The Doctor Is Always Right (Edit)

Story by Ninjawolf160 on SoFurry

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#1 of The Doctor is Always Right

I decided I wanted to make a sequel to this story.

Henry leaned over the body of the most beautiful women ever to live. He cried over her pale face, her hazel eyes now glazed over her mouth open wide, but no more of her screams escaped. None of her sweet, gentle voice to comfort him when he felt alone or afraid. Henry tried to wake her up by kissing her like in the fairy tales. His sleepy beauty will wake up any moment now thats how spells worked didn't they?

Yet she didn't wake up, she was never going to wake up he realized. Red water flowed from the wound in her stomach and from her mouth; the red liquid spread around her. Henry thought that the liquid spilling out of her was what made her talk, so he started gather them in his hands trying his hardest to put it in her mouth without it spilling on the ground, but every time he scooped up more of the red water and put it in her mouth, more would just come out of her body.

He spoke to her, sobbing because he knew something was wrong with her but he didn't know what was wrong exactly " Come on Marie, you can't sleep here it's cold, I'm sorry I hit you I won't get mad again." He knew she would forgive him, she always did, he couldn't help it when he got violent he didn't like to hurt but he always managed to do so, especially to her.

"Marie, Marie, wake up I'm sorry." He continued he chanting of apologies hoping Marie would wake up and forgive him and while he did so he didn't realized that someone was walking up behind him " Poor Henry, what a bad thing you've done."

Henry head whipped around to see Dr. Saney, Henry crawled over to the doctor wrapping his wet arms around the doctors legs, making the white pants red " Oh doctor, Marie won't wake up!"

The doctor looked from the grieving man, to the dead body of Marie Jones. He tilted his head, he didn't mean for that to happen but either way she was out of his way and this just gave him a extra card in this wonderful game "Of course she won't wake up, she is dead my dear Henry."

Henry looked up at the doctor, The doctor tried his hardest to not laugh at the man horrified face of the news of his poor fiancee. The doctor tilted his head " Henry, did you hurt Marie?"

Henry sobbed harder " I didn't mean to, I was so angry and then she, she..Oh god doctor i killed Marie!"

The doctor clicked his tongue, patting Henry's golden hair "I'm sorry to say this, but good riddance she wasn't good for you."

Henry brows knitted together in confusion, why did the doctor think Marie wasn't good for him? It was the doctor who said i should love Marie more then anything, why the sudden change now?

The doctor pushed Henry off his pants and crept closer to Marie's body, he closed her eyes and mouth "A lady shouldn't make such a horrid face, bad manners you know."

Henry said nothing, even when the doctor stripped off all of Marie's clothes and balled them up. It was bad manners to strip a lady in public, Henry thought to himself. The doctor threw the clothes at Henry and walked off for a moment. He returned with a big garbage bag "Put her body in here Henry, then put her in the trunk of my car I will clean up this blood."

Henry cried out at the word blood, oh god he was a monster he thought, how could he do this to Marie.Henry put her body in the bag very gently. He whimpered, dragging the bag to the doctors, cadillac. He put the bag gently in the trunk of the car not wanting to hurt Marie's body anymore and at the same time he was wonder what the doctor meant that about Marie no longer being good for him.

The doctor emerged from the shadows of the building "It's a good thing you killed her out in abandoned building, no one will discover any traces of her ever being killed here, you know since this building is going to be demolished tomorrow morning and all."

Henry looked at the building, a sign with a few of its letters faded out read "Willar-s P-bl-- -ia-ra--", but Henry knew it was suppose to say "Willards Public Library." Marie told him so a year ago when the mayor decided that the building needed to be demolished since no one went to the library anymore. It had made Marie very sad, she grew up with the Library and even though Henry only moved her 5 years ago, he had felt sad about it too since it made Marie upset.

He kicked a pebble "Marie loved this place, she wanted to be inside it one last time before they destroyed it." He felt tear forming in his eyes another sob wanting to escape, but he wouldn't let it because he didn't deserve to grieve " At least she died in the last place she loved.."

The doctor rolled his eyes "Yes I'm sure she loved this place more then you Henry, now get in the car we have a long drive." Dr.Saney opened the passenger side of the car and motion with his arm for Henry to go in. Henry got in the car, the seats became smeared with Maries blood which was caked onto his jeans. The doctor shut the door, then went around to the drivers side and sat down on the seat, he started the engine then drove off " Henry, seatbelt."

Henry put on his seat belt, then slouched in his seat. The doctor wanted to say something about his poor posture, but decided to put a sock in it. The drive to the unknown was a silent one, Henry looked out the window watching as the scenery of Willards town change into some unknown place "Where are we going?"

The doctor smiled " To a place a friend of mines owns, I asked him if I could use his incinerator."

Henry tilted his head, becoming extremely confused "Why do we need an incinerator?"

The doctor raised a brow at Henry "We have to get rid of Marie's body don't we?"

Henry thought about it, he thought it was strange that they were going to burn Marie's body, since when people usually died they were buried in the ground and then everyone would some sort of party that no one was to enjoy. He wanted to tell the doctor that they should do that, but one look from the doctor told him not to argue, the doctor was always right after all, so Henry needed to be a good boy and let the doctor fix everything.

The drive went on for another hour and Henry was growing bored, he thought of a conversation started " Doctor, can I ask you a question?"

The doctor nodded " Of course, dear Henry."

"Why did you say Marie was no good for me?"

The doctor looked slightly annoyed then " Because she's a whore Henry."

"A whore?"

The doctor nodded again " Oh yes, she was a whore, her sins have gone unnoticed though and thus she was judge and sentenced to die." The doctor paused for a moment "She deserved to die, she didn't deserve to breath the same air as us." He looked over to henry from the corner of his eyes " She didn't deserve you either Henry."

Henry thought about it, he didn't exactly know what a whore was, but he was sure he heard the term before from Marie. She said whores were women who would do anything for money even sleep with lots of men. Henry didn't quite understand it though since there wasn't anything wrong with sleeping especially with other people. When he asked Marie why it was bad she only laughed and said he was too naive to understand, so he never asked again and just accepted the fact that whores were bad. He never expect Marie to turn out to be one, especially since she spoke about how the evil of those types of people.

" If Marie was a whore- "

"Is a whore, Henry, she will always be a whore thats why her soul burns in hell for all eternity."

Henry frowned, he didn't want Maria to burn forever, but the doctor was right she did a sinful thing so she deserved this fate, or at least he thought she did. Henry looked at the doctor " Why didn't you tell me what she really was like before doctor?"

"Because I didn't want to ruin your happiness Henry."

That made sense, but his happiness was gone forever now since Marie was gone. He didn't really care if she was a whore he still loved her and was sorry that he killed her "I still love her doctor, I will miss her."

The doctor scowled, his voice became cold "Well don't, she is evil and has deceived you into loving her, don't continue to believe she ever loved you Henry no woman would ever love you!"

Henry didn't understand, why was the doctor so angry and why did he say such horribly mean things " You're wrong someone will-" But Henry started to wonder if it was really true. No girl would look at him with love, his mother didn't, she gave Henry up to the mental institute when he was only four without even saying goodbye or a I love you, She never even visited him either. Marie had loved him or did she? He no longer knew if it was true. He sighed, the doctor was right maybe no woman would ever love him.

The doctor pat his head " don't worry Henry, no one else may love you, but I sure do."

Henry didn't look at the doctor, he wasn't sure he believed the doctor, but he did not tell the doctor what he was thinking. He wanted to be loved so he would take any form of love whether it was fictional or not. The doctor gently slid his thumb along Henry's cheek, keeping his eyes on the road only getting a few quick glances at Henry.

"Henry do you love me back." The doctor hoped Henry would, because if he didn't then he will get his wish and join his precious Marie in hell.

Henry nodded " Yes, do you really love me?"

The doctor nodded "Oh yes Henry, as long as you obey me and never mention Marie again."

Henry didn't argue with what the Doctor was asking him to do. He really wanted to feel love no matter what, and if forgetting Marie would get him it he would do so no matter how much it would hurt him "Of course doctor."

The doctor smiled " Oh Henry, no need to call me doctor anymore, just call me Master."

Henry wanted to ask why, but he didn't " Of course master."

The doctor kissed Henry on the head "I love you "

Henry stared into the doctor's eyes, he felt reluctant to repeat the words. but why be picky? " I love you to, always and forever."

The doctor was pleased and kissed Henry on the lips. Then returned his attention to the road as they drove off to dispose a dead girl's body, Henry wondered who she was.