The Collision Part 3: Night in the "Jungle"

Story by Albirea on SoFurry

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#3 of The Collision

This is my new standard disclaimer. This story will feature depictions of violence, scenes of explicit sexual content, or other content meant only for adults. Please do NOT read if you are under the legal age for this content for your area. If you are under age and continue to read this then any legal ramifications that may ensue will fall on you. You have been warned.

Alex spoke with the party of travelers for a couple of minutes before shi left them with a wave and walked over to the hellcat alpha.

"They say that they're gonna camp for the night just off of the path on the other side of the crossroad, and that they'll wait for me in the morning."

<Good. I'll bring you to their camp a little after dawn, that will give us plenty of time to talk.> said the alpha as she stood up and started walking away <Come, the pack is this way.>

Alex jogged up beside the big cat as she started down the path to the left of the one the party had been traveling on. Alex tried desperately to keep hir curiosity at bay, but ultimately failed. Before shi could start asking any questions though, the feline stepped in.

<You can ask me any question you like. We are NOT shy creatures, so I'll answer them. Unless the answer would harm my pack in any way.>

"Oh, okay. Ummm. The question I really want to know the answer to is, what exactly are you going to do to those three?" Alex knew as soon as the question left hir lips that it was one that the cat didn't really want to answer, as she tensed up slightly and grew quiet. "You don't have to answer that, if you really don't want to."

<I promised to answer any question you asked, and I will. I'm just trying to think of how best to answer that one.>


The tension in her shoulders eased slightly as the alpha took a deep breath.

<I guess I might as well explain it all. You see, our species like most others has magic. When we choose to we can change someone of another species into one of ours. Usually if that person chooses it then we take it slow, and stretch the change over a week long period at the end of which they can either choose to stay, in which case they must find a mate, or they can choose to go back to their own life. If they choose to go back to their old life then the changes reverse themselves. However, these three are being punished, so their changes will be over night and very unpleasant.>

"So how do you start the change?"

<Normally we just need to be in physical contact with the person we are changing every couple of hours so we can rub some of our magic into their bodies, it's a slow process. With these three we are going to have to push some magic into them from the inside, and then once the changes start we gather around them and use our combined heat and energy to speed up the process. We can even speed up their pregnancies so that they'll give birth in the morning. >

The big cat watched Alex waiting for hir reaction, and honestly shi didn't know how to react. On the one hand shi was disgusted and horrified that the cats could put these men through a full body change and a pregnancy, both of which would be extremely painful, without too much consideration. On the other hand shi agreed that they needed to be punished, and that their punishment should fit their crime. In the end shi decided not to hold it against the pack, after all they did lose three of their young ones.

"So basically you're going to have some males rape them, then you're going to all lay around them so that you can feed them your combined heat and energy. Okay, but why do you want to talk to me?" asked Alex as shi ducked under a low hanging branch.

<Because I can help you come to terms with your new body and sex.> the feline was obviously relieved that shi didn't hate the pack for what they were going to do this night.

"Okay, but how can you help me come to terms with my new body? I'm a herm now, not female. I guess that I am closer to female than male now though, the doctors said that I was going to end up looking like a woman, just with a hidden male side. "

While they had been talking they had come upon a clearing where the entire pack was forming a circle around the three about to be punished.

<We'll get to that in a minute, but for now will you translate for me?> asked the alpha as she sat down on the edge of the clearing.

"Sure. What do you want me to tell them?"

<Tell them that they can either take their clothes off or we'll do it for them, and we won't be gentle about it either.>


Alex walked a little further into the clearing so shi wouldn't have to yell to be heard. "They want you three to take off all of your clothes or they'll take them off by force."

It took a couple of seconds for hir words to register with the three, but as soon as they did all three grew even more afraid of their captors. Their eyes opened wide as they looked at all of the cats watching and waiting around them, and at a low growl from one of the cats they began to hurriedly shed their clothing.

As soon as they were done undressing the alpha sent her next request, and this one wouldn't be pleasant to translate.

"Now they want... They want, you to... They want you to present yourselves to them, so that they can... mount you." now shi felt sorry for them as shi saw the looks of terror on their faces. "I'm sorry, but either you let them mount you or they force you. It's punishment for raping their cubs."

Alex couldn't stand to look at their fear anymore so shi turned her back on the three and returned to the alpha's side. "So, while this is happening we can talk right?"

<Yes. Come, make yourself comfortable.> said the alpha as she laid down on the ground.

Alex took the invitation and sat next to and leaned against the alpha. "So?"

<First off, there are some things that you need to know about my species. Every member of my species is born like you are now, a hermaphrodite with everything hidden unless we chose them not to be. We stay like this until we find our true mate, and then we take on the gender of our role in that relationship. The dominant one becomes the male and the submissive one the female, usually anyways, or the one that prefers their male side more becomes the male and the one that prefers their female side becomes the female. Only once we've found, mated with, and our genders have set can we reproduce. It makes for the most loving upbringing for the cubs, instead of a heat/rut cycle which can lead to an unwanted pregnancy.>

"That makes sense, it also explains why you thought you could help me come to terms with my new body." said Alex as shi started to scratch and pet the alpha, subconsciously of course.

<Yes. And the first part of that process is this. Why don't most women bump their breasts into everything? Why don't creatures with tails injure their tails all the time? How do you know where your nose is? Because that's what your instincts tell you. We don't hurt our tails because we are are aware of where they are and are mindful of them all the time, just like you are mindful of your new breasts without knowing it. It's all instinct that came with your new body.>

"I've never put much thought into why women almost never injure their breasts, but it does make sense that they would instinctually avoid harming them."

The alpha couldn't help but giggle <I wasn't talking about "you" as a species, I meant you and your breasts.>

"MY WHAT!?!" shouted Alex as shi jumped to her feat and spun around to look down at the alpha.

<When was the last time you looked at your body Hun?>

"Back at the hospital. Why?"

<Take off your shirt.>

It was such a forceful command that Alex didn't even argue as shi grabbed the hem of hir shirt to pull it over her head, and noticed a slight bouncing in hir chest. For the first time shi looked down and saw hir new breasts clad in a light blue sports bra. They were somewhere in the neighborhood of a B cup, not large but definitely noticeable. Also noticeable were hir other curves without the shirt obscuring them. Hir slender waist leading into wide hips, a round heart shaped ass on top of long graceful legs, and even hir feet seemed to have changed by the appearance of hir brown sneakers.


<Woman. Yes.>

"When did this happen?! And how did I not notice it?! And when did I get a bra??" asked Alex as shi quickly became hysterical and started pacing back and forth rapidly.

<Calm yourself. It probably happened over time as you traveled with your group, and your instincts must have changed at the same pace as your body. Keeping you mindful of all your new features and at the same time comfortable and unaware of them. Your clothes smell like magic, so they probably changed with you and added or removed clothing as needed. When we came upon your group the only way for me to tell that you weren't completely female was your scent. When you told me earlier that you were changing from male to a female looking herm I decided to keep an eye on you for any more changes.>

The alpha's words stopped Alex in hir tracks. "You were watching me to see if I change more?"


"And? Did I change?"

<Yes. First was your demeanor. When I first saw you walking you walked like a man. Straightforward leg movements, using your hips for little else than the place your legs attached to, but as we walked here that changed. You started rolling your hips more as you walked, and started stepping lighter. Your stomping, straightforward stride of a man was replaced with the light footed, sashay of a confident woman.>


<Yes. And there's more. While I watched, your breasts grew in size. Not by a large amount but definitely noticeably. In fact, I think that they are still growing.>

"Oh great, I'm going to end up with huge breasts and a... gorgeous body." said Alex as it finally dawned on hir that hir new body would be very attractive. "Okay so it isn't as bad as I thought. So my body is changing into that of a beautiful woman, worse things could happen. At least now I can enjoy looking at myself in the mirror more."

Again the alpha giggled. <Good point, but I was expecting you to be more worried about how men of your species would look at you now. Or do you prefer men to women?>

"Um. I've always been bisexual, I've even had sex with a few people from each sex, I just enjoy the feminine body more than the masculine. So, no worries in the sex department... You know, other than having to get used to the new equipment I have now." Alex said as shi blushed slightly.

<Good. Now that we have that settled you need to get some rest. The births will happen pretty early in the morning and then we need to get you back to your group.>

As they relapsed into silence Alex could hear the screams that their conversation was hiding. "That sounds horrible."

<Yes, but soon it will change and then soon after that it will be over until the morning.>

"What do you mean it will change?"

<In a few moments their bodies will have taken in enough of our energy to change their genitals into that of a female of our species. After that the screams will become moans, and when they start begging to be mounted the fathers of the three killed will come forewords and mate with them until they stop begging to ensure they are impregnated. Then it's all over for tonight.>

Sure enough, ten minutes later when Alex couldn't stand the screams any longer they faded away. Only to be replaced by the sounds of moaning and grunting. The moaning only lasted for ten minutes before all sounds stopped.

"Please, please! Fuck me! My crotch is on fire! PLEASE!"

Alex couldn't tell which of the three spoke first but soon they were all begging to be mated, and three of the larger hellcats stepped forewords to comply with their wishes. They quickly mounted and started to pound away at the three anthros.

It didn't take long before the three hellcats were tied in the three anthros. "I thought you guys were felines, so why do you have knots like canines?"

<Once we find our true mate then the male grows a knot. But, enough with the anatomy lessons. You need to sleep, it's going to be an early morning and once we get you back to your group you have a half a day or more of walking to get to a city. You might also want to take off your clothing, I can't imagine it would be comfortable to travel in after sleeping next to a creature of fire all night. That way when you put them back on in the morning you will be able to see all that changes while you sleep also.>

"Good point." said Alex as shi stood up to remove her pants. As shi unbuttoned them and slid them down hir legs shi was surprised to see that they were completely smooth, and free of any hair.

After shi stepped out of hir pants, and picked them up to fold them nicely, shi grabbed the bottom of hir sports bra and pulled it over hir head, with the accompanying bounce of hir breasts. "That feeling is going to take some getting used to." shi said as shi folded the bra and placed it on top hir pants. Next came hir panties, shi steeled hir nerves and dropped them to hir ankles, and couldn't help but marvel at hir hairless crotch. With hir curves, B cup breasts, and bare pussy there was no way that anybody could guess to hir male side.

Shi folded hir panties and placed them on top of hir bra, then hir shirt followed. "Okay. Now, where do I lay?"

<Right here of course, don't worry I'll keep you plenty warm.> said the alpha <My fur is really very soft.> shi said when shi saw Alex hesitate.

Alex settled down next to the big cat and leaned against hir. Hir fur really was very soft and Alex couldn't help but snuggle into the cat's side, earning hir a rumbling purr.

<Good. Sleep now, I'll wake you in the morning.>

Alex gave an affirmative mumble and quickly fell asleep beside the purring feline. The alpha watched the three pairs mate for a few more minutes before shi too went to sleep, curled around Alex.

<Pleasant dreams little one, you'll need them. The morning will be far from pleasant.> sad the alpha sadly as shi too drifted off to sleep.

end of part 3