Onyx's childhood 2, The ship.

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after escaping the island, the tuckered out cub finds himself kidnapped by the mysterious 'red sphinx' What will he do, and what awaits around the corner?


Onyx awoke on board the ship, laying back-down on a warm blanket on deck. The sunlight warmed his black fur, and he sat up. Checking for his knapsack, he realized it had been taken, along with the armor. The only thing on him was the daggers. Gasping and standing, he looked at his surroundings. It was a huge yacht, easily a hundred-footer. He was on the bow, facing towards the back of the ship. The floors were polished wood, and there were walkways around what looked like the main rooms of the ship. Leaning over the edge, onyx saw that he was high above the water. This was practically an ocean-liner!! Spinning around, he went to explore. Padding across the wood towards the rooms, he found the door. Pulling, he found it unlocked, and opened it. The captain's quarters? Exactly how high up WAS he? Gazing over the advanced looking controls, he resisted the urge to grab the wheel and turn it.

"What are you doing?" A voice surprised him from behind. Spinning around, he drew darkness and held it out. A gray head poked out from the floor. 'that must be the rest of the ship' onyx thought. Summoning his courage, he pointed the dagger toward the wolf watching him. "Who are you? Where am i? and where is my stuff?"

Despite the drawn daggers and hastily thrown-together questions, the wolf remained calm. He almost seemed amused. "My name is Grant. You're aboard the dark phoenix, Finest ship on this side of the world. And your stuff is with the captain, who claims she knows you. But you look like too measly a scrap to know Ra'peya. But who am I to judge?" He climbed the rest of the way out, towering over onyx. He wore a long dark blue captain's Suit and black combat boots, and Two pistols peeked from the sides of his coats. Onyx stepped back and held the dagger up higher, narrowing his eyes. "Who's ra'peya?" He growled. That name meant 'red sphinx' In his native language. But who would take such a bold name? and he thought his language had died with the loss of his parents, and his island.

Grant rolled his eyes and shoved his paws in his pockets. "Put the dagger away, kid. It's not safe to play with knives you know. Didn't your parents ever tell you that?"

Onyx recoiled as if struck. Sheathing his dagger, he hissed. "My parents were slaughtered by dragons!" He spat, the sick memory of he'rnasii eating his mother still fresh in his mind after the years. 'at least he's dead.' Onyx thought slyly.

"sorry to hear that. Now follow me, and keep up. I won't wait for you. Though by the looks of you, I'd say you're perfect for crawling through a ship." He turned calmly, hopping down the hatch in which he came. Onyx looked down before jumping in, landing lightly on the balls of his feetpaws. Setting off at a brisk pace, Onyx looked left and right at the Beautiful wood styling and blonde carpeting. Every once in awhile, an ancient looking sword or pistol would be hung on the walls. Beds lie here and there, where were the crew?

'I bet I'll meet them soon enough.' Onyx sighed, becoming quite apprehensive. Grant turned down a hallway to the right, stepping down a small flight of stairs and stopping at a large pool that held a few small boats. Crates were stacked here and there, and a motorcycle sat in the back corner.

"This is the water-bay. This is where we launch boats for...certain reasons." There was something he wasn't saying, but onyx didn't feel like pushing for it. He had the feeling grant wasn't the type to give things away. He took off again, walking into a doorway and to the left, where he stopped in a huge, brightly-lit room with metal tables everywhere, and a small ledge with a kitchen along the left of the room. "The cafeteria." He motioned a paw toward the tables, then scratched his neck nervously and walked across the room, where stairs led up. This place was like a maze! Onyx followed quietly, Taking note of everything. His tail twitched with curiosity. He wanted to meet this leader lady, whoever she was. He bumped into grant's rear-end, And he turned around, smirking. Onyx felt hot under his fur and looked away, realizing he'd been lost in thought. The large wolf knocked on a Beautiful mahogany door, Complete with a wax polish finish, Making it glow in the hallway light.

"Come in!" A muffled voice sounded from inside. It was like silk, and even from here onyx could tell it was female. Stepping inside first, grant saluted, before side-stepping and letting onyx in. "Lady Ra'peya. The guest has finally awaken." He nudged onyx with his tail, smacking him upside the head, Forcing him to stumble forward.

"Grant! Is that how we treat guests?!" Onyx took a look around. In the back of the room sat an elegant bed, topped with red covers and fluffy looking white pillows. Behind it was a full floor-to-ceiling window, showing the glittering sea below. To his left was a black wooden dresser with a mirror, and a few chairs arranged for comfort. To his right, a door led into darkness, but a light shone across the walls. 'that must be the bathroom' Onyx thought. Was that where ra'peya was? It had to be, she wasn't anywhere else in the room.

Grant rolled his eyes. "but it's how we treat prisoners." He muttered, before stepping back and slamming the door behind him, leaving onyx alone in the room. Mustering his defiance, he stood. Calling towards the bathroom, he messed with his long hair. "Whoever you are, lady, Why do you call yourself 'ra'peya?'" He questioned, wanting to respect the language that was lost to him. "The name mea-"

"Means red sphinx in e'ryen. Yes, I know." She called, cutting him off. He heard a small snap, and she stepped out. Onyx gasped.

She had jet black fur, just like onyx. Her hair had been died a firey orange, and it went to her back. She wore a long, flowing silver dress, and was bare-paw. She flashed the cub a brilliant smile and tilted her head. "I'd always thought they'd killed you." She shook her head, as if to dismiss the thought. Then she opened her arms for a hug.

Onyx took a running leap into her arms, closing his eyes tightly and reaching up, licking her neck. "Big sister!!" He exclaimed, Tingling with joy.

"I missed you, little brother." She stroked his headfur softly, an almost motherly smile lit her face. "I thought for sure you were dragon chow. How did you survive so long? Christ, you look hungry!" her ears lowered slightly and she scrunched up her face in worry. "we'll talk later. You look starving! How old are you, now? Ten, right? Wow. You missed Four birthdays and your childhood." She sighed. "It's ok, you're safe now. What do you want to eat? Our biggest supply is fish, so I'd prefer if you ordered something sea-food." She set him down on the bed, tickling his belly-fur affectionately.

"Um, do you have any Sushi?" Onyx asked hopefully. Sushi was some kind of special, exotic way to make fish, and his mother had been great at it.

"Of course, onyx. What have you been eating for four years?"

"whatever I could hunt."

"you mean on the island?"


Ra'peya giggled and spun around. She had grown taller since onyx had last seen her, her hips a little wider. Her tail was slightly thicker, and swayed with the silent, graceful steps she took. She opened the door and winked, then disappeared, leaving onyx alone. He laid back on the bed, happy that he was once again with kin.

He woke up with a plate of sushi and cold tea next to him. He realized he had been asleep, and turned around. The sea was dark, and the moon high in the air. How long had he been asleep?

Gobbling down the sushi, he licked his fingerpaws clean, then guzzled down the tea. With a nicely full stomach, he started to purr. He slid off the bed and padded to the restroom. After having relieved himself, He went to explore. Leaving the captain's quarters, he found his way to the top deck. Other anthros ran everywhere, sprinting back and forth. They carried rope, fuel cans, some even held guns. Onyx shrunk back slightly, then caught sight of his sister. She was sitting on top of the communications tower on the ship, shouting orders.

"Joseph, Tom, check the motors! Reed, make sure the deck stays clean! Grant, take control of the ship. Tonight, We plunder!" she threw a fist in the air, and everyone cheered. Jumping off the tower and spreading her wings wide, she glided around the ship once, before landing on the deck in front of onyx. "Thought I smelled the scent of soft paws on deck." She chuckled. Could she really smell that good? Onyx looked down at his small feetpaws ,then back at her.

"Did you enjoy dinner?" she smiled warmly, then hefted The ten-year-old kitten onto her shoulders. Onyx started to laugh gleefully, then nodded. "Yeah. What're all these people doing?" He questioned with a curious glance around.

"They're preparing the dark phoenix."

"for what?"

Ra'peya tensed ever so slightly. Her voice dropped to a whisper. "For battle."

Onyx was caught by surprise. What was there to fight out here anyway? "Like pirates?" He asked thoughtfully, recalling the tales his father used to speak of Pirates who stole from ships, even took ships. But dad had painted it in such glory. He made it seem as if they were heroes! He had never spoken of his real job anyway...

Onyx snapped back to reality, and yanked on a strand of ra'peya's red-orange hair. "Ow!" she hissed, swatting him playfully. He wriggled and fell off her shoulder with a thud. Standing, he shook himself off. "Why were you shouting commands?" he asked, ever so innocently.

"I own the ship, and the crew. Now, come with me to the captain's quarters, so we can rest. It'll be a good hour before we catch up to the ship we want to fight." She led onyx back down through the ship, and into her room. She locked the door this time, something onyx found a little weird. She sat down on the soft bed and closed the ship's windows. Now the only light came from the ones in the ceiling, bathing the pair in warm, yellow glows and shadows. Onyx clambered onto the bed next to her, leaning against her side and starting to purr. She scooted away ever so slightly, and repositioned herself so her legs were spread.

The games all flooded back to onyx in a flash. His face lit in a grin, and his heart fluttered in his chest. Ra'peya grinned back. "So, you remember?"

Onyx nodded quickly, reaching forward and lifting the dress. She wore thin pink undergarments, tight against her genitals. He yanked down the underwear and gazed at her pink slit. It looked different. Ignoring it, he sniffed along her sex, before giving it a lick. A shudder ran through her body and she mewled. "It's been a long time, since we did this." She mumbled, her pussy starting to dribble a clear fluid. The cub licked it clean, then plunged his tongue in, eating her out. She moaned, but pushed him away. "Now my turn!" She smiled.

This was onyx's favorite part. He didn't know why, but the feeling...it was so good! She reached up and tugged at his small, tan shorts. Pulling them to bunch around his ankles, she did the same to his underwear. She gazed at his small, fuzzy sheath. Sliding it back, she revealed his uncut 5-incher, the foreskin puckering over the slit.

"My, still as cute as ever." She smiled up at him, before starting to rub his soft member. He moaned softly, growing hard. The foreskin still covered his shaft at full staff, and it throbbed slowly, eight inches of hot kitten cock just waiting for pleasure. She leaned forward and licked his member, before drawing it into her mouth and sucking. Onyx moaned, placing both paws on her head and forcing her head down, his tail flagging. She gagged slightly, but swallowed him well. Suckling, she bobbed her head. Onyx's tip leaked pre, which was quickly swallowed down. He closed his eyes in bliss, letting her warm, cavernous mouth work his member, rubbing the skin back and forth. His small, drawn-up balls twitched, jetting pre into her waiting maw. Sensing his pleasure, she went faster.

With a loud, wailing meow, Onyx came. He unloaded wave after wave of pre-mature kitten seed into her mouth, making her cheeks bulge. She pulled off and swallowed the load, then started to lick his drooping member clean. She rubbed it slowly, refusing to let him calm down. It became hard again, and onyx was ready again. He'd never gone more than four times before passing out. She turned around and raised her tail, showing off her slit in full glory. Crawling forward, onyx mounted her, hastily shoving his cub-cock into her pussy. Starting to slide in and out, he closed his eyes and let instinct take over. Humping faster and faster, his tail twitched and flagged and he came again, flooding her insides with his hot load. Pulling out, he licked her clean. And sitting on the bed, a single long drop of his seed hung over the bed. Ra'peya spun around and quickly ducked her head, licking up the drop and sucking onyx's soft member clean. Letting go, she kissed the head and sat up herself. "You can't tell anyone, remember?" She purred, ruffling his headfur. He smiled, basking in the afterglow, and snuggled close to her. The sudden memory filled his head. "Can we play the special game?" He asked hopefully.

"Which one?" she asked quietly. He whispered into her ear, and she nodded, hopping off the bed and crouching like a predator. "Oh, No!" Onyx faked, hopping off the bed and darting past her. She pounced him quickly, pinning him to the ground.

"Hi, prey!" She smiled. "Now, should I eat you....or..?"

"No! No!" Onyx squirmed. "I'll do anything!"

She looked surprised. "Anything?" Onyx nodded furiously, his eyes excited. "Even become my pet?" She smirked. Onyx nodded again. "Well, if you're mine, I have to mark you!" She stepped over him and squatted, lowering her sex to his maw. He opened wide and let his tongue graze her lips, before the wet stream of her piss jetted out and landed in onyx's mouth. Swallowing, he giggled as it got his nose and wet his muzzle-fur. He licked and swallowed, licking her sex when she had finished. "All done! Your turn!" She stepped off, licked his face clean, then lie down. He stepped over her so his sheath pointed at her lips, and with two pawfingers, slid back the sheath, letting his nether-regions lower until his soft cock was rubbing her lips. She opened her mouth and began to suck. Onyx sighed softly, relaxing the muscles and starting to pee. He filled her mouth twice, both times she swallowed. After he had finished, he smiled, tired and worn out now. She rolled over and picked him up, laying him in bed. He drifted slowly into sleep. "Good night, Onyx.." she smiled, slipping out of the door.

Onyx fell asleep to the sound of gunfire.

Waking suddenly to a sickening crack and the sound of splintered wood, Onyx slid out of bed. Getting dressed and finding his daggers neatly tucked onto the dresser, he padded outside. Everything was suddenly eerily quiet. Even the waves didn't seem so loud. Coming onto deck, Onyx gasped. There was a large cruise-ship, smaller than the dark phoenix, but still large, moored next to the beautiful ship ra'peya owned.

A shout rang out across the other boat, and onyx let his curiosity get the best of him. Stepping onto the ship he Bumped into a tail. As his view focused, he could see that it was grant's. there seemed to be a circle..Onyx wriggled through the small crowd, where he saw ra'peya mercilessly holding a pistol to some human man. She grinned.

She had changed. Her hair was tied back in a long ponytail, Silver-red in the moonlight. She wore black Bermuda-style Pinstripe shorts and a black long-sleeve blouse. On each wrist a spiked stainless-steel leather bracelet complimented the gothic style. She raised her left arm, firing a shot into the air. "The ship is ours now!" She cheered, and the crew joined in Vigorously. Holding her arm out for silence, she turned both pistols back on the Man huddled in the corner. Onyx now saw what was easily six other human men with him, wearing navy uniforms. One shifted slightly...

And suddenly he was holding a silver glock towards ra'peya. The two were locked in a battle of wits, one could pull the trigger and that would be it. Onyx couldn't bare to think of losing another Family member. He realized his stomach felt like it was burning.

He was thirsty for aura. The Dragons had bitten him in a freak accident where one had gone crazy. The feelings he was experiencing were meant to be handled by dragons.

But it was contained in a thin, ten-year-old panther. His instinct over-powering his mind, he snuck through the crowd, dropping into a crouch facing the side of the human holding the gun. Pouncing, he silently landed on the man's right shoulder, toppling him. Onyx placed his paws on the man's chest, then withdrew them, now holding a ball of Red glowing energy. Pure, Pristine life energy. His last look was of surprise, before his body convulsed and his eyes rolled back into his head.

Hungrily slurping the glowing ball into his maw, Onyx discovered he was ravenous. Screams filled the air as he picked off the men one by one, His eyes wild with a feral, Dark hunger for more. He literally glowed red with all the pure essence flowing through his small body. After no more prey was available, he collapsed on the deck before ra'peya, letting out a small burp. He felt the energy surging through his small bones, into his very soul. It felt like electricity. He forced the energy into the pit of his stomach, and fell back to sleep, right there on deck.

A stunned silence filled the air. Ra'peya had watched onyx literally eat energy. Dumbfounded, she slid the pistols back into their hip-holsters. Then she tilted her head toward the moon and broke into a fit of hardy laughter.

Recovering from the initial shock, the crew laughed to. After ra'peya had finished, she looked from onyx to the crew. Her crew. "It seems this little kitten is more than meets the eye!" She smirked, picking onyx up and cradling him like a baby, then hopping onto the dark phoenix. "As I once was." She sighed under her breath.

"Grant, take control of the vessel. Secure it. You own that ship now. Split the crew and take the necessary weapons with you. We are starting a fleet." She nodded, then padded away to her quarters, still cradling onyx.

The next morning, Onyx was off-the-walls hyper. He was practically bursting with energy. Barely containing it though, he settled himself into a chair in the dining hall. He snatched an apple from the basket in the middle of the long table, and began to greedily swallow it, the juice dribbling down his chin. Looking up from the half-eaten fruit, he realized everyone in the hall was staring at him. The countless pairs of eyes of the crew were all shining with a mixture of fear and respect.

The events of last night came back to him in a flash. Realizing they probably thought he'd drain them, he quickly finished his apple and groomed himself clean, then quietly stood and left the hall to find ra'peya. She was In the ship's Main control room, wearing a black sailer's coat and a captain's cap that made her ears stick sideways, giving her an annoyed appearance. Onyx gave her coat a good tug, looking up at her.

"Ah, well if it isn't our little scarlet scourge." She smiled, Picking her sibling up and plopping him down in the captain's chair. She picked up a headset and a radio. "Grant, full speed ahead. We need money, and fast. See if you can't track down A cargo ship anywhere we can loot."

Apparently she'd been acknowledged, because she slid the throttle forward all the way. The ship sped up noticeably, the waves slamming into the bow faster. Onyx watched in awe, loving the look of the spray. He remembered jeremiah had taught him how to swim.


"Yes, little brother?" She looked down at him, politely acknowledging him. She clasped her arms behind her back and straightened her posture.

"What happened to jerems?" Onyx meowed curiously, Using his brother's nickname.

"I don't know. Last I heard, he said he was going to head to land. And he did. That was the same shore we found you on. We had been in port, and thank gosh I found you. You know the crew wanted to leave you to die at first?"

Onyx opened his mouth to speak, but she continued. "You definitely surprised them with the draining thing. If anything, I think they fear you now. They came up with the nickname 'scarlet scourge.'" She chuckled, as if amused by the name.

Onyx furrowed his brow in concentration, focusing on the events of last night. "But, Sis, I don't know how it happened, it just did."

"So? It happened. You probably saved my life, and slaughtered men in the process. Worthy of being called my sibling." She nodded curtly. "You know, I think one day you'll have a reputation that precedes you. If not the nickname we gave you, I'm pretty sure we'll hear of you by some other name. with all the sorrow and pain you were forced into, little brother, you're going places."

"But ra'peya, you own two ships. It's only been four years and you own two giant ships! I'll never keep up with you!" Onyx looked frustrated.

"You don't have to, onyx. As your older sister, I just want you to find your own way. I've found mine, and I'm sure jeremiah has found his. Now run along. I have to get to shore so we can refuel."

Onyx hopped down from his chair and stretched. He ached to stretch his wings and feel the air, but he was afraid he would lose the ship. 'so what?' he realized. I'll survive. I always have. On that note, he made his way to the main deck, then took a running leap into the air, spreading his wings wide and feeling the sea-spray hit his muzzle. Sure, it was nice, but he wanted to soar. Angling his tail downward like a rudder, he soared upward, spinning while he ascended. He started to purr with delight as the ship became a small black dot on the water, Closely followed by another black dot. The ship grant ran. Putting some force behind his flaps, onyx sped forward. 'Faster..Faster!' he thought, pushing himself ever faster.

He circled low and pushed himself harder. He felt the air waver around him and heard a large 'BOOM'. Realizing he had broken the sound barrier, he streaked towards the shape of the ship, becoming bigger impossibly fast. He risked a glance behind him. The air displacement alone was kicking up easily four-foot waves. He looked ahead.....

And narrowly avoided smacking the side of the ship. Soaring up and over the deck by inches, the whole ship rocked from the combined force of the air and the waves kicked up In his waked. Feeling confident now, he made a circle around the ship, Causing it to waver and rock. He decided to stop messing around before he got in trouble and slowed down considerably, then glided down and stumbled on the smooth wood floor. Barely catching himself, he folded his aching wings to his back. "That felt amazing." He said to himself, Walking purposefully to the door leading into the control room. Taking the steps two at a time, He stopped in the doorway facing ra'peya. "Onyx, that was some good flying you did there." She giggled, Her own wings flexing and turning a blush-pink. "You rocked the ship. Literally. You know johnathon thought we were hit by a flash-storm?" She broke into shrill, hearty laughter. It was contagious, and onyx couldn't help but laugh to. Johnathon was A thin, happy-go-lucky german shepherd who took everything as a joke.

Onyx Gazed out the wide windows of the control room, becoming slightly tired of endless waves. "When do we go to land?" He questioned curiously, pouting slightly. He'd never been on TRUE land before. The island? Sure. The mainland? Never. His mind was swirling with imaginations of what all of it would look like. She seemed to catch his uncertainty, comforting him with a soothing coo and a stroke on the head. "Don't worry. We're heading towards land."

Two days later, the ship was abuzz with activity. Onyx ducked and dodged, scooting out of the way of sailors carrying crates and food, and other small things. Curiosity getting the better of him, onyx stopped one of the taller sailors, a Husky, and asked him what exactly was going on.

"We're on land. We just have to take everything we got out here to sell it!" He seemed satisfied with his answer, trotting off.

"On land.." Onyx repeated, then went to see for himself. Padding onto the main deck, he saw a beautiful yellow-gold sand beach with Palm trees and small shrubbery dotted around. To the right was a pier, leading into some thicker mangroves. Onyx jumped when he felt a paw on his shoulder, and turned to look at ra'peya. "Would you like to take a walk?" She purred, stepping onto the metal walkway to the sandy shore and holding out a paw in offering.

Onyx took it and together they strolled down the beach. Onyx stopped every once in awhile to examine something. A shrub, a shell, it didn't matter to him. Everything was beautiful, nothing like the dead gray soil of his old island. Ra'peya Slid Onyx's knapsack off her hip, ducking to take off the shoulder-strap. Handing it to him, she rubbed his back.

"It's yours. I know you want to get going. So get out there, little brother. Make a name for yourself. I'm sure we'll meet again. I've left Four-thousand U.S dollars and some food, as well as my phone number if you ever want to visit." She kissed his forehead. "I love you, Onyx. Never forget that. Just know that whatever you do, do what feels right, or what you feel needs to be done. Harden yourself to not care about what others have to say about you, and most of all, just live your life. I hope to see you again one day, Onyx. You've got so much potential.." A silent tear rolled down her cheek, hitting the sand in a small dent. Onyx hardened his emotions, not allowing himself to cry. Setting his jaw and nodding to his older sister with a fierce, firey determination, he spun around and put on the knapsack, Breaking into a run.

Taking off, he breathed her scent once more on the wind before it faded. "I'll miss you to...big sister.." He mumbled, then angled inland and Flapped hard, speeding into a midnight-black blur on the horizon.

Onyx wouldn't see her again for another six years.