Tina II My wet secret.

Story by s p on SoFurry

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Not my work, I'm only posting this for Gray muzzle who seems to be having problems with the uploader.

Tina II My wet secret

Ray and Tina were sitting on the patio by the pool. It was twilight. Ray's dad was already in bed; Stan and Georgette were traveling with the kids. Enjoying the time to themselves, the two shared a cocktail.....or two, as they watched the sun go down. Tina starts to get up, and Ray takes her wrist

"Don't go. It's still early...."

Tina smiles nervously.

"I'll be back. It's just.....the drinks are getting to me. If I don't do something soon, I'm going to wet my pants...."

Tina turns toward the house.

"Tina?" There was an urgency in Ray's voice.


"Nothing. I'm sorry. Go...."

Sensing something, Tina came back, and sat on Ray's lap.

"It's OK, sugarl what is it?"

Ray blushed.

"Nothing, really; it's just......"

Ray squirmed in his seat.

"it's just.....uh.......can't you just go here?"

Now, it was Tina's turn to blush.

"Here? In the yard?"

Ray looked away, embarrassed to have raised the issue.

"You know that story? About your Mom catching you taking a tinkle in the yard?"

"Sure. Of course....."

"Well, ........sometimes, I think about it."

"In.....in a sexual way?"

Ray nodded

"I'm not sure why, but I found it strangely erotic."

Tina looked at Ray. She pressed her fingers.....hard.....into her girl parts.

"Well, I DO need to go......."

With that, Tina stood. She was pressing her thighs together as she stepped onto the grass, next to the concrete pool deck. Gathering her full skirt, Tina tucked the hem in it's waistband. Then, in Ray's full view, she squatted. Inserting a finger in the crotch of her pink cotton panties, she pulled them aside. As Ray watched with great anticipation, her forefinger cleaved her labia, leaving her innermost pink parts exposed for him to see. Tina closed her eyes, and tilted her head upward, a look of utter relaxation coming over her.

The first thing that Ray noticed was the sound. It was the urgent, forceful sound of somebody urinating the desperately needed to. Next, Ray saw the powerful yellow stream cascading from her loins. It was then that Ray noticed it. The index finger spreading her lips had found a new function. As Tina got her blessed relief, she was masturbating!

"Babe? Are you......?"

Tina nodded.

"Um Hmmmm"

She was biting her lip.

It took Tina some time to completely drain herself. It was not much past the last of the stream, when she seemed to bite down on her lip. She started to shiver, just slightly, and then let out a whimper. Her knees came together, and she just stayed there, in her squat, shaking. Ray knelt by her.

"Did....you?" Ray smiled

"What?" Tina smiled

"You know......orgasm."

Tina smiled again.

"Uh huh"

It was then that Tina saw the swelling in Ray's trousers. Deftly, she undid his zipper. Ray's extended cock tumbled out.

"Poor baby......" Tina took it in her mouth

"Want...to go inside?"

Tina shook her head.

"Early morning tomorrow. Can you get off work early tomorrow?"

When Ray nodded agreement, Tina already had his cock back in her mouth.

Flower sat in the picture window of the poolhouse. Alone, with Stan and Georgette on holiday, she hadn't bothered with the lights. Nor had she bothered with clothing. Noticably pregnant, clothes were just a bother. In reality, she had never much cared to dress anyway, much less now. With her basketball belly hanging off her skeletal frame, nothing fit. So Flower was naked more often than not. She had noticed Ray and tina earlier. She watched, as she was too lazy to move. It was too good to be true when she watched their scene unfold. Pregnancy left Flower in a state of perpetual horniness. She lay on the window seat, masturbating. She smiled as the two walked back to the house, wondering how she would utilize this new found information.

Ray got home about four. The day went slowly for him. He spent most of it wondering what his bride had in mind for him when he got home. Upon entering, he found Tina, in a shirt dress, and white tights. She was seated at the kitchen table, with a six pack of Coronas on ice.

"Tough day?" she coo'd

"Kinda long. You?"

Tina smiled.

"Me, too. I couldn't wait to get home."

With that, she handed him a beer, which he gratefully accepted. Tina took one for herself as well. They sat and talked. Nothing in particular. They remained at the table for some time, just talking, until all of the beers were gone. Once they were, Tina took Ray by the hand, and lead him to the bathroom. Positioning him so that they were face to face, tina undid the shirtdress, button by button. When it was undone, she dropped it to the floor. Tina was wearing the black leotard and white tights she wore the first time they made love, the night she became pregnant with their children. Ray's eyes grew large. Of late, Tina had stabilized her weight, but she was still tiny, and thin as a rail. That was why Tina bought her leotards and tights in girl's sizes. Laying her hands on his shoulders, she let Ray know to go to his knees. With Ray at her sex, she pressed her pelvis to his lips.

"Kiss me, Ray! Kiss me in the special way that you do......"

Which he did. Ray pressed his lips to the stretchy fabric covering Tina's sex. Wanting to feel her sex, he pressed harder and harder, licking, tonguing and sucking her sex through the layers of fabric. When Tina moaned, Ray sucked harder. Which was when it happened. Tina closed her eyes, and tilted her head, a look of utter relaxation coming over her. Letting go of her muscles, the pressure that the beers exerted on her little bladder sought release. As Ray lapped at her sex, a wave of war wetness swept over them.

Tina had been a little concerned. She wasn't sure just how Ray would respond to her surprise. She held him close as she urinated, and Ray continued to lap at the wet fabric stretched across her burning sex. Urgently, desperately needing relief, Tina helped things along. With Ray continuing to tongue her, Tina started rubbing herself harshly. She could feel her little nub distinctly, due to the soaking fabric. Grabbing it in her forefingers, she twisted and rubbed it, until she collapsed in Ray's arms, shaking and crying.

"Are you OK?" Ray inquired, after a time.

Tina nodded. In time, she took Ray, and lead him to the shower. There. She sat, then spread on the shower floor. Ray was confused.

"What is it, dear?"

"I am such a slut. I need to be punished."

"You are NOT! What are you....."

It was then that the whole plot occurred to Ray.

"I agree. Punishment is in order. How shut I punish my little slut?"

In her best little girl voice, Tina replied.

"Use me for your toilet"

Tina's head was against the back wall. Her legs were spread, her knees drawn up, exposing her crotch. Ray undid his trousers. It was now clear to him what this was about, including the beer. Pulling his penis free, he let loose a stream. Ray aimed the forceful jet at her crotch, soaking it further. Much to his surprise, Tina moved, soaking her head and face, even drinking some of her husband's urine .When he was done, Tina rose, and gave him a long, soulful, pungent kiss. When they were done, both were soaked, both suck together with warm wetness.

Ray undressed her, slowly, carefully. Tina undressed Ray in a very docile, subservient way. She washed him very carefully, as he did her. She used her finest toiletries, and they dried each other, inch by inch.

Once they were completely clean and dry, Tina handed him a leash and collar.

"It is time for my training, Master...."

Ray fastened the thick black leather studded collar to her neck. Attatching the leash, he lead Tina to the bedroom. Laying on the bed was the oddest garment Ray had ever seen.

"It is time to put me in my training gear, Master."

Ray picked it up. It was like a leotard, or perhaps a bustier. It was made of very soft, very supple leather, black in color. There was no material over the breast, or the crotch area. There were studs, and straps and buckles everywhere. Mostly, it was TINY. It seemed impossible to Ray the even Tina could fit the diminutive garment. Ray knew that Tina had handled every detail.

"Lay down."

He undid all the straps buckles and fasteners. He wiggled, pushed, and cajoled his wife's will flesh into the leather prison. He then fastened all the snaps belts, and buckles.

Ray stepped back to admire his handiwork. Tina lay on the bed in black leather. It looked painfully tight. Her breasts were exposed, and pushed up and out. The straps highlighted the white of her sex, which was totally exposed.

"Now, what am I to do with you?" Ray asked, seeking guidance

"I have humiliated myself and master. I should think I need to be punished."

It was then that Ray saw the black riding crop laying on the bed.

"I suppose you're right...."

Ray massaged lotion over Tina's very pink bottom.

" Better?"

"Better. Thank you."

Ray pulled Tina toward him.

"Mind if I ask where that came from?"

Tina snuggled to Ray's broad shoulder.

"Dunno. Seemed like it would be fun....."

"You looked like you were having a good time......"

"Oh. ......."

Tina got quiet. She remained so for a time. She put her arms around Ray. Then, she spoke.

"It's a little complicated. Some of it I learned in therapy. Things happened in childhood that.....shaped.....me, in certain ways. My mother was so compulsive about bathroom stuff, that my feelings got all mixed up. I mean the whole pain/pleasure thing. That includes the erotic. Between the sisters, and what they did, and mom, punishment was an affirmation that I exist. Screwey, eh? So, humiliation and embarrassment became a turn on.

"How come you never told me?"

"Never knew. It wasn't until therapy that I started getting in touch with that part of me. Even then, I thought you'd be disgusted. Only when you gave me a hint that you might be interested did I figure that we could maybe try it."

"Is it....I mean, is this good for you?"

"As a steady diet, probably not. As a way to get from one place to another, it's OK. "

"So, what's the verdict?"

"My GOD! I've never been so aroused in my life. There's something about being totally submissive that is sexier than you can imagine...."

"What's next?"

"Mmmmmm. Sleepy......."

Tina smiled, and closed her eyes. Ray did too, as they drifted off to sleep.