One Good Fight (Written Commission)

Story by dracologist on SoFurry

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#6 of Written Commissions

Sorry this is amazingly late. I've been caught up with my internet reviews, LARP, and working a lot. Eventually I'll be able to survive just off of my writing and then everything will be better. Anyway let's see what I can saw about this.

Magnus the Echidna is always itching for a fight, then he finds out that a world champion fighter is coming to town. SHE however, seems to have plans of her own for him.

It had been a while since this echidna had gotten into a good brawl, heck his blood was basically begging for it. The only problem was he'd been around the block a few times and there weren't many people that he actualy considered "fight worthy" anymore. This was something the fighter was starting to reconsider as he found himself restless with no one's face on the other side of his fist. Aside from wearing a studded leather collar, a dark red died jean jacket, and pants tucked into combat boots, there wasn't many other things out there that he was good at enough to obsess about. This echidna was ready for a fight, and he wasn't going to leave this park until he found one.

Those emerald eyes turned to a close by trash can, just as he was tempted to kick it over, the fighter found a sports section drapped on the rim. One the top of the news paper was something that drew a smirk to his lips. It wasn't your standard news, a very famous fighter had come into town for the weekend for special training. The name of the gym she was going to be in was not only one that he knew by heart, but close by enough for him to get his fill of combat. The image was of a very busty red dragoness pinning a tiger to the ground. It was one of the more glory shots from her fighting days. The bold lettering of the title claiming her as a World Champion, but any other details would be lost to the balling of the paper before it's return to the trash can.

He knw that area well, he knew that gym that she was practing at. It was just a few blocks away and he'd finally have the worthy fight on his hands. The walk was short and every step he took drove him more and more to want to start this fight five steps sooner than he had too. The easy pace that ruled him slowly grew into a running sprint even after the vision of gym came into view. That smirk came through his lips while his breath became heavier from the run. The event before him ended with the Echidna bursting through the door. Those eyes darting from left to right until they finally fell on the vision of the dragoness in the ring. She looked exactly like her picture in the paper. The glistening red scales, the amazing bust size, that was shown off more from the white underscales that covered most of them from her jaw line down to her crotch. Everything was in view, even that lovely vision of a rump that had been trained into it's size. She wore nothing here as she was practicing her movements, one of the reasons the building was empty until now.

"Hey, you ready to eat my knuckles, or are you going to puss out?" Magnus said in all his confidence. He didn't care that she was a world champion, a few blows to the face and she should drop like anyone else.

The echidna crossed him arms waiting for her to say something. No words came from her lips as she slowly turned her head with a lifted brow to see who would even think of talking to her that way. When she saw the male standing there she gave an easy half smile turned herself to face him. Those gloves were still strapped onto her hands from her training, but she had no interest in taking them off just to play with this guy. Those golden eyes watched him easily for a few seconds, sizing him up in an instant. It was obvious that Magnus wanted a fight, and she wasn't going to deny a good sparing with such a well fit male figure. Training included coming up against all types of people, and the echidna was no exception.

"Aren't you cute?" She said with a light giggle while looking at him, that long, red scaled tail lashed to the ground while she waited for his reaction.

The idea of being call cute wasn't something he was expecting, and the very notion drew a deep snarl from his lips while he narrowed those emerald eyes. The fast charge proved that he knew how to handle himself, but his swinging fist only met air when the dragoness side stepped the blow. His counter attack was to turn and strike out again to throw his weight into the blow. It was that tail that came up to save her from the strike, pushing his wrist to the side to deflect the punch all together. His teeth gritted at how she was playing with him, but now that her tail was out of the way his left arm had recovered from missing and swung upward from his hips for a fast uppercut. The echidna felt the impact of the blow, but felt it much softer than someone as strong as this dragoness obviously was.

The loud moan coming from her gave evidence of where he'd impacted drawing his eyes down to her shaking tits. No matter where the blow struck at, it was still a landed hit, but with his focused loosened the dragoness moved her tail easily to impact his side. It didn't seem like a blow that would do much damage, just a slap to the side, but the impact force of that blow was very heavy and enough to almost knock him completely over. His hand landed on the ground to keep him from falling and his eyes narrowed down easily to the female. She was much stronger than she appeared and he was going to need to keep that in mind. The sliding movement of the dragoness suddenly knocked his arm out from under him forcing him to fall to the mat, but the speed of this creature was enough to plant another heavy kick from her other leg straight into his face. The blow lifting him a bit where he could land on his feet.

Hands came up instinctively to block for attacks, and those instincts gave him favor as he felt her knuckles and against his forearm. A quick movement would throw her fist to the side and open her right up for his own attack. A fast jab to the face would push her head back and break her view of him. A low guarded stance would give him every bit of access he needed to plant some heavy jabs and a hook into the stomach before another wide punch would draw out another loud moan from her now dancing chest. The dragoness snarled about towards the continued abuse to her massive mounds, but then smirked at her own idea of how she could use them. He liked playing with them so much, she could give him all of them he could handle.

Those arms moved fast towards him, and despite his blocking her false strike, those arms quickly wrapped around him to pull the echidna in close. His face ended up planting between those massive tits. all he could see was darkness as the two soft mounds engulfed his head. Magnus tried to push back from her, but once she had him locked into place there was nothing he could do to over come her strength. Blows launched from his fists again and against against her side and stomach, but she absorbed the impacts easily. It was working in the dragoness's favor, the more he moved the more his body screamed for air and the lighter his blows became. Soon his knees weren't even able to hold him up. Just as his knees gave out the light headed echidna felt her release him, but never felt the ground.

Magnus woke up some time later, without a clock in the gym he really had no clue as to how long he was out. His his head was resting on something soft, yet firm. Still in the ring the dragoness had his head on her lap waiting for him to wake up. Eyes blinked as they came back into focus. With her face looking down at his own he'd sit up quickly. A huff filled his lips while he came to the realization that he'd lost, but then again she kind of cheated given that she did everything except box with him.

"That didn't count. I...." his eyes turned down to himself before glaring at her, "Where are my clothes?"

Having come to the realization that he was now naked the dragon slowly crawled her way over to him. Her hands gripping his shoulders from behind so that her generous mounds could press to his back. She only smiled to him from behind, but that didn't stop her from licking his cheek while she spoke softly.

"Our little work out made me build up a bit of an appetite." She said directly into his ear.

"You're going to eat me?" He tried to pull away from her, but the dragon's superior strength held him in place.

"Not that kind of appetite." Her tone had dropped a little bit and her hands moved from his shoulders to his built chest where she could slowly discover more of his body.

Fingers were careful of her claws while she felt over each muscle that he had over those pects. She'd already felt his shoulders so the only direction she could go from here was down. Those abdominals, she felt each one counting softly in her head with each she felt. His body relaxed against hers and Magnus felt her imbrace while letting his eyes close slowly. Even as she explored his body he could feel more relaxed at her touch and even reached his own arm back to wrap around her head pulling her into kissing on his neck. It was that invitation that showed her he was ready. Her hand gripping his already thickened member, and with a few easy strokes she would listen to him gasp. The real surprise, though, came in the form of her long tail easily snaking between the echidna's legs and very easily lifted those balls. Shifting them left to right while she played over his shaft.

Magnus easily turned himself, finding no resistance from the dragoness where he now faced her. His strong chest was no match for the size of her massive tits, but still he moved so that his knees were under hers. The dragoness easily laid down on the mat for him looking up at him with half moaned eyes while those breasts of hers spread out a bit from their own weight. Her hands lightly played with the scaled-covered mounds invitingly and this echidna wasn't about to pass up the offer. A grip to her tits would prop them up where his mouth could easily locate that nipple. A lovely suckle on those orbs would draw another deep sound from the throat of the scaled creature. The simple movement of his hips would pull them away from hers, the dick that had been resting on her lovely slit would now fix itself right to her entrance where he pinned it in place. Those lips parting slowly as the head sunk into her. He could see the face of the dragoness as she bit her bottom lip, but soon that mouth opened wide in gasp when he drove his thickness to spread her depths.

With his hips connecting back to hers again, he could hear her voice softly crying out at the feeling of being filled so deeply by the echidna. Eyes opened and turned to him, it was obvious that she wanted more and a soft panting showed that she was anticipating it. Finally she felt the rubbing pleasure of him pulling back again, slowly, but only to drive that member into her with a very audible slap. The slowness faded instantly where the clapping noice could be heard echoing through this building again and again in rythm. The dragoness worked to keep up with his movements, her hips lifting to get those drives as deep as possible every time he impacted her.

The feeling of her tightness gripping around her shaft with every pull and push forced his head into the air. The feeling of having himself gripped so tightly wasn't something that he experienced often especially in a dragoness. Those balls bounced against her hot ass almost spanking it while she continued to call out from under him. Her hands moving under his arms to lightly place on his shoulders, just to make sure he wasn't going anywhere. The build up in his member had reached it's limit and was aching to spill out. He looked down into her eyes to find out where she wanted it. The biting of her lip told him everything he needed to know. With a final hard thrust into her delicate insides he called out loud to her while he felt his head explode against her inner walls. That bubbling seed spilling out to coat her insides as ropes of thick cum spirted again and again adding in more lubrication than her body had been covering.

Legs locked him in place to keep him from pulling out. "Don't go anywhere," she said softly to him after his efforts slowed. Magnus smiled softly at her need and continued his efforts. That shaft was now sensitive and each thrust gave him a hot gasp to be careful with himself. Still she was close and she wanted to finish. Moaning loudly she helped his thrusts with her legs, pulling him into her to help keep up that lost rythem. With a bit more effort she felt her mouth open wide and her breathing harshened at the feeling of his body over her. That already tight cunny tightened more while even as her back arched and out loud roar filled the arena. The cum that he'd provided her was matched with her own splashing out onto his hips and left her panting under him while she smirked up at the strong contender.

"Not bad.... for a cuty." She said softly to him eaching her hand around his shoulder to lightly play with the side of his face.