Book of Rosewater, Chapter Zero: Prelude of a Lion

Story by link rosewater on SoFurry

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#1 of Book of Rosewater

Book of Rosewater, Chapter Zero: Prelude of a Lion

By Link Rosewater

The keys jingled loosely on my fingers as I shut the door behind me, shaking myself of excess water briefly before stepping into the living room. After setting my keys down on the desk, I looked out the window at the melancholy rain. I pulled my sweatshirt from my soaked and matted chest.

"The rains nice, but I wish it didn't have to downpour while I was on my run. And here i thought my best days were rainy days..." I stood in the middle of the room to keep from getting anything wet, the windows normally allowing the sun to fill the whole room showing nothing but the fall of water through its open blinds.

I sighed and headed up the stairs, stopping on the way up to wiggle my paws in the slightly shaggy carpet before continuing to the bathroom. This month turned out to be real crummy, first the hubby get prolonged for two months in Japan, then pulling triple shifts at work which made me miss the trip to Japan in the first place, and now the freak rain storms this week. I just shake my head and sigh again before discarding my wet clothes in the hamper.

I looked in the mirror and smiled shyly. "I really don't understand myself." And I didn't either, I was a lion of nearly 7 feet, which isn't abnormal, nor is the fact that I had an athletic build that most people I knew would 'admire'. It's the fact that my build would look good on anyone but myself to me. Not the most confident lion in the world, I know. And I hated revealing much of my body, though it's mostly because of the impulsion I have due to my little 'quirk'. I keep looking in the mirror, the built lion staring back with his long since unbraided brown mane laying matted down on his neck and down his back and rump, his normally golden brown fur taking a darker shade from the water. I inspect myself a little more, my dark pink nipples jutting from my chest, and then looking downward after assuring myself that was just from the cold, cursing myself for looking down since that falsified my last statement. My main proof of my gender swelling greatly and making my already somewhat large sheath swell till the tip of the fat head slipped out into open air.

I grumble a bit and sighed. I hated always getting turned on by irritation, but there's nothing I can really do. I walk over to the shower and turn it on, turning it to a warm temperature in practiced motion. I step out for a moment to the hall closest to get two or three towel before heading back and setting them on the counter, finally stepping into the shower. The water felt good and I purred contently as I breathed in the steam deeply. I take a bottle of my body wash and squirt some onto my paw, lathering them up before stepping forward. I jump back as I felt a jolt of pleasure run through me from the water beating hard against my chest. "Damn...forgot about that, being a herm suck..." After calming down I lather myself up, making sure I avoid putting my over-sensitive chest directly under the water.

The lather felt good as it penetrated my fur, cleaning the salty rainwater from my body. I worked the soap into my arms and sides, humming to myself as I watch it drip down onto the floor and quickly wash away into the drain. I lean down to wash my legs and feel a slight brush under my sac, making my gasp and jump up. I look behind me and sigh as I realize it was just my mind playing tricks on me with phantom touches. I had almost forgotten that I had almost never showered by myself before, and it had almost always resulted in a long session of fun. Great, I thought to myself, he gave me a shower fetish, the bastard... I finally gave up on my resistance and stood directly in the water, giving off a cooing moan as the water tingled pleasantly across my chest. I bring my paws to my chest and scritch it gently, moaning as my claws graze across my nipples. With a shiver and a purr, I let my paws slowly roam my body. This is the only time I appreciate my own, when I don't have to see it, just touch it, the fur feeling good through my fingers as my paws adventure further down, tracing along my own definition and purring loudly as a result. After tracing along my chest and exciting moans out of my own body for a few minutes, I felt an all too familiar wetness between my legs. I slid my paw down under my sac and lifted it slightly, feeling the lips of my female half with a breathless sigh.

This was the main reason I hate showing my body in public, though with all but this one part of me is decidingly male in appearance, all the inner workings, not to mention the most obvious part of me that hints towards being woman, is that of a female, including mentality, so going shirtless makes me feel like a nudist.

I just shake my head at my own thoughts and decide not to think about it, groaning as three of my fingers slowly descend into my cunny, making my knees weak. I leaned back slightly and braced myself against the shower wall, the water still running down my body as I slowly pumped my fingers to the knuckle, moaning deeply as I got wetter. My other paw came up and gripped my almost forgotten length; it's thickness nearing three inches and length near sixteen inches, stroking it up to the barbs before moving down to the base, growling at the overloading pleasure of touching two sexual organs at once, spreading my legs more as I continue with the self-treatment. I started panting heavily, moaning as I squeezed and rubbed the head of my cock while pressing my fingers deeply into myself, bucking between my two paw to thrust into my stroking paw and onto my cunny paw, my heavy sac bouncing with the movement. I pressed against my G spot deep inside me and gasped loudly, clenching down on my paw as my juices flowed from me, soaking my thighs and paw before washing away quickly by the water. The vaginal orgasm only speeding up my other paw and making my cock throb hard from the need to release. I pulled my other paw free and quickly used it to replace my stroking paw, using my juices to speed up my strokes, thrusting up into them at the same time, my dryer paw moving down to my sac and holding them, rubbing them as I pant and growl for relief. After several minutes of stroking and matting my fur with pre, I get my chance to do just that as he squeezed my sac along with my cock, roaring out as I arch my back and thrust up hard, the first jet of cum shooting out and hitting the shower curtain hard, the next spurts doing the same. I pulled my length up while in the throws of climax, the rest shooting up onto my chest and stomach, soaking into my already matted fur as I spend the next fifteen minutes emptying my balls.

I slide to the floor of the tub, panting heavily with my chest covered in my own cum, the shower water rinsing part of it away as I recuperate from my orgasm. I slowly get up and try to comb and wash the cum from my fur when I here the door open downstairs "Link! You home?!" I smile to myself, starting to get hard again. Yeah, the best things always happens on rainy day.