Day Spent with a Friend

Story by 3aek on SoFurry

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My first X-rated story. Commentary and critiques are very much appreciated.

PS: To all my K9 friends/watchers... No, your not in this lol

"Its a love/hate relationship we have here, you know. I hate how alike we are, you love the look on my face when I'm scared to death that your about to kill me, I love the look on your face when your in ecstasy from the pain I'm giving you."

We are talking like we always do right before sex, we learned a while ago if we don't loosen up first it gets too serious and too real. He isn't my mate, I will probably never have one, I don't like to be chained down.

"Your wrong, what we have here isn't hate, its too enjoyable for us to call it that. We've been talking for a few minutes now, are you ready or should we wait a while longer?"

"I'm always ready, but this time lets go slow, we have all day to hang out, I want to make this last."

"So no shortcuts?" He says with a whimper, he loves to get straight to the bondage. We both know we're always horny, after all I'm a bunny, I can fuck all day and keep going, I don't know what his excuse is, he's a mutt after all.

"No shortcuts, lets go really slow. I want to get totally lost in it this time, its been a horribly rough week." I say as I lay back on the couch with a sigh, we always start here, its more relaxing then a bed and a lot less formal. He works more then me, but my life in general is a lot more stressful, I don't relax easily and I worry too much then I should for my age, but its all big things to worry about, like having a place to live, a job, and food. I don't worry about small things.

I need to stop thinking, I wish I could. I always have this problem where I don't shut up and enjoy the moment. He startles me as he starts scratching my hair. This never really effects me like it does the other guys I know, its only slightly relaxing. I bounce up and roughly scratch all his hair, he always loves this and its really fun to do. He groans softly which makes me keep at it as long and hard as I can until my hands get tired.

As I stop his head slowly drops to my lap. I start rubbing his back and shoulders, his body is cold to my touch, even with my cold hands. His tail is swishing gently as I start to massage into his back and shoulders, he shows his approval by pinching my leg with his teeth. I massage harder now, knowing he can take it and get rewarded with a deep groan, I love the sounds dogs make, they always tend to be more powerful then any sound I can make.

My hands gradually move lower down his back as I keep massaging, until they finally reach his pants. I slip my fingers under the first waistband but not under his boxers, its too soon for that. I love kneading his butt cheeks, I massage hard now and hear moans out of clenched teeth as he bites down hard onto my leg. I've never liked being bitten, but he loves biting and my high pain tolerance helps perfectly when he gets excited like this.

An instant later I'm pinned to the couch with him on top of me, with our eyes in a deadlock. This is how it all started, a love and hate war I have within myself. I hate for people to touch me, endorphins have always been stronger for me then for others. He loves to watch my face as I struggle, I try to wiggle free with all my might, but he's stronger then me, by far. I hate this part, he easily pins both my hands with just one of his and starts rub my stomach through my shirt. I start wiggling everywhere but he holds me without much effort.

I close my eye, I hate how I look right now, like a weak defenseless rabbit caught by a hound. His touches are gentle, almost tickling me, and so warm. I'm starting to relax but its always a long process, when you think and worry as much as I do relaxing isn't something that happens in seconds. His hand starts to go under my shirt and I'm back at square one, I open my eyes to glare at him and see him smirking. He knows I like to relax but gets such a kick out of not letting me; I rarely relax until we get to the sex.

"Off me, please..." I say with a growl as I put my knee on his balls and put enough pressure to make my point, but not so much as to hurt him.

As he releases me I get up and sit on the couch and pretend to be interested in the TV show we have playing, its some cartoon about an alien trying to take over the planet. I never watch stuff like this so its easy to get lost in the childish humor. He sits behind me and massages my shoulders and neck. I've been told I'm good at massages, but he is so much better. Within a minute or two I'm bowing my head and closing my eyes, it feels so good but I'm still not relaxed. When the cartoon ends I realize I've been groaning for a while now.

I finally relax into his arms as he bites into my neck and pulls me close, his bite has a lot of pressure to it but I don't feel any pain. His tongue feels good as it gently flicks my neck. I've watched him do this to someone else once, I was drug to a party he was at and he was with some chick, before we really became friends. He got slapped hard and I've never understood why, when your relaxed your muscles are really dense so you should feel a lot less pain, like I do now.

As he pulls me close I can feel his hard dick pressing into my back. I don't feel his knot yet so I wiggle my tail and ass enough to create friction from our jeans. He stops biting on my neck and takes my shirt off revealing my soft pink and white fur. He rubs my chest and I press more firmly into his body. I feel him take his shirt off and I can feel his warm body on my back. He's licking where he bit me now, I can smell the blood but never felt any pain. He loves the taste of blood, sometimes I think he's a vampire.

We lay down on the couch and start rubbing each others chests. His fur is always warmer on his chest, and is always nice to play around with. Our eyes have a slight glaze to them by now, even taking it slowly this is too fun not to get lost in. As we lay there we slowly start rubbing lower and lower, our pants get lost easily but our boxer and boxer briefs stay on. We switch into a 69 position and start rubbing each others legs and feet. We both love to know we're giving someone pleasure, so mutual full body massages are highly common between us. I get so lost in being touched and touching that I fall off the couch. He's smirking as I simply stare up at him in awe and shock.

"Look at the little bunny, so helpless on the floor, awe~" He taunts me with a playful smirk. Normally I would be pissed, maybe even throw something at him but I'm far too relaxed for that and he knows it.

"I think its time you got your gear on, mutt." there is no annoyance or malice in my voice, but I still see his ears droop about an inch.

I follow him to his bedroom and sit patiently on the bed, watching him with a dark grin as he gets himself ready. He puts on his bondage leg cuffs with a thick metal bar holding the cuffs together, next is the blue leather collar. Compared to the rest of the gear the collar always looks out of place to me, its blue and cheaply made, its durable but it could break soon if he keeps using it the way he likes. The wrist cuffs are always last, its fun to watch him put them on, and more so if he does it too tight, he whimpers like a little puppy trying to get it off, but refuses to ask for help. The leg and wrist cuffs have rabbit fur lining which I have always seen as half an insult and half a compliment.

Before he puts the last strap through his last wrist cuff I snap my pink high quality leash on his collar. I get a real kick out of leading someone with a leash, but I've never tried being lead, I'm too strong willed for that. I keep a firm grip on the leash as I crawl backwards onto the bed. I sit on the pillows and watch him crawl after me, before he is fully on the bed I put my foot on his shoulder and have him stop for a few minutes just to stare at how sexy he is right now.

His taunt six pack abs are perfectly visible under the soft patch of fur over his stomach. His legs are shaking as he tries to hold the strange position, making his leg muscles bulge and contract. His arms are doing most of the work, making them seem like tree trunks with large veins. I've always been a sucker for muscles and now is no different, if I wasn't so relaxed I would probably start thinking how the hell I got into this awesome situation. He has maybe an inch or two of fat over his six pack that he complains about, but he looks sexier to me with it there, it looks natural.

I hear his throat start to rumble with a groan, he's about to fall. I remove my foot from his shoulder and start to gently tug on the leash, he's crawling up my body now. I don't have to order him to kiss and lick me on his way up, he takes his time on my lower torso. His tongue tickles my navel as he slowly crawls up my stomach but I only laugh slightly, I'm too turned on from watching him to be too ticklish right now.

I keep a firm grip on the leash and continue tugging it until he's right in front of my face. We both love to kiss, but he loves it more then me. I tease him like this, keeping the leash tight while keeping him inches away from my lips by pushing my lower leg against his chest. He immediately starts whining and whimpering. Its so adorable seeing him like this, its even better when he lowers his ears, the sense of power over someone with muscles like his is overwhelming. When I finally let him kiss me, its the slightest touch of our lips, I lick my lips milliseconds before we touch, touching his lips with my tongue for just an instant.

When he tries to make the kiss deeper I push with my leg, breaking the kiss and reward him with a slash on his back with the leash. He whimpers more but I can see the sparkling pleasure deep in his eyes as he looks at me. Using the handle of the leash like the end of a whip I guide him down to my crotch. He licks from the very base of my dick to the very tip under the lining of my boxer briefs. I can feel his hot breath sucking up my musk, he always says I smell incredible. I hear his heart start to race as he inhales a deep breath of my musk.

He gently takes my briefs off and starts to lick my hard dick. He begins by wrapping his long tongue around the base of my shaft and slowly licking in spiral to the head, damn he's good at this. He keeps licking like this until I give a slight whimper, he takes this chance to shove my dick in his muzzle and start sucking hard. I close my eyes and relax into the bed as he starts sucking me and slamming my dick to the back of his throat. He's going to make me cum too soon, I'm almost there.

I yank on the leash just before I orgasm, almost forcing him to head butt me. I smile at him and lick a stray strand of pre-cum off his muzzle. I sit there for a few minutes and take deep breaths to control myself. He doesn't let me get too far, his mind is lost in pleasure, like I wish mine could be. He bites down hard on my neck, which hurts this time because I'm still taunt from almost orgasming. He starts humping the air, his knot is out and I grab him and let him jack himself off while he bites me.

I hear him start to breath heavy and release his cock before he finishes. He releases my neck which gives me enough room to grab the lube and a condom, I quickly put them to use and aim him to my tail just in time for him to hump forward into me. It hurts and he knows it, he's licking the back of my neck, trying to apologize for the pain. It will pass in a while, he holds my chest while I sit on my elbows and knees, the pain isn't gone yet and he can hear me whimpering so he kisses my neck and rubs my stomach.

I relax when the pain is gone and he slowly enters me, I can feel his knot touch my entrance and then he starts to pull out. He takes it slow, we haven't had sex in a while, we haven't had the time. He keeps at the pace, in slowly to the knot, then out almost exiting me, and then back in. I keep the leash tight so he knows when to go faster. He's starting to fuck me and it feels good. His knot is slamming at my hole now, I think I'm okay to take it, he knows it, he bites down on the back of my neck hard.

I tug on the leash as I whisper his secret name, I want him to really fuck me! I can feel the magical change as his knot pops inside me. God it feels so fucking good. I can feel his warm hard body start to dissolve and touch me everywhere, his body oozes all around me, he's massaging my muscles, kissing me passionately and biting my nipples all at once! I can feel him cumming inside me which starts my own orgasm, God this feels so fucking good, true ecstasy!! He keeps cumming inside me as I climax into the ooze of his body.

We stay like this for a while, with him still kissing me and keeping his hold on the back of my neck with his teeth. He's still cumming as I finish, melting into the afterglow. I need him to get his tongue out of my mouth so I can speak but I know he won't let me, he loves this form. His true form, he won't let it end if he can help it. I bite softly and can feel him start to cry and whimper throughout his oozing body around me. I look out the bedroom window and see the sun just finish rising. We fucked all night again, I have work in two hours, and its over an hour drive home. I have to go, and he knows it.

"I'm sorry pup..." I sigh out as I release my death grip from the leash while calling him by his worldly name which brings back his wolf body.

"I know you are... Its okay..." he replies as he slouches over and lays on his pillow, still in the bondage gear. We both know its not okay, its like killing him to put him back in this body.

I gently rub his sides and spoon him for a few minutes before I start on my way home to get ready for work. I don't look back, I don't have to, we aren't mates, the urge is still there though, I hate seeing a friend like this.