Home for the Weekend: Part Four 1/2
#4 of Home for the Weekend
This is part four of Rylee's story series. This story contains incest.
This is an adult story. This story contains incest. If this offends you then stop reading now. There will be more to come of Rylee, Storm and other characters.
Another weekend had come and gone all to quickly and Rylee was once again back at school. Thankfully it was the last week of classes for her and to say she was looking forward to summer was an understatement. She had a few weekends planned with Storm for them to go to a cottage on the beach, just the two of them, her cousin Germain had a job for the summer as a lifeguard locally so she could always do that and her brother's friend Akira had even asked her out on a couple dates, not that anyone knew. Yes, it was definitely shaping up to be a great summer.
Finally the end of the school day rolled around and she was finally able to head home. Storm had lent her his car to go to school today so there was no waiting so just hopped in and away she went. Arriving back home quickly she parked the car and locked it up. Padding up the front walk she hitched her bag up on her shoulder, opening the door. Slipping inside she shut it behind herself then dropped her bag on the chair inside the front door. Her ears flicked when she caught the sound of voices coming from the living room and she padded towards the doorway. Smiling when she saw her father asleep on the couch she turned from the doorway and padded upstairs. Her brother's door was open so she stepped into the doorway and leaned against the frame. "Hey bro."
Looking up from the magazine he'd been leafing through he grinned at her and set it aside as he reclined back on his pillows. "Hey sis. How was your day?" He patted the space beside him on the bed as he grinned.
Smiling she gave his door a push so it almost shut but the latch didn't quite catch, leaving a small space open. Walking over to the bed she perched beside him, stretching out her legs as she laid on her side. Smiling at him she idly traced her fingers over his broad chest, looking into his eyes. "Mmm my day was alright... about to get a whole lot better, I bet." Lowering her head she brushed her lips over her big brother's, shifting so that she could rub her bountiful breasts against his chest. Flicking her tongue over his upper lip so he parted them she purred softly when his tongue slid forward to find her. Letting her tongue dance with his, she ran her paw over his chest caressingly as she pressed against his side.
He grinned when she trailed her fingers over his chest then brushed her lips over his. Lifting a paw to run his fingers through her headfur he pulled her into a deeper kiss as his eyes slid shut. Tangling his tongue with hers, he slipped his free arm under her to pull her against him firmly so their bodies rubbed together. After a few moments he broke the kiss to trail his lips over her jaw line to her neck. Lightly biting at her sensitive flesh he growled lustfully as he inhaled her scent. Slipping his paw from her headfur he slowly unbuttoned her blouse, his kisses trailing down over the swell of her breasts.
She murmured softly as he broke the kiss to trail his lips over her jaw and neck. Tilting her head back she moaned softly at the little bites he gave to her neck. Pressing herself against his larger frame she ran her hand over his upper back while the other gripped his shoulder. Purring loudly as his kisses went lower on her breasts she slipped her shirt off her arms and let it fall to the floor. Feeling his lips moving along the edge of her bra she shivered in delight. Reaching behind herself she unhooked her bra and slipped it down and off, tossing it aside. Gasping softly when he latched onto her nipple and teased the other with his fingers she arched her back slightly. Running her paw down over his chest and stomach as he teased her nipples she slowly rubbed his bulge through his jeans.
Helping her remove her bra he lowered his head once more to tease her nipple with the tip of his tongue. Gently pinching her other nipple between his fingers he gave it a gentle tug listening to her soft moans of pleasure. Feeling her hand run down his body he groaned deeply when she rubbed the bulge in his jeans. Flicking the button on his fly open with his free paw he drew down the zipper slowly so that his cock slipped from the tight confines of denim. Catching her paw he wrapped her fingers around his shaft and thrust up into her paw slowly a couple times, groaning softly.
Wetting her lips she tightened her fingers around his thick cock, stroking him slowly. Placing her hand on his shoulder she urged him down on his back, leaning over him. Brushing her lips over his once more she started to kiss down over his chest, kneeling beside him. Nibbling around his navel she smiled as she listened to his loud purring. Lowering her head she slowly ran her tongue along the length of his thick cock, purring softly herself at his taste. Wrapping her fingers around the base of his thick cock she swirled her tongue around the tip a couple times. Parting her lips more she sucked his cock deep inside her muzzle as she purred loudly.
Jerking awake he blinked slowly, looking at the TV. He had fallen asleep as he watched the TV waiting for his daughter to come home. Stretching out his cramped muscles he groaned and rose to his feet. Looking at the clock he noted that she should have been home about a half hour ago. Going out into the hall he noticed her bag by the door then looked up the stairway. Striding up the stairs he padded down the hallway quickly passing his son's door. Hearing what sounded like a groan he chuckled when he noticed the door was completely closed. Taking a step up he reached for the doorknob happening to glance through the cracked open door. Shocked by what he saw he pushed the door open with a bang shouting. "What do you think you're doing! What would your mother think!"
Startled by the door banging open they jerked up on the bed gasping when they saw their father. Pulling the sheets up around her breasts Rylee tried to look anywhere but at her father. She was rather embarrassed by her father bursting in on them and completely shocked at being caught with her brother. Licking her lips she slowly looked up at her father when he started cursing.
"Fuck... Get up off the bed now, young lady..." Catching her forearm he pulled her up off the bed and out of the room, slamming the door behind them. Pulling her into her room he slammed the door behind them, pushing her to sit on the edge of the bed. Truth be told the sight of her bared breasts and the thought of what they were doing while it should have repulsed him it actually had him hard inside his jeans. "What do you have to say for yourself, young lady?"
"I'm sorry, daddy..." She mumbled softly keeping her eyes down for a moment. When he just stood there silently she slowly lifted her eyes which is when she noticed the bulge in his pants. Biting her lower lip lightly she had the craziest thought and decided what's the worst that could happen. Standing up she stepped into her father's arms causing her bare breasts to press against his chest. Lightly pressing kisses against his jaw she purposely wiggled against him so her curves rubbed against the ridge of his erection through the fabric.
When she stepped into his arms he had automatically wrapped them around her cause she was his baby girl but when he felt her rubbing against him he got harder. Determined to ignore the feelings coursing through him he asked her sternly. "What do you think you're doing, young lady?"
She looked up into his eyes and pouted cutely. "Please forgive us, daddy." As she spoke she ran her paw down to rub against his bulge, shivering at the feel of how big he was. "Please don't tell mommy, daddy." As she spoke she nibbled down over his neck slowly unzipping his jeans to wrap her fingers around his cock.
Shivering at the feel of her rubbing his shaft through his pants he gritted his teeth. "You shouldn't be doing this..." He had to bite back a groan as she unzipped his pants to stroke him without the material in the way. "I'm your father... This is wrong..."
She hid her smile as she heard the groan he tried to hold in. "Mmm yes, daddy, I know you are... And I love you, daddy... Can't I show you..." She suddenly went down on her knees in front of him and ran her tongue along his shaft slowly. Before he could object to strenuously she parted her lips and sucked his cock deep into her muzzle. Teasing the veins in his shaft with the tip of her tongue she slowly slide her lips up and down his thick length, her paw slipping between his legs to fondle his balls, gently.
Gasping softly we she sucked his thick cock into her muzzle his head tilted back the veins in his neck standing out. Hissing softly he tried to keep himself from doing anything he finally gave in with a groan and gripped her ears gently. Pressing his cock into her muzzle deeply he started to slowly and gently thrust. "Just... don't tell your mother..." He ran his fingers through her headfur and lightly gripped a pawful as he fucked his daughters muzzle.
Smiling to herself she eagerly suckled on her father's shaft as he pumped it into her muzzle. Relaxing her throat muscles she took his shaft deeply inside her muzzle, tongue pressed against the underside teasing the skin there. Shuffling forward she urged him back so that he sat on the desk chair. Kneeling between his legs she started to eagerly bob her head sucking harder. Sliding her muzzle down she deep throated his thick cock, wiggling her tongue against the base, as she fondled his balls.
Groaning louder he settled back in the chair, head tilted back. Lifting his hips he flexed up into her warm muzzle. He gave a curse when she deep throated his thick cock and arched his head back on a growl. His balls drew up closer to his body as he got close to cumming. Gripping her headfur tightly he started to pump up into her muzzle quickly as he panted softly. After a few moments he tensed up and groaned loudly as he flooded his daughters muzzle with his thick spunk. Panting heavily he leaned back in the chair trying to catch his breath.
Purring loudly she happily swallowed her father's cum when he flooded her muzzle. She continued to lightly suckle on the head of his cock, jerking him off. When his orgasm died down she let his cock slip from her muzzle and licked it clean. Looking up at him she smiled, licking her lips.
Cursing softly he smiled at her as he caught his breath. After a couple minutes of silence the sound of the front door closing and mom calling out she was home made them both jump a bit. Running his fingers through his headfur he simply said, "Remember... don't tell you mother."
I hope you enjoyed part four of my story. There will be more to come of Rylee and her whole horny family. Hehe.