Collecting Recipes - Chapter Two: The Ingredients of Otokoneko

Story by Thorn Blackbriar on SoFurry

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#2 of Collecting Recipies

A recipe is only as good as the ingredients you put into it. Low quality goods leads to a mediocre meal. High quality goods can create a meal you never forget. The same can be said of the staff of Otokoneko, as they all bring a unique spice to one anothers lives making each day a memorable one.

Collecting Recipes

Chapter Two: The Ingredients of Otokoneko


When he glanced left, he saw Hanako grinning and walking with a bounce in his step. Looking to the right, he watched Tana glow as he smiled for the customers. With a small scowl he gathered up the dirty dishes and made for the kitchen. Not that it did him any good as he saw Sasha beaming while he worked on his latest cake creation. Lexi didn't even have to look to the office where Thorn was sitting at his desk, a small smirk on the corner of his lips as he went over various bills and purchase orders.

"You're going to lose out on your tips if you keep scowling like that."

Lexi turned to the sound of the voice, the large polar bear working at the cook tops grinning as well. "Did everyone get laid last night except for me?" He groused.

The ursine thought for a moment before she answered. "Wasn't last night, but my baby girl woke me up in the most wonderful..."

"Gah! Forget I asked! Forget I asked!" Lexi set down the plates quickly and covered his ears. "I don't want to know!"

"Oh honey." The bear smiled warmly. "Just cause you like the dangly parts rather than the streamlined form of a woman..."

"Stop talking!" Lexi begged. "Doesn't this fall under some kind of inappropriate workplace something or other?"

Sasha shrugged as he twisted his piping bag and began to create little flowers on his cake. "You opened the door Lexi, you get to deal with Bijorna's ramblings on her lady parts and the various methods by which her girlfriend appeases them."

"Dear gods I hate you furres some days..." Lexi muttered as he went to the dishwasher and loaded the plates he had brought in.

Bijorna turned and waved a spatula at Lexi in mock threat. "Don't you be throwing around words like 'hate' around me boy. I can spank that girly ass of yours just as easily as...

"I need a tall stack pancakes, short stack french toast, bunny friendly omelet, and carnivore's delight omelet." Hanako pranced into the kitchen reading off his order sheet, stopping as he saw the looks of everyone in the room. "Oh, is Lexi bitching cause his butt is still as tight as the day it was born?"

Thorn pulled one of the ear buds from his ear as he heard growling in the kitchen even over his music. "All right, that's quite enough." He spoke loud enough to cut though the sounds of the kitchen clamor. "There's only one feline in here and I'm not in the mood to break up a cat fight."

"That's a slightly species-ist term don't you think?" Sasha tossed out casually.

"Don't push it Sasha."

"Hai, Goushujin-sama!"

Thorn rolled his eyes, but smiled, as he returned to his paperwork. "Lexi, take five to get yourself composed. The rest of you are restricted to unzipping of the pants only, you can hint at it but I don't want to hear anymore blatant sex talk."

As the German Shepherd walked to the back where the changing room was he paused by the wolf's office. "Thanks Boss." After receiving a distracted nod, he went on his way in slightly better spirits.

Sasha shook his head as he watched the server go from the corner of his eye. "Wonder how this will play out..." He whispered softly.

"You say something little boss?" Barona turned from where her fry pans were going at full tilt for the breakfast rush.

"Just thinking aloud." Sasha replied with a shake of his head. He glanced to the office, confirming that the wolf had already placed his ear buds back in.

The older bear followed the line of sight. "He could just close the door couldn't he? Then he wouldn't have to get distracted from the work he has to do."

"He's a multi-tasker." Sasha smiled, remembering how he had managed them all last night. "And he doesn't like to let things get to a point were he can't control them efficiently."

Bijorna raised an eyebrow, and then turned back to her stove. "I get the feeling that the pants have been unzipped, and I don't want to know any more."

Sasha laughed. "What's the matter? Don't want to hear about dangly bits?"

"No thanks." Biorna chuckled. "I shouldn't tease the pup so much when I have the same kind of issue."

"You're more tactful about it though." Sasha noted.

"Only cause I'm old, honey." The ursine smiled. "Only cause I'm old."


"No, put those in the back." Keren motioned to the stock boys to direct them to the rear of the shop. "Those are the draw pieces. We'll be using those to pull the customers all the way through the store. If we're lucky they'll pick up some extra outfits along the way as impulse buys."

Looking around she noticed a few pieces of clothing out of place and went to put them back on the proper racks. She stopped as she picked up a slinky, little black dress. "I bet Master would like me in this." Her smile lit the room as she thought about the wolf.

It was possible for her to buy it on her own since Thorn gave them access to their joint accounts after all, but part of their agreements as his slaves was that they checked with him for things other than basic necessities and expenses. It had actually been Karen's suggestion, especially after Sasha had joined their little family, since four Furres pulling from the account without some form of check in could lead to potential financial ruin. Her body shivered a little. "And it certainly doesn't hurt that it's one more way for him to control us." She giggled.

Moving through the shop she placed a few odds and ends in order. A few notes were made on her phone so that she could expand the details when the files synced to her computer later. The clothing store was not overly large, but it was not some twenty square foot boutique either. Keren prided herself on being able to keep the place looking like the hottest thing in the fashion scene and having Elegant Thrash's name listed with the bigger competitors.


The vixen's ears fell, as did her tail, and her eyes drooped in frustration as she heard the voice. Taking a deep breath she forced a smile and made her tail as bushy as she could. This place would be so much easier to run and work with if Velia would just stay in her damn studio. "Veila, how are you tod..."

"Save it." The Lhasa apse snapped as she flipped the metallic pink dyed hair from her eyes. "Why is my premier design not front and center in the store?"

Keren blinked, knowing they'd had this conversation before. "The design is quite prominent in the forward display window on the street. Since we already know that furres will be attracted by the display we placed the actual merchants in the back..."


Keren bit at her lip and swallowed down the insult she was ready to throw. The little foofy-dog was five years her junior, and dressed like a middle school fashion whore. To be snapped at twice now by the little bitch was grating on the fox's nerves. "We know that the pattern will sell. If we put it in the rear we increase the chance your other wonderful patterns selling as well."

"That's such a stupid plan." Veila snarked as she moved through the store. "My clothing is the greatest hit on the fashion world in the last five years and shows no signs of slowing down. Furres will buy my product regardless of where it's placed, so make it easy for my fans and put it right up front."

Brown eyes narrowed on the back of Velia's head, images of how easy it would be to bite and shake the tiny canine to death filled Karen's mind. "The economy has slowed down Veila, furres don't buy in the quantities that they used to. My system has been making you lots of money despite this down turn. I'd ask that you trust my expertise in this." Her smile and happy demeanor returned as Veila turned around.

"Fine." The younger canine huffed. "I guess as long as you make money for us it doesn't really matter." Turning on her pads with a petulant flourish she moved back towards the exit, her personal assistant waiting with an oddly colored juice drink for her. "Toodles."

Keren watched her employer leave and waited until the car outside had driven away. With a frustrated bark she spun and slugged the nearest mannequin, sending the plastic head flying a good ten feet off. She growled as she saw a few of the stock guys looking at her, not that it was a new occurrence. "Get back to work! We open in an hour and this place looks like shit!"

It really didn't, but she needed something to send them scampering as she stormed back to her office. Slumping into her chair she looked at the time, trying to remember if today was Master's day in the kitchen or in the office. Ultimately she could not remember and left the cell phone closed on her desk, not wanting to bother him with her problems if he was busy. With a heavy sigh she turned her attention to the screen as her work phone synced up her notes. "Let's see..." She muttered as she pulled up the floor plan for the store. "How can we deal with next month's spring line release?"


Returning to the soda machine Hanako dumped the clear fluid into the drain and went to refill the glass. He sniffed at the drink and frowned before he took a sip, grimacing lightly. "Goushujin-sama!" He called back towards the kitchen, and the office within. "Suppuraito kikai wa shiroppu kara aru!"

"Hai, hai, wakarimashta."

Tana blinked at the poodle's sudden change of speech, and again as the wolf got up from his desk to head for the soda pump room. The husky turned to the furre at the stove. "You think it's strange at all that nothing has ever happened between Hanako and Master?"

Sasha, covering for Bijorna to have a smoke break, giggled lightly. "They share a lot more in common than just a borderline unhealthy love of eastern culture. To much for them to really be compatible."

"I guess that's true." Tana nodded as he picked up his orders on the serving tray. "If we put them in a room together with only a bed, they'd probably spend most of the time arguing over who got to put what where." The conversation trailed off as the wolf returned to the room.

"Hanako-chan." Thorn called toward the front dining room, pausing as he saw the looks his Slut and his Pet were giving him. "Sore o mouichido tameshi nasai."

"Ah! Arigattou Goushujin-sama!"

Thorn returned to his desk, though he glanced at the server and chef once again over his shoulder. "What?"

The two femme-boys smiled, recognizing that the wolf was just a little uncomfortable with the way they were looking at him. "Nothing, Goushujin-sama!" They replied in unison, making the wolf smirk and shake his head.

Lexi poked his head in suddenly from the dinning room. "Do we have any carrot cake left? I have a family of rabbit's who came especially for that but the one in the case is past its prime."

Sasha nodded, but then shook his head. "I started one yesterday, but I haven't had time to ice it yet." He looked to the clock, determining when Bijorna would be back from her break. "Tell them it'll be about ten minutes..."

"I got it." Thorn rose from his seat and went to the sink to wash his paws. "I need a little break from the paperwork anyway. Let'em know we're putting the final touches on it Lexi."

"Got it Boss."

Tana took an extra moment to watch Thorn take the offset spatula to the frosting and began to spread it over the cake. His tongue licked at the sides of his muzzle as he caught the scent of the cream cheese and sugar. With a shake of his head he took his food and moved to take it out to his customers.

Thorn looked up as his husky lover left the room, smirking as he saw the gentle telltale swish of his tail. Chuckling he finished with the cake, and then set a bit of the icing aside. "Not that he needs all that much encouragement."

"Slut's going to end up on Pet's cake table isn't he?" Sasha asked as he looked over his shoulder. His smile was sly and knowing.

"It's a good possibility." Thorn agreed as he plated the cake and brought it out to the display case. He waved to Lexi as he went back to the kitchen and the shepherd nodded from across the serving area. Settling in at his desk again, Thorn was surprised when the Shepherd walked in and placed a glass of soda on the tabletop.

"You said you needed a break." Lexi fidgeted slightly under the wolf's curious gaze. "I thought you might be thirsty. Diet with two twists of lemon right?"

Thorn nodded, and noticed Sasha's ears perked from the corner of his eye. "Yes, thank you Lexi." As the shepherd left Thorn turned to look at Sasha, who hadn't turned from the stove, and watched the feline's tail flick anxiously. "Something on your mind?"

"Just wondering if Master is going to have another soon."

Thorn frowned at the quiet tone of his Pet's voice. "I already told you, it's just a result of what happened yesterday." Shaking his head he crumpled up a spare piece of paper and lobbed it so it hit Sasha between the ears atop his head. "Besides, you three are more than a pawful already." He smiled as the cat's ears twitched a little as the paper ball hit him. "I wouldn't want to split my attention from you guys anymore."

Sasha smiled as he looked over his shoulder, the wolf already back at work. He knew Master was lying, that he had more than enough energy and affection to take on another slave if he wanted to, but he wouldn't. "If Master says so."


"You ever get concerned about how close Boss and Sasha are?"

Tana's tail went straight as the question was asked from the server station. "Wh-what do you mean?" He tried to compose himself as Lexi placed several dishes into the bus bin beside him.

The shepherd sighed a little. "I mean, I saw them yesterday so close together. You think he gets special perks around here because they're so close?"

Tana blushed, thanking whatever powers that be, that his fur was so dark along his face. "I don't think so. They've been close for a while and I've never seen them do anything that we couldn't do here."

"I guess..." Lexi sighed again. He'd hoped that bringing Thorn a soda might have shown a little bit that he was interested in the wolf, but the Boss' eyes had immediately gone to Sasha. "Never mind, guess I'm just in a weird mood right now."

Tana opened his mouth to say something, but the shepherd was already walking back to his tables to help his customers. Leaning on the counter top he rested his head in his paw as he wondered what to make of this. Sasha didn't seem to mind the idea, and he was sure Keren would be pissed about it. Though she would go along with it if Master wished it. He'd never tell her aloud, but he admired her devotion. Her relationship with Master was much different than his own, similar in some regards, but ultimately different. Smoothing out his skirt he put on a smile as he made his way to his own tables.

Lunch finished and was followed by a lull in customers, giving the wait staff a bit of time to eat before the dinner rush came around. Tana ordered from the menu, like he usually did, along with Hanako while the others brought lunch from home. "So?" The husky asked to breach the silence. "How'd your date with the tourist go?"

Hanako shrugged. "The date was ok, he took me to that hotel bar up by the club so we could talk. I'd have rather gone to the club. I mean, it was only a one night stand. Why go through the trouble of getting to know one another when he's going to be gone on a tour bus the next morning." The poodle's eyes shifted and he grinned. "But the night in his hotel room? Ohhh! My! God!"

Lexi smirked as he bit into his steak sandwich. "Freaking size queen."

Hanako stuck his tongue out at the shepherd before sipping his drink. "I'm not a size queen, but being properly equipped is never a bad thing. Besides..." He paused to take a bite of his hamburger, spilling some of the fixens on the plate in the process. "He was only a mini-horse, not like he was a full stallion or something."

In the office, just adjacent to the staff lounge, Thorn shook his head and chuckled.

"A horse is a horse." Lexi shot back.

Hanako smirked. "Spoken like a fool. Find yourself a Clydesdale and tell me he's the same as any horse."

Lexi looked over at Tana. "All right you break this little tie then. What do you think?"

Tana fidgeted in his seat. "I don't really have any experience with equines." He admitted softly. "They...kind of scare me actually. Something that big trying to fit inside me..." He shivered and let the thought hang.

"Well, yeah, I guess I was like that the first time too." Hanako agreed. "Like sitting on a fire hydrant, even with lube."

Tana whined slightly, his tailhole puckering tight even from the idea prompted by the conversation. "Can we please talk about something else?"

Lexi nodded, happy to be onto another topic, though for different reasons. "Movies?"

"Movies!" Tana agreed with a tail wagging, laughing as Hanako shook his head. "The Revengers..."

"Which hero would you sleep with?" Hanako smirked, determined to put his own spin on the topic. "I call dibs on the Indestructible Bulk."

"Size queen." Both Lexi and Tana laughed at the same time.

Thorn banged on the wall that separated the two rooms. "Ten minutes guys. Schools let out soon, going to get rushed again."

"Uhg." Groaned Lexi. "Freaking, snotty cubs..."

"Don't tip for shit either..." Hanako sighed as he finished his meal.

Tana smiled. "Its fun teasing the ones who are on the fence though."

"Seriously? Do you have a mean bone in your body?" Lexi teased.

The image of Keren with a massive strap-on, and an evil grin, flashed through the husky's mind. "Only sometimes..." He whispered with a shiver. The girly-boy wasn't sure, but he thought he heard his Master laughing on the other side of the wall as he finished his meal.


Thorn finished the paper work with a couple of hours left in the day. Normally he'd use that to skip out a bit early, enjoy the little bit of time he'd been able to recover for his own personal recovery, but he'd gotten an idea that wouldn't let him be. He stuck around, helping in the background as Bijorna and Sasha ran the kitchen. It was an odd feeling taking second seat to them, having been in the lead as such a regular thing for so long, but he worked with them flawlessly.

"Need fresh plates Boss!"

"Coming at you!" Thorn pulled the plates from the dishwasher as the timer went off. Once upon a time grabbing the hot plates from the washer would have been too much for the wolf's fingers, but the couple of years of various small burns had built up his tolerance as well as his calluses. The plates were given a quick drying wipe and slid across the stainless steel table, diffusing their heat before the food would be plated, towards the ursine cook.

"DC pumps out of syrup!" Called Tana through the kitchen door.

"On it!" Called back the wolf as he sent the remaining plates to the shelf. "One minute!"

"We have anymore whipping cream?" Sasha asked as the wolf sidestepped around him.

"Only the light variety." The canine supplied. "In the back behind the fruit juices."

"Ew, light whipped cream?" The cat frowned.

"Just disclaim it as light and slap the words 'lower calorie' on the label. I'm sure it will still sell." Thorn rustled the feline's fur as he passed. "Most wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyway."

"You and I could." Sasha shot back with a smile.

"We're not most furres." Thorn grinned as he disappeared into the soda pump room. His phone buzzed as he disconnected one of the hoses and he hoisted the next bag in a box model into place. Propping the cell phone against his shoulder as he hooked the cables and broke the seals. "Hey Bitch, what's going on?" He frowned slightly as he heard the irritated edge in her voice, knowing she'd had hard day. "A new dress? For play or for public?" His tail wagged as she described the garment. "A LBD for outings, sure, you can get it."

The wolf leaned back against the wall of the pump room as he talked with his female lover. "You ok? You sound stressed." He smiled, but sighed as she tried to brush it off. "I have the time if you need it, the others are running things just fine." Thorn's frown deepened as she again tried to cover her feelings. In person he'd be able to coax her into being honest, but over the phone there was not much he could do to push the issue.

"All right, we'll talk when I get home. Slut's getting a little play time tonight, so I'll be a bit late." He smiled as she whined, knowing their rivalry would get her mind off the day at least a little. "You and Pet can toy with one another till I get there. I'll let him know." The canine's smile widened. "Love you too my darling Bitch." Ending the call he moved back out into the kitchen and noticed Tana was picking up his order. The wolf waved his paw as the husky tilted his head in question. "The DC pump is up and running again."

"Thanks Goushujin-sama." Tana wagged his tail as he moved back out to the dinning room, but it stopped once he was out of his Master's line of vision. He knew that look, the wolf was worried again. "And it's that stupid vixen's fault I bet. I'm going to tie her to the nearest pole and..." His thought dropped away to a smile as he pranced toward the table. "And who ordered the Happy Bunny Cub Meal?" Tana singsonged as there was only one cub at the table, earning grins and smiles from the entire family.


"Night all." Bijorna waved as she pulled on her hat and took out a lighter and cigarette. "See you girls in a few days."

"Keep your girlfriend busy during those days away!" Called Hanako as he pulled his shirt on over his head.

"You keep your dirty thoughts away from my girlfriend." Bijorna smiled as she headed out the door. "She doesn't need anymore ideas."

Lexi stuck his tongue out at the idea. "Did not want or need that image in my head." He swapped out the white cotton panties he'd been wearing as part of his uniform for his more standard briefs when he saw that Tana didn't change them out. "You wear those all the time?"

"Not all the time." The husky grinned. "Usually I wear something much cuter." He giggled lightly as his co-worker's ears went upright and turned pink.

"Hey, Tana?" Sasha poked his head into the changing room. "Thorn said he was going to stay after and clean up a bit. Would you mind staying to help him out? I'm kind of beat, but I'll stay if I need to."

Tana's tail began to wag quickly as he heard the request. Cleaning up was only necessary after playtime. "Sure, I can stay. Go ahead home and get some rest."

The cat smiled knowingly. "Not likely to get any rest with what's waiting at home." He waved and his head vanished from sight once again.

"I can stay after too if you need." Lexi suggested, hoping to get in a few brownie points with the wolf. "I don't mind staying a bit later."

"And leave me to walk to the train station by myself?" Hanako made a sound of disapproval, though they all knew it was in jest. He grabbed the shepherd by the scruff and began to walk him out. "Come on, we're going to the club. After the way you were whining all day we're going to find someone to plow that ass of yours."

"Hey! Hold on!" Lexi struggled to fight against the surprisingly strong poodle. "Can I finish putting my pants on please?"

"Why?" Hanako feigned ignorance. "The whole point of what I just said was to get you out of those pants."

"Good night you two." Tana smiled and waved as the two males left from the changing room, more or less dressed. He waited a few minutes and then left the changing room dressed in only his panties and thigh high socks. Peaking his head out the kitchen door the lithe male could see his Master locking the front door as he said good-bye to the other two servers.

Knowing the two of them were alone now the husky flailed his paws nervously for a moment as he looked around the kitchen. "Pet will kill me if I put my tail on his precious cake table." His eyes came to the wolf's office and his grin lit up. Dashing to the chair he sat down so that his legs would slip through the ringed armrest, spreading his legs apart as he sat backwards on the seat. He leaned his chest against the chair backing and spun about so he could face the door.

Thorn stopped short as he walked into the kitchen. The large chair backing mostly hid his Slut, but he could see the long shapely legs covered by the thigh highs on each side and the husky's smile along the top. At seeing the full tail wagging happily the wolf chuckled. "Eager to play my horny Slut?" He asked as he moved closer. With only the chair separating them he leaned down and kissed the smaller male.

"Always my Master." Tana smiled at the hunger of the kiss when it broke finally. His cock was already hard and pressing into the chair before him. "Slut feels weird without a collar though."

Thorn nodded his understanding as he began to undo his belt. "We'll have to fix that won't we?" He took the belt and wrapped it around the husky's neck, Tana lifting his head trustingly as the loop tightened. "Better?"

"Much better. Thank you Master." Tana held the excess in his muzzle, like a feral pup biting at a leash. His tail wagged harder as the wolf took the hint and lead him like an actual pet. At the Master's gentle tug he got up from the seat and crawled along the floor, yipping happily.

Thorn smiled and signaled for the, now puppy, to jump up to the table. He was sure he'd heard Tana worried about the cake table before, but as a puppy such concerns were gone. "You were such a good puppy today Slut, I've got a special treat for you."

Tana yipped again and pranced in place on the table. His eyes went wide as he saw the pastry bag full of white. His mouth began to water knowing this was not only a treat for the puppy play, but also a treat in earnest. Tana's tongue licked along his lips and fangs as his Master squeezed a little bit of the white gold from the bag.

Thorn licked at the little bit of frosting on his fingers. "I know." He teased, like one would talk to a feral pet. "You love cream cheese frosting, don't you girl?"

Tina's ears lay flat, blushing fiercely under his dark fur as his Master feminized him on top of the puppy play, but his cock throbbed in his panties to slick them with precum. Waiting for the nod of approval, the sub licked at the frosting from his Master's fingers. He couldn't suppress the happy bark as the sugary sweetness hit his tongue. Even though both Pet and Master loved to bake they ate very little in the way of sweets at home, reserved instead for special occasions.

"I see you remember this game." Thorn scratched at the husky's head fur behind the ears. "Almost like when I trained you up with peanut butter." Both canines stopped at the words, the same idea going through both their minds. "Peanut butter cream cheese frosting..." Thorn remarked, earning a nod from the puppy. "Maybe next time. You'd like that wouldn't you Slut?" The wolf laughed as his pet danced in place. "I know, I know. Impatient Slut-puppy. Sit girl."

Tana's haunches quickly dropped to the table as he watched his Master remove his shirt. Getting into the act he cocked his head to one side as if confused, though he very much liked the sight. His eyes returned to the pastry bag as Thorn tightened the bag and squeezed some of the creamy frosting onto his chest, mostly at the nipples, making Tana whine.

"Yes, it's for you my little Slut puppy." Thorn stepped closer to the table so that Tana wouldn't have to strain. "Clean up all the frosting girl. Go get it all."

The husky didn't need to be told twice as he all but dove towards the larger male, his broad tongue lapping at the sugar and cream eagerly. The first swipes took the bulk of the confection off, but that left the remainder smeared into the white underbelly fur of the wolf.

"That's it babe." Thorn moaned as Tana licked harder at the ground in frosting, almost massaging the muscles of his chest under the fur with his energy. A pleasured growl passed his lips as the husky got to his nipple and began to not only lick but also nip lightly. "Good girl." As the frosting was removed Thorn stepped back and applied the next round, planting little dollops down his stomach until he hit the top of his jeans.

Tana barked again, clearly pleased that he was getting more of the sweet delicacy. He nuzzled against his Master after he cleaned away each patch of cream, taking a bit of the stronger male's scent onto himself with each rub. Wearing his Master's scent was like a protective armor to him, borrowing the strenghth of the dominante canine. The scent of the male that gave him the confidence to do the things he'd always been too afraid to do on his own.

Thorn stopped as he felt Tana go still, his tail tucked between his legs. "Tana?" The play names were gone, as he feared something went wrong. Dropping to his knees he let the pastry bag fall to the floor as he cupped the husky's muzzle and lifted it gently. "What's wrong Tana? Talk to me."

"Sorry Master." Tana pushed his head into the wolf's paws. "I'm ok, I just...I started to think about what you've done for me and...and I knew you were worried about something this afternoon but I just acted so selfishly expecting us to play without even asking you what was wrong and..." He stopped his ramble as the wolf pressed their noses together. "Master?"

"I'm fine Tana." The wolf smiled as he stood back up, guiding Tana to a normal sitting position. "You're right, I was worried about something, about Keren actually. But that doesn't mean I don't worry about you and Sasha just as much." He hoisted himself up on the table next to his husky lover, pulling the smaller male to lean on his shoulder and kissed the top of his head. "And while I'm touched you were concerned about me, please don't drop on me in the middle of play like that. You scared the shit out of me."

Despite the words, Tana could hear the light tone of his Master's voice. "Slut will remember to safe word next time Sir." He growled contentedly as he got another kiss on the head and a rub to his back. "Is Bitch ok?"

"Is that concern I hear for your leash sister?" Thorn poked a bit of fun, and was rewarded with a view of the husky pouting. "I think she's ok, just unhappy with her job right now. I'll talk with her tonight." He nuzzled against the little male. "Don't worry your head over it pup. That's why I'm the Master."

Tana knew he was already outside his bounds, but he also knew his Master prized honesty above all else. "She's your first right?"

"Inquisitive are you?" Thorn chuckled. "She's the senior most amongst you three, but there were a couple before her, so not a first." With a firm, but gentle paw he turned his submissive's head to look him in the eyes. "But if you're asking if she would try and force a choice, she wouldn't. Nor would I make a choice based on that."

The husky nodded his understanding, not needing to speak in this case. Instead he licked at the wolf's nose affectionately. "Can I still blame her for making me ruin the mood?"

Thorn bopped the husky's snout with his own muzzle. "No, you may not." He glanced over to the clock by the door. "Come on, Bitch probably has poor Pet shooting blanks by now." Hopping down from the table he looked to the spilled frosting. "Crap..."

"Slut will get the mop." Tana jumped up to move towards the supply closet.

"It's just frosting, a damp paper towel will do." Thorn shook his head as he watched the husky's eagerness. He picked up the pastry bag and collected the nozzle piece back before throwing the bag in the garbage. By the time he turned back around Tana had already gotten a cloth and was kneeling by the spill cleaning it up. "Thank you Slut."

The husky blushed and his tail wagged. "No thanks are necessary Sir. Slut's just doing what he's supposed to."

Thorn raised an eyebrow at this but let the other canine finish his work before he moved back in upon him. "Slut's only jobs are to make the customers happy and follow Master's commands. Since when is cleaning part of Slut's job?" He asked as he pressed close against Tana's back as the husky washed his paws at the sink.

The pantied male shivered as the wolf pressed him into the cold steel of the sink rim, completely opposite of the warm flesh on his back. "Slut is Master's slave. Master shouldn't have to clean up things like that."

"But Master cleans up all the time." Thorn wrapped his arms around Tana's waist, rocking them gently in place. "I even had to clean stains out of the couch that a certain slutty husky left in place last night." He licked at Tana's neck once and then bit at his scruff possessively making the little canine moan and squirm. "A slave's job is to satisfy his Master. The Master's job is to care for his slave."

"A slave...can't care for his Master?"

The gentle question hit the wolf like a brick to the muzzle. "Forgive me my slave. Your Master forgets sometimes." He pressed into the crook of Tana's neck and nuzzled him deeply, merging their scents in their fur. "Of course a slave can care for his Master."

At the alpha male's pull, Tana turned around and the two shared a deep kiss. In moments the husky's panties tented once again and pressed against the wolf's underbelly fur. Still in the kiss, he was guided somewhat blindly backwards until he felt the edge of the cake table against his tail. Strong paws took his hips, and with a little hop of his own, Tana was seated on the cold surface.

Thorn chuckled as he watched the younger male shiver. "It'll warm up soon enough." Lifting Tana's head he kissed along the neck and down the chest. "You're back on the cake table Slut, but you'll have to provide your own frosting this time." Thorn teased as he moved further down the girly-boy's body.

"M-master..." Tana trembled again as the dominant male licked and kissed his way down the husky's body, moaning as his navel was tongued lovingly. There was no resistance on his part as the wolf pushed him backwards into a lean, only a moment to shift his arms to support himself. "Oh!"

Thorn grinned as he licked at the swollen lump in his Slut's panties, wetting the fabric with his saliva. "Oh, here's where I left that other pastry bag." Spreading the husky's legs he tugged on the fabric covered orbs that were revealed. "And it feel like its awfully full." He continued to tug and squeeze at Tana's balls while he returned his muzzle to the now dripping cock, sucking the fleshy pole through the panties.

Slut whined and squirmed as his Master teased him, unable to go very far with the firm grip on his jewels. A low howl left his muzzle as the wolf gave a stronger squeeze to the delicate appendages, but he panted happily all the same when the pressure released. He wanted to feel flesh on flesh, to have the Master's tongue caress his length and make him shoot pre all over his belly, but the cloth remained in place. Tana knew it would remain that way until his Master chose otherwise and he was left with no choice but to wait.

The wolf's paw created a small ring around the balls before him, pulling with a light, constant pressure to distend the sac until the skin and fur was taut. He grinned as he tightened the hold just above the balls, creating a makeshift ball cuff, as his husky panted and kicked his foot paws. "I see you remember this."

Tana nodded his head, his mind already a little hazy from the grip on his gonads. "Yes Sir." He watched eagerly as the elastic band of the panties was taken in the wolf's fangs, moving the garment down his body. "Slut re-ei!" His voice caught as his cock was taken into his Master's mouth. "Slut remembers." With the play from before not that far removed Tana could already feel his first climax on the rise. "Slut's already on edge Sir. Can Slut please cum Master?"

Thorn bobbed his head several more times, not answering the husky right away. Normally he'd make Tana wait, focus on delaying the orgasm, but this was a different game. Looking up he made eye contact with his slave and nodded even as he swirled his tongue over the dick in his muzzle.

Tana knew then and there that he was in trouble, and he was absolutely elated about it. He moaned loudly as he released his need to hold back, knowing his Master would control everything from here out. Without having to worry about keeping himself composed he gave in to the pleasure. "Oh, fuck...Master...I'm...Ah!"

As his orgasm hit the pressure on his balls increased drastically, or rather the pressure just above his balls to be precise. He could feel his nuts jumping franticly to try and release their seed, but the wolf had effectively pinched the roads closed, stopping the contractions from going any further. Instead of a full creamy load leaving the husky's cock, the powerful jerks only allowed a few drops of clear fluid into the Master's mouth.

"Oh! Fuck!" Tana howled as his body tried to make sense of what had happened. His balls jerked painfully as his little swimmers were backlogged. His cock, confused if it had ejaculated or not, became more sensitive like in an afterglow but became harder than before as it knew its deposit was incomplete. "Master!"

Thorn continued to blow his slave through all his jerks and cries. The smaller canine's legs trembled on each side of his face and he knew that the sensations were mounting faster and faster. Constricting his throat a little he brought more saliva to the front of his muzzle and lifted so that he could focus on the husky's tip.

Tana's head tipped back as he howled again, the sudden attack on his sensitive tip pushing him into his next climax. Again and again he felt his cock and balls spasm independently, but with the viselike grip on just above his nuts he couldn't get the two to meet. "Noo..." He moaned as another dry orgasm raced over his body like lightening. His head fell forward slightly as his muscles tried to recover, a bit of drool leaving his lips to wet his chin fur. "Ma-master...please..." Every nerve alighted a moment later and the husky's arms went weak as he fell back against the table.

Thorn brought his other paw into the mix and began to comb his claws over the tight ball sack. The sensation was seemingly to much as his slave all but slammed into the table. Given the moaning, groaning, and clawing at the stainless steel top Thorn wasn't to concerned that Tana had hurt himself.

" ah!" Tana grit his teeth, trying to stave of his climax knowing that he would likely not gain respite for another quick follow up, but only succeeded in staving it off a few more seconds. "Cumming! Fuck! Cumming again! Oh! Master! Please!"

Thorn hummed happily as he got a spray of precum in his muzzle, the swollen balls jerking franticly against his cuffing paw as he continued to tease with his claws. Glancing down he could see the off-whitish coloring of Tana's ball fur had darkened to a rosy pink, meaning the skin below was turning far deeper red from blood flow. He knew he could hold his lover off a bit longer, three maybe even four more times safely, but then they'd have trouble getting home as Tana would be a completely drained wreck.

"Nonononononono..." Tana chanted near incoherently now. Every nerve was on fire and seemingly connected to his cock that the Master was slobbering all over. "Slut can't cum balls more..." He whined in his orgasm-induced haze.

Thorn swirled his tongue around the shaft as he stopped the sensual scraping of his claws against Tana's sack. He hummed a bit as he rubbed at the husky's legs, working his way up so that he could stroke the fur along the heaving belly as it quivered from his denial. Slowly he inched his way back down, passing the pubic bone and taking hold of the last bit of sheath that hadn't pulled away.

Tana struggled in vain as he felt his knot freed from his fuzzy covering. His tongue lolled out of his muzzle as his Master's paw began to caress and squeeze at it. "Gods...fu-fuck...Mass...ta..." He was going to cum again. Not only cum, but Master was going to fake a tie and make him a complete mess. The few parts of his mind that weren't addled by sex realized Sasha was going to kill him tomorrow when he found the tranced pup still on the table. A low, almost pained howl began to rise as he felt another climax approaching. "Mas...Mas...Sir-ah!

The wolf's head bobbed quickest it had all night now. His tail wagging as he recognized the husky's howl, making a note to combine the puppy play with their other activities from now on. At the first tremble of the subby canine's nuts Thorn released his hold and his paw flew to the unattended side of the knot before his muzzle.

Tana voice cracked as he howled, turning it into a long feminine scream more inline with a bitch. His eyes rolled back as his balls jumped with enough force to actually hurt, sending all the backed up sperm racing towards release as his knot was sandwiched between the wolfs paws. The pet's cock would have made audible slaps at his belly from the violent twitches that occurred as his climax rocked him if not for his Master's warm mouth.

Thorn kept his muzzle glued to his lover's phallus, taking each shot to his maw with a moan of his own. Thick, creamy, jizz filled his mouth and coated his tongue with each flaring of the husky cock. He groaned as he felt the backed up fluids begin to move toward the back of his throat, wasting was not even a thought as the larger canine began to swallow his prize. The motion of swallowing earned another long howl from the writhing male on the table. If not for a quick paw on Tana's belly to hold him in place the pleasured sub might have shaken himself off the table.

Tana's mind was soft and hazy as his head lolled about on the table. "Good..." He slurred as he his beloved Master gobbled down his gooey release. His ejaculation pattered off, but teased up as he was the contractions continued as his climax continued dry. "Master..." He whined softly through his panting. "Can't stop...twitching." The husky tried to lift his head, but the moment that he met the wolf's warm brown eyes he fell back again. The girly-boy was supposed to be the one with his head between someone's legs, not his loving, caring Master. His hips began to rock slowly as another, smaller, dry climax coursed over his body.

The wolf watched as the husky's fur visibly rippled with the power of his contractions. Gently, he disengaged himself from his lover. Though judging by the pained and pleasured moan his little Slut might have disagreed with that adjective. Still, the wolf knew the inching off would be far less shocking than simply letting Tana's wet cock slap against his belly in the cooler air. As the dick finally was exposed fully Thorn licked at the traces of congealed cum, cleaning his slave from the remains of their lovemaking. The sound of slightly off kilter giggling made his ears perk. "Something funny love?"

Unable to lift his head, Tana curved his back on the table so that he could see his Master. "Su-slu-slut..." His voice remained giggly as he panted, grinning at the joke only he understood it seemed.

Recognizing that his partner was a bit further gone than he'd originally intended the wolf rose to his footpaws and moved about the table. With a bit of manipulating he picked up the limp bodied canine bridal style. "Yes, what does Slut need?" Situations like these were part of the reason he made them all adhere to healthy diets. Carrying the near nude male Thorn sat in his office chair with Tana cuddled in his lap.

Supported by his Master, and warmed as well, Tana found the strength to shake his head. He leaned as much as he could and tapped the wolf's nose with his own. "Cu..." He swallowed as a fit of giggles took him again. ""

Thorn chuckled as he realized that Tana was poking fun at him. "Yeah, well..." He nuzzled against the near spaced out husky and hugged him close. "It's what happens when I hang around a total slut like you." They each had their own big red button, the distinction between Master or slave didn't matter for that. "Still with me Slut?"

"Mu-huh..." Tana nodded sleepily as his head tucked against the Master's chest, safe and warm. The central focus of his loves attention.

It didn't take long for the husky to fall asleep, but Thorn gave it another ten minutes to make sure not to ruin the smaller canine's ride. Being careful not to wake Tana the wolf pulled out his cell phone and dialed the number for home. "Hey, it's me." He nodded, though the furre on the other end wouldn't be able to know that. "He's not to deep into sub-space, but he's not walking for a while. Bring the car to come get us. Ok, see you shortly."

Hanging up the phone he stood and shifted his hold on Tana, holding him almost like a cub against his chest. The wolf's leather jacket was pulled from the coat hook and draped over the near naked femme-boy, making Tana smile in his sleep as he caught the scent of hide and wolf, before he moved to the front of the café. "No way to clean up now." He murmured quietly as Tana rubbed his face into the wolf's neck and chest. "I'll come back early in the morning."

Before long the headlights of a black coupe could be seen and it stopped before the entrance of Café Otokoneko. Thorn couldn't help but smile as Keren got out of the car dressed in a long overcoat like something out of a noir film, her collar just faintly visible in the low lighting. She moved hurriedly toward the glass door and produced a key from one of her pockets to unlock it, making Thorn raise an eyebrow in silent question.

"Pet gave it to me." She supplied in response to the look she got from her Master. She squirmed under his watchful gaze. "Ok, he told me where to find it since he was a bit...tied up."

"Will Pet be alive when we get home?" Thorn asked as he carefully placed Tana into the passenger side seat as the vixen locked the café once again. Much as he would have loved to hold the husky in the back, trying to load him in safely in this state would make that near impossible.

"Pet's alive Master." Keren tapped at her fingers nervously as the wolf moved the driver side seat forward so she could climb into the rear seat. "The kitty's balls might be kind of shrivelly though."

"Guess we're both a couple of ball busters tonight then." Thorn chuckled as he put himself in the driver seat. "We'll have to exchange stories tomorrow night while they return the favor."

Keren looked over at the drooling canine in the passenger seat. "It doesn't look like Slut will be doing much of anything for a while." She reached out and touched Tana's ear, making it twitch. "Useless Slut, couldn't have been more than an hour of play and he subbed out."

While he knew it was part of their normal exchanges, Thorn spoke up. "Slut's empathic to a fault. He was worried and it stressed his mind more than usual."

"Worried?" Keren frowned, as it wasn't like the happy-go-lucky husky to worry. Unless it was about a certain wolf that is.

Thorn nodded as they drove, rounding the corner to their block. "Yes, about you." He chuckled at the disbelieving look that the vixen shot him from the rearview mirror. "Indirectly perhaps, but about you." He let the suggestion hang as they pulled into the driveway. Parking first, he turned about to face Keren directly. "Would you be more comfortable if..."

"Please don't Master." Keren shook her head, knowing that Thorn was about to safe word her. "Bitch...Bitch knows she needs to talk but..." She smiled hopefully at the wolf. "Bitch just wants to be Master's slave tonight." She looked at the sleeping husky, not entirely believing or disbelieving that she had helped put him in this state. "Maybe...maybe all of Master's slaves could cuddle with him tonight?"

Thorn held back a sigh, he rather wanted to just go to sleep, but his Bitch needed him even if she wouldn't say why. His Slut would need to be looked after in case he dropped, and he certainly couldn't leave out his Pet if the other two were getting time with him. There was a small voice that reminded him this was part of having three slaves that would come back to bite his tail. He smiled, it was a small price to pay for the feelings they shared with one another. "Of course Bitch, that sounds wonderful." Stepping out from the car he let Keren out next. "Go let Pet down from wherever you strapped him. We'll be just behind you."

He watched as the vixen ran up into the house, shaking his head as he grinned. "Wonder what Fraud would think about us..." He collected Tana from the passenger side of the car and locked it up before heading inside.


Thorn kissed the husky's brow softly as the movement woke him, wondering just how conscious Tana was. "Love you too Slut-puppy." The wolf found his other two lovers already in the Master bedroom by the time he arrived. Keren kneeling beside the foot while Sasha sat on the edge.

Sasha looked guilty, though his tail flicked in anticipation as his Master looked him over. "Pet got messy Sir."

Thorn nodded as he licked at his muzzle. Thick lines of white cum, clearly from multiple loads, liberally littered the charcoal kitten's belly fur. If Tana had still been awake he'd have poked fun at his Master's fetish yet again. After tucking the spent husky under the covers Thorn crooked a finger at Keren. "You helped make this mess, you come help clean it up."

Sasha shivered as the two tongues tickled over his fur, cleaning him of his seed. He watched, fascinated as the canine and vulpine worked in tandem. Often it was the slaves who did this for the Master, and he couldn't ever remember the wolf teaming up in such a way with Pet or Slut. The thoughts were quickly pushed from his mind as his eyes went cross-eyed. "Oohh..."

Thorn smirked as he and Keren kissed and swapped their collections with Sasha's barbed tip caught between their muzzles. He was relieved a bit that Keren was able to play like they had before their family had grown, but he also wondered if she was simply acting to lessen his worry about her. "All right, that's enough." Thorn smiled, deciding he would take things at face value, for the moment at least. "I don't need to zonked out little guys tonight."

Sasha collapsed back onto the bed, no longer worried about smearing his cum along the sheets and covers, relieved that he wasn't going to be forced to cum again. "Th-thank you Master..." He lifted his head as he felt Thorn push on the bed and leaned over him. As they kissed he could taste the remains of both his own and Slut's semen, his cock jerked lightly at the flavor.

"Come on, it's bed time." Thorn nuzzled the cat once more before moving to get into bed. He didn't even need to give the order as Sasha cuddled up on the opposite side of Tana. The wolf smiled as he watched the two fit tighter like two pieces of a puzzle. His low laughter came a moment later as the husky was boxed in between his Master and his fellow slave.

Keren moved to the free side of the wolf and pressed herself close, squishing her breasts against his chest and her damp pussy against his leg. She didn't need release, but she wanted her Master to know she was available to him if he did. With Tana recovering she knew Thorn would want to remain clear headed, and she loved him for that fact that he put their needs before his own. Her head rested against the broad chest of the wolf. "Good night Master." She whispered softly at she closed her eyes.

"Good night my Bitch." Thorn ran a paw along her head fur, a happy smile on his face as she purred. He felt Tana's headrest on his shoulder, guided partly by Sasha pressing closer and closer to the husky. "Good night Slut, good night Pet."

"Good night moon..." Sasha quipped with a giggle.

Warmed by the heat of the bodies around him, it would not take long for Thorn to be asleep. Even so he couldn't quite let his Pet have the last word. "We'll see if you're still giggling when you see all the ass prints on your cake table tomorrow." He laughed as he saw the cat's tail puff in irritation just before sleep claimed him. In moments, four different sets of snores filled the room, the family content amongst themselves.


A/n: So, my muse finally got around to giving me something with a bit more character and story development. I'm willing to bet that some readers will find some of Tana's actions vague/confusing, but as pasts are fleshed out I think it will make sense (I hope). Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the read and remind you that I love to hear feedback be it good, bad, or otherwise. Please leave a word or two if you have a moment. 'Till the next, live well all.