about it but they were going to plant them anyway...right? She was also proving to be a very intelligent child despite her size, as demonstrated by her layout and reasoning with this garden. Her garden was square, one side bordering a small stream offshoot of the river. The garden was divided into four sections, each section was further divided into small plots of different soil types separated by thick parchment, and each little plot of soil had more parchment dividers to sort the seeds. She only had a few flowers and vegetables, but to her 12-year-old mind she had a veritable treasure trove. And, thanks to her father just now, she had more than enough semen in her belly to work with.

It didn't take her very long at all to finish, watching as the pearly fluid sank into the soil. Gathering some water in her mouth she dribbled it over the plants to water them, then, satisfied with her work she followed the stream to the river, flooping on her back and staring at the sky. Mommy was going into heat again soon. Kilara felt rather jealous and a bit upset. Her parents had been so crestfallen after her last two heats, and Keelee's little experiment in her mother's womb hadn't had the fertility effect she'd assumed it would have. Was it because she was so young? Did she have to be older for the "eggs" to work on a dragoness? Or did they only work on plants? Either way, she felt jealous of her mother, having sex with daddy all the time during her heat while Kilara had to amuse herself outside. It left the little girl more frustrated than anything, having to come home to a cave thick with heady scents, listening to her mother moaning lewdly and calling out daddy's name over and over, with no relief for herself until a week after mommy's heat when daddy was able to have sex again without pain.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine mom..."


Kilara's eyes snapped open and she flashed up onto her feet, frozen in place when she saw the speaker. Before her stood a strange creature she couldn't really place. He had the head of a dragon, but further back, the scales of the head changed to feathers, feathered wings, and further back still the feathers changed to fur, until it got to the tail, which was once again, scaled. But...feathers? Feathered wings? What truly caught her attention though was his color.

She was covered in gemstone-like scales with silvery wingskins.

He was almost entirely bright, shiny gold.

The two stared at each other, Kilara looking ready to run, the newcomer looking confused and a bit apprehensive.

"I'Im sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I just...I saw you here and didn't know if you were sunning or...injured or something else."

All she heard though was "didn't know if you were Sun", alarms going off in her head. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice coming out as a bit of a whimper. She glanced furtively at the cave up on the cliff, hoping mommy or daddy would arrive at that moment to relieve her of the situation.