Servitude in the Dungeons of Baladoor

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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Slave Kitty hung suspended against the wall. Her wrists were chained together above her head, and her legs were spread wide, revealing her tiny, pink flower of passion to the cold and chilling air. She was a small and yet voluptuous cat with a generous bosom and a waist so tiny a male cat could have taken it completely in one paw. Her fur was a rich, lush orange color, and her hair lustrous and of a darker shade as it fell into large, brown, terrified eyes. She was gagged: a large red ball was tied inside her mouth and around it, her soft lovely lips were parted oh so tenderly.

Slave Kitty waited, her heart pounding, torn between ecstasy and despair. She had been captured by the great and powerful warrior of a distant land, and now the poor princess was a slave to her father's murderer . . . Queen Baladoor. Baladoor was a tall and terrifying cat with bright vicious eyes and nipples so large and pointy that they were always thrusting through her clothing.

Slave Kitty had been chained in the queen's deep dark torture chamber, where other sex slaves were chained to the walls, to tables, even over little chairs upon which they were spanked ruthlessly.

Slave Kitty quivered as the sound of foot steps echoed down the stairs.

"She's coming," said the guard at the foot of the stairs with a dark grin of delight. The guard was a large and muscular greyhound who loved more than anything to watch the slaves tortured. He held a whip in his paws, and as Queen Baladoor passed into the shadows of the dungeon, the whip was passed into her claws.

"Well, well, well," whispered Baladoor, never once taking her eyes off of Slave Kitty as she approached. "Do you like your new name? I don't want to ever hear you utter the name 'Princess Vera' again. You are Slave Kitty, do you understand?" She came close and lifted Slave Kitty's chin with the folded whip as she spoke.

Slave Kitty merely glared.

"Oh, ho, ho, a feisty one, "said Baladoor. "I know how to deal with feisty kittens . . ." As she spoke, the very tip of her claw traced a hot line of fire down Slave Kitty's breasts, over her nipple, down her flat smooth belly, and paused to rest lightly on the soft, moist flower which suddenly began to throb between her legs.

Slave Kitty tried to resist the all consuming pleasure mounting between her legs, but Baladoor sunk her finger deeper and began to slowly and softly caress the very lip of Slave Kitty's pink flower. With a dark smile, the queen began rubbing faster and faster, watching with plain delight as little Slave Kitty quivered and sobbed behind the gag.

The queen took the small mount of hot flesh that was Slave Kitty's clitoris between two of her nails and pinched slightly. Slave Kitty jerked. The tiny organ was swelling, throbbing so fast it might explode. The queen gently drew her claw away, taunting and teasing as she touched, kissed, and caressed Slave Kitty anywhere but on the most hungry, the most aching part of her.

"I will kiss it, " whispered the queen, ripping away Slave Kitty's gag, "if you tell me your name."

"My name is Princess Vera!" Slave Kitty growled.

"Tisk, tisk . . ." the queen grabbed her by the face and kissed her hard, her finger working up and down and round, all between the soft cushy lips of Slave Kitty's little kitty.

Slave Kitty rocked and moaned, ready to explode. The queen leaned down. Her tongue slipped between her teeth and she grazed Slave Kitty hot, pulsing clit hard and strong, then again, then faster and harder, sucking and licking, kissing and pulling with her lips . . . all the while caressing the slave's thighs.

Slave Kitty let out a loud, shrill moan of pleasure and the queen was pleased by the hot squirt that filled her mouth.

"Now . . ." she whispered, straightening to watch Slave Kitty slump in her chains, "what is your name?"

"Slave Kitty."

"Good girl," whispered Baladoor, smiling darkly. She gestured to the guard with the whip and said sharply, "Take her down."

Slave Kitty's heart began to pound fiercely again. The guard cracked his knuckles and moved toward Slave Kitty with dark pleasure. The cuffs fell away and Slave Kitty dropped helplessly into the guard's muscular arms. She began to squirm and twist at once and even tried to bite the guard. This sudden violence on her part only made the queen scream,

"Bring her over here! Bring her to me!"

As she twisted and growled in fierce frustration in the guard burly arms, she could hear the grating of a chair as it was dragged across the stone floor. Seconds later, Slave Kitty found herself forced down across the queen's lap. The guard strapped her thighs and upper arms loosely to the chair, leaving her plenty of room to twist and buck but no room to escape. She was forced to stare helplessly at the floor and moan in agony and pleasure as the queen's rough hand touched her soft, hot, wetness.

"I'm going to have lots of fun with you," she heard the queen say above her. "The feisty ones are always the most fun to break."

And without warning, Slave Kitty felt the hot, stinging crack of the whip come down hard across her buttocks. The queen began spanking her fast and hard with the folded whip, and Slave Kitty (though she loathed herself for it) bucked and squirmed and grunted helplessly. Her breasts heaved against the queen's leg. She felt a finger search hungrily between her thighs and lurched away, knowing it was the laughing guard. The queen spanked harder and harder now.

"You are never to twist away from Monty - never!" she shrilled, pinching Slave Kitty's breasts as she spanked harder and harder. "And you are never to fight! You can not escape! You belong to me! Say it!"

"I hate you!" Slave kitty growled, bucking again as the guard's finger dug deeper.

The queen merely replied with, "Monty."

And suddenly, the spanking stopped. For a moment, cold air hit Slave Kitty's bare and stinging buttocks and she thought she was about to be freed, about to be mercifully put back on the wall. But to her dismay, she remained strapped across the queen's lap and a sudden suffocating weight pressed her down, mashing her breasts into the queen's shapely thigh.

Slave Kitty knew a second before the hard, solid, column thrust inside her what would happen. The long, hot, pumping organ rammed straight into her anus, digging down and down, thrusting and pumping as on top of her, Monty growled and howled and grunted his delight. It seemed his entire body covered her, his burly arms were suffocating chains around her neck and shoulders, and his teeth occasionally found her ear and bit it.

She was a helpless, moaning, gasping prisoner under his heavy, hungry thrusts, but more was to come. A shiver of shock and delight and utter frustration and helplessness ran through Slave Kitty all at once as with a sudden and unexpected thrust, the butt end of the whip was pushed inside her tiny, wet vagina. She felt it thrust deep and spasms of pleasure made her entire body quake. The whip pushed harder and harder, sucking her into defenseless heights of ecstasy.

"Harder, Monty, fuck her HARDER!" the queen began to scream. "HARDER! HARDER!"

And to Slave Kitty's dismay, the guard dug his nails in her shoulders, leaned up, and began to pound her beneath him with such hard, shuddering thrusts that she bit her tongue and tasted blood.

"Who do you belong to?" the queen demanded, screaming at the top of her voice now. "Who! WHO!" She grabbed Slave Kitty by the face and forced her head back as she gasped, shrieked and moaned. "WHO!"

"I - I - I belong to you! I belong to you, my queen!" Slave Kitty shrieked, her shrill voice echoing off the walls for the other slaves to hear.

The queen replied with a commanding, "Monty," and the gargantuan guard leaned back, gave a great howl of ecstasy, and released a hot spurt inside of Slave Kitty's anus.

"This one's a tight fuck," said the guard, backing off of Slave Kitty, and he slapped her firm little cheeks hard. He unstrapped Slave Kitty from the chair and she was pulled upright so that she sat breathless in the queen's lap; anus, vagina, and buttocks all aching.

"Now," said the queen after fondling between Slave Kitty's legs a moment and toying with her nipples, "what is your name and who do you belong to?"

"I - I am Slave Kitty," answered the cat girl, "and I - I belong to Queen Baladoor."

Queen Baladoor laughed. "Good slave," she whispered, her tongue tracing over Slave Kitty's lips. "Good slave . . ."