Tailsie's birthday surprise!

Story by Onyx-panther on SoFurry

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Onyx Surprises tailsie with his arrival, and treats him to some birthday fun. All character rights for tailsie belong to tailsie the pink fox, My friend and ever-epic foxy buddy. HAPPY B-DAY TAILSIE!!!!


Onyx stepped purposefully into the post office. He hated coming here, but nonetheless, he needed to send a message to one of his clients. Without being tracked. So here he was, with an envelope in paw, Addressed to a specific address in Arizona. He stepped to the human woman at the counter and handed her the letter. She had long black hair, and looked completely bored. "Which class would you like this mailed?" She popped gum and gave him a look that just screamed for him to go away. He chuckled, unphased. "First class. Actually, I'd like to put it on it's way myself. Like to see it go, you know." He politely wrested the envelope from her grip and stepped behind the counter. "Wait, Sir, You ca-" Onyx silenced her with a malicious, Sadistic smile. Turning around, He headed to the back and popped the envelope into it's slot. He looked to his left and curiosity took over. He looked around. The workers seemed ignorant of his presence, So he pushed through the swinging door into the warehouse. Boxes were piled high, and Humans and furs alike drove forklifts, also piled with boxes. One box particular caught Onyx's eye though. It was a huge, highly decorated white box. Easily three feet tall, And about three and a half feet wide. Padding silently to it, Onyx slid out a claw and sliced through the thick tape. Sliding the box open carefully, he gasped. Inside was an intricately decorated pink and white layer cake, Complete with ribbons. In cursive icing it said 'happy birthday tailsie!" The little exclamation point was circled. No, It couldn't be. Tailsie? Surely not THAT tailsie. He spotted a baby blue envelope off to the side of the box, and picked it up, opening it. He knew it was wrong, but he just couldn't resist. Being nosy was in his nature. Sliding the card out, He read it silently to himself. It read: 'Dear tailsie, I wish you a great birthday and that this cake fills you and whoever you decide to bring!' Onyx Grinned. He could disappear for a few days, No one would notice he was gone. So shifting into feral cub form, He squeezed himself beside the cake and pulled the box shut with his tiny teeth.

It wasn't Long before he felt movement, And he resisted the urge to giggle. Boy, this would be a surprise. He remembered once he'd bought a cake for one of his buddies, Complete with a lioness inside, Nude to the fur. Chuckling, Onyx wondered if Tailsie would look as surprised as his friend had. He became quickly cramped next to the cake in the next hour or so, He couldn't tell. Luckily the Guys never re-sealed the tape, So he had air to breathe. His stomach had begun to growl though, and the cake was awfully enticing.

Eventually he gave into his dark temptation and began to nibble the cake. By the time his small, cub stomach was filled, He had eaten a quarter of the cake. The white icing was smeared over his little black muzzle, And crumbs had imbedded themselves in his fur. He cleaned himself the best he could in the confined space, and drifted off to sleep.

It felt as though he had only slept for a few moments when he was awoken by the 'THUD' of a door closing. Then he felt the box being picked up, and could hear the muffled sound of a doorbell ringing. He heard voices and pricked his ears. He caught; "Happy birthday, This box seems awfully heavy for just a cake!"

"Thank you!" A somewhat higher voice answered. Onyx identified tailsie instantly. He felt the box shudder and new he'd switched into tailsie's hands. He grinned mischievously and went as still as he could, so as not to betray his presence. "Wow, It IS heavy!" tailsie exclaimed, His curiosity piqued. He tipped the delivery service man And stepped inside.

Onyx felt himself being set on something hard. A table? He heard the telltale shuffling of the box being opened, and light peaked through. The minute onyx thought he had enough space, He burst through, Landing on top of a very startled Tailsies' chest. "Tailsie!!!" He meowed, Nuzzling into the fox's neck furiously.

"O-Onyx?! What were you doing in the box?!" He questioned, Unable to hide the grin that etched it's way across his face. Beginning to purr, Onyx parked himself on tailsie's chest. "I was at the post office, and I got curious. That box looked the coolest, So I checked it out. Then I found out where it was going, and I couldn't resist!" Onyx perked his ears, completely beaming at his little 'accomplishment.' Tailsie just giggled.

"I see you've already helped yourself to MY cake!" Tailsie picked onyx up with ease, considering his form, and set him delicately on the carpeted floor. He stood and pointed into the cake box, at the hefty chunk missing from the cake. He pretended scolding, But chuckled softly. Picking up the box, he headed to the kitchen, Onyx closely on his heels. "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Foxy. Whatever can I do to make up for it?" Onyx mewled, watching tailsie cut the slice with his bitemarks in it away, and then cut a slice for himself.

"Oh, by the way, happy birthday." Onyx purred and blinked up at his host, Then scampered off to explore. The first place he went was to the bedroom, Trying to reach a pink and white collar with glittering letters that spelled 'Tailsie' On it. Onyx had once worn this very collar, In this very form, For Tailsie. He usually didn't like to be 'owned' by anyone, But there was something different about the pink fox, And onyx had willingly formed the collar with magic, calling himself Tailsie's. he knocked it off the nail that held it up on the wall and slid it around his neck again, Padding back out to find his owner on the couch, munching away at his cake and flickering through channels on Tv.

Onyx hopped up next to him and nuzzled close, Accepting the loving strokes of his fur that the fox provided. Suddenly tailsie spoke.

"Aww, I remember when you made that. I thought you'd never wear it again!" He whispered softly, His eyes making their way to Onyx's. The two shared a silent moment of memory, wrapped in happiness and topped off with lust. Onyx wanted to do this again. "Oh, Master, I'm terribly thirsty. Can you give me something to drink?" Onyx put on his best high-pitched cub voice, Padding across Tailsie's lap and raising his tail high, Making sure to 'accidently' give tailsie a view Of what he had to offer. The black panther cub's wings turned a rich, Lusty purple, And he Shot tailsie a look that he knew could melt even the toughest hearts.

Tailsie crumpled beneath his innocent gaze, Of course, And reached down to his jeans. He unzipped them with a sly growl and pulled them down to his feetpaws. He did the same with his boxers, Exposing his large white sheath, And deliciously full ballsack below. Onyx immediately stepped over and ducked his head, Drinking in the scent of That fox's musk that he loved so much. It was sweet, And it tickled at the back of his nose like there was more to the scent, but he hadn't gotten a long enough chance to smell it. But no matter how deeply he breathed in the perfect scent, It never stopped tickling his senses. He stuck his tongue out and looked up at his master, Who was watching him with a loving smile. "Go on, Get your drink." The light pink fox rubbed onyx's ears, Encouraging him to continue.

Onyx could resist no longer and stuck his tongue into tailsie's already plump snow-colored sheath, Feeling his tip in it's hot fuzzy home. He licked it the best he could, eliciting a moan from the fox. He pulled his tongue out of the sheath as the bright red tip peeked out to say hello, Already pre was forming on the tip. Onyx dove his muzzle down over the tip, Sealing it firmly between his lips. He wouldn't let go until he had been 'fed'. He licked and lapped at more and more of the large canine cock that swelled and throbbed as it filled his muzzle. Soon Onyx was suckling on six inches of fox, The tip almost poking the back of his throat. He knew that in this form, The last three free inches of Tailsie's thick cock would force the tip into his tight throat, and he was in the wrong position to deepthroat. So he bobbed his head on what he could, licking the rest with each bob.

Tailsie had gone back to eating his cake, Holding the plate over Onyx's head so he could eat. He moaned softly from time to time, The quiet sucking noises barely audible over the volume of the Tv. Onyx began to bob his head faster, Rewarded by a sticky shot of pre onto his awaiting tongue. He swallowed gleefully, Pushing himself down as far as he could go. He saw the knot beginning to form at the base of Tailsie's large penis, And he rubbed the bulbous flesh with a paw. Tailsie had begun to pant now, His eyes closed in lust. "O-Onyx I'm..." He never finished, As he began to fill The cub's mouth with his creamy load.

Onyx let his master's sperm fill his muzzle before he swallowed, getting a thorough taste. It slid down into his stomach, Feeling like he had just taken a huge swig of a warm drink. He loved the feeling, And swallowed another mouthful. The stream began to taper off, The twitching canine penis in his mouth going soft as it dribbled the last of Tailsie's seed, The delicacy that onyx had swallowed so much of. Giving it a last good suckle, Onyx let go of the cock, watching it recede back into tailsie's sheath before he cuddled up close to his master, settling down to watch the television with him.

The cerise fox made no move to cover his genitals, And instead let out a satisfied growl. The two sat together in silence for some time, Eyes glues to the Tv screen. Neither really watched any real show, partly because tailsie flipped channels, partly because they were both in thought. Onyx crawled over the back of the couch, Landing with a soft 'plop' next to the fox's huge, fluffy tail. Purring like a V12 and snuggling himself deep into the silk-smooth, sweet smelling fur, Onyx fell asleep.

He was awoken when he felt something rubbing against his tailhole. Blushing under his fur, He cracked an eye open and glanced around to his hindquarters, Spotting Tailsie's handpaw behind his rump, A finger softly massaging his pink entrance. Huffing in quiet pleasure, Onyx raised his tail slowly, Giving tailsie a wonderful view. He took full advantage and pushed his finger slowly inside, Making The kitten cry out in a mixture of lust and pain. His anus instinctively clenched around the intruding finger, And tailsie pulled it out. "Raise your tail high, Little kitten.." He whispered softly. Onyx held his tail as high as it would go obediently, Looking back at The fox. He had slipped free of his clothing, Nude to the fur, And his cocktip was peeking from his sheath, His still well-filled balls dangling below.

Onyx gasped, Realizing what he planned to do. Would it fit?! Onyx hadn't been taken in the ass for awhile, He preferred to 'taste' those who he got into bed with him. Clenching his anus apprehensively, He felt that large, red cocktip pressing softly against his pucker. He unclenched and it pushed it's way in. Tailsie breathed a sigh of pleasure and shuddered softly, Beginning to thrust softly. He grew erect with his tip and a few inches buried in the cub's tight ass, And began to thrust harder now. His pre lubed Onyx's inner walls, Allowing the cock to slide easier in and out of his bowels. He groaned and squeezed his eyes shut, Having trouble coping around the penis impaling his behind. He got used to it quickly though, and began to ride himself back against Tailsie, Matching their thrusts so that each made Onyx's furry hindquarters rub against the knot that threatened to make it's way into The cub's already well-stretched ass.

Mewling in pleasure, Onyx let his tongue loll out. He managed to look behind him, Where tailsie held onto his back, humping away with vigor. Suddenly he let go and leaned his paws over onyx's front paws, Leaning down and giving the feline's face an affectionate licik. Onyx closed his eyes with the feral mating he was receiving, And yelped as he felt tailsie thrust hard, pushing his knot just a little ways inside onyx's anus. Growling in satisfaction, Tailsie thrusted harder, Forcing his knot into onyx. The cat screeched in pain, But held his ground, knowing he was in no position to pull free now.

And then he felt it. That hot flooding inside his bowels, Spreading warmth through him like a forest fire, Burning through his insides in a passionate blaze of lust. Moaning in ecstacy, Onyx Knew his master had cum. The idea turned him on horribly, And he hadn't even realized he was erect because of the harsh anal penetration he had been receiving. Now tailsie flopped back against the couch, Literally lifting onyx when his cock twitched. Onyx yelped and scrabbled around the air, His paws finding no purchase. Tailsie mumbled his sorry and lie on his side, Allowing onyx to gain footing.

The pair were knotted for a good twenty minutes before tailsie could pull out, the lukewarm load spilling from Onyx's rear and onto the couch. The kitten cleaned himself up before giving the fox's slowly receding cock a good licking. But the tip stayed out, And The fox it belonged to stood, Holding his crotch. "Be right back onyx, I have to go.." He mumbled, emphasizing the word 'GO'. Onyx followed him though, Dark ideas forming inside his little head. He ruffled his wings and followed The magenta and cream fox into the bathroom, Like a tiny shadow. Hopping onto the toilet before he could lift the seat, Onyx gazed up at him steadily.

"Go on me." He twitched an ear and lowered his head in submission. Tailsie looked thoughtful, Then picked up his pet by the scruff, Pulling off the collar. "Tailsie, Wha-" Onyx started, But tailsie silenced him with a flick of the tail. "Wouldn't want to get your nice collar dirty, Huh?" He smiled mischievously and ran a paw over The cubs' Still hard barbed cock, Making him shudder. He then proceded to drop onyx into the bathtub, and point his sheath downward. The stream came straight at onyx, focused and powerful.

Onyx closed his eyes and opened his mouth wide, the first of the stream catching him on the muzzle, Splattering his nose and eyes. He got a little on his tongue and swallowed greedily, Flattening his ears. Beginning to purr, He let His master spray the rest of his urine down onyx's back, Finishing with one last well-aimed squirt between the eyes. Then the fox himself stepped into the tub, Closing the curtains and turning the shower on. He began to bathe, right there in front of onyx.

Then, to the black cub's surprise, he was picked up and washed to. Tailsie payed 'special' attention to his pet's genitals, Stroking onyx until he shot his relatively large load onto the wall. He scrubbed it off with a paw and licked his paw, winking at the creature he held. After the two had showered and dried off, They sat lovingly together on the bed. Onyx snuggled close, as ever, Eager to please. He didn't know when he was going to go home, But he would sometime. Silverpool and the others wouldn't miss him.

He lie on The soft fur of the fox's chest, Rocked up and down by the steady breathing the canine provided. Tailsie lie staring up at his ceiling, probably enjoying an afterglow. A noise startled onyx, Who flexed his wings and rolled nimbly off his master's chest. There it was again. That unmistakeable sound.

The growl of a stomach.

Looking up at tailsie, He was surprised to see that the fox was eyeing him in the dim light. "I'm hungry...." Tailsie mumbled, Staring directly at onyx. He realized what his master was hungry for and lowered his head obediently, Padding up to tailsie's handpaw, allowing himself to be picked up. He looked at the fox's open maw, His future confinement. He knew he'd pass soon enough, And be reformed. He actually kind of liked the warm, snug feeling Tailsie's stomach provided. He couldn't resist a giggle as the cherry canine licked his hind paws, Then slid them into his mouth. Onyx didn't struggle, but wiggled his paws as he felt them constricted by his masters' throat.

Pretty soon he was in up to his belly, Just his front paws and head outside now. His front paws became pinned to his chest with the next 'GULP' and he closed his eyes, The warm feeling already making him drousy. The fox stroked his head softly, and with one last gulp, The world disappeared from view. He slide a short way and landed in a dark, confined space. Tailsie's stomach. With a purr he rubbed the walls, Whimpering submissively.

There was something weird about this though. He usually never liked to be submissive, and always struggled when being eaten. Then he realized what it was. He LOVED this fox. The realization smacked him like a freight train, causing him to purr louder. He closed his eyes and imagined His master's satisfied look at having had a meal, And wriggled with joy.

"Tailsie?" He called out, Trying to be heard through the skin and fur.

"Yes, Onyx?" Tailsie yipped softly, Stroking the squirming bulge that onyx had created in his stomach. He let out a happy belch and lie back. But what he heard next caught him completely by surprise.

"I-I love you, tailsie. Happy birthday." The black panther kitten mewled as the digestive acids set in, slightly burning his fur.

"Thank you, Onyx." Were tailsie's last words before Onyx was made quick work of, Digested easily because of his small size and lithe body. Tailsie drifted off to sleep satisfied, Onyx now passing somewhere through his intestines.