Savannah Blues part 11

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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#12 of Savannah Blues

Savannah Blues (11) By Roofles

Isaac pumped the last three out between groans and grunts, biting his lip for the last one as his muscles screamed in protest as he finally locked it on the bar above and crumpled panting loudly with a full muzzle open, grinning from ear to ear. Things hadn't been going well these pat couple of days. Finding a new roommate after Ralph spilled his guts to him nearly crying as if confession that he had tried to kill someone. Which Isaac found to be rather strange as he was still clinging to the toilet bowl, his own guts seeming to spill out.

Strangely enough he wasn't mad at him. Ralph was just some casualty in this whole mess. Yet looking at Ralph there Isaac couldn't help but smile...before throwing up again. The equidae was here then, with him. Jack was nowhere to be seen and he was glad not to see have see Colin. He would've rung the cats neck more than likely. Yet seeing the striped face in front of him, at that time, that long face...somehow made this whole thing seem better. Somehow. That in the end of things he had gotten something out of this and learned about himself. A friend. Or at least that's what he'd tell any reporter if someone cared to ask. Some happy BBC special. "And the moral of the story," he grunted getting up and slouching at the end of the work bench panting a bit. He hated working out alone.

His arms felt like jelly as he pulled himself away from the seat. Sweat had soaked through his shirt in the front, back and under his arms. He groaned as he lifted his frame up grumbling at the belly he still had. Never once had he taken his shirt off front of others in the past several years. An old ex of his reminded him about it on a daily occasion when they had been going out and specially afterwards. And no matter how hard he worked out that gut was still always there. He could still see his toes and his 'johnson' and that was fine with him. But other people would always point it at. As if this natural gut was caused by drinking too much beer or something.

But Jack had flattered him endlessly when they first met. Thinking about it now he wasn't sure how he hadn't noticed the wild dogs affection. It was a nice change for sure. Something he hadn't gotten in his life. Being the fourth son of a family of seven left him the shadows of his brothers and sisters. His parents did their best but they had their own problems and the children were always forgotten. They had a home and food but little else when it came to needs. So he had gone through life being just another soul. And not once had he ever hated them for it. It just would've been petty too. They were still just furs in the end of everything parents or not.

Isaac pulled the edges of his shirt up and slowly slide the shirt off over his head. The black outfit was soaked through. A sign of a day's well done work. He tossed his shirt over his shoulder and headed for the showers after cleaning off the station. He looked to his left and right as he walked. No one noticed the soaked fur or the hyena gut he had. He wasn't sure if that was better or worst. Being ignored like this. So he just headed to the showers unzipping his fly as he went. The smell was strong and he both loved and hated it. That musky tinge of his tickled his nose. Just another sign of a job well done.

The showers felt good. Feeling the water trickled down through his fur taking the grime and filth with it into the drain below, between his paws and toes as he wiggled them. He wanted nothing more than to rest his head against the tile wall and just let the minutes flow into hours hoping that it would take the weariness away with it. The strain in his shoulders and arms and his chest. It felt weird being here in the nude, a semi public shower with nothing more than his shower sandals on. He was about to go into a public stall bare paw.

The door behind him opened up and shut. The cool air that flowed in at the brief intrusion gave him goose bumps alerting him that he wasn't the only one in the room anymore. His stall had the curtain drawn but it was still strange thinking he wasn't exactly alone, nude, in a public area.

"Nice to see you got out spots." A familiar voice said behind him, the shower stall next to him turning on. The stalls weren't exaclty seperated. The curtain behind them just keeping passing furs blocked from view. Fur as bright as the morning sun flowed next to him; black spots scattered across that yellow-orange tinged fur. A long tail curved and coiled behind it swaying back and forth as the cheetah turned to regard him. The black mane on his neck still sticking out at odd angles as the 'king' cheetah smiled.

"Good to see you too," Isaac smiled awkwardly at the cat. Unsure if he was exactly ok with this. Even if he knew the guy this was just...awkward, uncomfortable and he could feel a familiar stiring in his groin that always poked its annoying head out at the worst situations.

Before he and Jack had become 'tag buddies' as he had put it, Isaac found himself pair up with the cat on a numerous occasions. Paul was a friendly enough guy that made him work for his money. He pushed him to his limits each day and past that. If he was alone that wouldn't have been the case. If he was alone he would have quit this whole charade weeks ago shortly after he first moved here. The cat had soon tagged onto him glad - himself - to have someone to pair with. Isaac knew he had a partner before but for whatever reason it hadn't worked out and he wasn't about to press the situation.

"Public shower? Taking your shirt off in public? Working out finally give you the confidence you deserve?" The cheetah asked as if they were just shooting the breeze on an elevator. Paul had been a big help in himself working with his ego he had to admit. Give credit where credit is due. Isaac found him watching the cat out of the corner of his eye. The jet black fur that ran down his head to the poofy mane that slowly dispersed as it ran down his back as a black line. Spots adorned his body from head to tail and as the cat bent over to do his toes he could see it was elsewhere too.

"Something like that." He nodded closing his eyes as he trailed his hands through his hair and down his mane.

He and Paul had a connection he had to admit. He was a 'king cheetah.' He had a mane just like himself. He knew the trouble it was to have such things. No necklaces or hoods. It was a mess in itself that made it look like one had a hunchback through clothing. It wasn't a pretty thing and they were stuck with it. At least lions had a full head, like some kind of flower.

" goes it between you and that lion I heard so much about?" Paul probed with a sly smile as he washed his face. Isaac wasn't watching and didn't catch the twitch of his tail and the puffed out chest as he spoke.

"Its...going, I guess. It's...I'm not sure. I doubt I'll be hearing back again." He answered honestly thinking about the nothingness he must've meant to the cat. And after it all it wouldn't bother him.

"And the dog?" Paul kept his cool even though his fur raised a bit at the thought of it. "You guys seemed rather close. I figured you two were dating before I heard about you and the 'cat,'" he said the word as if he didn't believe it himself.

"Jack? We're just friends." Isaac blushed soaking his face under the water again realizing just how many people noticed his affection and how clueless he was sometimes. "We aren't on talking terms as the moment anyways."

"You know how he feels about you, right?" Paul asked his tail curling as he spoke.

"Look, Paul." Isaac said his voice getting a bit rough. "It's not like that. Really." His voice was held an underling irritation that the cat didn't question dropping the issue, to an extent.

"So you're still...single then?" Paul had turned the nozzle towards the hyena a bit, getting a bit closer not even waiting for an answer.

Isaac wanted to pull back as a paw touched his waist. He wanted to push him aside as he stepped into the stream of water that had been his. And wanted to toss him on the ground and mount him as the cat kissed his neck. His teeth gnawing the loose fur before a scratchy tongue licked his cheek as a deep low purr reached his ears over the roar of the shower that seemed silent in comparison.

His voice was caught in his throat as his heart drummed in his chest; his fingers were rigid, paws frozen as a paw slipped between his legs. His chub getting far more attention than it had in some time. One problem with being a bottom - your own need between your legs gets neglected. And the warm paw pads squeezing him tenderly, with strong fingers - the nails sticking out from their protractable claws just enough to tug loosely, harmless against his sheath. His scrotum. And the tip of his head getting a sharp gasp from the hyena who had his eyes tightly closed the whole time.

Isaac rolled his head back above the spray of water. Bringing his paw down to cup the cats. Half expecting himself to push it in, continue this feeling building up in him. But his fingers curled around the wrist tightly and he pulled it back. Shaking his head as he turned the water off with the other paw. "Dinner. Movie. We'll have fun. We won't sleep on the first date. Otherwise your scratching up the wrong tree." He said softly his eyes still closed.

Paul let go of his waist with his other paw backing away. Isaac let go and the two didn't exchange another word as he grabbed his towel to dry. Fully clothed he looked back at their stall spying the cat gone. Isaac shook his head as he heard his voice from another stall.

"Slut much?" A small mongoose said in front of the shower looking at him with a twisted smile on his face. He wasn't exactly working out in that tux. If Isaac had to guess it was more expensive than anything he possible ever owned.

"I assume you had a paw in this? Like you did last night." Isaac said without looking at him passing him by and heading for the door.

"Kind of. I just point 'em in the right direction is all. I never force them to do anything. Like that lion of yours." Alphonse said easily catching up with him. He tailed behind as the hyena turned to look at him. Crouching down a bit. If Isaac swung he would easily be able to avoid the crafty creature was already three steps ahead of him he assumed. "Better to find out now than down the road, right?"

"Colin isn't a bad guy. Most the time." Isaac grumbling frowning as he turned back towards the door. "I rather have that cat any day than the one you sent to me."

"Paul's a good guy." Alphonse said catching up again to walk at his side. Not even cowering as Isaac looked at him. "Huge daddy issues, sure. Hooks up with any guys who'll let him - that's single. Part of the daddy issues. But otherwise he's a great guy."

"That probly carrying more diseases than your infested-hide."

"Ha. 'Cause I crawled out of the sewer right? Haven't heard that before."

"No," Isaac snarled picking the mongoose up and slamming him into the wall. "Cause you fuck with people for kicks and giggils you psycopath."

"Hey, hey now." Alphonse patting his arm his legs dangling above the ground. "I saved you a world of hurt from that cat. Got Jack off your back. And even helped Ralph out. And no, before you ask, he didn't ask."

Isaac dropped him. He gave a squeek falling to the ground as the hyena walked away.

"Wait, sheesh. I didn't come out here to gift wrap you a free muzzle job. I came here to apologize. Kind of." The mongoose skipped headed of him skidding to a halt and putting up his paws. "I'm sorry, kind of. Ok? As sorry as I can be. Not saying much but still. Look Jack wanted me to do it. He and me go way back - Ralph had nothing to do with this. Any of it. Jack just tipped him off and used him to get Colin out of the picture so you guys could hook up. That's all."

"Yeah, duh. And?" Isaac asked cocking an eyebrow at the mongoose stunned look. "It was kind of obvious. Everybody knows about you Alphonse. I'm not surprised. By any of this."

"And with Colin?"

"Only that he was with Ralph."

"Who was fully clothed I might add."

Isaac looked at him narrowing his eyes. "Why you rooting for Ralph? It's been a few days sure but hes the only one I'm talking too. Hell he's the only that stuck around after it all. Got balls."

"Well then let me take you out, make it up to you at least." Alphonse pressed. "It's on me. As long as its cheap..."

"This isn't exactly cheap," the mongoose frowned the brown stripes on his muzzle stretching in turn. The sushi bar was a popular place for most of the college furs. It was cheap and had a very sauve air to it that a lot of the preppy, douchy, punk, wanna-be, scarf wearing, tea drinking losers.

So Isaac wasn't sure why he was taking a seat at the one of the tables not even waiting for the mongoose to tag along. A bit disgruntled that he did sitting across from him with a stupid grin on his face. The bar next to them had a moving track and the hyena grabbed a fish of the black plated dishes, the most expensive, and opened them up before changing his mind and getting two blue ones and a green.

"You're killing me smalls." The mongoose frowned looked at it all.

"I'll take one of the these." Isaac said pointing towards the menu at one of the ten dollar drinks. Making the mongoose pull his ears down.

"The drinks are so expensive! Haven't you ever gone out before? You never order the drinks."

"Ms," Isaac called after the waitress. "Make that a double-," a paw clamped shut across his muzzle as the mongoose jumped across the table.

"I get it. I get it." He scowled pulling back and finxg his suit. "I'm sorry for being a bottom feeding prick." Isaac cocked an eyebrow. "How can I fix it?"

"Buy me a mercedes."

"Yeah. That's not going to happen. Look what if I set you up with someone else? I'm a people person, I know everyone. I'm sure I got someone you'll like." With this the mongoose pulled out a small black book. Undoing the tie around it he began flipping through the various names and numbers inside. Writing one down on a napkin he slid it across the table before snapping it shut. "He's a good guy. A bit head strong but no daddy issues so that should be a plus. And here," he laid some cash under the napkin. "That should be more than enough for the meal. And drinks," he grumbled as he stood up. "Take care, Isaac. Was fun. But you hurt my wallet too much."

The hyena didn't reply watching him go out of the corner of his eye before slumping against the table. "Make this to go." He grumble picking up the napkin and looking at the name and number. Having half the mind to rip it up right there and then.

Savannah Blues part 12

Savannah Blues (12) By Roofles Isaac didn't feel like having a date. Or a proper one at that. They always seem to burn out and dry up like his hopes and dreams. How pessimistic was that? He frowned laying back in the grass and looking up at the...

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Savannah Blues part 10

Savannah Blues (10) By Roofles Isaac's large hind paws took the steps slowly. One by one each with a heavy burden on his shoulders that weighed his legs down as if a ball and chain were being dragged behind him. His fingers traced the wall as he...

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Savannah Blues part 9

Savannah Blues (9) By Roofles "Chug, chug, chug!" The crowd roar as Isaac pulled the funnel out of his mouth truimphantly tossing his arms in the air. "WHOO!" He shouted after finishing the case of beer. He laughed clapping his paws together,...

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