Cubinioa -2-A slippery situation

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#2 of Cubinioa

Part two of my story project

also found here

I hope you enjoy

and again sorry for any grammatical errors

Part Two - A slippery situation

2 votes liquid reclimation 3 votes Lube vats 1 vote power center 1 vote recycling tunnels

Bukk-A-KAE thinks about it for a moment but then nods at the pink bunny. "Lets visit the Lube vats. While not the highest priority they are centrally located and if nothing's happening there it'll be quick and easy to move on to one of the other targets." He quickly marches out of the building leaving the other team members to catch up.

Outside the poodle waves his badge at the automated tram station causing the next tram to make an unscheduled stop. The passengers on the tram start to grumble and moan most on there way to work, This stops almost immediately how ever as the cabin full to Teamagers and Growed ups notice the badges worn by the heavily armed cubs. As the rest of the group climb aboard Dept gives the dozen or so passangers a smile as if to apologize. Bukk uses there Fucked up clearance to over ride the tram schedual turning it into an express by passing several stops and changing it's route entirely ensuring that the whole carriage may end up several hours late for work. Since they are old the dog realy doesn't care but he does take mental note as the happiness facilitator passes amongst them apologizing for the inconvenience and handing out happiness chits to to smooth out any hard feelings. He snorts glaring at the squirrel for a moment as the boy starts to massage the oldsters egos along with a few other body parts. "Age traitor." He thinks, "Some of those growed ups are over 25. That's just disgusting." but he's careful not to say anything.

"So why would anyone want to sabotage the lube vats." Says Mas around the butt of his gun. He crans his neck trying to angle it into the shoulder holster that his robot manages to strap on him, despite the fact that he had no shoulders. "I mean It's lube everyone loves lube right?"

That was true enough in fact while some of the hab units might only have regulated access to water for drinking or bathing every unit had 24 hour access to hot and cold running lube.

Since it was his Idea to check the vats Dept speaks up. "That's precisely why they are a target Massey Pooh." He smiles at the fox. "It's in every ones homes . Everyone so if some nasty Ageist agent wanted to get rid of all the growed ups they could slip some nasty oldie targeting thingy in the lube and be sure it would get to all the growed ups in the complex. And likewise if the... "he looks around to make sure no one is too close "AARP" he whispers, "wanted to get us cubs they could get mind control stuff into it so when we lub up for the night it would be the growed ups in charge."

The fox seems boggled by this possibility but Az just snorts derisively. Bukk on the other hand frowns as if contemplating the possibilities. They ride in silence the rest of the way. Well most of them do, Dub doesn't but the sounds from the back of the tram certainly don't count as conversation.

The tram speeds away leaving the passengers prisoners to it's new route. None of them knowing what the next stop will be or even if they will see there old familiar sectors, or designated work zones again. But it leaves the team outside the Lubricant production and storage vats. Mas runs up to the door where a bright flashing spoo machine squats, he fumbles out a plasticred and slips into the machine before nosing kumquat double energy spoo. He looks back over his shoulder. "Anyone else want something?" Most of the team frown at him and despite being almost as tall as Bukk the little fox seem to cower under there gaze. "What it's not like I got to drink much at the meeting. Most of the spicy spoo when up my nose." He's whining a little now.

Dub smiles demurely at the offer, "No thants I'm full." He burps, before blushy and holding one paw to his sticky lips and smeared checks. He does paws to open the can and hold it for the boy though. Letting the fox drink in peace.

The others don't wait figuring they will catch up. Bukk leads the way into the plant waving off anyone on the factory floor with a flash of the badge. He rather likes the badge. Once this is all over he might just end up keeping it, a minor treason but if he can keep from getting caught so worth it. He leads the way in heading to the plant's central control and observation room. They pass through a central chamber with three hugs vats of semi translucent goo. Each vat seems to ripple softly as if there is something moving through the lubricant. Above each vat terminate several pipes leading to the actual production chambers where teams of growed ups labor under teamaged overseers to make the lube that oozes and dribbles in huge gobs into the massive vats.

Az, Dept, and Bukk skirt the edge of one vat, before moving up the center. There is a large triangular platform between the three vats and on that landing sits a tower a glob control room at its tip with glass walls letting them observe the whole room. As the team reaches the landing warning lights begin to spin, and the speakers begin to emit a low alert tone. Metal shutter slam in place sealing off all the exits, except those in the tower. The fuckups look around nervously brandishing there weapons. About fifteen furs mostly Tweenies just stand on the platform staring at them each one wearing some sort of light blue backless robes. They seem confused but not by the noise rather by the people. "You shouldn't be here" says a mouse over the alert tone, "You might mess up everything." From the vats behind everyone numerous tentacles rise up out of the slick stuff, shiny with lube. One flicks out knocking Az to the floor pinning him there as the head loops around and dripping with slime dives for the boy's butt cheeks. Several of the tweenies in the backless robes fall to the tentacled onslaught rising up from the vats. The mouse who'd spoken however up the tower running towards the control room.


Leave Az for the moment and have Dept, and Bukk charge after the mouse

Have Bukk and Dept try to free Az and the others from these lovecraftian leviathans.

Dub, and Mas try to blast the door down so everyone can escape this henti horror

Dub and Mas try to find another way in from the production floor

Cubinioa -3- Not-a-thulu

Part Three - Not-a-thulu charge after the mouse 2 votes Have Bukk and Dept try to free Az 2 votes Dub, and Mas try to blast the door 0 votes Dub and Mas try to find another way 0 votes That's a tie... I was tempted to have a tie breakers...

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Cubinioa -1- Meet the Fuck ups

Part One - Meet the Fuckups All across Omega Compound, the pneumatic delivery system was sending dangerously important messages to a number of citizens. All around the city, five different cubs are receiving red-labeled messages directing them to...

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Juices By Bunnyboy This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to Bunnyboy. Warning the story contains sexual encounters of a nonconcessional nature between an adult male and a male cub. So if your too young or easily offended please...

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