One night

Story by Wolfwaffe on SoFurry

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Based on somewhat real-life events.

Pardon my [possibly] bad english.

4:25 pm.

Finally. Another week passed by. Turns out time flies fast when you don't have wrist watch to check it often. Quickly cleaning my table from cut wires, flux and solder alloy drops. Turning off my soldering station and unplugging it from wall socket. Now hanging my labcoat on chair, and going to change clothes... there.

4:30 pm.

As usual, there's a jam at checkpoint. People gather here from all buildings of this factory, at exact same time, to leave back home. Here, my pass... "Goodbye", says security from the booth, "Goodbye", I respond. Finally out of there, walking down the street, plotting things for weekend. I tend to sit at home too much lately, perhaps i could use a little walk with friends? Maybe, i thought, crossing the street and going down to the riverwalk, crossing small bridge and into the park. It's getting kinda dark... Middle of November, what else can I say. I loved that time a lot. Mostly because due to frequent rains it is easier for me to breathe. I walk through the park, then to the subway. Riding past two stations, then exit. Another park, another short pleasant walk. Everything is so familiar - here's a street band playing music, there - some crazy men slowly crossing the street in front of the car, and over there is The Planetarium and the Music-Hall. Street lamps filling moist chilly air with orangeish light, wind blows gently. Crossing another street, walking couple of blocks - and finally, i'm home.

Walking upstairs to third story, opening door and closing it behind me as i enter - i am finally home. Oh how it is familiar. Just way to familiar.

It's 5:30 pm now.

Laying on my couch, resting, like i do every day. This time, however, there is something different. Something disturbs me. I mean, i have nothing to complain about - i have loyal friends, a job that pays fairly, and even humble apartments to live... What more to wish?..

Suddenly i set my eyes onto a collar on the chair. Yeah, I remember that one. Picking it up, feeling tough leather and cold metal of rings reinforcing buckling sockets. This is the collar my friend presented me on my birthday nearly year ago - that also was his birthday too. Actually, we were born same day and same year, what a coincidence. Even though this is simple dog collar, i liked it a lot. Mostly because for some reason, when i put it on and fasten it, i feel strangely horny and relaxed at the same time.

I put the collar back where it was and laid back on couch. Yes, probably this is the thing that disturbs me. I miss my friends, who unfortunately i can meet only once per year, or, if stars set right and we're lucky - twice. Unfortunately, thanks to many events, this year we won't meet at all. I closed my eyes and sighed. Didn't have any real friends in this city. Acquaintances, pals - lots, but friends - no. Both of them lived outside the country - that's the primary reason why our meetings are so rare.

I laid for ten more minutes, then got up, went to kitchen to get a snack. Not much left in a fridge though, couple of potatoes and few slices of ham and cheese. Made myself two sandwiches and cup of tea. As usual. Now - off to check email and have some IM chat with friends...

8:35 pm.

Yawning and stretching i watch my pc shutting down. Stand up from my chair and stretch again. Now, time for a shower and off to have some sleep perhaps.

9:00 pm

Finally, i'm back on my couch, under warm blanket, ready to have a nap... almost. One more thing left... I picked the collar up again and paused. If felt slightly... warmer than usually. And my fingers felt little bit prickly, like low-powered electricity discharge on wet skin... Nay, just me, i said to myself as i fastened the collar around my neck and prepared to click the light switch down, but something stopped me.

As i noted before, i liked this collar because it made me feel both horny and relaxed the same time, making it much more easier to get off tension built up during day. But this time, something was different. I could swear that this time i was feeling some sort of subtle horniness, spreading through my entire body, creating some sort of pleasant tension.

I placed my hand on my chest, softly rubbing myself as the tension slowly built up, i pull my undershirt off, feeling my body getting slightly hot as well. I slowly pulled blanket aside, still stroking my chest as my entire body became tense and hot. I let out subtle moan as my erection started building up, stretching the fabric of my underwear. I slid my hand down and gently grasped my member, letting out another moan for it suddenly felt more sensitive than usual. I started rubbing my cock, being surprised how sensitive it was, and closed my eyes in pleasure. Then i felt gentle tickling on the backside of my palms, but didn't really pay any attention to it, until tickling became itching. I paused my fapping session, despite being extremely horny, to check out what caused that itching.

Imagine the shock i experienced when i saw that backside of my palms was covered in dense, deep dark blonde fur. And it was spreading towards my fingers and forearms!

"No way man, no way", i thought, terrified. Tried to shake it away, but something happened to my body, all my movements became stiff and slow, could barely move a muscle. Twitching and squirming i panicked, and somehow managed to kick blanket away - only to discover that my feet and legs are changing as well.

I stared at my changing palms - becoming more massive and heavy, fingers somewhat thickening, and my nails slowly stretched and reshaped, becoming darker and darker in process, and there shaped tough pawpads, as well as fingerpads formed on my fingers.

Patches of fur began to grow on my chest and legs, as i felt my face feeling stretching. In fact, it was stretching forward, and forming a muzzle. As it stretched forward, my sense of smell and hearing improved, as i began to feel different scents i didn't notice before, and hear very distant noises outside th building. I then realized, that despite transformation often described to be very painful process, all i could feel was weird sensation of flesh crawling under my skin, like sculptor made a basic shapes for statue, and now was adding details - only from inside.

I groaned when i realized that changes have reached my manhood. I watched it changing. First the foreskin began pulling itself down, thickening in process, completely baring glans. The glans itself started to reshape into more pointy form, as well as smoothing the transition between it and shaft. And at my cock base appeared small bulbous swelling, but it kept getting bigger.

Switching my attention towards feet and legs, saw them changed. Feet got longer, fingers became more massive and also had nice set of pads and claws. Part from foot to knee became shorter and more thick, and my thighs also turned more heavy.

Strange prickling sensation at end of my spine foretold me that i will have tail as well. Moments later i really had tail - long and somewhat thick and scary looking, but as it got covered with fur it looked better and better.

Suddenly i felt strange tension on my crotch. Quickly looking at it i saw that now i had canine-like sheath and dick - my manhood was passing what felt like final changes. I could no longer tell where my glans now began, and nice texture covered entire surface, precum oozing from pointy tip. But tension only got stronger, and i realized why. I now possessed a knot, similar to canines, and my knot was stuck inside my sheath. Slowly i put my paw on it and tried to let it out, but it was just too big - and kept swelling. And just like to make things worse, i felt my balls growing larger inside my pouch. The exact same moment a strong spasm went through my body, forcing me to arch backwards and groan.

This was the final stage of the transformation as i guessed - my entire body began simultaneously tighten up, becoming somewhat more dense, tough and bigger. I moaned loudly as my knot painfully stretched my sheath, and my balls filled their sac and began to stretch it as well. It was somewhat painfully, but i found that sort of pain quite arousing. Finally, the moment arrived, and with loud howl i shot my load up and on my chest and belly, panting hard as my body collapsed on couch, exhausted but finalized, recovering quickly.

Five minutes later i sat on couch, looking at what have become of me. My entire body was covered with soft fur, mostly deep dark blonde, but somewhat brighter on my chest and stomach. My legs now were digitigrade-like, and i had nice fuzzy tail. My sheath looked - and felt - round and tight, and my balls had that "content is under pressure" look. I then stand up. First few seconds i was balancing my new body on new legs (digitigrade paws gave me odd feeling), but i had large experience in not falling for any reason whatsoever, so it didn't take much time to get used to it. I crept out to the corridor and into the bathroom, where i could look at myself in the mirror with lights on.

What i saw in the mirror... I now was no more no less but anthropomorphic wolf, around 7'2'' tall, not super-buffed like many people think werewolves are, but still quite athletically built, but with slightly fat belly - so, overall constitution was pretty much same as my human form looked like, if you downgrade musculature a bit. And i couldn't stop admiring myself, my fur, muscles, tail, sheath - everything looked so pretty.

Later i crept out of apartments, locking door behind me and latched key to my collar. i looked back at the door, and couldn't hold a happy smirk; next time my friends will visit me, i'll make them a surprise. As for now... I think i'll make use of this sudden change and have some nighttime walk.