Onyx Meets Baxley!

Story by Onyx-panther on SoFurry

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Onyx Discovers there is more than one into his dimension, And who better to show him than Baxley the black fox?

Darn foxes, Always managing to wiggle their way into my spaces. Oh well, at least i'll never have to search for them XD

Onyx Sat In his second-story living room, stretched out on the modern black leather couch, watching his bamboo garden Tiredly. He stroked silverpool -one of his many Panther pets in his dimension- Quietly. He was bored out of his mind. Nothing on Tv, Nothing to read, just generally nothing to do. His eyelids drooped heavily, And his head slowly found it's way to the couch arm. Slowing his breathing, he let himself fall asleep.....

Something Crashed downstairs. Onyx jolted awake, his eyes wide and his ears straight up. "What the hell?" He muttered, standing up. He Quickly pulled a shirt on and snatched his daggers off of the coffee table. Whispering to silverpool to stay where she was, he snuck silently down the Light green carpet stairs. He turned the corner And Gasped, His mouth falling agape.

Sitting against the wall, surrounded by broken glass, Was A black fox. By the body structure, Onyx judged he was male. He had white stripes of fur that made him look like part of the wall he was against in places. He wore a ragged brown-grey Cloak that covered His body, but it was lying open like a cape.

His gaze fixed on onyx, And His pants subsided a little. Onyx sheathed his daggers and put his hands on his hips, Straightening himself up. "Who are you, And why are you in my house? And more importantly, How did you get into my dimension?" Onyx growled sternly, But his eyes betrayed his curiosity. It was then that onyx noticed something he hadn't before. A silver sheath at his side, obviously holding a dagger. And just behind that, on the floor, Lie a Small gold Box, Jeweled with rubies and sapphires.

"M-My name.." The fox panted, Struggling to his feetpaws to stand a few inches shorter than onyx. "My Name is Baxley. I stumbled across your dimension, and came in. I'm on the run from some royal guards. Please!" He put his paws together, as if praying. "You've got to hide me from them! I can't Go to jail, I just Can't!" He exclaimed, His ears flattening.

Geez, He was BEGGING."I'm Onyx." Onyx nodded curtly. 'typical canines. Break in and expect hospitality.' Onyx thought slyly. He pointed toward the window, making Baxley Look at it. "Baxley, You broke my window. You Snuck into a PRIVATE dimension. Give me one good reason I shouldn't Just turn you in?" Onyx growled, crossing his arms and flexing his wings.

"B-But.." Baxley stared at the floor, his heart obviously broken. And now Onyx's was to. The panther put a paw on Baxley's shoulder. "I won't turn you in, and you can stay. But I want you to answer my questions, understood?" He Looked baxley up and down. "And you need new clothes. Are you hungry?"

"Yes!" Baxley nodded vigorously, His eyes lighting up. Onyx chuckled and stepped to the window.

"Magicka, Enhol, De-so'ro!!" Onyx waved his handpaw at the glass on the floor, and it swirled into it's place and sealed, The window looking as if it had never broken. Onyx turned back around to see baxley staring, Looking quite surprised. "I'm well practiced in magic. Now come on, let's go to the kitchen." Onyx Marched off down the hall.

After a Hearty meal of honey-glazed salmon and Ceaser salad, Onyx Leaned back in his dining chair and eyed baxley Curiously.

"Why Do you carry a dagger?" He inquired.

"Self defense, Same as you." Baxley Kept a steady expression under his Host's Powerful green gaze.

"Hmph. What was the box you were carrying?" Onyx narrowed his eyes, Guessing why this fox was on the run. He was slowly cornering the mysterious canine with words. 'Just like the predator captures prey.' Onyx thought to himself.

"Oh, you mean this?" Baxley pulled it from inside his cloak and set it on the table with a small 'Clunk.' "It's A royal Dimensional Access Opener." He said matter-of-factly.

"Oh, so THAT'S how you gained access to my dimension. Only those boxes and my spells can open this portal." Onyx sighed. "But don't be afraid. This is a safe-haven. I'm surprised you got by my patrols, But I know any loud, shiny royal guard won't stand a chance!" Onyx Gave a sinister sneer, licking his chops as if he were hungry again.

"Guards?" The monochrome fox looked intrigued. "You have guards? Where?" He looked around suspiciously, His gaze trying to see through the dense rainforest outside his window.

"Don't bother." Onyx twitched his ears in amusement. "They won't be seen unless they want to. For example." He cupped his paws around his muzzle and gave a guttural, feral Growl that made the ground vibrate. Several chuffs resounded outside, and A dozen feral panthers faded into view. Some were lounging on the lawn, others in trees, and a few cleaning themselves nonchalantly. Onyx waved a paw slowly, to emphasize them. "Those," He purred, "Are my patrols. They eat intruders. So obviously Whichever's territory you passed into to get here was either full or asleep." He turned to face the fox again. "So tell me, why are you on the run?" He already knew the answer, but he wanted to hear baxley say it himself.

"I um, I uh..." Baxley stuttered, His eyes filling with fear.

"Go on, say it." Onyx grinned. "You STOLE it." Baxley nodded slowly, His ears blushing pink. Onyx stood, motioning for him to do the same. After baxley stood, Onyx said simply: "Come." And with that, walked calmly down a hall and Into a Doorway, into pitch-darkness. Baxley followed apprehensively, looking around blindly.

'bingo.' Onyx smirked. Leaning over the fox, he drew his dagger and pressed the blade against the fox's throat. The lights flickered on, and they were standing In a huge car garage, filled with cars. "You let your guard down, fox." Onyx licked the fox's ear seductively, then withdrew the dagger. "Tell me, Baxley. Do you REALLY think every single one of these cars was bought? Maybe they were gifts? No." Onyx was beaming with pride, his Wings turning a golden-shimmer. "I'm a thief, like you. And thieves help thieves." Onyx smiled and sheathed his dagger, patting baxley on the back softly. "You're safe here. But I'm curious, Baxley. Do you have any skills I should know of?"

"Well, I'm Pretty good with the dagger.." He mumbled, then his ears perked up. "I'm A great Healer! Healing and protection magic are my thing!" He grinned, as if proud of himself. Onyx found that amusing.

"So, Good with the dagger, huh? Let's put that to the test." He put a paw on the Canine's shoulder, and suddenly they were both standing in the middle of his lawn, the house behind them. Onyx waited until baxley had gotten over his initial confusion, then drew his daggers, darkness and dragonbane. Sliding smoothly into his signature reverse cat-stance, He tucked his wings tightly against his back. "Ready?" he smiled, challenge and determination making his eyes glitter like emeralds under a Spotlight.

"Ready." Baxley confirmed, drawing his dagger and sliding his footpaw back, one slightly to the side and forward, and dagger grasped firmly At arm's length, pointing forward. Onyx realized it was a defensive position. 'He's planning for me.' Onyx stood perfectly still, staring baxley in the eyes. He looked like he was assessing Onyx, a million possibilities hurtling through his head.

Suddenly onyx lunged upward, spinning himself into a sideflip and holding the daggers out. The razor-blade effect. Baxley parried amazingly, and Onyx dropped to A low stance, His feetpaws Spread and a paw on the ground, off-balance. He pushed himself to the side, barely dodging the fox's dagger. Spinning around and lifting his footpaw, he grunted with satisfaction as it connected with Baxley's stomach, Winding him and sending him to the ground. Onyx stepped cautiously forward, And The fox lie still. Onyx relaxed his guard just barely, And suddenly baxley had a dagger to his stomach, kneeling and grinning like a mad-fur. "Gotcha, Cat." He smirked.

"Oh, It's On!" Onyx hissed furiously, Beating his wings so hard he flew backwards and into the air, bowling baxley ass-over-teakettle into the grass. He flew high and faced himself straight down, Holding both daggers straight down and starting to spin. "DARKNESS, IGNITE!" He roared, and darkness burst into purple flames, curling around his body. He was spinning so fast the world had become a blur. He slammed into the ground, and a blue-explosion scorched the ground. Stepping out of the explosion, Onyx ducked under baxley's blade and rolled between his legs, reaching up and catching The fox in a death-hold, a dagger at his throat, and a dagger at his stomach.

"I win." Onyx purred gleefully, letting baxley go and sheathing his daggers. "It's been awhile since I've fought anyone that good with a dagger. Feel free to stay here for awhile." Onyx Looked up at the sky, letting the sun warm his midnight-black fur.

Baxley brushed himself off and sheathed his own dagger. "Wow, you ARE good. Where did you learn to fight like that?"

That question smacked onyx back to reality. He choked back a tear and thought of his father, and Ra'peya. "Ever heard of the golden claws?" He choked out.

The barcode-foxes' eyes widened considerably, and his ears tilted forward. "You mean, the GANG? The biggest furry gang in the world! Duh! They're responsible for 72 percent of drug crimes and Heists in the U.S!" exclaimed. "I wish I could join them. I've heard they're like a giant family! And there are even rumors the leader is a GIRL !could you believe that?" He questioned excitedly.

Onyx laughed quietly to himself. "The leader is a girl. And not just any girl." He licked a paw and ran it over his head in a cute manner, Then brushed a lock of his black-and-green hair out of his eyes. "The leader's name is ra'peya. She's a blades specialist and sly as a fox. And in my native language, a language now extinct, her name means 'red sphinx.'"

Baxley now looked concerned, if not suspicious. "How do you know all this..?"

Onyx's expression grew grave. "Ra'peya was On the same island when my parents were killed. She watched them die. She took me in and taught me to use daggers like I do, and how to steal." Onyx paused, as if the information he was giving hurt. His eyes clouded with memories of happier times, and a tear streamed freely down his face. "I miss her.." He muttered under his breath.

The fox Looked confused, watching onyx with a curious stare now. "I get the feeling there's something you aren't telling me." He pulled his cloak tighter around himself as a gust of hot, humid air blew through the clearing. Onyx Came back to reality, and stared him in the eyes with an intense, burning green gaze hot enough to melt iron. "Yes, Yes I am." He said. "Ra'peya Is my sister." He turned and walked towards the house. Halfway there, he shifted feral, Sprinting inside and leaving baxley standing outside, his mouth agape.

Sometime later, after onyx had calmed down, He watched the sunset in anthro form, while baxley sat on the couch watching TV. Onyx had given the fox a change of clothes, so he now wore A black Scratch-mark shirt and Dark blue skinny jeans. Onyx turned around to face him and smiled warmly. "Are you enjoying it here?" He questioned quietly.

Seeing Baxley nod, Onyx's eyes flickered with lust, then died away, back to his warm, happy smile. "Good. One of my guards decided she felt like taking the guest bedroom as a personal bedroom tonight, and I doubt you want to mess with a four-hundred pound feral panther who could eat you. So you'll be sleeping in my room tonight." Onyx winked. Baxley blushed and looked in his direction, his paw frozen on the remote. "Really?" He asked. 'Was that Glee in his voice?!' Onyx thought to himself. 'this will be fun..' He chuckled, then padded past the couch and downstairs to fix dinner. He didn't feel like cooking something fancy this time, so he snatched some bowtie pasta noodles and a jug of milk, some cream cheese, and a little butter, and set to work.

"Mmf, This is great!" Baxley stated around a full mouth.

"Yeah, I try." Onyx blushed. "Alfredo really isn't hard to make though." He took Smaller bites, His natural finicky eating instinct kicking in. he wiped his muzzle with his napkin and took a Sip of wine, Swirling it around in his mouth before swallowing. He finished eating and leaned back with a content sigh, his stomach comfortably full. "Aah, wine. I love wine.." Onyx purred. "It's almost soothing. And it's good for you, responsibly drunk of course." He closed his eyes for a few seconds, waiting for baxley to finish.

After the fox was done, Onyx stood and cleared the plates, rinsing them and sticking them in the dishwasher. Padding back to the table, He set his paws down on it. "I'm going to go take a shower!" He declared. "There's one here downstairs. It should be down the hall, third door on the right. I refuse to have a sweaty fox in my bed." He joked. "There's some pajamas already In there for you, for when you're done showering."

Baxley blushed and nodded, and Onyx shot him a satisfied look, followed by a rumbling purr. Spinning around, he padded down the hall to the end, then disappeared up the stairs.

After Onyx Had taken his shower and cleaned himself up, he lie in his huge master bedroom, On the Modern-style black wood bed. It had luxury mattresses that sank slightly when layed down on, And huge, plush pillows Of green silk. The panther gave a Pleased sigh and stared through the Skylight at the full moon overhead, Half-covered by huge canopies of Rainforest flora. He heard pawsteps at the door and sat up, Pulling the covers over his lower half. He wore nothing, but he didn't want Baxley to know that.

Not yet.

The fox's tail flickered as he walked, And he climbed into the bed and settled down nervously next to onyx, Obviously feeling kind of awkward. Onyx Rolled Onto his side, Pointing a paw at the room door. It swung closed and the lock was heard clicking. Baxley let out a surprised yip and his tail flagged slightly in surprise. This was enough for onyx. He reached into the fox's pajamas and stroked his rump softly, Leaning forward and nibbling his large ears . "Mrrowl..." Onyx meowed Pleasantly. He reached his free paw over Baxley's front and stroked his sheath through the pajamas. The fox whimpered and suddenly Pushed Onyx back, Holding him belly-up On the bed. He grinned darkly and straddled Onyx, legs on either side of his head, his Plush black and white-furred butt cheeks Pressing softly against Onyx's Muzzle. The Panther wasted no time in diving his head forward, Taking eager licks and kisses at baxley's puckered tailhole. He felt a Handpaw on his sheath and moaned, forcing his tongue into the fox's anus, stretching it Slightly. It was Baxley's turn to moan, and moan he did. His anal ring clenched around the cat's tongue, and he felt the fox lean down. Onyx pulled his Muzzle from baxley's ass. "What are y-GRRROWL!!" Onyx Moaned and growled As he felt the Black fox's hot muzzle engulf His barbed Member.

"MMmm.." Baxley Closed his eyes, bobbing his head slowly and feeling every inch of Onyx's Cock with his sloppy canine tongue. Onyx was In bliss, And could barely manage to lift his head To pleasure Baxley again. He lie his head back down when he saw baxley shift, leaning back and stretching his rump into the air, so His Large red canine cock throbbed and dripped pre onto Onyx's nose. Taking the hint, The midnight panther leaned up and began to suck The juicy, dripping member before him, Exploring the underside with his tongue. Finding the Warm, Creamy pre Quite delectable, Onyx began to bob his head, Eliciting a moan from the Fox, who had been eagerly suckling Onyx.

They timed their bobs to Match, Each Eagerly sucking to taste more of the other's juices. Onyx Let go of Baxley's cock and snarled, Humping upward. He Came hard, Flooding Baxley's cheeks with his hot, viscous Panther-cream. He heard the swallows and let his head hit the pillows, enjoying the pure bliss.

After he had slightly recovered from His ecstacy, He gave the fox's cock a loving lick.

That was enough. It throbbed hard once, Before spewing it's hot white load all over Onyx's black muzzle. Onyx mewled in surprise, but recovered quickly and opened his mouth to catch Some of the load. Swallowing what little he got, He began to suckle the tip of baxley's member, squeezing the knot with a free paw to milk Out whatever cum was left. He sucked the fox clean before wriggling out from underneath him and leaning up against the Bed-stand. Baxley turned himself around and licked Onyx's muzzle clean affectionately, Before Pressing his lips to Onyx's in a firey, passionate kiss. Onyx Slid his tongue into Baxley's, Exploring delicately before breaking the kiss. He scooted Under the covers and hugged Baxley, Falling asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning, Onyx was helping prepare baxley to leave. Rushing this way and that, Onyx grabbed a few supplies here and there, should something happen. He Snatched a small hiking backpack out of his bedroom closet, throwing a change of clothes and a few small snacks inside. He tromped down the stairs to the front door, where baxley was waiting, fidgeting nervously. Handing him the bag, Onyx gave him a hug. "Come back anytime. You know where to find me. If I'm not home, feel free to stay for awhile." Onyx began to purr softly, His eyes pushing deep into Baxley's, With a burning intensity that forced him to glance away. Snapping his fingers, Onyx gasped. "Oh, forgot something!" He spun around and went dashing off through the hall, skirting around the dining table and into another hallway. Pushing open the door at the end, He was in a large room with full floor-to-ceiling mirrors, and racks in the middle held every kind of weapon imaginable. Fingering through them, Onyx picked off a tribal fishing dagger he had stolen off of an otter. Feeling it's subtly curving hilt and beautifully carved Pommel, he nodded reassuringly to himself and set off down the hall again.

Handing the blade to baxley, Onyx nodded. "This is a gift. Use it well. And please, come back sometime. It gets lonely here sometimes." Onyx opened the door politely, the warm wind blowing his hair. He hugged baxley once more, before allowing him to leave. He told Duskwave to escort him to the portal, and she set off by his side. He glanced back once, waving his thanks. Onyx waved back and closed the door. Steeling himself, He padded into through the dining room and to the kitchen, opening the huge chromed fridge. Picking out some white bread, ham, And swiss cheese, He fixed himself a sandwich. He chewed thoughtfully, wondering if baxley would take him up on his offer and come back. The feline had felt a connection to that fox, In the same boat as he had been. A thief on the run. Onyx wouldn't mind having someone to hug when he came home....