Sarah's Journey Part 1

Story by Lyn Chakitty on SoFurry

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My first story I've ever written would be very helpful to find out what people think about so please help with that, thank you. If people like the story there may be more parts joining in but who knows

It was years before when it first started, at first it only seemed to be small girls who were affected but then it started to change over the years. Now almost 20 years since it started teenagers and adults seem to be affected by the change as if it was natural. The changes would affect only one person at a time as it always started after someone had taken a deep dive into the ocean. This time though it was now Sarah's turn to experience the changes and join the other. Sarah was a young 18year old girl fresh out of high school on the island and ready to explore the world a new, most people would think Sarah was much older the she really was due to already having an amazing figure, not to mention also with large DD-cup breasts that seem to not stop growing yet.

It was a new day, Saturday to be exact and Sarah was planning on going on her first big dive near the reef alone, she had gone on many dives before but she always had a guide or some other adult. As Sarah got up and got dressed already she was starting to slip up as she managed to get her panties on but then she forgot about her bra, even as she put on her tank-top and short shorts. It wasn't until she was just about to leave the house did she remember that she forgot her bra so she had to pull her shirt off and instead of a normal bra she chose to put a bikini top on. After all was said and done it was still fairly early in the morning as she was heading out towards one of the many beaches on the island of Serifos. As she gets closer to the island already she would be watched not by the other people along the side-walk but by another pair of eyes that seemed to be watching from the water before disappearing.

Sarah would get to the dive house to meet one of her mothers, yes that's right Sarah has lesbian parents, she never saw anything strange about having two moms, many people thought she was strange but it was only the rare few that wanted to try and get her to date them. Sarah would walk up to her mom and hug her before smiling; her mom's name was Arana. Arana smiled at her daughter before she went and got some keys for a dive boat.

"Alright sweety I'm going to trust you with one of our dive boats, don't do anything stupid out on the ocean please sweety and just stay safe for your Mom, ok?"

Sarah would giggle softly and hugs her mother again while yawning a little as it was only 8am that morning.

"Oh I will mom I will be safe I just want to go dive by the reefs and take a few pictures"

Sarah would kiss her mom before taking the keys and running off to the boat that was Ironically named "Siren".

It was a few hours from when Sarah had left shore and was just about to the reef, the whole time something was watching her most humans would think it was just a simple whale or dolphin that was following her boat trail but in truth it was something far different and beautiful. Sarah would strip down and straps her air tank onto her back and gets her mask ready before diving in, once again Sarah forgot something vital as she hit the water, she would notice she once again forgot her bikini bottoms in the boat. Sarah shrugged and decided it might be fun to dive bottomless as she was the only one around or so she thought. Sarah would start to swim slowly pushing deeper into the water as she shivered due to the feel of the cold water shift brushing past her exposed slit.

Sarah would start to take a few early morning pictures of the reef never hearing a creature swimming up behind her, what was swimming up behind her was a very special and unique creature, a mermaid but not a normal mermaid even among mermaids she was unique and rare, she was a Mind Weaver.

This Wind weaver would already be slowly getting closer to Sarah who was just taking pictures, all Sarah would feel was a strange tickle at the back of her head but was none the wiser that in fact she had become the newest toy to the mind weaver. Sarah would spend a couple more minutes taking pictures before starting to swim back up to the surface so she could get onto her boat and start heading back home, just as Sarah gets into her boat though an issue would be happening as Sarah would start having a small headache while the memory of her every wearing clothes was removed from her mind. This was how Mind Weavers played with girls they liked; they would pull that girl's memory sphere then alters that girl's memories as she slowly starts becoming a new mermaid. As the headache passed Sarah would blink as she looked to a pile of clothing on her boat wondering what it was doing before she would feel she was wearing a bikini top, quickly she would pull the top off and start to wonder.

"What the.... Why was I wearing a bikini or even why there are clothes in my boat I never wear clothes."

Sarah would just shake her head before starting to take the boat back to shore which would be a few hours. Once again as she travels she would be followed by the mind weaver.

Half way back to shore Sarah would start feeling another head ache before she shook her head and continued on her way back home. Unknown to Sarah was that the mind weaver had altered another string as now Sarah could only understand the English language but no longer able to speak it as for her she could only speak in what many thought was a dead language but in fact it was what all mermaids used when speaking to each other. The Mind Weaver would whisper something into Sarah's memory sphere and moments later Sarah would believe she had an imaginary friend named Alida who was in fact Sarah's second mother. It was be about 2pm when Sarah pulled into the boat docks and starts to get out while her mother Arana would start to panic a little at seeing her daughter naked out in public.

"Sarah what the hell are you doing?! Cover up we are not on a clothing optional island!"

Sarah would blink confused looking at her mother before shrugging.

"{But Mom I've never worn clothes you know that why are you wanting me to put clothes on now?}" (For everyone who reads this please note when a character speaks and it is with { } around what they say they are speaking in a mermaid tongue)

Arana would shake her head and groans before wrapping a towel around her daughter and leads her into the boat house.

As they were in the boat house Arana would be check Sarah to see if anything was wrong while Alida decided to play a little with Arana as she had Sarah push Arana back so she would fall into the water where Alida could then take the memory sphere from her.

"What the hell Sarah why did you push me into the water?! Why are you acting so strange today you never act this way...did someone dare you to do this to your mother?"

Sarah though would just giggle softly as Arana would let out a groan holding her head as her memories were altered. Arana would suddenly not remember what clothes were as she was hastily stripping herself as she showed her 35year old body that was still amazingly in good shape and looked like she was only about 23. Arana and Sarah would be taking for a few more minutes before hugging each other as Sarah started to head home, unknown to the changes already happening to her body as her hands and feet were now slightly webbed along with her ears having grown pointed and starting to grow a little longer.

Over the next few days there would be a lot of changes for Sarah and Arana as they had suddenly decided to move to a house that was just next to the beach, no longer were there ever any clothes in the house and biggest change yet was that both girls looked now to be the same age which was 18. It was now Wednesday and both Sarah and Arana would be waking up in their shared bed as they looked to each other before blinking and shaking their heads. There memories had just be altered again as they both remember they were twin sisters and secretly deeply in love with each other, as they both jump back on bed starting to kiss each other. Each girl was changing at their own pace as Sarah had fully webbed hands and feet, long pointed and finned ears, and started to grow bright blue scales along her legs; while Arana had fully webbed hands and feet her ears still getting more pointed and growing longer while she was gaining purple-pink scales.

After making love to each other the new sisters would be getting up and starting to make food to eat as both were now naturally speaking in the mermaid tongue, no longer able to speak English or even to understand it. Sarah would be doing the main cooking as Arana would be setting the table as she whines softly, she now seemed to have the same figure as Sarah including breast size as she looks at Sarah.

"{Sarah where is Mom..I thought she would be home by she not coming home?"}

Sarah would twitch a little before sighing softly as she turns to Arana.

"{Arana Mom is dead...we have to look after each other remember? It's why we bought this house close to the ocean so we always have fresh food}"

Arana nods and sighs as she sits down while Sarah brings the food over which was a perfectly cooked tuna that had been on the dock that morning.

Both girls would start to eat while remaining quiet before Sarah would get up and starts to wash her plate while both girls would start feeling a strong headache. Suddenly they would both run to the back door which lead to the docks and rush out to look around before they would let out a loud squeal of joy. What had been changed as Alida had altered their memories so they would think she was their mother related by blood. Alida had very long white hair and pale skin while her tail was covered in dark blue scales mixed with small patches of white scales.

Alida would be smiling at her daughters as she pulls herself up onto the dock and hugs Sarah and Arana. It would be a few minutes before she would let go of both girls who once again would start to groan as their memories were changed, suddenly Alida was no longer their mother but their shared girlfriend as all three started to kiss and love each other while Sarah's legs snapped together and started to fuse as more scales were growing and covering her new tail.

Sarah wouldn't be freaking out or notice anything wrong as she continued to kiss the two girls she loved, she would be struggling a little before her new mermaid tail would start flopping on the dock before letting out a squeak as she was shoved off the dock into the ocean before Alida dived in after her. Both would start kissing more as Sarah's new gills would be growing in and replacing her lungs while Arana would be sitting on the dock pouting cutely looking down at the two kissing feeling left out before her legs would start pulling together and fusing into a tail.

As both Sarah and Arana were not in the water, no longer having legs both girls would feel along their arms and where their hips were that their new fins were growing out and into place. Alida would be rubbing both girl's pussies to distract them from the uncomfortable feelings from the fins breaking through the skin but as the fins were fully grown out and fully flared out Alida would back away teasingly before starting to swim off as Sarah and Arana would team up and chase Alida down. As the two new mermaids were swimming their minds would be changed as they gained the instincts of the mermaids and their minds were changed to fit their new bodies, while also new instincts and powers were added as both girls became rare mind weavers like their girlfriend Alida.

Once Sarah and Arana finally caught Alida, Alida would be giggling causing a lot of bubbles to form in the water before calming down and smiles to both new mermaids. Alida would kiss and hug each girl before backing away a little looking and noticing a confused look on both girls Alida would smile softly before starting to speak.

"{I bet your wondering what kind of mermaids we are, am I right girls?"}

Both girls would nod in confusion as both were curious about this now as they had thought they were normal mermaids until now.

"{Well we are a special kind of mermaid, we are called Mind Weavers. There are only a very little amount of us made 10 in all the oceans. Mind Weavers are a special type of mermaid that could alter another person's memory as long as they have a special object of that person, which was called a "Memory Sphere". With Memory spheres we can make anyone believe or think anything but have to keep the changes subtle so as to not alert any human to one of their own becoming a mermaid."}

Both Sarah and Arana nod and hug Alida again before going off to continue playing and to find food to eat until the moment they wanted to play with a human comes around.

Sarah's journey has just started and it already took many twists from daughter to sister to daughter now lover, while Arana went from mother to sister to daughter and lover. What will change next for these girls and how will they continue to play only time will tell. It would be a few days since anyone saw Sarah or Arana but now it seemed more girls were disappearing at one time at a faster pace, as unknown to anyone already every person on the island was now the toys to three very playful and loving mermaids who only sought to increase their race's population. No one would ever figure out what had happened to the population but then again no one ever cared to find out as the island full of girls never seemed to lose numbers but never grew too large in population, just one of the mysteries of the Pacific Ocean.