Chapter 2: An Early Morning Wake-Up Call

Story by ginsenshi on SoFurry

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#2 of The new toys

Written by Hikari-kun

Chapter 2: An Early Morning Wake-Up Call

I awoke to a knock at the door and hear a slightly muffled

"Hey you two, wake up! We have stuff to do today!"

The white-speckled, midnight-blue furred body next to me snuggles closer to me and gives a slight moan. I roll over to face him.

"Kuroi." I say in a sing-song tone, "It's time to get up."

"Mmm, what time is it... Hikari?"

I look over at the clock next to me and see that it's 7:25 AM.

"7:25, but did you forget? We have stuff to do today."

"Fine, you get up first though, I want five more minutes..." he trails off before he can finish his sentence and dozes off again.

"Okay, five more minutes, love, but that's it." I watch him smile slightly as he dozes. You're so cute when you sleep, was the first thing to go through my mind. I lean down and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. Okay, let's go get ready.

I walk to the closet and grab a plain crimson shirt and black capris-shorts with a crescent moon stitched into the back pockets with silver thread. I also grab a pair of grey boxer-briefs from a small cubby in the closet. I then go to the en-suite bathroom and start the shower. Before I step in, I check my weight on the scale.

"Sweet! I've lost weight!" I look at my reflection in the full-body mirror. My orange fur contrasting nicely with my white-furred stomach and face, and my bright blue eyes with aqua streaks. My long auburn headfur hanging down my back and shoulders, not yet in its usual high ponytail tied back with a purple ribbon with my bangs hanging down either side of my fox-like face. My Shiba-Inu tail with its fox-like fluffiness looking as it normally does, slightly curling up and the end where the fur transitions from orange to black. I still have a little weight on my stomach, but I don't look all that heavy. Heck, I look downright in shape!

I step into the steam of the shower and decide what's for breakfast. I get out and dry off, tying my headfur back in typical Hikari style. I complete my morning routine and exit the bathroom to see Kuroi still asleep. I check the clock and see 7:57AM.

"Okay Kuroi, time to get up. You've had an extra 30 minutes." I go over and gently put my hand on his head.

"Mmm, fine. I'll go shower and stuff." I watch as he slowly get's out of bed, in nothing but a pair of boxers, and stumbles to the washroom. His toned body defining his wolf features in all their lupine glory the entire way. He should get a full-body trim at some point, his fur is getting long. I leave the room and go to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, I see that Kuroi has already eaten. I thought I told him that I was making breakfast this morning. Oh well, he'll eat it anyway. I grab the eggs from the fridge as well as the bacon. Change my mind, to heck with plain fried eggs, I'm making omelettes. I return to the fridge to grab cheese and some extra bacon. I start cooking and the smell of bacon fills the kitchen.

"I smell something good."

"Hello, Kuroi. So glad you could join me."

"Shall I get the other two? They probably decided to have some early morning fun, knowing them."

"Probably, and Kouji probably started it."

We laugh at our little joke, not knowing that it was actually true.

"Shall I get them?" Kuroi repeats the question. I give him a quick kiss on the lips.

"In a minute, let them sleep a little more. Besides, I haven't got to spend time with you like this, always having to manage affairs back at the café"

"You've got that right, think Kuuki and Tsuchi will handle things well while we're gone."

"'I've taught them well. Plus, I've left some how-to videos for 'just in case'."

"True, now that we're alone..."

"Not while I'm cooking. Later, we will." I give him another quick kiss.

"Really?" The excitement in his voice quite clear.

"Promise. You can get them now." I ruffle his headfur before he walks off. "You need a trim if I can play with your hair like that, since you always complain when it gets long."

"Okay!" I glance over my shoulder as he walks down the hall, tail wagging happily.