2.3 Heat Dream - 24 hours

Story by Kane777 on SoFurry

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#9 of Heat Dream

Prepare for a long chapter, this is where it all starts coming together, prepare for shocking developments

The elevator whirred and groaned constantly as it ascended the side of the 'Heat Dream' building early that warm summer morning, heading towards Tom Danielson's private top floor office. The transparent side facing outward let the light of the sunshine fill the inside with a bright glow as the air conditioner kept it cool in the exceedingly warm conditions.

Jenna wasn't very fond of the sunshine right now however as she turned her back to it with her hand covering her forehead, the drowsy husky being the only occupant at the time. Groaning she tried to ignore the constant sounds of her surroundings, thinking she should have stayed home where it was relatively peaceful.

"My head is killing me, why did I listen to Dixie of all people?" Jenna asked herself. "Now I know what a hangover feels like ill never drink again".

She was still feeling the effects of the long loud night before, her head continued to throb and her eyelids drooped from being so tired. It wasn't from her dancing that she was that sleepy, it was because she couldn't really sleep last night at all as the flashbacks of it circulated in her mind. She had been hit on by drunks, convinced to drink way too much, she practically got molested in the middle of the dance floor and then she was molested again in the club toilets.

All because of that woman, the evil seductive Dalmatian who had suddenly grabbed her and kissed her without her consent, she could still taste her saliva in her mouth. Then that vixen had had her dirty evil way with her in front of all those people, especially Tom!.

Now here she was only a few floors away from seeing him, for the first time since he witnessed her embarrassing ordeal. How could she look him in the eye when she got to his office? what could she say?. Jenna could only whimper softly and hug her arms to her chest, praying that things couldn't get any worse. Unfortunately for her it seems that today could get much much worse.

"Hey there darlin, looked like you were havin a real hot time last night"

'Oh no it's Dixie' Jenna thought with a sigh 'what is she doing here bothering me this early in the morning?'. 'Looks like my hopes of a quiet morning recovering have been sunk'.

Yes it was Dixie leaning on Jenna's desk with that annoying carefree grin on her face. Her long flowing tail starting to wag back and forth when she noticed Jenna's arrival. It was Dixie's idea Jenna go out that night with her in the first place. Despite consuming as much alcohol as Jenna she didn't show any ill effects that morning, which only made Jenna's head hurt more.

Jenna didn't even feel like replying to Dixie's childish comments right now. She just walked right past her and sat down at her desk, leaning back in her comfortable chair and closing her eyes. She sighed slightly in relaxation.

"Oh come on Jenna I saw what you were doin on that dance floor" Dixie said, turning and leaning on Jenna's desk with her elbows. Her face lit up with a larger grin when she saw Jenna frown in response "Sure looked like you were getting into it with that sexy Dalmatian, to be honest I wasn't sure you even swung that way " Dixie said with a wink.

"Oh leave it alone Dixie would you, I'm not in the mood to talk about it right now" Jenna said. Groaning she leaned back in her chair and rubbed her eyes.

"What are you even doing here this early anyway?" she asked sitting up and glaring at Dixie "Mr Danielson hasn't even started his day yet and I know you have work to take care of yourself.

"Well you see the thing is I sort of did something bad to him when we both got back to my place last night" Dixie said. "So I thought I would come here as soon as possible hoping he'd accept my apology" Dixie said with a pout. She looked away from Jenna with a rarely seen blush appearing on her face "You see when we arrived at my house last night....".

(the night before)

Tom's car ground to a halt in front of Dixie's place as he got out of the driver's side door and went round to open the passenger door. He gasped slightly from being tackled by Dixie's hugging body as soon as he did.

Within seconds their lips were joined once again in a passionate hungry kiss as the horned up husky thumbled with his keys to lock the car. Once he heard the car's lock beep he growled against her lips and grasped Dixie's soft tight ass with both hands. Feeling his pants tighten around his crotch he deepened the kiss, much to Dixie's pleasure.

She moaned into his mouth with desire as she felt his hands grope her backside and his arousal pressed against hers. "Oh Tom I can't stand it" Dixie moaned breaking the kiss and jogging to the door with him in tow. "Watching Jenna getting her crotch groped and rubbed by that babe she was with is driving me wild".

Tom could only growl huskily in agreement as he grabbed her from behind and groped her breast and crotch roughly. As she opened the door he started nibbling her neck, he was so horny right now he wanted to howl.

He was shocked back to the present however when she pushed him back and away from her. He fell backwards, landing on his rear at her feet looking up in surprise and confusion.

"Uhuhuh what have I told you about groping me without permission like that" Dixie said with a frown, wagging her finger at him dismissively. "You know the deal so I guess you'll have to settle for a cold shower instead" Dixie said walking through the door. She closed the door halfway before simply saying "have a nice evening" in an innocent voice. She slammed the door in his face and chuckled when she heard him whine loudly on the other side of the door, she had got him good.

(present day and time)

"So yeah he is a little sore at me right now" Dixie said with a pout "when I tried to say I was sorry he booted me out of his office and locked the door".

Jenna could only sit there with a bemused look on her face "so what did you expect to happen when you came to his door and tried to apologise?". "Let me guess you just stuck around outside his door hoping when I arrived I would just open his door for you" Jenna said accusingly. "Maybe you even thought I would help you convince him to forgive you" Jenna said with a scowl.

'Who does she think she is?' Jenna thought angrily 'treating Mr Danielson like that and hoping he would forgive her just like that'. 'I know I wouldn't forgive her if it were me' she thought .

Before Jenna could tell Dixie how she felt about her awful behaviour she was interrupted by a sound. It was the sound of the door to Tom's office opening and Tom walking into the room.

"Oh good Jenna you've arrived" Tom said smiling for most likely the first time that day. His smile quickly turned into a scowl when he noticed Dixie was still there.

"Dixie for gods sake, just get back to work ok, I'm not going to listen to your apologies and moaning anymore" he said pointing at the open elevator.

"Ok ok I'm going can't say I didn't try" Dixie groaned walking away from Tom and into the elevator that had remained on that floor. She pressed the number for the floor she was meant to be on and waited for the doors to open. "But just remember Tom when you get home tonight I'll be waiting" she said with a grin without turning round. She did however turn and blow him a kiss when the door slowly closed behind her.

"I swear she can be such a pain sometimes" Tom said putting a hand over his face in aggravation. "At least now we can finally get some peace and quiet around here right Jenna" he said smiling again.

Jenna shared Tom's relief that now there would finally be some peace and quiet. Her hangover and lack of sleep had made Dixie's appearance that much more irritating.

"So Jenna before I get back to work I was going to ask..." Tom said with a look of concern on his face "are you feeling ok?". "What I mean is it's not like you to arrive this late in the morning, you usually get here an hour early so we are ready for a busy day like today". He leaned over her desk slightly and placed his hand over hers tenderly before looking into her eyes. "It's just that seeing how tired you are I'm just concerned about you that's all" he said squeezing her hand softly.

Jenna gave him a genuine smile and nodded "I'm fine Mr Danielson you don't need to worry about me so much" she said happily.

She had worried that he would start avoiding her or act different around her after what he saw her and that woman do the night before. She just smiled and looked deep into his caring soulful eyes wishing this moment would never end, getting lost in them.

Unfortunately for the two Tom's watch alarm had other plans for them and rang loudly.

"Well looks like it's time for my 9:00am meeting" Tom said sighing, enjoying the ender moment. "Could you please hold my calls for the next hour?" he asked Jenna turning to head back into his office.

"Oh before I forget I'll be expecting an important colleague to be arriving this morning" he said "Please make sure that you inform me when they arrive ok" he said halfway through the door.

"Yes sir no problem" she said getting up from her desk as his office door closed, heading over to the packed cabinets. She felt much better about today now that the awkwardness was gone from her mind.

Singing to herself a song she had stuck in her head she bent over and reached into the cabinet. This meant she was now in a fully bent over position, her hips slightly shaking from side to side as well as her swaying tail.

Suddenly she was shocked bolt upright again by the feeling of a hand roughly spanking her skirt covered backside. The sound of the impact echoed throughout the room as it broke the silence. Unfortunately because she was shoulder deep in the cabinet this meant the back of her head collided with the shelf above her harshly.

Stepping back a few paces she stood upright again, her eyes closed in pain as she covered the back of her head with both hands. As if having a hangover wasn't enough of a headache, now the back matched the front in painfulness. She was shocked once again as the mystery assailant grabbed her in a close hug. Before she could contemplate what was going on a voice from behind her whispered into her ear.

"Oohh you poor dear that looked like it hurt so much" the voice said softly in her ringing ear. Do you want me to kiss it better for you" they asked before licking her ear softly.

Jenna stood there frozen in shock and fear as soon as she heard that voice, like a deer in headlights. 'No....no it can't be' she thought in fear 'there's no way it could be her there just can't be'.

Stella grinned seductively when she felt Jenna's body go ridged against hers, holding her body closer against her.

"Oh so you do remember me" she said licking the base of Jenna's ear again and breathing in her scent deeply. "I'm so glad that I wasn't just a one night stand to you" she said seductively.

Jenna wanted to pull herself away from this woman but she found that she couldn't move. Despite despising the feel of Stella's slim warm body against hers her body refused to respond to her frantic thoughts of escape.

'How did she find me?' Jenna asked herself trying to get her body to respond to her situation 'why did she find me?'. Stella had already practically molested her at the club less than 24 hours ago. Now she was here where Jenna worked holding her tightly from behind and pressing her body closely against hers. She could feel her perky breasts pressed against her back and her crotch against her rear.

"Well how do you like that my dear" Stella said "here we are together again". Stella reached her hands under Jenna's arms to the front of her buttoned up shirt. She heard Jenna gasp when she slowly undid the top button causing her bra covered breasts to spill out slightly.

After taking a moment to grope Jenna's cleavage and pinch her hardening nipples Stella continued to tease her. "I thought you'd be happy that I found you" she said slowly undoing each of Jenna's shirt buttons one by one. By now her breasts were fully out of her shirt and well within Stella's reach to hold and caress them. Feeling Jenna's breathing quicken against her own chest Stella whispered "You seemed to enjoy my company last night when all those people were watching".

Before Stella could get the last button undone and start removing her shirt entirely. Tom suddenly stepped out of his office and into the room. He couldn't see what Stella had done as their backs were facing him.

Stella had sensed he was about to walk in and stepped back straightening her expensive looking suite. Jenna meanwhile still had her back to him and was quickly doing up the buttons of her shirt, hoping that he wouldn't notice.

"Aahh Mrs. Jones you made it excellent" Tom said holding out his hand to shake hers "I trust that the directions you were sent were useful".

"Indeed they were Mr Danielson but please my employees call me that please call me Stella" Stella replied shaking his hand. Waiting until Jenna had finished composing herself Stella continued "I was just having a delightful chat with your secretary here". She turned to Jenna and smirked "I do find her quite fascinating" she said winking to her "shall we?".

"Of course please step into my office" Tom said holding the door open for Stella to walk through "keep holding my calls won't you Jenna".

Jenna could only nod her head slowly as the door closed behind them. She had to sit down as she took her seat at her desk slowly 'this has to be a bad dream' she thought. 'I've overslept this morning and this is all just a nightmare I can't wake up from' she thought. Sitting in silence she hoped dearly she'd wake up screaming in her bed any second.

Time slowly passed by as Jenna tried to concentrate on her work and ignore the situation she was in. 'So all this time Stella was a colleague of Toms' Jenna thought to herself. 'So it must not be a coincidence that I ended up with her last night'. 'Yes of course' Jenna thought with a slight frown 'if I hadn't of been there she would have cornered and felt up Dixie instead'. Leaning back in her chair she stared at the ceiling ' not that she would of minded'.

She was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of Tom's office door opening again as Stella stepped out with a smile on her face.

"I'll see you later Jenna dear" Stella said as she passed her desk with a wink. Brushing her fur on her head, she stepped into the elevator and headed downstairs.

"Jenna could you please inform the others there will be a emergency meeting in the conference room in 30 minutes please" Tom said. He stepped out of the room with a depressed look on his face.

"Tom what's wrong, what's going on?" a confused Jenna asked him concerned after seeing how down he suddenly had became.

"I'll tell you all very soon just please tell the others attendance is mandatory" he said heading to the returned elevator and taking it down.

"Oh man a surprise meeting just out of the blue" Angel said taking her seat at the conference table. She took her assigned seat next to Dixie and Rita. "Wonder what is so suddenly important that we had to show up?" she asked knowing it could only be bad news.

"I don't know darlin" Dixie replied frowning "if something like this was gonna happen for good news Tom would have mentioned it by now".

"Well whatever this meeting is about" Georgette said sitting opposite them "I am quite sure that it is not going to be good for any of us".

Everyone remained silent as their boss Tom Danielson walked into the room and stood by the main chair at the end of the long table. Judging by the sad look on his face everyone was right in assuming it was not going to be good.

"Ladies and gentlemen I apologise for taking you away from your day's hard work" Tom said. "But after emergency meetings with colleagues I have news that would be essential to all employees of this firm". Tom looked down to his feet for what seemed like hours but was more seconds before looking up again. " I am here to announce" he said "that as of this moment I am officially stepping down as owner of this company".

There were shocked gasps coming from everywhere in the room as the occupants were shocked. Upset that he would suddenly spring his resignation on them like this.

"The details of why I am doing this I have decided shall remain on a need to know basis" he continued sadly. "In the meantime I will now introduce my replacement for this position" he said signalling towards the open door "Mrs. Estelle Jones".

'WHAT' Jenna screamed in her head as she watched Stella walk into the room and sit down in Tom's chair at the end of the table. Putting her head in her hands she screamed in her head 'I know this is a bad dream WAKE UP JENNA WAKE UP!'

Jenna just sat at her desk, unable to move her body as she sat there with her face in her hands. a tear rolled down her face as she sobbed watching this nightmare unfold around her.

'What do I do now' she thought looking at Tom's old office which Stella was now sitting in. 'Do I just forget about the history between Tom and me, just keep working or what?'. It was hard for her to believe that he was gone and wouldn't be coming back. She already missed him so much.

She was brought out of her thoughts and back to reality by the phone ringing on her desk. Wiping her eyes and composing herself she slowly picked it up and answered it. "hello" she said. "Jenna my dear could you please step into my office for a moment, I have a special assignment for you" was the reply. She stood up and walked over to the closed office door and gulped in fear before opening it and peering in.

"Aahh Jenna there you are" Stella said with a smile on her face, standing up and walking round her desk. Crossing her legs she leaned on the side of it with her arms crossed "please take a seat".

Jenna looked down at the seat provided for a moment in uncertainty before taking a deep breath. She played along and took a seat in front of Stella who was now standing over menacingly. Jenna placed her hands on her legs she looked up at and into Stella's eyes. She kept her eyes looking up to avoid staring at Stella's chest. The way her arms were crossed made her breasts bulge out in the space above them.

"I suppose you are wondering Jenna why this is all suddenly happening" Stella said with a smirk watching Jenna nod slightly. "Well I'll start out by saying that Tom left on his own accord and that he was not given a pink slip".

Stella then hopped up onto the side of her desk and uncrossed her legs before crossing them again. "He informed me that it was the amount of stress, the amount of hours" she droned uncrossing her arms and leaning back. Now that she was giving Jenna a better view of her chest and thighs she continued. "and of course all the responsibilities he had on his shoulders" Stella continued "that he simply needed to get away from it all".

'No way was it his own choice' Jenna thought angrily squeezing her legs with her fingers tightly. 'Considering how sad he looked I'm sure you had something to do with this you evil bitch'. "this entire chat was just so you could flaunt your body at me' Jenna thought 'well it will take more than that to intimidate me'.

"I'd also like to tell you that you should not worry about him either" Stella continued looking down with a grin "I'm sure he would not want you to be worried about him".

"In fact" she said removing her office jacket "I could easily offer him a far less complicated and less stressful position in this firm". "Of course to do something like that I'd need to be persuaded" she said kicking off her shoes. She watched Jenna's eyes widen as she undid the clasp on her skirt and let it drop. It fell by her feet exposing her frilly lace panties and long shapely legs.

Jenna could only gasp and look up at Stella's evil grinning face then down at her panty covered crotch on display. She could see that there was a small damp patch in the cloth as Stella was already aroused.

she realised then that she was feeling a little aroused by the idea herself as the room felt warmer at that moment. She could feel her own crotch heat up at the horrifying yet somehow exciting prospect.

'Oh my god she wants me to pleasure her to keep Tom from being unemployed' Jenna thought in shock. 'I do care about Tom deeply but this is to extreme for that' she thought 'although would it really be that terrible'.

Stella saw the conflicting look on Jenna's face and scowled "you really want to risk his career like that Jenna dear?". she pointed down to where she wanted Jenna to be, on her knees between her legs "you think anyone will hire him after what he has been up to with his own employees".

'Damn of course I forgot' Jenna thought quickly 'she must know that Tom and Dixie are in a relationship'. 'This is seriously going to destroy his reputation if anyone finds out'. Slowly Jenna stood from her seat then kneeled on the ground between Stella's splayed legs. She looked up at her in dread then down at Stella's now quite damp crotch.

"Oh yes sleeping with an employee like that" Stella said placing a hand on Jenna's head and stroking it. "Looks like I might be his only chance at keeping a job" she said enjoying this moment immensely. "So what's it going to be Jenna?" she asked lifting Jenna's chin with her fingers and spreading her legs further. "Will you sacrifice your dignity for a moment and help the man you secretly care about in his time of need".

Jenna decided then that for Tom's sake she would do what Stella ordered her too.

She sighed then leaned forward, grasping Stella's panties around her hips with both hands. She slowly pulled them down, exposing Stella's wet pussy to her uncertain eyes.

Stella shifted slightly so she could pull her panties down over her slim dotted legs to her ankles where they were kicked off. "there we are dear" Stella said looking down at Jenna's flustered face with a grin. "Get used to the sight of my excited wet pussy Jenna you'll be seeing it this close quite often".

Jenna wasn't really listening, as soon as Stella's hot crotch was bare she was overcome by the scent. Her own crotch now quite warm in her panties as she lost herself in Stella's heavenly smell. Jenna had to shake her head to stay focused on what she had to do as she pressed her nose against her cunt.

"That's it Jenna dear now take a nice deep whiff of my horny pussy" Stella said, already so horny knowing that Jenna had no choice but to pleasure her.

Jenna did as she was told and pushed her nose against Stella's puffy pussy lips and inhaled deeply. She gasped at the strength of the scent flowing through her nostrils and moaned. Without thinking she pushed her face firmly against her bare crotch and just breathed in her intense flavour again and again.

Stella moaned feeling Jenna repeatedly pushing her cold nose against her most private parts. "That's it Jenna dear nice deep breaths" she moaned "do I smell good down there? how about you try a taste of me?".

Not thinking clearly at all now Jenna nodded and stuck out her long wet tongue. She started by taking a nice long slurp from bottom to top of Stella's wet pussy before burying her tongue deep inside. Her lips now joined with Stella's as she deeply kissed Stella's cunt over and over. Grasping Stella's naked spotted buttocks with both hands as she dug into her tasty treat.

"Uuhh oh you naughty girl I didn't ask you to do that" Stella moaned holding Jenna's head behind her ears. Jenna was doing so good at this that Stella nearly fell off the desk in surprise. Feeling Jenna reaching so deep with her agile tongue took Stella's breath away as she slowly rocked forward and grinded against Jenna's now damp face.

"Hhmm you know dear for such a quiet little office girl you really do have a hot little mouth" Stella moaned. She was now rubbing Jenna behind her ears making her moan softly into her pussy. "Now move a bit higher and lick and suckle on my hard little clit ok".

Stella watched Jenna's face shoved right up against her hot cunt now grinding herself roughly against Jenna's wet face. she could feel her orgasm coming very shortly.

Jenna could Barely hear Stella through the force of her pounding ears and the crotch humping her face. It wasn't about Tom or anything else for Jenna now that all she was breathing was the heavy scent of Stella's arousal. Jenna just knew she wanted more of Stella's taste in her mouth and nose.

So she moved upwards and focused her tongue lashing onto the small little nub within Stella's outer lips. Hoping to make her orgasm quickly Jenna practically attacked her poor little nub. She was now roughly licking, rubbing and sucking on it all over.

She was rewarded with a loud howling above her as Stella's pussy twitched and spasms against her face. It suddenly started squirting pussy juice all over her nose and mouth giving her a taste of her juices.

Stella had to lean back on the desk after an orgasm like that, the shy bitch was like a firecracker when it came to licking pussy. Her whole body was now quivering in pleasure as she gasped for air in the afterglow.

"Oh my dear you sexy little minx are you sure have never eaten pussy before, you nearly killed me with that passion".

Jenna was panting too now that she could finally breathe fresh air, as her thoughts came back to her she suddenly realised what it was she just did. She had just given oral sex to another female, a female she hated with all her soul, how could she even look at herself in the mirror now.

Noticing that Jenna was coming round Stella smiled and rubbed Jenna's head with one hand like she was her owner. "I'm afraid my dear it might take more than that to make me consider giving Tom a job. "So how about you go get back to work while I compose myself" she said with an evil grin "after all the day has just begun".