Sensual Therapy

Story by Novus Mutt on SoFurry

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He stared at the red hot ring around the wick of the burning "Sensual Therapy" scented candle, slowly breathing in the mild smoke. It was named very well. The smoke seeped into the Aussie Shepherd Folf's nostrils; the chemicals creating an increased blood flow, immediately running between his legs. Nova's eyes grew heavy, as did his crotch. He drifted off into half-sleep, falling back into his water bed which gently rocked him to sleep. He opened his eyes, his vision still blurry. His room was lit only by a single candle in the corner. He crawled out of bed, walked across the room, and blew out the candle. When he turned back to his bed, a dark figure was lying in his bed, his head propped on one arm, staring at Nova. The figure spoke, "What are you doing cutie?" Nova felt scared, yet similarly comfortable. As if he knew this strange person, but didn't quite recognize him. He flicked on his lamp to see a dark brown wolf with black low-lighted fur. He was muscled, his bicep flexed, holding up his head. His chest was thick, but led down to a toned waistline. He had a muscle-blocked, hour-glass figure. If he wasn't naked under the bedsheets, the underwear he wore was very skimpy, not that Nova was complaining. The wolf's name was Jacob. Nova's long-time crush, whom Nova had watched, almost obsessively, for years, but never had the guts to speak to. Now, here he was; Nova's dream-man, lying in wait... for HIM. He tried to act casual, but couldn't hide the the surprise and ecstasy in his voice when he spoke, "Oh... Um... H-hey, Jake... I was just um...--" He was interrupted by the dark wolf, "Oh, never mind." The wolf patted a spot next to him, gesturing for Nova to lie with him. Nova did as he was told, flicking off the lamp and crawling under the covers, cuddling up into the big, warm arms of the other wolf. Nova's first instinct was right: Jake was wearing nothing, to his sweet surprise. Jake was completely flaccid, but his sheath was HUGE, almost too huge. Jake ground against Nova's bum, but his intentions were innocent. He was only trying to get close to the far thinner Aussie next to him. Nova felt the warmth of the thick-muscled body behind him. It was beautiful. He slunk into the wolf's arms, getting as close as he could. For once in a very long time, he felt safe; loved. He listened to the wolf's breathing, his heartbeat. He felt the wolf's very essence around him, as if his soul itself was engulfing the smaller canine with love, and protection. After what felt like only a few minutes, Nova began to hear the faint sound of beeping. The sound became louder, and louder, until, he snapped awake. It was only a dream. It was all. Just. A dream... At the beginning of this story I intended writing a yiff story. As I got into it, I realized who I was writing about. Jake is the name of my actual crush. The dream is my fantasy. If I were ever to get Jake to say yes to being with me, I would love him. Not lust for him. This is my dream, my fantasy, my wish. But I will never have the guts to tell him how I feel. At least... Not as me. But as Nova, I say, Jake. I love you. I always have, I always will, whether you realize it or not, even in your darkest hour, even when you feel there is nobody that loves you. I do. I'm just too afraid to say it. Thank you for reading. And I'm sorry if I disappointed you. But sometimes, one just needs love where lust cannot quite reach.