I'm Here For You

Story by TheScottishOtter on SoFurry

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Note: This is my first romance story so it may be a little cheesy in some parts and a little rusty therefore I am open to any criticism that is friendly and constructive so it will help me in my future works. Enjoy!

As the storm increased its torrent of battering rain and gaels of wind the two figures in the vast New Austin fields increased their exhausted pace in search for shelter as well as to escape the posse that pursued them for the past hour. The darkness that descended upon the land obscured their vision and the howling wind made it more difficult for the cougar and wolf to communicate with each other. After the hour-length of walking in the storm the two outlaws were completely drenched and weary nearly to the point of shooting themselves to relieve the pain in their blistered feet, however they were strong-willed and confident enough to keep walking.

"Suicide is a coward's way out" the cougar always said.

Unlike the cougar, the wolf lacked the same determination and confidence so he often staggered behind often needing the cougar's strength to support him onto his feet again. The wolf didn't need the cougar's assistance for much longer as the pair caught eyes on a ranch across a field with a barn inviting them shelter and warmth for the night but with poor hospitality for outlaws, avoiding the locals' detection was of great importance if they were to survive the night.

Getting to the barn was no problem as the ranch hands had seeked shelter inside their homes to escape the tempest. The barn was cold but deserted so the outlaws were safe in their only bit of refuge for that night. With over-whelming relief the young wolf threw himself into a large pile of hay murring loudly as he laid outstretched with his eyes closed already asleep. The cougar, however, was not quite as tired as the wolf so he stayed up and made sure they were safe for the night by shoving a pitch fork into the barn handles and locking the windows that were forgotten by the ranch hands in their haste to escape the storm.

To think I actually have finish their work for them

Half an hour passed when Reece checked his watch, the time was 12:30 AM and the cougar didn't feel the slightest bit tired, watching the wolf, Chris, sleep on the hay pile was good enough for him. Watching people sleep wasn't a particular hobby for Reece but when it came to Chris...let's just say that everything the wolf did made Reece mad for him every day; whether it be the way he walked, talked or acted nervous. Even when Chris started shivering from the cold Reece couldn't stop himself from smiling at the wolf's cuteness until he decided the necessary course of action, Reece just hoped the wolf didn't mind getting warmed in the old way.

Using his natural-born skills of sneaking, Reece made his way towards his friend without making a sound and lay down behind him. Chris didn't know Reece was there until he felt the cougar's muscular arms wrap around his waist giving a little jump in surprise.

"Shhh, this is a way to warm us up, trust me" Reece whispered softly in Chris's ear calming him slightly.

"Ok, I trust you" Chris replied also in a whisper, he couldn't stop smiling at the feel of Reece's arms around his waist and the thought of the cougar going further than what was obviously a loving embrace. Chris never admitted it to anyone but he had a major crush on Reece when he first met him during the days when the Lobo Gang were at war with the Khan Group, the reason why Chris never admitted it was because he was afraid how his fellow wolf friends would react to another wolf falling for a male cougar who's gang rivalled with theirs'. The applied for Reece especially since his father was the leader of the group and his brothers harboured a particular disdain for canines and gays alike. When Reece first met Chris in prison he knew that he was in love with the wolf right there because there was a moment where he could just relate to the wolf and understand his life and be himself, it wasn't a sensation that he shared with anybody else. It was love for Reece however he did not know Chris wasn't ready to accept himself for who he was until that night in the barn.

After a couple of minutes of holding the nervous Chris in his arms, Reece couldn't help but hold him a little tighter and lightly rub his muzzle into Chris's neck inviting a couple of moans from the wolf before the cougar moved his hands too far down. In a desperate struggle to free himself, Chris pulled Reece's arms off his waist and sat 5 feet away from the cougar with his heart beating rapidly in his chest, not from fear but rather excitement of which he was too afraid to show despite the piercing stare of the cougar's blue eyes that enticed the wolf's hidden sexual pleasures. Another thing that the eyes did was freeze Chris to his very spot while the cougar advanced slowly on him not showing any signs of pain, anger or irritation but instead he wore a caring expression that seemed to say: "I understand that you're afraid but please understand that I'll be here for you, always".

What happened after their longing stare seemed to confuse Chris at first as he was unsure how he let Reece take hold of his paws and kiss him but the wolf didn't regret it; the kiss that he shared so willingly with the gorgeous cougar was one of the best he ever had. Reece's tongue rolled with Chris's as their hands wrapped tightly around each other's bodies, unable to let go feeling like if they lost their touch then their love may as well follow. Neither of them needed to speak a word as their feelings and body language spoke more than words could ever say.

Reece broke the kiss after about ten minutes and whispered to his lover "Chris...no matter what people say, never be ashamed of who you are, I'll always be at your side, even when I'm gone and you may feel like you're alone just believe in what your heart tells you and don't give up our fight"

"Our fight? What do you mean?" Chris questioned being unsure on what Reece meant. The cougar smiled a little and gave Chris a playful lick on his ear tip and replied "I'll tell you later, for now let's sleep". As soon as the cougar laid on his back he was surprised by the wolf's next move. Chris took his shirt off and slipped his hand down through the front of Reece's trousers and groped the startled cougar's crotch area with a seductive expression on his face, Reece smiled and responded "I suppose sleep can wait a little longer".