Through the Horizon: Healing 1

Story by Talon Drago on SoFurry

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#15 of Through the Horizon

This is the next chapter in the series. I would like to thank Dasher Cheetah for editing it for me. I have a lot of idea's and hope to have more to cum soon winks. This is the first part, the next part is to come soon.

Through the Horizon: Healing 1

Dasher sighed deeply and wearily; it had been such a long day. Bane had announced his plan two days ago, to wipe earth clean and start over again. The plan itself was top secret, only those who needed to know, actually knew. Unfortunately, that included what was left of the human ruling council. He had spent the day putting out one fire after another as well as see to it neither his or Bane's tail caught fire.

Of course, this reaction was completely expected, but very unwelcome. He stood up and stretched his tired body. With a sigh, Dasher thought ruefully to himself, 'At this rate, I am going to start getting gray fur on my muzzle!'

They were on the way back to the Capital Planet. There was no longer a need for a massive assault and as a result, the fleet forces had been redirected to containment and monitoring, rather than active engagement. Many had been sent on patrol of various areas to ensure the safety and stability of empire assets. Bane had been worried about various factions trying to take advantage of the situation to destabilize an already unstable situation.

Dasher chuckled as he changed mental tracks and thought of how well Seamus had adapted to his new situation. The fox had no intention of displacing Ron and had expressed that to the fox on several occasions. Naturally, Ron had his doubts; his sense of being challenged aroused. Bane had a plan to correct those doubts.

Dasher sighed once more. The cheetah turned in his chair and looked out his office window. There was much on his mind; after setting aside the political problems, the foremost was the lack of intimacy in his life. Tears ran down his cheeks as he thought of his previous life, of the abrupt separation from those he left behind. As his mind wondered, the hissing of the doors made him snap back. Glad the chair was a high back, he turned his ear back and heard Bane sit down on the other side of his desk. Tilting his head down, Dasher tried to quietly wipe the wet fur smooth and hide the evidence. As steadily as he could Dasher asked, "Something I can do for you, Bane?"

Bane smiled at his friend and said, "Alright kitty, out with it. What's bothering you? Wiping them away won't hide their scent." Dasher chuckled tiredly and returned, "I believe that's my job to ask you that?" Bane shook his head as he let down his defenses with his friend in private. The wolf said softly, "I have been doing some thinking of my own lately and I've realized, I did it again, didn't I? You guys are always there for me and I'm not there for any of you. None of you are less important to me than the Empire. Its just that . . . there are so damn many of them demanding my attention at once. You, my dear friends have been trying to keep their problems off my shoulders to help me. Now it is my turn to give some of that back."

Dasher nodded as he told Bane, "Hun, it's the price of the job. We are all busy trying to dig our way out of the quick sand; we do not have time to spend with each other anymore." As he said this, there was a hit of sadness in his voice and his ears sagged slightly. Bane smiled, "I've also been thinking about that. I've decided to bring in some generals. I will divide up the military force into branches, and have an admiral over each branch. Those admirals will form the military council with myself at its head. They will make the decisions, I will approve them."

Dasher nodded to this and said "Alright, sounds reasonable enough. Even the mighty Bane, can't do everything himself. Time to delegate." Bane smiled at Dasher snapping into his job as advisor, considering what to say to Bane's ideas. He almost missed the signals the wolf has trying to hide from him. Bane announced, "Here's my realization for the day! If we don't get some of this stress off us, we will never live to be old. So I have decided to add to the government. You will bring in enough senior staff to take some of the things you do and let you direct the broader efforts. This gives you more personal tame and when you feel only your gentle paw is needed personally. So will Seamus and Ron. I won't see my greatest assets, my friends, drive themselves to death."

Dasher nodded agreement and said, "I can't argue the point with this. It is needed very badly. Inwardly he thought, 'We are all so lonely, we feel so isolated. But what good is time off? To sleep in a big empty bed? Watch others live their normal lives with friends, lovers and mates?'

Bane nodded as he said, "Trust me, I understand more than you would believe." Dasher nodded and stood up. He walked around the desk and put his paw over Banes' as he asked, "Why don't we go get some lunch and talk about this as friends?" Bane nodded as he stood up and took the cheetah's paw in his and headed for the door with Dasher in tow. The two walked down the hallway paw in paw, drawing odd looks from some of the crew members.

Dasher chuckled and told Bane, "You know it's been a while, when we draw looks." Bane laughed at the observation and said, "You might find this amusing too. The head of the Human ruling council called me today. He was quite upset about something. Cab you guess what that was?" Dasher's ears twitched with obvious annoyance but didn't return to full upright positions as he gave a non committal, "Oh?" Bane nodded as he said casually, "Seems that a certain demon cat told him to stick his opinion where the sun doesn't shine." Bane chuckled, trying hard not to laugh as Dasher obviously found no humor in it.

Dasher sighed and explained, "Well, I sat in a conference call for almost two hours, listening to him protest and bitch about the plan as he demanded we change them. I sent him the scans, there is nothing left to be done but he will not hear reason. Finally, I had enough and told him he had no power to stop me. If he thought he could, he was welcome to meet me alone, on the surface of the Capital planet and prove it. The human's fleet has been wiped out, they have hardly enough numbers to try and settle a new planet on their own. If they lose many more trying, they might not have enough to maintain their species. We hold all the cards as he damn well knew we could still let the scavengers have them and be done with it. No one wants to admit when they live at the sufferance of others, especially a proud, formerly great species as the humans had been."

Bane laughed loudly and clapped Dasher on the shoulder, then wrapped his arm across the cheetah's shoulders in a close was and told him happily, "I've wanted to tell him that for months now, even before earth was attacked." Dasher nodded, his mood lightened a little at his friends acceptance of the situation and how he handled it.

The pair walked into the cafeteria; after the usual salutes they selected their meals, Bane suggested they head to the captains lounge. Normally the pair would dine with the crew, however today was not an ordinary day. The door hissed shut and locked itself automatically. The room was simple; it was round with a round table in the center. There was room enough for eight people to dine, each having a chair that slide out and back into place. There were three replicators in the room to provide side's and drinks if necessary, and one massive window that made up the back wall. It also had tight security against spy devices and protection from assault.

The two sat together, side by side. Bane turned and smiled as he took Dasher's paw in his and said, "Dash, I know things have been difficult for all of us. You are no exception to that. You have helped me more than anybody I know and I want to thank you for that." The cat smiled modestly and replied, "Bane you've been a friend to me as well, so do not think this was only one way."

Bane nodded and indicated they should eat while the food was hot, then said, "I have made a very difficult decision Dash, I have decided to send the cub away for his own protection."

Looking sympathetic, Dasher nodded and said, "That is an expected move. With what we face, he is now the heir to the throne. He must be educated in a way that he is not surrounded by royalty or those who would seek his favor. He must be one of the people, and as a result he must be hidden." Bane nodded and relaxed a bit as he said, "My thoughts as well." Dasher smiled at his friend and said, "I have been thinking about this and you can not get greater safety than placing him with the dragons. Talk with Lucien and see if he can get a pair of dragons trained to protect, who can go under cover. They can take the pup to one of the boundary planets between us and them, where a mixing of the species would not be commented on. There, they can raise him as ordinary citizens and he won't be hunted there as who would believe the heir would be so far away from you?" Bane looked at Dasher, surprised again that the cat was a step ahead of him. He had been worrying about what to do and the solution was handed to him as a matter of course! The two ate and talked, not as boss and employee, but as friends. Sharing jokes and quips as they used to do more often before things ever got to thoughts of Empire had arisen. It felt good to them both.

As Dasher finished his meal, he felt the fur on his neck begin to stir and he looked up to see Bane staring at him in a way that the cheetah had not seen in a long time. In Bane's eyes he could see the burning desire and passion that the wolf held for him and held in control. He could see the love that Bane held deep in his heart for the cheetah. The two had helped each other through difficult times and become closer than brothers. Bane leaned in and kissed the cheetah gently on the muzzle. Dasher opened his maw and gratefully accepted Bane's affection's. Bane kissed Dasher passionately, his tongue gently exploring his friend's muzzle. Dasher rubbed his tongue against Bane's and moaned with pleasure. The wolf directed him to stand as he rose and Bane pulled his friend to him, their bodies rubbing against one another.

The scent of their mutual need filled the room, one Lupine and one feline. In this moment, all that mattered was satisfying the others desire. Bane ripped the Cheetah's shirt off with one pull, sending waves of pleasure and the slight thrill of danger through the Cheetah. It was easy to forget that Bane was an alpha wolf at times for Ron and Dasher. They spent so much time together that they had grown used to the more restrained public face of their friend. To be wanted so badly, to be needed so badly was all he had craved for weeks now.

Dasher tore Bane's shirt off and ripped his pants from him, ruining some very expensive, hand tailored clothing in his rush to see the wolf's already hard member. Dasher eyed it hungrily and fell to his knees. Looking up at Bane staring down along his tight, trim body, Dasher inhaled the musky male scent and was reminded just why this wolf was an alpha and more importantly, his alpha!

Bane gasped with anticipation as Dasher licked the underside of his already throbbing member. The cheetah smiled as he gathered his alpha's pre onto his tongue and savored the taste. It wasn't a matter of dominance or submission now. It was down to needs! Dasher opened his maw wide and accepted the awaiting member into its warm, tight depths. He slid his muzzle down onto Bane's member, until his nose was buried into the wolf's pubic fur.

Bane closed his eyes as his mind swam with pleasure. He had almost forgotten how good Dasher was at this and many other things. His hips rocked with instinct as he humped his friend's muzzle.

Dasher moaned, his own erection pressing firmly against his trousers and leaking the sharp scent of pre-cum. The cheetah smiled as he pulled back with a slurp, stood and removed them with a sultry, come hither look. He bent over the table and raised his tail. The cheetah purred, "Yummy as you are, lest I loose the chance, I have a greater need to be filled beside my stomach. Both knew what the other wanted, no needed! They knew the desire that flowed between them, and sought only to provide the other with the release their lover so badly desired.

Bane was happy to take position behind and he placed his member against the cheetah's pucker, pressing gently. The head of his cock gave a squirt of slippery pre, then parted the cheetah's pink entrance. It welcomed Bane's member in as if it was an old friend.

Bane moaned loudly as waves of pleasure washed over him. He gently sank his member deep into the cheetah's rump, filling the cheetah for the first time in weeks. Dasher arched his back and let out a primal growl, the pleasure filling his mind. Bane humped into his friend and moaned with joy as his meat was massaged by the cheetah's velvety insides. Both knew it couldn't last long and the smell of both male's desire filled the room. Bane quickly felt cum filling his balls, begging for release. With savage thrusts, he pounded into Dasher's rump, shaking the cheetah's body with each blow. He had wanted to make love to the cheetah but the thrill of dominating this powerful yet willing male was making itself felt. It was a given that Dasher could stop Bane at any point yet he was happy to receive it. Both moaned and shook with pleasure, Dasher's body tightened up as his own erect member throbbed and spewed its load onto the floor under the table.

Bane cried out and buried his knot deep into his friend's rump. Dasher cried out as he was stretched, then the rapidly swelling bulb locked them together. He would have begged for it, if Bane had not taken him fully. The pair shook with pleasure as each emptied their loads. Dasher moaned as he felt Bane's member pulse, filling him with its generous gift of hot seed.

The pair laid on the table, panting and moaning softly together as Bane held Dasher tightly to him. Neither said anything, as nothing needed to be said. They had shared the highest form of bonding and now closed their eyes, allowing themselves to become lost in their afterglow. Dasher was content to again wait his turn as Bane took care of his other lovers.

Ron sat in his office humming to himself. His assistant had even noticed a change in him and had mentioned it. Zander and he had hit it off, surprisingly well. What started as interest had grown a lot in a few days. After running a background check on the fox, he had given him top clearance so that he could visit Ron whenever he liked.

Ron smiled brightly as he checked his watch. He knew his friends were close to being back at the planet and Bane had promised a surprise for all of his friends. Ron had invited Zander, who had nearly fainted at the idea of seeing the emperor. Ron chuckled to himself as he thought of Zander. It was amazing how such an individual could make all the difference in his life. The two had yet to have an intimate encounter but Ron intended for that to change, very soon.

Zander sat in his office reviewing his patient files. He was one of a number of employees that Seamus had brought in to help deal with the increasing mental strain on the population of Accendo City. It had been very obvious early on that the people of the city were very in tune with the happenings of the empire. All were aware of the risks of this war and of exactly what was on the line. While Accendo City was the most advanced and well-fortified city in the empire, it could not withstand a bombardment by the scavengers. Submitting the last of his paperwork from the previous day, his computer monitor light up with an incoming communication. Linking up with the city's central communication network, Seamus' smiling face filled his screen. Zander smiled back warmly and asked, "Hello Seamus! To what do I owe this pleasure today?" The fox hid a sly smile as he said, "I'm just checking up on you, seeing how you are getting along with your new position?" Zander chuckled, "Seamus I've held this job for a few years already, this position over a month now and I am alright." Unsaid but still communicated was the innuendo that there was more than one meaning to the word, position. Zander gave a slight grin and blush as he went on, "I checked on Ron as you requested and he was in bad need of help, as you suspected." Seamus nodded as he prompted, "And?"

Zander blushed harder and looked down as he admitted, "Well, he and I sort of have hit it off. We have gone out on a few dates together . . . and I really like him." Seamus smiled and told his friend, "I thought you might be attracted to him and he to you. Go ahead and don't worry about it being against the rules for a doctor and patient to have a relationship. You both will be better off and I know Ron will treat you right dear." With that he ended the communication. Seamus smiled to himself, he had seen to it his friend was taken care of and that's all that mattered to him.

Later that night, Seamus smiled as Bane walked into their bedroom aboard the Seamus Accendo. Bane smiled down at his exotic green furred fox. Seamus was lying on top of the bed sheets in only his fur. He smiled with a sultry look and said silkily, "Get undressed and join me stud." Bane blushed a bit and undressed himself as he showed off his body to his lover. He crawled onto the bed and lay behind his mate, his foxy. Seamus murred and raised the base of his tail as he curled the length of it over Bane's hip. The air carried a whiff of the fox's strong scent to Bane's nose. Bane's sheath swelled in response and Seamus smiled wider. He gave a teasing lick to his nose pad before saying, "It seems the big, bad wolf has smelled something he likes?"

Bane nuzzled the back of Seamus' neck and smiled as he growled playfully, "I always want you my love. How was your day?" Seamus chuckled, "I spent the day talking with a college of mine back on Capital Planet. He is a fox named Zander. I asked him to check in on Ron for us, seems he's taking quite a shine to our foxy friend." Seamus gently rubbed his pucker on Bane's sheath, causing the tip of his meat to emerge gently from its furry home. Bane moaned and wrapped his arms around the fox's chest. He then wrapped his leg over Seamus' thigh and centered the tip of his meat against the fox's pucker. Bane's member slowly grew harder and longer until the tip entered Seamus' rump, parting the fox's delicate pucker and exploring the hot inner depths. Seamus moaned gently as Bane rocked his hips, the growing length finally reaching and rubbing against the fox's prostate. Seamus gasped as Bane sucked gently on his neck, causing the fox's own member to slide free of its home. Bane reached down and took hold, gently rubbing his mate's member as his own came to full mast. Bane slowly rocked his hips, causing his member to slide in and out of his mate's love hole. The scent of their mutual desire filled the room. In that moment they were no longer two beings but one, united and bonded by the love that flowed between them. No words were said, as none needed. Instead, the sounds of their moans and panting, as well as the sound of slick flesh sliding against flesh was heard.

Bane trust gently into his foxy lover, his knot gently inflating with each movement of his hips. Seamus moaned as the growing knot stretched his tail pucker wider with each entry and exit it made. Bane gave the fox his full attention. For the first time in weeks the two were united once more. The Empire and the universe could go hang, for all they cared about it or anything but their lover.

Bane gently placed his paw on the fox's hip and slid his knot deep into Seamus. Seated past the ring of muscle and locked in place, it expanded to full size and triggered Bane to orgasm. The fox's rump wrapped itself gently around its welcomed visitor and massaged it. Bane growled with pleasure and grunted as he spilled his seed deep into his lover's bowels. Seamus cried out with joy as his own member throbbed and spewed its load onto the awaiting bed.

The two panted in their afterglow, tied together by a knot, and united by their love. Seamus smiled and inhaled the scent of his alpha, his lover, his mate. Just laying together was sweet and soul satisfying but Bane continued to fondle Seamus' knot and pull additional orgasms from his beloved, as the fox's ass brought forth more from the wolf.

Bane's scent was strong and reassuring to Seamus yet he could catch traces of another smell. Dasher's lingered on him ever so lightly, tho the cheetah had licked him clean after their time together. Seamus smiled, glad Bane had at last paid attention to their friend. Dasher deserved it and Seamus was confident in knowing where Bane's heart belonged.